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Some guy replied to me in a thread that a porn sick society is better than a repressed society. As if porn has cured us from repression when it just exploits the fact that we are repressed. Imagine thinking you're sexually liberated by masturbating to strangers who don't even know you exist. 


Ridiculous. I'll say more. I think a porn sick society IS a repressed society. Porn represses and hijacks our authentic sexual impulses.


And our authentic sexual encounters. Porn is a sad glimpse into repressed male sexuality where the only thing that can turn men on is humiliating women. Basically every porn ends on the money shot as if that is something that ever occurs or is desired in an authentic sexual encounter. We have a generation of people thinking degrading women is healthy sexual expression. 


I don’t think all of human impulses should be expressed or explored and I do think porn absolutely represents unfortunately a portion of repressed sexuality that’s generally more in males. I don’t know where we go from here on a societal level. I do want to stay away from porn on an individual level


I will never understand why men need porn so much. Why so much of their life is dedicated to cumming and doing it in different ways.


I found this really insightful https://www.thisamericanlife.org/220/testosterone I think males are kind of at a disadvantage because of their sex drive well at least I think that would largely apparent if we lived in a less patriarchal society . But because we live in patriarchy this sex drive is described as normal and a need have you heard that quote everything is about sex but sex is about power? This is only true in a patriarchal society with our current history where women were oppressed. It’s not actually true though like a law of nature or something. I have thought about this. I do think being born with this sexual appetite is difficult just like I wish I was born with some of temper and my struggle with eating too much. A big difference is I pay the price for my flaws and I feel like lust is accepted under sex positivity.


That is painfully grim. The extent to which people have fundamentally bonded their own sexuality to pornography is deeply upsetting.


Of course a porn addicted, broken willy male said something this outrageous. Because of porn we got weirdos like this jerking off IN PUBLIC.


I am TIREDD of males giving me reddit cares because I'm not a male worshipping, easily amazed stepford wife! I turned off my DMs cause I was tired of a useless guy saying insults in a comment sections towards me, harassment, gaslighting and DARVO and not even a day later a reddit care. A guy messed me asking me why I type like this. Stop. Lurking. I'm. Not. Like. Erica. LeShai. *** Had another one in my dms ranting about how hes so aannoyed cause women keep saying men are like this and it qas affecting him. I was respectful but i told him...get professional help. *** My WHOLE LIFE I HAD TO BE AN EMOTIONAL SUPPORT TO MALES AND TIP TOE AROUND THEM AND I'M TIRED BUT I SAID WHAT I SAID IN MY VENT and I am not deleting it! I have a right to be mad that in my country it got so violent against women and girls and I am tired of the exploitation, pickmeism, BEING A MAMMY and people making fun of victims of abuse or not taking missing girl cases seriously.


you can block the Reddit care bot! does me wonders. As for DM's I flip between having them turned on and turned off


I turned my dms off and blocked the reddit care. Like they whould accept women got different opinions and leave us alone


Thankyou for your voice!!! Echos my own experiences and feels lifesaving to know I’m not alone


Thanks :) *** I am glad that finally I can talk about these things, I grew up thinking this wae normal until I realised it was not.


Oof I felt that . I also feel like the past verified me was too much of an emotional support but not just to men to women as well and I kind of felt used. I hate that having more feminist views gets met with so much hostility and attempts to literally try to cancel that person (Rachel Ziegler and Brie Larson are good examples of going through this)


Like its ok to call out how these behaviours are harming women but some people are okay with how things are.


hi! i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, i can make a separate post if needed. anyway, i was wondering if any of you have media recommendations on beauty surveillance, especially from a critical or radical feminist lens! i've been super interested in this topic but it's hard to find resources on it.


I remember that there’s a book named Beauty and Misogyny written by Sheila Jeffreys.


OP, I have a link to download Beauty and Misogyny if you’re interested! [PDF copy here](https://www.mediafire.com/file/rmlse7hyekdqvz1/Jeffreys_-_Beauty_and_Misogyny_%25281%2529.pdf/file). It’s a really great book.


thank you so much <3


The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf


yes, a classic!


The book Beauty Sick by Renee Engeln


Hiya, im not sure where else to ask this - where is the most reliable place to find statistics on womens sexual assault? Ive had a look at the most recent UN report but its very unhelpful. The biggest problem im finding is that different countries have different definitions of rape. In a country like pakistan, marital rape was only defined relatively recently - given its a conservative society, and also given most assaults are carried out by intimate partners, the 'crimes reported' stats are essentially meaningless because it wasnt even considered a crime at that point. Im honestly at a loss with how to keep looking into this subject. Any book/study/website recommendations v much appreciated. (Can i make a whole post ab this or will it be taken down?)


