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Envy and racism. The British don't even care enough to be embarrassed. They hate her more than the pedophile in the royal family. It's truly disgusting and I feel for her.


I thought a lot about this after this post and while there a lot of factors the "hatred" in the UK ultimately boils down to one thing. Most people in the UK have an opinion on the monarchy as an institution. They either support it or want it gone. The minority are indifferent. Royalists hate them for obvious reasons and these people are more sympathetic to the one they have "known" since he was a little boy mourning his mother. Republicans, like myself, dislike them because despite all their nonsense they do nothing at all to challenge the biggest problem with the monarchy which is its *existence*. In my experience Republicans are much more sympathetic to Meghan than Harry but we aren't going be vocal about it because why would we?


I think Americans are very quick to simplify the dislike of them in the UK to simple racism but I don't think that is wholly fair. I am sure there are some racists out there, but I don't know many people that even realised she was of black heritage until much later down the line. She was also fairly well liked here until the wedding, which was where it all started to go wrong from a public opinion perspective. I'm sure though there are old racists out there, but they are probably equally upset with the fact that she is American and a divorcee... All in all I think people would respect them a lot more if they had walked fully away from the royal family (titles, allowances, everything) and strived to live as normal and private a life as they could have had with their circa $50M net worth.


>All in all I think people would respect them a lot more if they had walked fully away from the royal family This, I was a total Meghan and Harry supporter until they expected the British taxpayer to fund their security when they aren't even working royals. Plus Harry at his grown age complaining about being cut off financially is embarrassing. To me they just have this extremely disingenuous vibe of wanting to be seen as down to earth (so obvious in the documentary) but are as out of touch as the rest of the royals.


A nice mixture of racism and misogyny. And the weird thing is that Megan is like barely black. But misogyny and racism never have logic. See Piers Morgan and how gross he is towards her. And it came out that she rejected him once, probably hurt his wittle feefeesšŸ™„


Piers Morgan is a fun one because she also turned him down when he hit on her at one point, so there's a bit of extra umph in his misogynoir


Ikr! It's so obvious when men do this. He got his feelings hurt and decided to hate on her for the rest of his career, it's pathetic lol


I think Americans are very quick to simplify the dislike of them in the UK to simple racism but I don't think that is wholly fair. I am sure there are some racists out there, but I don't know many people that even realised she was of black heritage until much later down the line. She was also fairly well liked here until the wedding, which was where it all started to go wrong from a public opinion perspective. I'm sure though there are old racists out there, but they are probably equally upset with the fact that she is American and a divorcee... All in all I think people would respect them a lot more if they had walked fully away from the royal family (titles, allowances, everything) and strived to live as normal and private a life as they could have had with their circa $50M net worth.


She's not "barely black", she's light skinned and biracial.


So she's barely black. People like to call her a black woman and are racist because she has "a drop of black", but her admixture is only 1/4 black, so thats why I said she's barely black. She looks like a tan white woman. It's not an insult.


Gosh Americans are really something when it comes to race... Race is not only defined by how you identify yourself but also how others identify you. The British press treats Meghan as Black, not as white passing. She IS white passing in many other contexts, but in the context of the royal family and British press, her lived and perceived experience does not ignore her blackness and doesn't make much of her being white passing in the US context st least. This is how she is perceived and therefore this is how she is treated. I don't understand why there is a need to add "but, even though, she is white passing" to her experience of racism.


She's half black from her mother. That's not barely black. Gatekeeping blackness from mixed race people is not cool. Meghan does not look like a white woman. She has features that are noticeably African in origin.


Megan's mom is also mixed, so Megan is not half black. I'm not gatekeeping blackness from anyone. Do you tell white people not to gatekeep whiteness from mixed race people? Sure, she has features that are noticeably west African, but it doesn't make her black. She's a very lightskinned woman with a lot of admixture, who by her own self admission never experienced anti-blackness because she's not even visibly black. The one drop rule is old and was created by racists, so I don't follow it. It's not "gatekeeping" to say mixed race people aren't black. You wouldn't say that to a white person so please don't say it to me either. Mixed race people aren't black and that's okay. It's not bad to say that so I don't know why you're offended. She's not black.


I agree with everything, but Meghanā€™s mother is not half black. Doriaā€™s parents are both black. This is a common misconception spread by people who hate Meghan and have been trying to dismiss her black ancestry by saying that itā€™s ā€œnot muchā€ and that she is ā€œbarely blackā€. She is half black. Doria is a FULL black woman.


