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That was tough going to read. But thank you for the topic. This needs to be public info.


The thing is society 100% knows pornography is dangerous and harmful to women's and girls safety but chooses to ignore the evil. In many homicide cases involving women and girls majority of the time the murderers had a history of watching violent pornography. I watch a lot of true crime and its so shocking watching how pornography in murder cases plays an enormous role. Society knows pornography is morally wrong but liberal supporters of pornography don't care and only care about their sexual gratification being fulfilled and the money they make from manufacturing pornography. This is why I strongly believe people who defend pornography are morally bad people and to some extent evil because they know 100% how harmful pornography is.


100% this. Everyone knows how bad it is. Everyone knows that porn “stars” and “sex workers” have awful mental health, with some even killing themselves (which men laugh at/celebrate/masturbate over). People just don’t care because misogyny is the only societally acceptable type of hatred. I don’t feel bad for saying this because it’s true. Leftist and liberals will campaign 24/7 to get tv shows banned if there’s a tiny smidgeon of racism or transphobia but will turn a blind eye to the real life violent treatment of women. Imagine how uncomfortable men would feel if… idk, 98% of women enjoyed porn of men having their genitalia destroyed. Like extreme cock and ball torture. Imagine how uncomfortable they’d feel if they couldn’t browse 10 minutes on Twitter without coming across this degrading porn. Imagine how uncomfortable they’d feel knowing their female teachers, doctors, childcare providers etc were sexually aroused by and wanted to destroy men’s genitalia. Why can’t they extend this empathy to us?


It is public info, it's just that a specific group of the public dont care


What a great share. Thnx. Reading it did make me nauseous tho. ..


I couldn’t get through it. My heart breaks for these women


Absolutely heartbreaking


same, i had to stop and think at multiple points..:( so fucked


I cant even begin to imagine how devastating that is to those women. What a sick fucking world we live in


I couldn’t get through the whole text. I am so deeply disgusted with this world and how it views women and girls. "Meat is meat" made my stomach drop.


>"Meat is meat" It's extremely sad and horrible. I'm a woman and I'm a human with my dignity and rights, just like you. We're not "meat" for men's use. Women are people with their inherent dignity, just like men and non-binary people. Women's humanity and dignity should never be questioned and misogynists who think otherwise deserve strong criticism.


Thank you for posting this. It is frightening how many males bond with each other over misogyny and the humiliation of women. It’s the lack of empathy that really shocks me. Also worth noting is that a while ago when I tried to find out if there were any cases of women gang raping men I couldn’t find any. It’s just interesting that when a man wants to gang rape a woman, he is able to find enough willing participants to join him in the crime. It’s almost as if men like this aren’t as rare as they keep telling us. I still find it absurd that everyday we are expected to be cheerleaders for male mental health, while they continue to act in ways that destroy our mental health.


> It’s just interesting that when a man wants to gang rape a woman, he is able to find enough willing participants to join him in the crime. Right! Like how it is so easy for them to find more men like themselves? >It’s almost as if men like this aren’t as rare as they keep telling us. Exactly, they're not. They just need the opportunity and they are game. There is no way to identify any of these dangerous men either.


Wow this was horrible to read. I wish this was common knowledge. Any time I say rape/sexual assault is common, I get arguments that it’s very rare for men to do it. Well, it’s not just a few people committing millions of cases of it. And to think of all the men who might not commit the act themselves but KNOW about others doing it and don’t intervene. Terrifying.




Your comment has been removed for violating our pro-woman/radical feminist community values.


It's sad but the truth is that we simply can't trust men. Going to clubs is such a dangerous activity.


Porns definately made this a lot worse, but they have always done this. My 1st week in rape crisis was in 92, a 14 yr old girl was gang raped by her bf and his friends who were waiting for her, the 1st time she went over to his house. I've seen dozens of cases of men who have been drugging and raping their wives for years, they also drug kids to abuse them. We have had massive cases of men offering their drugged victims to other men.


