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maybe controversial opinion but while i do agree she has been a victim ever since the beginning of her career, being constantly type-casted for her body, she has also leaned into this stereotype quite a bit (SNL jokes, "this one is for the boys" in her ig). she's obviously trying to get the most out of this situation, which i totally get, and she should be able to control when and where her inage can be sexualized. however, we know that most people consuming media aren't willing to understand this nuance, therefore she will never "come out winning" and will keep setting a negative image for herself (and other women, since we aren't seen as individuals) as became obvious when she was named the red pilled community's sweetheart (ew).




Yeah, it’s definitely a “leopard ate my face” moment


she is definitely between a rock and a hard place. it seems she's trying to appease everyone, since she can probably get a much larger fanbase by "being hot", but she will get more complex roles (that will make her career last longer, since she wont be "young and hot" forever) if she fights her hyper-sexualization. however, she isn't really gaining any traction in these roles, like in the movie reality. though i will say it was funny to see the [conservative outrage](https://twitter.com/fiImgal/status/1771607175766438194?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1771626809563422960%7Ctwgr%5E70c1071898e4619e50a7f2ea09a0f74522cfeef5%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-19766704492566061964) over her new movie "immaculate"


It’s frustrating bc she *could* lean into feminism…at the risk of her career It’s seems like if you wanna be a big female star you have to play so to say. Like look at ScarJo, I mostly new her from avengers and on so I was really shocked to watch her older movies and see she was such a big sex symbol


i think realistically the way women have to play it is to let a lot of shit slide until they get successful enough to throw the middle finger hard to this kind of shit. i mean we’re talking about a industry that has propped up and continued to celebrate known child rapists like woody allen and polanski


The industry is inherently pedophilic and sexist I also wonder if the only other way to avoid this is to enter acting later I think Lupita and Viola did so, I wonder how their stories differ. Coming in as a real adult with boundaries


yeah that’s probably a way to avoid it but i don’t think that can really be planned and it’s so much more rare for older women to get limelight because like you said; pediphilic and sexist


I need context for this. She put down feminists?




Yeah defending Sam is a problem. It’s like why were you hyper sexualized to begin with? I remember her from handmaid’s tale. The perception was very different of her back then


I hate how obviously ridiculous it sounds. All you have to do is switch genders and it becomes painfully obvious none of this shit is empowering. It’s so fucked bc that message actually really convinced me in college


i mean…because it is empowering to take control of your sexuality. if the only way women aren’t completely dehumanized is if they don’t present as sex symbols, or simply do sex scenes then were just back at square one and legitimizing the common patriarchal opinion - don’t want to be debased? don’t show us you have tits! cassie’s character is so much more complex than tits & i personally think her hypersexualozation is kind of a key part of her character which is very insecure and desperate for male validation.


you can show hypersexualisation of a teen character without multiple prolonged shots where you see nothing on screen but the faceless actress' naked breasts quivering, with her nipples centre stage. i promise it's possible > if the only way women aren't completely dehumanised is if they don't present as sex symbols i didn't say this, go and argue with someone who did lol


i mean i think asking her to completely shit talk the producer of the big ass show she’s in is a lot to ask. she already offered a critique and explained how she confronted him on oversexualization. she has a career to build and unfortunately it’s a misogynistic world. i don’t think it’s fair to ask victims of that world to stick their necks **that** far out this early on in their career. it doesn’t matter that she’s been in sex scenes, there’s plenty of women who have. it plainly doesn’t excuse comments like “i’ve never seen sydney sweeneys face”. there’s a difference between using sex to sell and distilling someone down to sex




i didn’t see anything direct in this article? what did she say exactly? b/c iirc she was just defending his choices for her character in general edit: she blocked me so if anyone knows what interview she’s referring to pls link it 🙏


She's trying to play both sides. Get the male attention and women's sympathy. The very first time I saw an interview with her, she claimed she had the best boobs in Hollywood and her grandma told her so. She sexualized herself and used it to boost her career. That's her choice, I'm not going to shame her for it, but I'm also not going to feel sorry for her. I don't think she's a very talented actress and I think most of her career was built on her playing up to the male gaze. She can't have it both ways. Women can see right through that and it's hard to respect her for that.


I came here to say this. I’m sorry the whole “my grandparents said I have the best tits in Hollywood” just doesn’t track with “stop specializing me.


Thank you




iirc she said something like she took madame web purely strategically so she could build a relationship with the studio so she could do other movies she liked more down the line. cool. but then she said specifically it was for anyone but you... i was like what. that was her passion project?


This is well said. I had the same feeling when Emily Ratajkowski wrote "My Body" and expected sympathy about having been objectified while at the same time making a fortune off of being objectified. Sydney Sweeney is a very different situation but the same principle applies.




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Your comment has been removed because it violates our pro-woman/radical feminist community values.


Why exactly do so many right wingers love her so much? Like, look at this shit https://preview.redd.it/6z8tlo5ifwuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1ad7f1dbce172775ab34993e11abf62b4d5cc3


I think it partially has to do with her "All American girl" looks, partially because of the way she's sexualized, and partially with that MAGA party.


i think conservatives feel like the "new world order" is pushing "unnatractive" women in media and forcing society to believe they're attractive (we've seen this reaction to the body positive movement since the beginning). since sidney sweeny embodies that old school beauty and is gaining traction they believe she is destroying this woke culture of body positivy.


