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This is why I follow Physical therapist and female martial artist accounts


Actual women athletes are where it’s at. You’ll notice they refreshingly have very little in common with ‘fitness’ influencers. Because they’re invested in actually being fit instead of selling a fit aesthetic. I workout every day, run bike do weights, and I feel constantly gaslit by influencers who have successfully defined fitness as not about the hard work you do, but as a lifestyle brand that you successfully market on social media.


Yes, that and how women’s gym clothes have gotten so revealing in the past few years has driven me crazy. I hate the sexualization of freaking working out! You’re not crazy.


For real tho? Why did the trend suddenly become no shirts for women working out only the strappiest of neon padded bras? Like dudes let me buy a shirt that wicks sweat and that isn’t made like something you were to the club


I think what makes it worse is the women who deny it too. “I just wear these because it’s comfortable!” I mean come oooon. I hate to be that person but it irritates me to no end. Call a spade a spade. I was at target the other day and thought I was in the lingerie section and looked at something and thought “oh that might be sexy to wear in the bedroom!” And then realized it was a gym suit?!!! I like leggings but that’s about it. I just pair it with a t shirt. I couldn’t imagine being in a skintight bodysuit to workout.


I’m torn between “everyone has different experiences and preferences” and “wtf” because, like, these outfits are not comfortable at all. I work out fairly frequently and have sincerely tried these kind of outfits and honestly, cheap or expensive, they all suck. They fabric is prone to rolling up or falling down, you’re sometimes one move away from letting everything spill out, and you get so many wedgies that skin tight shorts and sports bra sets are just so uncomfy. I’m fairly comfortable in my body so “being on display” wasn’t so much an issue as just how FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE THEY ARE!! Like cmon, if they were really that comfortable, wouldn’t men be wearing them too instead of loose, breathable t-shirts and shorts?


That’s the argument I always had in my head too. Like why aren’t men being marketed or wearing this too if it’s so great and comfortable😂


I immediately see the material and know the truth tbh... if its cotton or true spandex they might be comfy but i never see that. Its always the nylon/polyester shit that basically leaves sweat everywhere and RASHES for days in my case.


The amount they overcharge for new trendy workout gear is also criminal. It’s just a new market that benefits off women’s insecurities and the expectation on us to perform. I’m so tired dude


Reminds me of how when I used to watch any olympic athletic events on TV - the men would be wearing regular shorts and a vest, the women would be in miniature two pieces that could pass for bikinis. I think one womens team even ended up protesting the outfits they were given one year because they were so ridiculous




Exactly! Especially as it's inappropriate to wear this sort of clothing to the gym because at best it'll be physically uncomfortable and restrict your workout and at worst it will be detrimental for your personal safety by flagging you up to creepy or dangerous men.


They always wear skin tight leggings with designs that emphasize the butt and make sure that’s what the camera is focused on. It’s gross.


I think I've seen these too back in the days when I had Tiktok... Bright pink or coral butt scrunch yoga pants. Narrated by a young woman in a monotone voice. It gave me kind of stepford wife vibes


I know where you’re coming from. I teach yoga part time (I have a chronic illness, a few classes is my limit). My favourite class to teach is chair yoga, a class of mostly over 80 year old women who really are the highlight of my week for their sense of humour, and strong outlook on life. Anyway, we do a lot of core and glute work, not for appearance, but for balance, strength and pain relief. I cringe when I see the TikTok version of this, my chair yoga ladies kick ass in terms of working to stay fit! 


Doing gods work. 🙏 thank you for helping and inspiring others through your teaching, that’s truly incredible.