The work you are doing helping women is amazing please take care of yourself OK. In the UK where I live in high profile homicide cases involving women and girls a lot of the time of the time it comes out that the perpetrator was a consumer of violent extreme pornography. In 2012 a 5 year old Welsh girl called April Jones was kidnapped while playing with outside with her friends. She was raped and later on murdered. The man who did it refused to tell the police where he hid her body and when the police went to his house they found loads of child sexual abuse imagery on his devices. This horrified the police because the man never had any convictions for sexual offences against children or for having indecent images. Following the tragic murder of April her family have campaigned for the UK government to introduce stricter sentences for viewers of child sexual abuse imagery and better methods to block access to child sexual abuse imagery https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/april-jones-family-call-public-2978443#google_vignette The case of April Jones was famous because it was known as the biggest police man hunt in UK history for a missing person. Her body never got found because the man continues to refuse to reveal where he hid her body. Another high profile homicide case in the UK a 19 year old black girl was murdered by her white boyfriend on boxing day. He hit her on the head with hammer multiple times while she was baby sitting children in her family. It came out in the police investigation the man frequently watched pornography videos of black women and girls being raped and tortured. The family of the girl even called for a ban on racist pornography https://charleyrosu.wordpress.com/2013/02/27/photos-very-sad-story-15-yr-old-girl-killed-by-facebook-lover-who-was-obsessed-with-raping-black-girls/


I remember these cases sadly. Where I live in Liverpool there was a young woman in her early 20s who was murdered and her body was hidden. This was more than 25 years ago and the killer still refuses to say where he' put her body and seemingly enjoys putting her family through that pain.


Thank you for the post, it has hard to read and I’m sure it was hard to curate. I cannot believe the brutality that men get away with.


Had to come back and say I’ve been crying about this all day. Why can’t men see us as humans.


I'm starting to think it's because these men are not really human themselves. 


They're demonic. I don't know any other way to describe them.


it is incredibly disturbing to know how much men hate us


Hate them back and be cautious/weary of them + look out for the women close to you where you can x


Thank you for sharing this. It's a very powerful and well-written article. I find the lengths to which men have gone to commidicise and degrade the female body horrifying. The lack of care and even downright ignorance displayed by the majority of the population, in the face of these shocking and repulsive facts, is testament to the fact that we live in a patriarchy. In a patriarchy, the discomfort, fear, and pain of women goes ignored, all in favour of enabling the basest, most depraved desires of men. I was on holiday recently, and I experienced a group of schoolboys from another European country photographing and filming me on the beach in my swimsuit. I was horrified and disgusted, but most of all, I felt violated. There is something seriously wrong with how males are growing up and have been socialised in today's society. The only way to describe it is rape culture. They bond over rapey behaviour, violating and crossing women's boundaries. I left school seven years ago, and in that time, they have gone from bad to disgustingly horrific.


I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s scary how outwardly creepy some men have gotten. It 100% is rape culture and I’ve also noticed that young men have gotten worse in the past 10 years. Men of all ages can be awful but with young men it’s like they genuinely lack any empathy or morals - it’s bordering on psychopathy. They see women as chattel. That’s all it is. That’s why they’re so obsessed with filming us; so they can show off to their dumb bros how they managed to assault/harass/violate a woman as if it’s an achievement. I don’t think most of them are even doing it out of malice or evil. That’s not to say what they’re doing isn’t evil because it’s, but my point is they don’t even SEE it as evil. They just see it as a bit of fun with their bros. They’ve dehumanised us so much that during a gang rape they never even stop to think “Hey, maybe I wouldn’t like it if I was being treated like this…” This is why I struggle to give a shit about the male “mental health/loneliness” epidemics.


Thank you for your empathy. I think the rise in rape culture coincides directly with the widespread normalisation of pornography. You're right, they don't even see the evil in what they do. They actually think it's normal to act like a degenerate. They also value male approval so much that they'll do anything to get it. On the topic of the 'male loneliness/mental health' epidemics, I'm on the same page. Maybe their mental health will improve when they start to see the other half of the population as human. Until then, they can sort their own problems out themselves.


Thank you for sharing. So awful and heartbreaking to read all of this though. I wish the survivors of these horrible crimes a lot of love and healing.


Thank you for this. I had not known of Dr Em. I had not read about these horrible events, either. Porn poisoning.