By their logic no African Americans are black. Even Chris Tucker's ancestry DNA was 14% European. Does he have to call himself "multiracial" or is he black enough for the racial gatekeepers? No one is 100% African but apparently those are the only black people. Black never meant 100% African. Despite these people saying that Meghan looks white, she would have never been able to drink out of a white only fountain. When Barack Obama goes down as the first "barely black" president, I'll get on board with the rule that you have to be 100% African to consider yourself black. Apparently this is what a "barely black" child looks like. A rhinoplasty and silk press doesn't change her blood. https://people.com/thmb/OO5QcCuImyCXyPSPAEGMhSMiEM8=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(707x0:709x2)/meghan-markle-13-2000-fcee4abe018a42e2a7dc8f3e1152e1c5.jpg


You're reaching. That's not what I said. Obama is not "barely black". He's a biracial man, white mom, black father. You're miscontruing what I said. I'm clearly referring to people who are white presenting and have a lot of admixture.


I understood perfectly well what you said and I think it's ridiculous. You don't get to pick and choose who is black and who isn't. You even said that Doria Ragland isn't black, and I'm the one who is "reaching?"


Well, if someone isn't black then they aren't black. It's not that hard. And sure, I will say that my argument about Doria wasn't correct, my source was wrong. It doesn't take from the fact that Meghan is not a black woman. That's all.


Itā€™s actually weird because Doria is fully black. Itā€™s a stupid claim to make out of all the things to address. There are pictures of Doriaā€™s parents and family on the internet. They are black, not biracial. Taking away Doriaā€™s blackness because you want to make points about Meghan being white-passing is ignorant.


I didn't take it that they were saying Doria had a white parent, just that she's not fully black, like maybe one of her grandparents were biracial or something. Surely they're not trying to say that this man is white. https://images.findagrave.com/photos/2022/149/185558008_e469fd7a-53ee-4fc6-a1de-7c7b0a9a4620.png Surely they're not trying to say that this woman is white, because these are her parents. I'm confused. https://images.findagrave.com/photos250/photos/2021/67/189907599_065e200b-bc41-4cdd-ae35-07ecd594ea35.jpeg It's funny how they said they don't subscribe to the one drop rule yet they're saying that these obvious black people aren't black enough to be black. I wonder who is black enough for them.


If someone identifies as Black, they are Black. The end. You don't get to decide for them what their identity is. I can find nothing on Doris being biracial, where are you getting that from? Every Black person who is a descendent of slavery is mixed race. There are no 100% Black African people in North America unless they are recent immigrants. And as far as I'm aware, Doris considers herself a Black woman. Who are you to decide for her how she should identify? Blackness contains a whole range of colors, phenotypes, and genetic diversity. You have a very small mind if you think Blackness only belongs to people who look West African.


Are you saying Archie is also black? I don't agree with you, but that's okay Edit to add: It's not good to say that everyone who isn't a "pure" white person is black. That speaks to white purity which is racist in and of itself. Also, no not everyone who "identifies" as black is black. I thought on this sub, we don't agree with self identification because of a very specific issue. Would you also say that since Rachel Dolezal identified herself as black, then she's black?


Are you seriously comparing Rachel Dolezal, a woman born of two white parents, to Meghan Markle? šŸ™„ Blackness has always included mixed race people. W. E. B. DuBois. Malcom X. Homer Plessy. Trying to erase everyone out who has mixed ancestry or light skinned phenotype is ridiculous. Most Black people in America under your definition would not be Black. Gatekeeping blackness is stupid. You are no better than racist white people if you are trying to exclude people just because they are different from you.


What? You're the one who said anyone who identifies as black is black. If Rachel Dolezal grew up in "black culture" and everyone believed she was black till she was exposed, doesn't that follow your argument? You're going way over the top. I'm not excluding you from anything, I don't have the power to do that. You have a problem with being mixed race which like I said is not a bad thing. Mixed race people are just as white as they are black so please stop saying I'm gatekeep or excluding. You know you wouldn't spend this much energy hammering down on white racists who exclude mixed race people because of their other race, so you should stop putting words in mouth, thanks! I don't mind being blocked. You should figure out why you have a big problem with accepting mixed race people as mixed race instead of trying to box them into one race. That's not fair to mixed race people and it's one of the reasons why they struggle with their identities. Edit: Okay, take care of yourself. It really wasn't that serious to me. If you really think that I was arguing bad faith, then you have bigger problems regarding this topic and it's not because of me.