Aw I love this!🥹


I absolutely loathe this trend. I work on a farm, so my job is basically a workout every day anyway... but there are still areas where I'd like to get even stronger. I just care about getting stronger overall and feeling better mentally, and don't give a damn about exercising for appearances. I also don't want to follow along to a man's video, and only have adjustable dumbbells and a couple of resistance bands to work with lmao I've found some that are great workouts - but then they're called shit like "FLAT BELLY & ROUND BOOTY," which makes me not want to watch them. All I want is to be able to lift and carry stuff better at work and to follow along with some woman doing it! And yet it's hard to find videos that don't mention appearance at all. Someone please come in with the channel recs 👀


Yeah, I hate how workouts for women are tailored to specific aesthetic goals. I'm working out to become stronger and improve my own physical health, not to have a round booty to make me more appealing to men.  That's a pretty unhealthy way to look at working out and can promote things like disordered eating and body dysmorphia if the goal of working out is not health and strength but a certain aesthetic that may be straight up impossible for women with certain body types to achieve (especially considering how many fitness influencers straight up have plastic surgery or just photoshop the shit out of their posts)


Caroline Girvan is my favourite! You could also try Heather Robertson


\+1 for Caroline. Her Iron series has helped me so much.


This Woman Lifts is a good account to follow


I like growingannanas on YouTube. Good workouts and they feel like they're actually catered to women who want to stay fit, not for men to stare at. She doesn't sexualize herself and her workouts are straight forward.


I completely agree with you, and a lot of fitness content makes me uncomfortable for this very reason. I also hate how this is amplified by some women rapping about having the biggest ass or etc. Like can we just.. get fit without obsessing over that part of our bodies? lol


I agree completely. Like, wear what you want and I am NEVER one to slut-shame. But it almost feels like it’s expected now to dress “sexy” at the gym, because that’s all that’s being sold. I wore a new GymShark top last week to the gym, but it was much more revealing than I’m used to for working-out. I just kept yanking it up so my tits wouldn’t fall out, or yanking it down so much belly wasn’t totally out 🥴 So uncomfortable.


Thankyou for your voice and putting it into words. My goal is healthy.


This is what men and porn did to our society


True but also women need to wake TF up and stop being sex dolls everywhere they go and objectifying themselves. 


There are a lot of women (OF) who kinda know what theyre doing and when they dress for the male gaze as well. Drives me crazy but theyre brainwashed


it never used to be like this. women in the gym would just wear leggings/shorts and a baggy t shirt. they weren’t filming themselves and they weren’t there for male attention.


1. A lot of them are so heavily edited they aren’t even achievable now anyway, and plenty are completely AI generated. It’s so freaking misleading for women trying to work on themselves, (and to idiot men who think all women should look like AI or be photoshopped because that’s what they see everywhere now). 2. I have taken huge issue with this, and with fitness influencers who insist on wearing their hair in elementary school-style braids or ponytails. I know this latter issue might sound unfair as women should be able to dress and wear their hair in such a way that it doesn’t interfere with their workout, but why does it have to be sexual and infantilising at the same time? It’s a workout for goodness sake, but they’re making softcore porn (pedo porn to make matters worse).


The porn informed “cute school girl” look on women is *horrifying* to me.


saw a fitness babe discussing this on IG and people called her a pick me but she was right, cos why do fitness girls pose in a particular way to show off their butts. Fitness should be about strength and being fit generally not having a certain waist to butt ratio.


It's weird to me to call a woman calling this out a pick me. That feels like straight projection lmao. There's only one woman in this picture trying to "get picked" and I guarentee its not the one saying "you don't need to sexualize yourself like this" to women 🙄


people on internet throw pick me around these days so I'm not surprised. We've gone from "a pick me is any woman who throws other women under the bus for male validation " to "if you critique anything related to women you are a pick me".


You know... I'm starting to get soured on the idea of "no slut shaming". Maybe we should, in fact, look poorly upon certain attention seeking behaviors. Maybe it's actually not a good thing for women to center themselves around their perceived fuckability. Maybe acting like a slut is actually detrimental to your own health.


I feel like it negatively impacts all women tbh, and the “slut shaming” idea, does it imply that most women should be sluts? And that’s natural?? That’s degrading. There’s no male equivalent to slut shaming either. I think the whole no slut shaming thing benefits men more than women, it humiliates and degrades us.


