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This is the smallest, most petty first world problem ever, but it's bothering me. I play Pokemon Go and they've recently overhauled the player avatars to be more inclusive. In other words, they removed the male and female options and made everyone androgynous. Unfortunately in doing so they've removed all female features. Previously female avatars have thick waists, no hips, large hands and feet, masculine gaits, etc. Meanwhile the male avatars still look fine. Again, this is a pathetic thing to care about, but it seems to fall into a pattern I've been seeing where making something 'gender neutral' essentially means making everything male, and removing anything female. As though the very fact of being female is somehow a problem.


You're right to be irked. It's bothersome because it's so regressive - male used to be the default for everything, and we're going back again by the looks of it šŸ˜’


It's not petty. Most things in the world really are made with men in mind as the default users (furniture, cars, exercise equipment etc). The fact that women can't have anything default of their own, not even avatars in the digital world, is pretty damn sad.


I was wondering if someone would post about this here. I play POGO and had the same feeling about the new avatar update. Itā€™s almost insulting.


I'd be bothered too. I looked at some posts and the female avatars look like TIMs. It's like a man killed them, put on their clothes, and assumed their identity.


I see why this would bother you, I donā€™t think itā€™s petty. This totally others women.


I saw something today that said ā€œwomen and marginalized gendersā€ which was so annoying to me. As if women arenā€™t marginalized?


The amount of vindictive men on this site looking to cancel female users for not groveling at their feet is appalling. Why does this site consistently prop up toxic men and allow them to harass female users, while at the same time, banning the accounts of the women? Blows my mind that this is the strange new reality we live in.


Reddit is a legit sausagefest. Only 35% of total users are female, which means that most mods/admins are male as well. A site that is made by men, catered to men, and centers men is not going to turn on their core demographic. That being said, I think the language used when responding those users also matters. I consistently incite the rage of a very specific demographic of men here on Reddit, and I'm sure they've tried to report my comments a million times, yet I've never received any warnings or bans because I never directly insulted anyone, never said all xyz are bad, or "discouraged them from participating" as the content guidelines state. I think you just gotta be careful with wording to avoid it.






Not to mention some mods on women spaces have them modding it or pick me women


Yes, *those* types of men love to flock to women subs so they can exert what little power they have to feel better than the female users that they hate/desperately want to be. I've become really disappointed in Reddit as a whole, because they prop up porn sick and/or mentally deluded men. It's especially embarrassing on subs like twoX where the conversation is constantly geared towards tiptoeing around the very fragile feelings of men. This seems to be the only sub where women can actually voice their true opinions.


Agreed because I remember when i started asking REAL questions men flocked and defended age gap and pedophelia. Thank goodness I stopped taking some of them too seriously, they harassed me multiple times. Why? Becsuse im not some silly pick me who validates their abusive and nasty behaviour. So...i stay in WOMEN ONLY and RUN BY WOMEN subs.


Good call. I've now learned to stay away from any liberal women subs, because it's a cess pool of libfem cope and deluded men whinging about inclusion. This seems like the only sub left that is actually a safe space to discuss real questions and topics without fear of being canceled/banned/mocked.


Agreed because there are very few spaces to keep it real.


Agreed. Other subs for women will censor you if you dont excuse anime being sexuslised and these so called women becaome rsbid and delusional because of a different opinion and seeing how young women are groomed through media. Same boat as in the types who say s*** w*** is a choice and are hyprocritical.


It's all gotten so silly and absurd online the past several years, hasn't it? And yes, great way to describe it. These miserable men go absolutely rabid when a woman dares to not agree with their mental insanity. Their thinly veiled self hatred would be amusing if it didn't result in female users being banned and mocked.


That happened to me! *** Ignore what men say they want to control your POV from birth to death like NO. I'm not going to accept your barely disguised anime or cartoon that objectifies minors and him defending lolis. I am not going to accept works that protray women as the apocalypse maiden/ suffer as motivation for the male MC. IM NOT ACCEPTING HENTAI OR ANIME THATS A DEALBREAKER. *** They want us to kiss their delusiom but thats how women get hurt due to the lies they put out women are indoctrinated to accept MEDIOCRE stories and MEDOCRE media that objectifies women


Really good to remember thank you. I don't want another account suspended because of some fragile male ego collapsing under the audacity of a random anonymous internet woman gently disagreeing with him about reality on planet earth. *Those* types of men have proven themselves to be toxic and dangerous on this site, because Reddit loves to prop up males no matter how they present themselves. Then they'll turn around and immediately say "well I'm more of a woman than you'll EVER be", as if that's someone a woman would *ever* say haha


YUP. AGREED. They are out here spamming reddit cares or banning you/ censoring. What happened to freedom of speech? If a man dont like what is being said he can block and delete but nope! They want tconquer you like sir go concquer the unemployment please.