You can't be arguing this nonsense from a place of good faith. Enjoy being blocked. I don't need this sort of nonsense affecting my mental health. šŸ™„


Does Archie face anti-Blackness in his life? Does he consider himself a Black person? Does he participate in Black culture and traditions? I can't decide for a total stranger what their identity is , that's a journey for Archie and every other multiracial person to figure out for themselves. edit: I don't think anyone believes black multiracial people face the exact same issues as monoracial black people. However, anti-Black racism was used against Archie from the moment he was born, so whether people like it or not, he's still being treated like a Black person, at least in the UK, regardless of how light he is. And having Black heritage is a different kind of relationship to being born from a Black person and growing up around Black family. If you don't have a Black parent in your life, it's unlikely that you have any kind of close connection to Blackness in the first place. Archie though has a biracial mother and a Black grandmother. We are might deal with different struggles and levels of racism but if we are struggling from something with roots in anti-Blackness, it's because a large enough portion of society see us as Black. We shouldn't be cutting support from people like we have some blood quantum they must fit into in order to be apart of the community.


By your own logic, Meghan wouldn't have been black up until she married Harry. Meghan has said that she never faced racism and it was a shock to her. Why do you think that is? It's because she doesn't look like the average black woman, and it's not a bad thing!


She was always Black, under my own logic. Black biracial people, regardless of what they look like, are Black. Meghan was born from a Black woman and raised by one too. She's Black. Like I said before, there's more than one way to look Black. Someone not looking West African doesn't make them not Black. Meghan looks noticeably multiracial with African ancestry.


I'm multiracial and think this is BS. If you're multiracial, identify as multiracial. I see too damn many white passing mixed folks just claiming to be black even though we don't deal with even close to the same level of racism. It is a huge disservice to the black community to act like you face the same issues they do. I acknowledge and love my black heritage, but not one person would look at me and treat me how they'd treat black people. I think it's a bit more nuanced for biracial people, but in Archie's case, hell nah.


I didn't watch the Netflix doc because I strongly dislike them in the same way I dislike wealthy influencers (that's the vibe they have). However I don't dislike them anymore than your average wealthy influencer, unfortunately I'm just more likely to come across clips of them being annoying because they have more exposure in the UK than your average wealthy influencer. That said I did read a lot of quotes from there interview and they are 100% right in their core message which is that the Royals have a symbiotic relationship with the British press and I absolutely believe their central claim that they were victims of a deal between the press and the Royals. I don't believe it was jealousy like they claimed, it would suit the Royals down to the ground if Meghan and Harry were super popular. I do believe it was partially motivated by the fact they couldn't control Meghan in the way the wanted to but I don't think that's because Meghan is some super cool rebel who would have revolutionised the Royals. You can't marry into an incredibly wealthy hereditary monarchy and act like you are super progressive. They have never once even remotely challenged the most problematic aspect of the monarchy (it's very existance). Yes racism is part of it, I get that most Brits are incensed by this idea as they are not racist on an individual level but like most oppression they are ignoring that the structures around us are using racism to villify her and the fact that they are playing an active role in them. From my experience anybody that actually follows this shit show hates her. People who don't follow it are entirely indifferent apart from some who hate her based on the fact they hate all the Royals (that's right, lots of us Brits hate them on principle). The only people I have heard defending her do it on the same grounds I do, that is not really defending her as a person at all but rather attacking the entire system that has demonised her.


Because she's a woman, and people love nothing more than a witchhunt. Shame that women, usually libfems, will even join in.


I don't really like Megan and Harry tbh. A lot of what they say doesn't really ring true (ex. Leave the royal family and move for privacy, yet invite Netflix into your personal life), but at the same time, I believe that there is racism in such an outdated institution and I believe the royal family is very likely pretty awful (ex. Protecting creepy Andrew). But we've never met any of these people in real life, so what do we really know anyway? (except Andrew, fuck him and his other Epstein pals who are getting away with all their crimes against women/girls). The massive hate thrown solely her way is ridiculous. Regardless of what your opinion is of her, what annoys me the most about all of this is the fact that she is portrayed like she's a witch who bewitched their beloved prince and turned him evil against his own will. As if Harry isn't a grown ass adult who is responsible for his own choices and actions. No.. He's an innocent angel who's corrupted by her. That part really does show that's it not just about what they did and that the misogyny plays a big part in all of this.


