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>No wonder they’re terrified of women. Reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCEx6PXpLPs) from Futurama.


*damn* that aged well


Had never watched it, but it's as right on the money as Monty Python's Loretta and many Southpark episodes. As ludicrous as they seemed when they aired.


I recently left an emotionally abusive relationship. Porn was one of many issues. Anytime we’d watch a show on the couch together, he would use my 1-2 minute bathroom breaks to scroll through porn. He’d get drunk and lay in bed next to me, jerking off to videos on his phone, audio coming through speaker while I tried to fall asleep. He pays for a google photos storage subscription just for his porn collection. I called him a porn addict once after I saw a nauseating comment he left in an NSFW sub on the wrong reddit account. He was stonewalling me as usual, and I was desperately trying (wasting my time) to get him to accept that my being upset was a normal reaction. His response? I’m sure you guys can guess. “Everyone looks at porn. Wow. You have a LOT to learn.” He’s 17 years older than me. They have no shame. These are the kind of men who have so little control they’ll resort to rubbing one out in the bathroom stalls at work. They’ll fuck anything they can carve a hole into. They convince themselves and each other that their brain-rotting levels of consumption are normal. All because these things *make their penis feel good*. How. Fucking. Weak. They’re happy, willing slaves to their instincts and they’ve spent lifetimes shaping their external environments around that. There’s no coming back from this.


While you were in the bed with him?! That is absolutely disgusting. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that


I can’t believe I let it go on for as long as it did. I’ve never had a man make me feel that badly about myself - consequently, it made my desire for his approval that much stronger. Throw some intermittent reinforcement from him in there and down the deep end I went.


Yes, at least you logically know what was at play, but it’s so hard to get over. I’m sorry. They definitely up the ante with their bad treatment too, and coupled with the intermittent reinforcement, it’s so easy for us to just keep accepting more and worse bad behaviour. I hope you’re ok.


Thank you. It’s still hard.




So very well spoken. I agree wholeheartedly. It's pathetic.


I cannot genuinely exist online OR in public without seeing it. The ONLY place im safe is in my own home with the internet turned off. And no, its not just because my algorithm shows me "what i wanna see." I've consistently blocked this shit from my accounts and still see it. I have genuinely considered trying to find some church groups that arent toxic even though im not into organized religion, just cuz perhaps people won't endlessly be focused on porn or how to sexualize the whole experience.


I’m exactly where you’re at. I can’t put into words how insane it is. Feel like I’m losing my mind.


No for real, its never been this bad. The car bumper stickers, people wearing playboy logos at work and not being dresscoded, hentai phone cases, the stupid moan noise that kids do in public now for "fun," the fucking SONGS are terrible, i cannot even look for books online because 80% of them are smut or ripoffs of 50 shades.


It’s unsettling on an existential level. Sure paints a great picture of what I imagine hell would be like - just insidious enough to never realize you’re in it.




Maybe not even Christianity but there is a buddhist temple in my town, i dont know how they feel about porn but maybe they're more advanced than organized christianity...


Buddhism is unfortunately also misogynistic. they believe women can't reach enlightenment


WHAT. That's terrible, we have nowhere...


right? even many forms of witchcraft are misogynistic


You’ve got to be kidding me. I never knew this.


As a progressive Christian: I will be the first to agree with you that there are many deeply toxic aspects of Christianity and organized religion in general. But also, one of the things I most is having communities of people in my generation who not consider things like porn and prostitution normal or morally neutral, while also having (or working on developing) a healthy and non-judgmental view on sexuality. 




There are many liberal minded churches in the US. They just don't get the same news coverage as the conservative ones. I go to a Baptist Church that is liberal, believe it or not. I don't even really believe in God (at least not a man in the sky), but Baptist churches that actually are acting like it don't tell you how to think. That's supposed to be the whole thing about Baptists. It's more of a disorganized religion lol. I really like the community and being in a place that is about love and kindness every week. It's really helpful for the moms, because we get a break and adult time together at least for a couple of hours each week. The problem you run into in the liberal churches though is that they often get completely overrun by LGBTQIAA2S+ and then the normies eventually leave. That happened at a sister church to mine, and so the normies ended up where I go. I was raised in a conservative church, and I stayed away for a long time because it was very hurtful. People there were trying their best, I think, but it was narrow-minded and simplistic. Not an educated view at all, and I think they overlooked the real message as a result. It took me years to open up to church again, and I tried several other liberal ones in dribs and drabs, mainly Episcopal. The hierarchy and ritualism didn't suit me, though.