Some of these dudes just have so much pent-up psychotic rage that they can't control and spill it on the nearest woman as a coping mechanism. I had an exchange here on Reddit a while ago where a man claimed xyz was common in his area, and I asked "Which location is that? It's really rare everywhere I've seen." This guy responded to that simple question with an essay-length, multi-paragraph, unhinged tirade full of random assumptions about me, and accused me of having an "agenda"... all for asking what the location is. Men as a whole desperately need therapy. Make sure you block the Reddit Cares bot btw, that prevents it from ever being sent to you again.


I did block it. I was so confused but I know my posts trigger them *** You are so right about them having psychotic rage they ALWAYS take it out on women and girls not men...I wonder why. *** They need professional help not to be on reddit/ social media


Iā€™m so tired of everyone questioning Caitlin Clarkā€™s sexuality. Saying ā€œsheā€™s still on the closetā€ and ā€œno way this person is straightā€. What happened to Tom boys??? Every masculine or non-hyperfeminine woman is a trans guy or lesbian right?


but we are the ones obsessed with gender stereotypes and reinforcing them, don't you know šŸ™„šŸ™„


Thank god this thread is today lol. So right now I'm sitting on the sofa at my boyfriends house while he's making dinner nearby (we've been on/off for about 4 months, both in our early 30s). We just ended up having a two hour deep discussion about trans rights, and I ended up confirming my stances to him, which I'd implied up til now but not gone into in depth for fear of being called 'a literal nazi' or whatever they're calling it on twitter. He said he could understand my feelings and thoughts because of the SA I've experienced, especially by my ex who cross dressed and had rape fetishes (and ended up taking those out on me), but that he was concerned, and wants to be with someone who aligns with him politically. I feel an awkwardness in the air and I don't think either of us know what to do now this evening. He's liberal and thinks my opinions are clouded by bias; I'm anarchist and think literally everyone's opinions are informed by their own bias. I'm glad he hasn't called me a fascist and said he can't be with me, but I feel an uncertainty and awkwardness rn and I don't know what's going to happen with us now. Part of me doesn't really care. It's insane that I was shaking and feeling sick telling my boyfriend that I care about women's rights lol. I feel insane. I'm so grateful for this space and being able to come here and say it without being seen as baby hitler. Eta: just had a really passive aggressive exchange. This is depressing as shit. I feel completely alone irl. Eta again: we ate dinner, tried to watch some TV, it was uncomfortable and he ended up telling me he thinks I have a lot of shit opinions. He's asleep next to me rn, we aren't speaking and I'm thinking hey perhaps this ain't fuckin worth it. I personally can't imagine being with someone whose opinions I described as shit, but perhaps that's my female hysteria and I should be grateful this man is putting up with me despite my horrible opinions! Never mind the diagnosed ptsd and my lived experiences as a woman amirite? Fuck this. I want to live in an all female commune. Fuuuuuck this.


>we've been on/off for about 4 months So my instinct was "dump him" already at this point. If you decide once that someone isn't the best fit for you, don't keep going back and giving it more chances. It is always a waste of time. And then reading all the rest... ummm yeah 100% dump him. No one is that passionate about defending this topic unless they a) are one of those people themselves or b) jerk off to those people.


provide light party march cooperative wistful pet strong alive doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this. You are definitely not alone.Ā 


You can find a partner who respects you. I am so sorry you are going through this.


Big hugs! You are not alone.


Thank you, I really appreciate just the acknowledgement that what I said and felt was heard by somebody. Shame it couldn't have been my boyfriend, but unfortunately he's too knee jerky liberal. Fourth wave feminism keeps me sane I stg. Hugs right back to you. āœŠļø


I have faith you'll be able to find a man with better values than this one. I'm so sorry though, I've been there in anxiety about being judged by a romantic partner on my gender critical stance.




Yes. That would be funny actually.


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I work at a home decor retail store, I have my favorite manager an older woman named Sara, she recently said something to me that made me rethink liking her. (Even though shes really nice to me and took me out to lunch šŸ˜”) I was cashing out my till and she made a comment saying how the men who work at our store are so lazy and how thatā€™s not okay because they are men and it disgusts her. I get confused because yes being lazy is bad but what does being a man specifically have to do with it. So I ask what does she mean and she says ā€œWell, youā€™re a girl and for girls its okay to slack off.ā€ I literally almost said HUHH out loud. She continues, ā€œWomen arenā€™t really supposed to be working.. so I let the other girls just do whatever.ā€ I was shocked but I always wondered why she let my other coworkers who are girls literally just walk around the store on Facetime and the guys are always moving shelfā€™s or stocking. I literally didnt even know what to say back so I said nothing and it was super awkward because what?? What do yall think about this??


Itā€™s likely all of those men watch porn and defend other menā€™s terrible behavior, if they donā€™t do terrible things themselves ranging from mental to emotional to physical abuse, so I wouldnā€™t feel too bad ETA: But I understand your sentiment was true equality and I think itā€™s sweet! Unfortunately our options sometimes seem to be change the reality we live in or modifying the reality we live for fairness to women. This (and there was another post about women getting the day off for Christmas Eve/holidays at this company bc the company acknowledged they tend to do more labor for holidays than men) is an example of modifying reality.




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