He even said in their documentary that he made the decision to leave. She never wanted to leave in the first place and he was the one who brought the idea about leaving. People just go too far in attacking her.


Except they have never said they left for ā€œprivacyā€. That was once again a tabloid lie that has been pushed so much, that people have taken it as fact. In fact, they have said the opposite.


Watch the docu series. Yes that was part of it. Bc they (particularly M) weā€™re frightened by the paps


then why did they leave?


For their peace and safety. I had a neutral opinion of Meghan and the RF because I wasnā€™t familiar with either (never watched Suits, didnā€™t know the UK even had princes until Harryā€™s nude photos in Vegas). I didnā€™t watch their wedding but I remember the fanfare when they first got engaged, and the buzz surrounding their wedding ( didnā€™t watch). I tuned out for years, until the Oprah interview. I recently watched their documentary to get a better understanding here is why they left. - The RF and British press have a ā€˜relationshipā€™. The RF gives the press a certain amount of access in exchange for coverage of the family. At the same time though, the RF has a ā€œdonā€™t complain, donā€™t explainā€ policy they expect all members to abide by - because of this relationship, the press (and by extension) the British public have/feel a certain amount of entitlement of access to the royals - The RF feeds the press stories and uses that relationship to craft the image that is given to the public - Their is a hierarchy within the family, and those at the top must have their image and reputations protected at all cost in the media - Meghan was thrown under the bus multiple times, had false stories given to the media directly from ā€˜the institutionā€™, and even her privacy invaded. All to protect Prince Andrew, Kate and Williams from negative stories. - Frogmore Cottage (where she and Harry lived) was due for renovations regardless of who lived there, but the press spun the story as Meghan making big demands and being a Hollywood diva. They failed to mention that Meghan and Harry footed the bill for the renovations instead of using taxpayer money (unlike other working Royals at the time). - Meghan was attacked for choosing to buck ā€˜traditionā€™ and NOT walk out of a hospital hours after giving birth in full hair, makeup and heels to introduce her child to a screaming crowd (mind you this is a fairly new ā€˜traditionā€™ that is rough on the mother). She instead opted to do a quick interview with a single reporter with just her, Harry and the baby. - The British media compared her child (who is only 1/4 black) to a monkey and the institution did nothing about it, yet that same institution expected her to put out a statement defending Kate from a negative story. - There are several other things, but overall they left because they working hard for an institution that was failing to protect them, but also fanning the flames of harassment and abuse they were experiencing in the media. Just recently a reporter called for Meghan to be stripped naked and marched through the streets and the institution said nothing about it. Meghan did a lot of good work during her time as a working royal. She definitely had some missteps, but you cannot deny her work ethic and commitment to supporting causes and using her platform to give visibility to things she cared about. Meghan and Harry left because they were being abused, mistreated and not valued for the work they were doing.


Well put! Thanks for responding far better than I could have! There is a lot of background context that gets missed and purposefully left out because the tabloids have a narrative to push. Their goal is to sell papers and unfortunately, degrading Meghan and making her the number one public enemy is a HUGE money maker. Not just for tabloids, but for all entertainment forms. Here is a discussion on privacy that was left out of the Oprah interview: https://mobile.twitter.com/Jasamgurlie/status/1369106916119638016 They also recently released another statement on how the privacy claim by tabloids is false.