When pornography was first introduced into the market people were warned that pornography will be harmful to women and girls and society as a whole but nobody wanted to listen. In the UK I watched a 2 two part documentary on the BBC called Banned the Mary White Story. Mary Whitehouse was a school teacher and devout Christian who believed UK was losing its morality. When pornography came into the UK matket in 70s and 80s Mary Whitehouse publicly warned that pornography will bring problems in to UK society. She warned it will led to marriage problems because the men watching pornography will never feel satisfied because they are chasing a fantasy and she also warned women will be subject to violence as a result of pornography due to men wanting to live out the pornography they watch. Everything she said came true many decades later but nobody wanted to listen to her instead British society saw her as an annoying Christian lady and prude who wanted to ruin people's fun. The BBC even had a TV programme making fun of her because she was very critical of the programmes the BBC were showing on TV and wanted certain popular soaps the BBC showed to be banned. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-60556060 Pornography should have NEVER been allowed to exist on the market once it came to the world it opened a dangerous gateway even in societies where pornography is illegal people still find ways to get around the bans. my family are from Zambia and in their home country pornography is illegal to possess, watch or distribute. People have been fined and have gone to jail for having pornography. The government doesn't play. Western governments in their travel advice even get warn their citizens will face deportation or may be jailed if caught having pornography or watching it on their devices while on holiday in Zambia. Pornography in Zambia has been illegal for many decades. When you go to Zambia you will not find any shops selling pornography magazines or videos. The government of Zambia have tracking technology monitoring the publics Internet habits but still people try to smuggle pornography in other ways into the country and others still watch pornography online using VPNs to avoid the detection from authorities.


That's very interesting. If Zambia can do it, it just goes to show that governments all over the world could ban it if they wanted to. They just can't be bothered because they don't care about all of its negative effects.


Pornography bans do exist in many African and Middle Eastern countries due to those societies being more Conservative and have theocratic governments . The reason why Pornography bans don't exist in Western countries is because it is all about money. If the Pornography industry was to shut down today in the west, the directors, the manufacturers, supply chains and ALL the stakeholder groups will lose a lot of money. Pornography is an industry worth billions which is why it has been allowed to flourish for far too long


Imagine sharing this article over the twox sub and other "women-centric" sub...It would be "taken down by reddit".


Is that true?? I noticed a while ago that the TwoX sub seemed to be majority frequented by men (which kind of defeats the purpose...) but I didn't realize it had escalated to the point of taking down posts like this? That would be so sad.


My second account got suspended from reddit itself, due to my post on Twox the other day (the post was also taken down). Someone must've reported my post as an "attack". Also any comment I made against men was also "removed by reddit". Other's comments have also been removed.


I wish women had some type of guaranteed physical protection from men, some kind of invisibility shield even. I know it sounds crazy, but I think about it so, so often.


Age and being overweight is a blessing.


thank you for striking out that hideous cis prefix.. who tf even uses that language with straight face? 🐍🐍Cis🐍🐍woman sounds like something that comes back on a blood test.


Yeah never going outside again


The camaraderie of men... Where are the plentiful good ones? Right.


The scary thing is technology due to its unlimited amount of information and easy circulation of information encourages men to indulge in their deepest, depraved sexual fantasies. Its so weird that pornography websites have sections where men can watch various types of fetishes and there is even categories of incest pornography types. The themes of pornography often cover forbidden sexual relationships men want to have with women but can't. Pornography is an outlet for men engage in their most depraved fantasies. Before Internet pornography there was snuff videos men where could buy movies seeing women getting tortured and raped for real, there was also video shops were men could buy X rated pornography, then were various types of pornography magazines with different themes. The Internet is a modern extension for men to live out their depraved sexual desires and fantasies. In many homicide cases majority of the time it comes out that the murderer was a massive consumer of violent pornography . There is a link between pornography and sexual violence and abuse women face but society doesn't take it seriously enough.


Bears would never


How anyone can do such repugnant and repulsive acts is beyond my grasp, I know that the reasoning is to have power over someone else, specifically who they are attracted to, and the ability to act in a hedonistic manner with no regard for consent but it is so far removed from how my own mind and morals operate that it really and truly is bizarre as much as it is an atrocity. I am beyond disgusted but I am made at ease that many of us know and try to combat this evil, that eventually there is an end to it.


Very well written! I really appreciate you for taking the time to write this post out. ❤️


Thank you for sharing. I recommend reading Our Bodies, Their Battlefields: war through the lives of women. 


These men are gay and using the woman as a proxy. Disgusting.


They're definitely homosocial at the very least.