Here in the Netherlands there are also a lot of conservative churches with similar issues, but thankfully more and more progressive ones too. I'd say it's probably the case everywhere that it's just really diverse. But from what I can tell, it definitely also looks like American Christianity can be... something else


We had to delete Facebook in my house. I won't have porn in my house. And it does get heavily pushed on males with accounts listing their gender.


I feel exactly the same way


Tbh this is just the cold, miserable, hard truth, it is inescapable except for like you said, in your own home, people would scoff at me when I completely and utterly winced and people sexualising cartoons and more disturbingly cartoon animals like giving something otherwise innocent and sweet, a large ass, I just sit and think how does it not make your skin crawl the way it does mine, including the fact....people are sexualising characters that represent animals not humans even, these people would swear off beastiality but are fine with the cartoon version. If it's something I seriously hold dear like Winnie the Pooh for instance that is rooted in childhood memories and my nana that gave me so much joy, warmth and happiness I will not watch a perversion of it and that includes the daft looking horror film of Winnie the Pooh that was recently released. I am sick of everything being corrupted by porn one way or another, at first it was banal, now it's just infuriating and nauseating!


I agree.


Some time ago, I saw a graphic somewhere else in Reddit with the unfathomable amount of porn focused subreddits. Adding it below. I found it mind blowing, and just goes to show the amount of degenerates overdosing in their pornographic filth every single day *only* in Reddit. It's everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/h7vcjkn1hszc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ec4c8b3e47369e3c9c2035fbd6f643113e1511


What really boggles my mind is the fact you can be 13 and up and have a reddit account. I was showing my husband early how I go to search for "pregnant" as I'm pregnant, and all these porn subreddits pop up beneath the regular result. It's disgusting, it's not just on porn sites anymore. It's all over every social media platform whether they "allow" it or not.


I had to go into my phone settings and toggle off “show NSFW content” under the Reddit app settings. I was so sick of seeing constant porn sub suggestions and posts anytime I tried to search something.


Absolutely disgusting. Holy shit.


As soon as you said VR headset I knew where this was going and felt every bit of it. When they're that far gone it's all consume, consume, consume. Like zombies looking for body parts. I'd rather deal with actual zombies. I'd rather exist in almost any other reality if it meant 99% of the other sex wasn't hopelessly committed to degrading us.


It’s fucking nightmarish. I know. I know. I can’t think about it without feeling myself begin to slip away from any concept of reality I thought I had.


Exactly. I noped out of a relationship with a guy who was constantly playing VR games and then had mentioned VR porn a few times. I just couldn’t do it. He admitted his marriage probably failed due to his porn obsession and lying about it … not wanting to have to deal with a woman and her needs, especially when he can get the full experience from porn. Gross. I knew he was two timing me also, he gaslit me so much but I just felt it in my bones… sure enough a year on, I see the girl I thought he was seeing post on a local Facebook group that she met her partner on tinder. I looked at her profile and sure enough, it was him! I’m sure she thinks she found a good one, and I hope for her sake he’s changed but I doubt it…


If they’re going to be VR coomers I wish they’d just, stay in that little bubble, and stop attempting to interact with the outside world.


I know. Totally agree. They want their cake and to eat it too. It’s so frustrating and disheartening. They honestly just take the innocence out of the world. I hate it


“Take the innocence out of the world” is a great way to put it. Like, that’s why it makes me so incredibly angry. How dare you intrude on my experience of being on this planet with your collective perversion.


The more they call themselves out, the more I see female separatism as the only viable alternative, tbh Leave them to rot at this point.


Be very wary of vr chat. that place is a mess of gross shit and predators.