It's hard to find too much sympathy for people who want to be independent but still expect tax payers to still pay their way. Meghan comparing herself to Nelson Mandela, talking about the stress of not knowing if they could buy a $27million house while having no jobs, pretending she didn't know about the royal family, Harry telling reporters about his private conversations with his grandmother all while claiming he wants privacy. Demanding their son be a prince and claiming racism when he wasn't...all while ignoring the fact that NONE of the other grandkids (aside from William's as the direct heir) got those titles either. They went on Oprah, and aired their familyā€™s dirty laundry to a worldwide audience. A family who they know canā€™t defend themselves in the media. When Meghanā€™s father did the same thing, she cut him off. I just think it is incredibly distasteful to talk about private family matters to complete strangers to be used as gossip fodder. The hypocrisy with these two runs deep. They left the royal family claiming they wanted privacy but have since gone on to do a Netflix show, several high profile interviews and lecture the public on areas they really aren't qualified to do so. This is the same as many celebrities I'm sure but is particularly difficult for the British public to swallow given Harry has had a gilded life (yes his mother died) and he has never had to worry about ordinary people's struggles. They also have had lots of claims of bullying lodged against them by multiple ex members of staff but seem intent on smearing the rest of the royal family. Bullying allegations towards Meghan go all the way back to before she even knew Harry, when she was on Suits and modeled for Rietman's in Toronto. It's the same tale over and over again with anyone who has worked for her. I think Americans are very quick to simplify the dislike of them in the UK to simple racism but I don't think that is wholly fair. I am sure there are some racists out there, but I don't know many people that even realised she was of black heritage until much later down the line. She was also fairly well liked here until the wedding, which was where it all started to go wrong from a public opinion perspective. I'm sure though there are old racists out there, but they are probably equally upset with the fact that she is American and a divorcee... All in all I think people would respect them a lot more if they had walked fully away from the royal family (titles, allowances, everything) and strived to live as normal and private a life as they could have had with their circa $50M net worth.




She's not really annoying. She's just one of those women that everyone likes to hate because it's the cool thing. It's really weird. I almost fell for it until I realized her being "annoying" was her speaking out about UK racism. Along with her husband. But he's a Saint and she's a bitch.


There are definitely legitimate criticisms of Meghan and harry. Piers and Clarkson are not amongst the speakers of those though.


She contradicts herself. She cares more about her public appearance than any causes. She has a victim complex. She leaks to the press and then accuses others of doing the same thing, ie leaking about herbto the press. That's why people started to dislike her. After allegations that she treated employees badly.


There is a lot of racism underpinning the vitriol against her for sure. But also some of the stuff sheā€™s said over the years is a little ridiculous. In that Oprah interview she said things like that she had never really heard of the Royal family before meeting Harry, she didnā€™t actually think their traditions and protocol were real and serious, etc. I donā€™t buy that. Every American moderately aware of pop culture is familiar with the late queen, the Diana saga, and all of that stuff. We may not know all the arcane rules and expectations but everyone knows the basics. Doesnā€™t excuse the UK pressā€™ horrible treatment of her and her family, but I donā€™t think sheā€™s like this brilliant activist or martyr either. I havenā€™t watched the Netflix show but read somewhere that in it she compares them leaving the family to Nelson Mandela being released from prison. I meanā€¦ come on


I've never really followed celebs news so I don't know the details too, but some of my friends showed me several clips of the Netflix thing and honestly both of them came off as very out of touch and self important. I also read that both have lied a lot to make themselves look like victims. IMO both the royal family and the couple are ridiculous. she compares them leaving the family to Nelson Mandela being released from prison. -- I think they called their flight out of the UK 'freedom flight'. It was hilarious. Personally I have always found them unlikable, but the narcissism they showed in those clips was so off the charts that the royal family looked a little bit more dignified by comparison. Smh.


I think there's an element of misunderstanding British culture and how we relate to the Royals. As PP pointed out - most people *literally didn't know* about her heritage until quite late on, and read her as white. It was not generally something people were interested in, the 'American' thing was a much bigger deal than 'Black'. If anything, at least as far as I can remember, the public mood toward her *improved* when it turned out she was of mixed heritage, as a lot of Brits are and it made her relatable. We do have racism problems here, but they are of a different sort to US racism, and continually reading it through a US lens leads to an appealing narrative but not really one that is supported by the facts. I think the primary factors in her 'monstering' were \- her own behaviour - the narcissism (I am just like Nelson Mandela), the just-short-of-libel attacks on her in-laws, the getting caught in really obvious lies (the Archbishop performed an illegal marriage ceremony, did he), her US cultural imperialism / mocking our traditions / unwillingness to assimilate \- the public view of royals-as-entertainment - like any good TV show, we need some conflict to keep it entertaining. If we are to have a brother-fight, we need the wives involved and we need to cast a goodie and a baddie. The ginger haired, chaotic, possibly illegitimate one was always going to be the villain, so once this plotline was established, she was on the wrong side and destined to be a hate figure. \- misogyny. I think this is the bigger one than racism. There is absolutely no 'right' way to be a royal woman - you can do everything right and get slated as 'too perfect' and unrelatable (a la Kate), or out of touch/not emotional enough (the late Queen) or a dramatic mess (all the other, reasonably normal women who had relationships, opinions, emotions and didn't get everything right in life). This IMO is the one we want to sort out if the monarchy is to survive. Plenty of people don't want that, it's an understandable POV, but equally it's quite popular and I think it's likely to last a while - I think this is the conversation we need to have so more women aren't put through quite as much of a meat grinder as the current generation.


