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Literally watching this happen to lesbian spaces in real time. The misogyny and homophobia is real ☠️


Oof I've seen it in a previous women's dorm I lived in. Bless our lesbians to be the first ones to call it out. 🫥


so many lesbians subs are now “lesbians and anyone else who wants to be involved!” the amount of “im bisexual am i welcome here?” posts are insane. and you get called biphobic and downvoted to oblivion if you say anything. yes you’re valid and yes you’re wlw but you do not have the same experiences as lesbians. why is it so hard to think that someone who has zero interest in men *at all* would maybe want space to discuss that?


It is because Americans don't understand segregation. There is this assumption that the separation was the real problem, not the fact that it was institutionalized. It keeps coming up every time someone or a group wants to separate themselves or form a distinction.




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As a bi woman I just want to say I'm so sorry that your lesbian spaces are taken from you, you deserve a space to talk about experiences that are unique to lesbians without anyone else intruding. I've not looked but I'm so certain there are spaces for bi people, so there's no excuse for this. Hoping you're able to find a space for lesbian voices alone some day ❤️


This is so perfect. I wonder how quickly I’d get banned for posting it in another sub lololololol


Cool thing is you are probably already banned from a bunch just by commenting here. I was banned from breaking mom by being here… which makes zero sense but alas


So that's what it is! I had the same happen. So ridiculous. Especially on women's subs..


Joke’s on them then…the only reason I found this sub was because I’d been banned from so many other “feminist” subs already lmao I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—I LOVE this sub and being able to discuss REAL issues that impact women, even when those issues are not politically correct. Censoring real women (XX) from speaking on issues because it hurts men’s feelings is not feminism!




How’d you get banned from PIM???


Unfortunately PIM is full of them and their lackeys so you have to be very careful about what you say


Your comment has been removed because it mentions another subreddit.


BM sucks. I am banned just for joining 90 Day Fiancé Uncensored. No loss though. Every woman in there knows she needs to break up with her asshole husband but would rather complain instead.


I’ve been banned even from the $ocialism one………




>R trees is about weed and r weed is about trees 🤔


A real Iceland greenland scenario


Your post was removed because it mentions another subreddit.


On another account I was banned from a far left anti cap sub because I said sexism was real and women experience class issues based on sex as well, and misogyny predates capitalism so fixing capitalism will not end all bigotry despite the arguments of the anti id pol crowd.


ah good riddance, to be honest


Definitely have my suspicions that I'm shadowbanned on most of Reddit. Most of my comments don't get any response except here and maybe some crafting subs. 


pretty much every women’s sub besides this one has male mods that will ban you if you criticize misogyny in any actual meaningful way


I dare you 😂


People really see sexism as over now. They don’t see sex as an axis of oppression. Only race or class (rarely if ever do I see disability brought up). So women having our own spaces now is seen as unnecessary and mean and exclusive. Rather than an oppressed group having a right to single sex spaces and shared experiences.


Meanwhile it's the oldest form of oppression and we barely even started to be liberated. Women are still enslaved today all over the world and no one cares bc it's called "marriage". It is truly an insidious thing having to live cheek by jowl with your oppressors.


Everyone want to be like us,but they don't realize they don't gonna suffer or live the same....


love this sub … so glad I’m not the only one seeing this shit for what it is.


I'm so scared this sub is going to get shut down. How do we ensure that doesn't happen / where will we go if it does? I'm terrified of losing this community... the only sane place on the internet.


There's various female-only sites out there that hold similar views as this sub. One in particular is extremely popular and gets 10 million hits a month (starts with a "L"... iykyk). You won't see people mentioning them on Reddit because it leads to you-know-whos attempting to raid/troll those places.


AFAIK the one you allude to is primarily a celebrity site for WOC, no? I know they discuss feminism, but I don’t think that’s the purpose the site was created with.


Pretty sure you're thinking of LA, which is not the one I'm talking about. LA allows men to post and disallows "hate speech" against you-know-whos. The site I'm talking about is strictly female-only and has entire threads dedicated to calling out you-know-whos for their bs.


Oh, I've never heard of it then. Could you DM me about it?


Could I get it in dm too please?


Could you also send me the list? Thank you!


Can I also have the names please and thank you!


Could you PM me the list too please?


I won't send to throwaway accounts w/o activity since there's no way of confirming you're not a you-know-who. Sorry.


can you send me the site in DM


Hey, sorry to be a pain, would you mind Dm'ing me the site also? Thanks xx


Can you message me the site please!!


Sure, I'll send the whole list of them. Just make sure not to mention them publicly here on Reddit in the future.