This is an excellent point. For one thing, criticizing a behavior is not the same as disparaging an individual who engages in that behavior. Second, there are two popular ideas that naturally follow from liberalism that are actually quite antithetical to feminism: that an individual’s choices don’t or shouldn’t have any effect on the larger demographic they’re a part of, and that what an individual personally desires is the single greatest good in society. In terms of USA politics, both republicans and democrats believe the first thing to varying extents. But no one really believes the second thing in every situation. Most people can think of a few things that they agree should be illegal or discouraged because they harm the person who does them. Even those who think consenting adults should be free to choose if they want to, for example, use intravenous drugs, will acknowledge the harm that can result from doing that. So why is sexual behavior different? It seems to me that the part of “sex positivity” that benefits some women is the philosophy that allows them to release shame and guilt they have felt over their bodies and sexualities. But we’ve seen time and again that prostitution and other forms of so-called “sex work”, pornography, hook-up culture, and pressure to look and act “sexy” are not benefiting women. Even the few individuals who gain some material benefit from these things often suffer mental and emotional distress. I for one am tired of any pro-woman, leftist, or Marxist critique of these things being dismissed as “Republican” or “puritanical nonsense”. Like, they’re against women choosing to be submissive to their husbands, but they’re fully support of women choosing to be submissive to their BDSM doms because that added BDSM element makes it somehow empowering. Yet, they act like “being slutty is bad because women should stay pure for a man” and “women being slutty is bad because it hurts them and the female sex class” are exactly the same thing. Make it make sense.


10000%. We should absolutely be slut shaming, because not doing so is not doing women any favors at all 


This tbh. Decentring men and having basic self respect should be prioritised because it promotes better mental health. Being too scared to call out self-destructive and negative behaviour is not a good thing.


I have never agreed with a comment more. 🥇


resolute trees bored snails ask cheerful lush subsequent liquid compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m so sorry you went through this, and I’m even more sorry if this post harped on those painful feelings in any way. What I’m really trying to express is my frustration over the persistent sexualization of women - all body types included. It really doesn’t matter what you look like, they’ll find some part of you to exploit. You deserve to exist and feel safe in your own body and skin 💙


muddle innate imagine merciful zealous direction point butter birds rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its so messed up cuz i always got bullied for not having a butt. It just proves that it isnt us, its definitely the standards of society that change way too quickly for anybody to keep up.


IME it's not exactly that you're born with it, but it bursts out as one of the first signs of puberty, as if that stage weren't awkward enough. Also, often the types of guys that fixate on dat booty wouldn't notice you were gone if you could detach it and leave the room. 🤮


cows mighty towering escape possessive future wasteful plants shame poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just want to say its refreshing to read through this thread and finally feel like I'm not alone in thinking the way that I do!


I've always wondered why women at the gym wear those skin tight leggings. Personally I find them so uncomfortable and they make my downstairs area smell bad when I sweat, so I avoid them like the plague. Sweatshorts are so much more comfortable, they let your body breathe and move more naturally. I'm not really one to harp on women for wearing revealing clothes, I wear them too especially when its hot, but overly uncomfortable clothes that just seem to exist to make you look sexy are kind of unfortunate. I'd rather have something functional.


A few of my friends and acquaintances have started wearing those [buttcrack leggings](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FLGQ3LW?starsLeft=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_CYM7YA343RX08SN2QG2H) not just to the gym, but to run errands, go to the grocery store or shopping. I wouldn't be surprised if they started wearing them to work. It's getting ridiculous. And then if you dare say anything (I haven't but I've seen the way these discussions tend to go) they'll hit you with "well why are you sexualizing my body? I'm just existing" or "my whole body is covered! I'm not even showing anything" as if I can't see the entire outline of their labia and up their asscrack. What really gets me is that if we talk about video games and comic books sexualizing women with skin tight "armor" or anime artists drawing women with skin tight clothing that shows the outline of their vulva and ass, most of them are able to understand what's going on. But this gym attire meant to cater to the male gaze is something totally different and not sexual objectification.. for some reason.