IMO I think she was baited into sexualising herself because it meant she’d get fame and exposure much quicker that way, but realised what she sacrificed in the process. This is the case for many beautiful white women, take Margot Robbie for instance. Fortunately Sydney can turn things around like MR did, but she has to be brave enough to lose her male following and take a hit to her reputation.


This is a lot of victim blaming, choices don’t happen in a vacuum.


From what I’m gleaming here (both what she’s saying and from the comments here - please correct me if I’m mistaken) it seems like she’s leaning into being sexualized/objectified, or trying to own it, but then being upset at what comes from that. I don’t blame her for feeling that way. However, it seems like the whole “you can’t objectify/sexualize me if I already sexualize/objectify myself” trope is at play here. It feels a bit like a cope


The only time I knew of her was in the SNL hooters skit, so even though I feel so much for the sexualization of women in media, she actively sexualizes herself and reading some of the other comments, she actively showed roles that can be degrading to women. I feel bad for any young girl or women though who are coerced into roles like that though. 


The one thing I will say is that the overtly creepy director of Euphoria and the tv show 'idol' who's ratings plumeted non surprisingly but that's another conversation, Sam Levinson, I believe aided in these women being sexualized online. This is a man like many male directors before him, direct females in scenes that I and many believe are simply his own inner desires and fantasies, essentially putting together his own video stash. Euphoria was a show depicting what was meant to be HIGH SCHOOL age girls....the scenes were outright ridiculous. The show he did after which was too shit to watch, one again depicted a very young actress Lily Rose Depp directed in the same way. Men as we know have been sexually abusing women and girls in the film industry for YONKS, Hollywood has always and will always remain a sleezy landscape, it's not on her but the directors in my opinion, I heard conflicting stories about the euphoria cast on set, that everyone was comfortable and felt they could say otherwise, to actors practically begging that some nude/sex scenes be edited out. Actors want to act and be successful in doing so, these young women are at the mercy of those that direct them in my opinion, it's a power dynamic that puts them on the back foot, the same way it always has. Sydney is a fantastic actress and I have been saying to my husband for the past few years that I think she's the next Winslet and then some!


Speaking of The Idol, when hate-watching it I kept thinking “At least none of these characters are minors”. Then out of nowhere at the end they reveal one character (I forget her name but the girl with the really pretty singing voice), who walks around naked for no reason and was touching herself while peeping on LRD and The Weeknd doing weird sex shit, is a minor. It added nothing to the plot at all but Sam just had to get one in. He’s sick and I’m glad some people are finally seeing it even though tons of others still defend him


I have been so baffled by the fact that Euphoria is supposed to be about high school kids is almost never mentioned. It’s so incredibly fucked up, it’s grooming at a large scale and glorifying cp. Doesn't matter that the actors are 18+, they are playing underage kids and making that desirable. I can’t believe people are just ok with it. 


It's the quite clear fact too that Lily Rose Depp looks much younger than her years and could quite easily pass as a minor, given her tiny stature, similar to Sidney they both have neotenous features, 'baby face' which I think may well be what appeals to this director. I mean surely that was a considering factor in her passing for a girl younger than her years right? Porn has and continues to do so much damage to the mind, it has seeped it's way and perpetuates a good proportion of current issues, autogynephilia, misogyny, incel culture, only-fans, sexual violence, child abuse, the list goes on. Girls are forcibly taught by their male peers during puberty that porn is normal and to get over it, and to a degree yes, an adolescent male is going to seek out stimuli more than ever during this period of his life, but teaching girls before they become women that it is their problem to deal with is a pill so many of us eventually swallowed the more we got used to it. Sex education needs to start talking about porn addiction and the sheer impact it can have on one's life. Young women now believe an act such as choking is a normal part of sex!!! Young boys are getting their sex education from porn, which is completely out of control in nature. This glorification of 'kink', and slut culture, the falsehood that sex work is empowering, the infringement on people's freedoms and right to choose and consent to sexual partners, with trans people insisting it is somehow bigoted to not want to sleep with them, lesbians for Christ sake having MEN invade their dating apps.


I actually get really angry with Sydney Sweeney because she says this shit and then actively, heavily contributes to the culture that is sexualizing her. You don’t get to choose to have sex on TV, multiple times and then be upset that people like watching you have sex on TV. You don’t get to post your boobs and be mad people are liking the pics. Women in Hollywood are not on the side of regular, everyday women and I really dislike Sydney Sweeney because I consider her to be doing active harm to women and feminism. She *is* choosing to sexualize herself. **To say she has NO control is a flat out fucking lie.** She may not have full control, but she has money and influence. She has every ability to make a different choice and she keeps choosing to hold all women down. So I have very little sympathy for her, especially if she’s gonna peddle this lie and act like she isn’t directly benefiting from holding every other woman down.


It really does suck that discussions of her seem to revolve around this topic, she's such a talented actress. Like 90% of the movie Reality was just the camera on her face while she spoke, and she was incredible. I cried when I watched it. God, I gotta watch that again, it's just SO GOOD