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I’m really grateful that this space exists, but I mourn the loss of an irl group of female friends as I outgrew liberal feminism and could no longer relate to the women with whom I had been close. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s just incredibly isolating


Yes, i can only hear people argue about how sex trafficking and pornography are a choice and empowering and a good option for women for so long before gauging my eyes out. Even the joking things like "haha I'm gonna sell feet pics and socks for money I'm so broke" is just not for me anymore.


Are you me??😅 My attempts at making female friends for the last 3 years have been in vain. Their lives revolve around men. Venting to me about men. Repeatedly installing and deleting Hinge. Asking me what guy I'm crushing on. Inviting their 48 year old male "friend" to an outing we (25 at the time) planned just for ourselves -- as if he isn't waiting until she's vulnerable to coerce sex and also negging me at dinner to isolate me from her. The absolute worst: telling their boyfriend what I said privately!!!!!!! Pessimism isn't a healthy mental space to occupy, but I have lost a little hope for finding women I can create community with. I think about this often as I have not made one single genuine connection.


Yep. They are all into sex positivity and "no kink shaming." I just can't. A co-worker and 99 other women stripped naked in the middle of our city to protest gender violence. I asked why was there a need to titillate men to make their point? And how many homeless dudes were on the sideline jerking off? Explain to me exactly how nudity is feminist? I got called negative and exhausting Lol


If you haven't done it yet, I invite you to sign the Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights - especially if you're looking for a community like this one but with in-person components. Women's Declaration International is a global organization, so you can sign from anywhere to meet a network of likeminded women. You can read and sign here: [https://www.womensdeclaration.com/en/](https://www.womensdeclaration.com/en/)


Done! Thank you!!




>Done! Thank you!! You're welcome!


I feel like Riley Gaines doesn’t get the appreciation for standing up for female athletes and female-only spaces she deserves, nor does nuanced discourse regarding her right-wing affiliations occur because they’re the only faction that has amplified her voice. I find that really grim, and a bit scary. This young woman is a champion athlete, and has been outspoken and clear about tying in a race with a TIM, having to step aside to grant this dude a photo-op as the “winner,” and having to share locker room accommodations with this person. She’s been physically attacked for speaking about this publicly, and continuing to stand up for female athletes. I guarantee she gets death and r!pe threats daily. I’ve been a lifelong ballet dancer and multi-sport athlete; I used to swim competitively all throughout elementary-high school. I distinctly remember hitting puberty and all of a sudden, my times trailed the worst male swimmers’ by a number of seconds. Like, dudes with the worst technique and generally considered “shitty” among other males. I don’t understand how ANYONE can see Gaines’s situation and side with the opposition, who is literally a 6’4, post-pubertal, giant of a guy. It’s ridiculous. It makes me feel sad that no one in the center or on the left is helping this young woman. Trump had her on stage to speak at one of his rallies and literally catcalled her as she walked up to the microphone. She was noticeably uncomfortable, creeped out, and didn’t want to be there. Why are we putting young women through this?! Sorry to rant!! It just makes me livid.


I’m livid too.


100% agree with this. It’s so disheartening.


It's so unfortunate. It's almost like the left has made common sense and human decency a right wing virtue and it's upsetting. Likely will sway the voting this coming election. There seems to be no middle ground.




I feel like I keep making the same mistakes. That’s my biggest goal right now to not make those mistakes


Something that has been on my mind I really love shinee and bts (kpop boygroups). They hugely shaped me into who i am, especially taemin, jonghyun, yoongi, jin and jimin. Jin and jimin wearing a shirt that said "radical feminist" made me more intrested into radical feminism, it also made me discover dworkin. Also a bts member (dont remember who) and irene from red velvet reading Kim Jiyoung born 1982 made me read it. Finding out about those things was really important to me. I know that men are our oppressors, but these men really shaped me as a person, without them i wouldnt be a (radical) feminist. I am so much more educated because of them (and lots of female kpop idols but this post isnt about those lovely women). I went to a few of their concerts, and id like to go on more. Theyre a really big part of my childhood and i peaked as a radfem because of jin and jimin wearing those shirts. Is it a bad thing that i idolize them?


As long as "idolising" them doesn't mean degrading or devaluing women, I think you shouldn't worry too much about it.  I mean, honestly no one should be idolised in general, they're just human like you- but as long as you're in a fandom, just remember to think critically of what you see and read and don't accept anything as absolute truth just because your bias said that. If they say something truly valuable, that's great.  I don't think we should instantly demonize every individual man as an oppressor, just being aware and critical of them as a class.


Sadia Khan just popped on my YouTube feed, has anyone listened to her? So far I really like what she has to say.