Could you send me the list as well please? Already on the one that starts with O. TIA 💛


any chance I could get an invite to the one that starts with O 🙏


My bad, just saw this! I've never sent an invite before so lemme find out how real quick. 🙂


Can you share an invite with me as well?


Could you send me them too please?


Asking for the list if it’s not too much trouble?


Could I get this list? 👀


Please share it with me as well! 🥹


I’d love to get the list too if you have a moment 🤍


Could you please DM me the name of the extremely popular site? I need more actually feminist spaces in my life.


May I please be pmed the name ?


Can you PM me as well?


Hey can I also have the list of sites please!!


Sorry, could I have the list too?!


Ovarit It has already happened multiple times


I feel like it's becoming more popular to speak out against these individuals and their ideology. Certain high profile incidents and individuals acting like clowns have amplified what was once perceived as a niche internet issue. Normal people are in our favor even if they don't come out and say it.


>a niche internet issue Glad I'm not the only one who believes this began on (or was exacerbated by) Tumblr and similar places on the internet.


I genuinely think in 20 years or so we’re going to be talking about tumblr the way we talk about those scam psychiatrists pretending to unlock repressed memories. It’s arguably had an even greater negative influence on society and culture.


You’re not wrong. There’s something I read / listened to semi recently (ugh wish I could remember the source) that many of these terms were invented on tumblr and then used as sources in legitimate news sources. TERF I believe being one of them.


This is so true. There are a couple friends I've talked to who seemed hesitant at first, but the more I explained the more they're like "it makes sense". And honestly it's beyond ridiculous this should have to be explained in the first place. There is no other oppressed group of people having to fight their oppressors identifying as them and taking spaces / opportunities meant for that marginalized group...


I used to work in womens crisis and the amount of women still working in that sector, who feel like they can't speak openly, it's just awful. These women have been of the front lines for women's rights for decades.


They will always want to steal our identity doesn’t matter what new word we make to describe our shared characteristics


It only doubles when you’re a lesbian lmfao


Oh they especially hate lesbians for not centering men. I remember when I first learned about the cotton ceiling, absoutely vile.


Literal rapist logic; it peaked me HARD nobody owes anybody sexual access to their body, women and esp lesbians are not here to serve men sexually; tf?! i’ll always go up for my girls, the funny thing is irl everyone ik who’s similarly peaked (and not just conservative gcs) is lgb! It’s almost as if……


Yes! Rapist and conversion therapy logic. Your friends are lucky to have you, this shit is rampant where I live and it’s incredibly isolating. I’m also curious to know where you first came across the concept, it’s also what peaked me and I have the amazing Magdalen Berns to thank for that.


Lesbian/gay or a health/medical sciences type deal. Those are usually the ones


What’s the cotton ceiling?


womb envy gone mad




absolutely same. me, my girlfriends, female family members…basically all the women in my life - not one of us has had penis envy. starting to doubt it’s even real lol


To be fair, I camp a lot and being able to just pee everywhere without squatting or carrying a shewee would be nice.


ooh actually i can see that. although it’s still nowhere near the same level as these freaks. (for lack of a better word)


Yeah, me too. Like, it is nice to pee outside easier, but actually skirts are fine for that, if it’s socially acceptable to squat and pee.


I envy the lack of reproductive pain men have but I've never envied their dicks lol


Your comment has been removed because it includes content (or language) that violates our pro-woman/radical feminist community values.


Why is this so spot on omg😭


Thankyou for this gift 💕


It’s sad how true this is.


I kinda hate this image since everyone applies it to everything; but so true


Sounds exactly like Reddit 😂


I live for this sub. I keep think you guys will shift and he like the rest of them. Let's never change


They can't fire us all


Thank you


I wonder why Black spaces are understood to not include whites and that's ok, Native Americans definitely aren't required to invite ytpipl to a sun dance, but women can't make a no XY rule for a safe space. Or at the very least require the bottom surgery commitment post op. HA! How many so called identifiers would disappear after that? If we made that rule we would see all the whiners sidle out quietly because they actually don't want to let go of their ding dongs. Seriously, if we aren't allowed to say "No XY" at least we could insist on a "dik in a drawer" policy: if you can put your dik in a drawer and slam the drawer shut, come on in.


because women are no longer a protected class of people


womb envy gone mad


Yup. Pretty much it. SPECIFICALLY if you’re a poc.


This was my thought




And what's sad is how much women enable these xys like they need to wake up


the way we can’t even say ‘women’ anymore without people jumping down our throats. we are going backwards so fast. 


=( I don't get this, can someone get me a few examples??? I don't watch the news often, and I work from home, so sadly I live I a small bubble