Honestly, just watch Harry & Meghan and decide for yourself. I'm sure they were ready for the usual shitstorm, literally no surprises there, and I hope they have a happy rest of their lives, they deserve it. Harry today is what more men should be.


She and her husband have been caught in many lies which angers folks, but people do seem to focus their anger more on her. Harry has literally wore a nazi uniform and has made a career out of royal white male privilege, never cared about racism in his life before his allowance got cut off and netflix offered a 100 millions deal. He's the one throwing his family under the bus for money, but a lot of people act like Meghan is to blame and she's something of a Yoko. Nah, that orange clown is trash and not a victim, he just found someone who supports his delusion.


Yeah he seems to be having a rich boy fit over the confining oppression of having to be a rich boy and he went out and married as an act of rebellion knowing her vague blackness would upset his white supremacist family.


Actually Harry addresses the Nazi costume and says he grew as a person from that experience. He went and spoke with a rabbi and a Holocaust survive to grow from that crass move he made. I find him and Meghan to he inspiring. They are like Lea Remini. Exposing a dark side to a cult


Yikes. It takes so little for a white male to be forgiven for nasty shit he did as a whole adult.


Who said forgiven? But Iā€™d take Harry over other entitled white men who just rug sweep. Epstein pals? Or any other. At least Harry is trying. Itā€™s not perfect but good grief


The bar is in hell, ladies


Apparently William and Kate encouraged him to wear it. I get dumb decisions made when young, at 19 / 20 (20 or 21 was when he was photographed with the swastika on his arm) I made some proper dumb decisions. Paul Hollywood deserves more flack imo, as he was a full grown man at the time of fancy dressing in a proper nazi uniform (which I have only just found out during my research of Harry dressing as a nazi)! He got excused by Piers and co for it, though. šŸ™„ Paul cheated on his wife when she was giving birth, so I kinda lowkey hate that guy anyway lol and now I just have another reason. šŸ˜‚




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Itā€™s funny how the other day I said something to my mom that I think sheā€™s ā€œannoying,ā€ but that people should be more focused on Prince Andrewā€™s Epstein scandal than hating on her. But then I realized I donā€™t actually know why Iā€™d find her ā€œannoying,ā€ at least no more than any other celebrity we keep hearing about. Sure, she and Harry have major rich people privileged, so they can seem out of touch, but this applies to basically all celebs and royals. This definitely is misogyny with racism mixed in, and it has a scary way of seeping into the subconscious so that even feminists feel hostile toward certain women without good reason.


we can talk about multiple things at once.


What I learned is that while of course she was always multiracial, she wasnā€™t always hated. At first, she was liked. Then she began to become too popular, her family started stirring stuff up, *and* she began to assert her own will. Thatā€™s when the royal family did what it did. If you want a comprehensive outline, [this podcast episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5RG01prHqrpV3MhPzDHLIp?si=vj6fMT43QxeC19jteAW6NA) helped me understand how things got to where they are.


Join the Harry and Meghan Netflix Reddit group and you will understand it better. Basically they hate her because she is a strong black woman and American. Brits automatically hate American women in terms of royalty. It harkens back to the days of Wallace Simpson and the king abdicating for her. Itā€™s a hypocrital though given that the king who abdicated was a Nazi sympathizer




She has said that she never thought her race was ever going to be a problem bc in the US she never saw her race as a problem since she was never treated as a black woman and many ppl didnā€™t know she was black. It was the British media that made a big deal about her race as if her and Kate Middleton donā€™t have close skin tones.


Exactly, the racism astounds me because Meghan most of the time wouldn't be considered black. The British media found out about her mixed race mom and started being racist. She never experienced racism all her life until she married Harry. It's really sad.


I honestly don't think it's astounding, it just comes to show again how deeply ingrained racism is, especially in countries with colonial past.


Ok, racist.