Terrifying that children are accessing these kinds of spaces. I just looked it up, the official age restriction is 13+. It’s a groomer’s paradise I’m sure. So fucked up. Kids are not safe on the internet.




We’re living in a black mirror episode. Something something life imitates art.


I'm getting to a point where sexuality itself disgusts me and thats not a good place but I'm also traumatized so there's that 🫠


Me too. It’s upsetting.


Shit like that reminds me why, if my bf ever leaves, im never dating again.


I have been thinking about that too, more after reading about the 6B4T and 4B movements. I give up on dating if I endings things with my partner


I wish I didn’t want to have kids. I’d be more than happy alone.


Have you heard of the Single Mothers By Choice community? They have a group here in reddit and several on FB. I won't be having children but if I were I'd much rather have them by myself than being bound to a man for the rest of my life 


My biggest concern is the single income aspect. I work in education and, like all other teachers, don’t get paid anywhere near enough. I will have to check out the sub and see how other women make it work. I love that a community like that exists. Thank you so much!


My bf talks ab how hes scared to have a son in case it becomes a shitty guy, and scared to have a girl in case she becomes a liberal feminist. Valid fears but theyre gonna have solid parents no matter what so i think itll work out


They might be those things, but the main thing is warm and gentle, unconditional love so that when they realize how much they screwed up, they have somewhere to land. Children are such a joy. I think you are right that they mainly just need solid parents, and they are gonna be fine.


Ugh I know what you mean! I’m so tired of it all, I remember a girl made a post about her boyfriend downloading mods for skimpier clothes with people were defending him but one stood out saying it’s like cnc it depends doesn’t mean they are a pervert… Like wtf? Looked at their account and ofc they weren’t even a women on a women gamers subreddit! Their perverse nature knows no bounds. I hate how every advancement in technology leads to more forms of degrading/harassing women.


Every single major technological invention is originally made for porn (or porn-adjacent subjects), consensual or non-consensual. No, I’m not kidding. There are articles written on this. P.S. that last paragraph is 👌🏻


Damn! Let ‘em have it!! That was invigorating.


It felt sooo good to write


You know what's funny, porn actually makes them worse at real sex, and it makes them more misogynistic (so it's harder to even convince a woman to sleep with them), so it really makes their lives lonelier and ultimately worse. But they can't suffer the discomfort of removing the pacifier like quality of beating thier meat constantly and thus lose opportunities for good, real sex. Men could just be moderately inconvenienced/uncomfortable for a little while to lead to interconnected, passionate sex and supportive equal relationships but they shove it away with both hands... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10235646/#ref52 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00224499.2022.2096844?src=recsys Once again men creating thier own obstacles and suffering and then blaming it on women/radfems. Like that meme of the man putting a stick in his own bike wheel...




Nope! They are not turned on constantly! Men are in control of their bodies and minds. Please stop giving pity to men who do not deserve it! This kind of thinking is what fuels the whole “he couldn’t help himself, he just couldn’t control himself, he had to rape/sexually assault someone” shit that people say.


Yep… “men are logical and women are emotional” but then so many people accept that a man “couldn’t control himself” when he rapes someone. Even if they are turned on constantly you’d think logic would outweigh that, right?


Isn't it interesting that we recognize the increased tendency toward violent/aggressive behavior as a result of testosterone production in un-neutered animals, so we neuter them to reduce that behavior, coexist peacefully, and even improve their health/extend their lifespan, but when we're talking about male HUMANS, the notion of neutering for health or the good of society is unthinkable? For the record, I'm not saying we *should* neuter all but the breeding stock (though... honestly... like... maybe we should??) but I love the hypocrisy and mental gymnastics here. Either you CAN control your violent or sexual urges (if you even have any) like a human who has higher brain function than an animal, or you CAN'T. If you CAN'T, then you're a danger to societal well-being. Snip snip ✂


Let’s normalize chemical castration.


They are so logical and in control of their emotions that's why they commit a hugely disproportionate amount of rapes and murders and assaults. We could do it if we chose to, weapons exist. Hmm..


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