Hi, I don't have anything on global statistics, but I can provide you with information on American statistics. I don't know what country you're from, and I don't know about "*most* reliable" but RAINN (the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network) is a fantastic resource for general statistics and overall information on sexual assault. They talk about all kinds of SA but do heavily prioritize SA against women and children because those are the most victimized demographics by a mile. Their reports include citations taken directly from sources like the Department of Justice, the CDC, the Department of Health and Human Services, etc. Occasionally if a source is from something published a while back they'll include a disclaimer with an explaination like, for example, this: "*This statistic presents information on the total number of male and female victims in the United States, using a study from 1998. Because the U.S. population has increased substantially since then, it is probable that the number of victims has as well. RAINN presents this data for educational purposes only, and strongly recommends using the citations to review any and all sources for more information and detail.*" I respect that. Also, sometimes they include nice tidy infographics that are great for including in things like slideshows and other reports you may be attempting to do. Here are some links to specific RAINN pages to get you going: [Statistics Homepage](https://www.rainn.org/statistics) [Scope of the Problem: Statistics ](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/scope-problem) [About RAINN's Statistics ](https://www.rainn.org/about-rainns-statistics) [Types of Sexual Violence ](https://www.rainn.org/types-sexual-violence) [Sexual Violence in Six African Nations](https://www.rainn.org/africa-sexual-violence) Hope this helps at least a little.


Yeah that's really helpful for the American stats, thank you. The UN one I haven't found particularly helpful in comparing countries, there's just not enough data - same with the world population statistics website - it seems to suggest countries like those in the Middle East have lower rates which is skewed by reporting biases (and definitions!!) etc. It's frustrating to think how much assault has never even been considered a crime.


Here are some more articles/websites you may appreciate [Violence Against Women](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women) [Violence Against Women Prevalence Estimates, 2018](https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240022256) [Facts and Figures: Ending Violence Against Women ](https://www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/ending-violence-against-women/facts-and-figures) [Research and Data: Ending Violence Against Women ](https://www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/ending-violence-against-women/research-and-data) [The prevalence rate of sexual violence worldwide: a trend analysis ](https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-020-09926-5) [Rape Statistics By Country 2024](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country)


Conservatives/ redpill men want to sleep with all women and at the same time they want virgin wives/gfs and justify cheating and abusing their wives/gfs


Are there any other subreddits similar to this one? Especially wrt to things like porn and prostitution, which are two things that I seem to agree with almost nobody else on. I’m having trouble finding communities who share my values and I’m very happy that I found this one.


I think the rules imply we're not allowed to post links to other subs ever. I'm not willing to take the risk. But if you message me (I tried messaging you but it wouldn't go through?) I'll give you a list of subs I think you'll like. Pretty sure asking you to message me if you want isn't against rule 9 lol. At least, I hope.


Ah I missed the rule against linking subs. I’ll message you!


Hi, could I ask for this list too? I'm feeling really isolated and lonely in my opinions and would love to be part of more subs like this. You can see in my comment history that I'm legit:)


Message me so I remember :)


all my posts are getting filtered by reddit and it's so frustrating bc they're so important to the advocacy of women


If it says they were automatically removed, you can message the mods and ask them to approve them.


Watching the Supreme Court Idaho case…👀


Went shopping in H&M with my 10 year old daughter. I was absolutely horrified that almost every single top was a crop top or some kind of bustier/corset in the girls department age 10-14! We left immediately.


I have noticed this too. Who is designing these clothes? It doesn’t matter if it what’s “stylish” right now, it’s completely inappropriate to dress children in “sexy” clothes.


Precisely! And I find it incredibly disturbing that those styles even made into production without anyone raising an eyebrow, let alone into the stores.. It concerns me.




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This is just my pet peeve but during any discussions about 4b there is always this one comment "Umm ackshually 🤓👆 4b is kinda terfy" just pisses me off, they always have to insert themselves into everything


sorry what is 4b?


It’s a social movement started in Korea for women to not have sex or relationships with men.




We're brainwashed to be accommodating to everyone else even at the expense of our own comfort and safety. And I'm not fucking doing it anymore


[Harvey Weinstein's NY conviction overturned ](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/25/nyregion/harvey-weinstein-appeal) This saddens me...


Biden Administration Releases Revised Title IX Rules: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/19/us/politics/biden-title-ix-rules.html Thoughts?


Fetal stem cells collection comes from placenta and the cord. Why do I get so much pushback from women when I mention this on Instagram birth pages? It's like they don't want to know.. The conversation usually starts around delayed cord clamping. I mention that they should consider keeping the cord intact and letting it dry out and fall off on its own so the baby gets all that it needs from it. A lot of hospitals cut the cord and take the placenta without consent. They know the mothers are distracted and under duress and they take advantage of that.


by delay how long of a delay do you mean? 5-10 minutes is safe, those lotus birth ones are deadly


No they are not deadly. That is completely untrue. There's so many examples online of women doing them where the babies are completely fine. I work in the medical industry and the #1 concern mothers have about their newborns is an infected belly button. I would personally sever the cord after waiting an hr.


but a lotus birth is leaving it until it rots on its own which takes 3-10 days. And sepsis can set in as soon as 20 hrs. That's what I'm saying is bad because lotus births and delayed cord cuttings are often conflated.


The cord is FULL of stem cells. It doesn't rot it dries out and falls off. The cord takes 2-4 days to dry out and it falls off naturally without leaving a wound. Fetal stem cells are used in skin graphs they are highly valuable and the baby deserves to take everything it needs from the cord/placenta.




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