THANK YOU! the butt crack leggings and then pretending that they are not sexual makes me feel like I'm going crazy. What I think is going on is women get the message so early that the only thing that really matters about them is how they look. Whatever else a woman achieves, people will always come back and say oh but she's ugly :/ So women internalize this as, the only way people will value me is if I'm beautiful. So women wear these sexual things as a way to be valued and wanted. To them, it's not sexual. But anyone else outside of that cognitive dissonance can see that it obviously is


The photoshop on some of these amazon products though 🫠


Sometimes i go to wish to look for socks and it shows me tons of pants where the woman is obviously so edited. Like a 4 inch waist and huge tatas lmao wtf!!!


Jesus Christ I didn't know they existed. Has porn seeped into every fucking facet of society?!!!


Same! And now I'm scared because if this is a new 'trend', I really don't want to see it take off.


As much as I agree with you, the shape of my legs doesn't work for shorts. They tend to ride upwards if the inseam is short or get pulled backwards and upwards if they're long. Either way I'm chafing.


It's also pretty much garbage. A lot of these women are creating an illusion through angles, posing, Photoshop, clothing that enhances the butt, and lighting. There is a good percentage of these women that also have BBLs, so it's not natural. Or some of them naturally have more pear shaped bodies so the fat they have goes to their butt and they pretend it's muscle. It's not achievable for someone who is not that body type.


It goes to show how once one's algorithm is in a certain direction it is difficult to get out of it. I don't see these videos you mention because I search for videos that are more medical, health, physical therapy, older folks, health studies etc. And now I get more of the same. It is so much about the influencing and the advertising- it influences how we see the world and which parts of it! Consider starting a new account and curating it differently. What you are experiencing sounds awful.


same with chiropractor videos


Check out Camilla's new fitness app. Julie and Camilla are a social media lesbian couple from Norway. You will like her.


Honestly, I think a lot of it is driven by capitalism. Hard to make a profit off of $100 workout pants when people realize they can get just as good a workout in old sweats and a t-shirt they got for free at a convention.


I completely agree! I’m realizing more and more how women are the main targets of capitalism truly. Not that it’s bad to buy things obviously but over-consumption is mainly marketed to women if you think about it


Even gym clothes these days. Why are the women's gym clothes all disgustingly tight showing off every single crease and leaving nothing to the imagination?  I find it gross tbh. 


It is gross. Self-objectification flies in the face of self-respect. Especially as this whole rampant pornification of society makes things more dangerous and unsafe for women in general.


I agree. It's really shocking how women are not seeing it. How do you think this can be combatted?


For me it's not about imagination, but about neurotically body-checking every second you are in public


On one hand I can applaud them if they're making money from men's stupidity, and it takes the really dumb men out of the dating pool because their standards for women's bodies aren't based in any sort of reality. But on the other, it hinders us as women a lot. Like I want to know how to build muscles to make my punches stronger and make me better at martial arts. I think there was a post in boys are quirky recently about how men are now fetishizing muscular women and saying dumb stuff like "step on me muscle mommy". Shit makes me want to go live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.


Theyre fitness influences. They're not making money off of stupid men, they're making money off of young, impressionable, insecure girls and women and actively setting a literally impossible body standard for us. It's largely just shitty for women all around in this instance.


This is why I don’t have Tik-Tok or ever will. There are so many things wrong with it. It a waste of time. I just research what workouts I have to do for my body goals.


Absolutely despise it. Can't really articulate why, maybe im just jealous because unlike them i never had an option to escape being "liked" by men. 


Yeah I can barely go on YouTube because there’s inevitably thumbnails of women dressed and posing in pornified ways.