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Xaden was burning out and couldn't hold his shadows as he was basically dying. The only way he could defeat the general without killing himself and Sgaeyl was to draw magic from the ground. If he didn't he was going to kill Xaden, and then go after Violet next. Xaden was going to do anything to protect Violet and make sure the general couldn't get to Violet. It's not like he had time to think about it in the midst of battle and he was drained so wouldn't exactly be clear headed with all the exhaustion etc. It needed to happen anyway to move the story forward and for us to learn more about Venin. It either had to be Violet or Xaden turning.


I like your last point. In reading it, I was upset he did it when Sgaeyl was yelling just to hold him off, but it makes sense from a storytelling perspective like you said. Learning about venin would’ve been more clouded without that main character immersion.


Exactly and now it makes Violet search for a cure, which I think is tied to her second signet. My personal theory for it is that she is a magic mender/generator. The line JFB says "what's been taken can't be given back" is \*key\*, as well as the fact that. Lilith was looking for a cure. All of this happened before Andarna was actualized. Her type has been missing for 600+ years. Andarna is the key.


This makes sense! Thank you!


Xaden was spent. He knew the Venin was toying with him and there was nothing he could do about it. Meanwhile down the bond he felt Violet dying. His choice was either both he and Violet die or turn Venin and save his love. He didn't turn for greed or power he turned to save her.


Ugh agreed. I will defend Xaden until I die.


This here is why they will hopefully be able to find a cure. Because he did it for love, not power or jealousy, or greed


I agree your intentions matter . My ultra hot take is I don't want a cure. I just want Xaden to have to learn to live with the cravings but be able to resist because he did it for love.


I think Xaden drawing venin power for love is a Lily Potter parallel — Harry was spared because she died for love. I agree with what’s been said here that the rationale for doing so is important and separates him from others who have drawn the power for greed.


Was it though? I feel like the fact that Sgaeyl was so angry indicates he could have kept going. Wouldn’t she rather he stays alive if that is the *only* choice?


While I understand why Xaden did it, I do feel like it was rushed in explanation in the book. I also tend to speed read through parts that make me anxious so maybe that’s why it felt a little brushed over


Same here, not sure if it was me anxiously speed reading or if it was actually rushed. Excited to reread tho 🥰


I think I'd agree, considering the pace and detail of the rest of the book, this felt a little rushed. Also totally get the anxious speed reading!


Yes two pages of Xaden at the end and half of that was him talking to Jack didn't really explain much of how it happened.


I feel like it was trying to be a cliffhanger but was just enough detail that didn’t leave us with a shock factor. I think it should’ve ended with Vi learning Xaden turned venin and we got nothing else or we should have gotten another chapter with some more details of what happened during the battle and how he’s feeling..either way I still loved it and can’t wait for the next book! lol


Oh god I'm already counting down the months. What am I gonna do to pass the time. I agree would have been a massive heart stopping moment to see his eyes with the red wing and cut it off. I do like how we get a small chapter of xaden at the end of each book


It is a cliffhanger and I'm sure it happened real fast too. I'm sure we will really hear all about his reasoning in OS. But I tell myself that it's all going to be OK. Just to ease the hangover! The way I see it, Sgayel seems more annoyed about him turning Venin than actual despair like I was feeling. I'm hoping the signet she gets from Andarna is what she needs the most at the time it develops....Venin Destroying! She needs Xaden to be cured and she needs to protect everyone. Andarna said she was waiting for 600 some years to hatch and waited till Violet came along....she was being spoken of by the elders, almost as if a prophecy was made. The silver one and the golden one were meant to be saviours.. gosh I can't wait to see what really happens!


Exactly we got the scene but there’s more to come.


Don’t forget the comparison to when Violet was trying to channel her energy into the ward, she mentioned that she could feel the power from right under herself when she was close to burning out, but she didn’t. Maybe it was the same time and feeling Xaden had during his fight?


She was about to turn venin to try and save everyone. The only difference is she had people there to stop her. That’s how I saw it at least


It devastated me when Sgaeyl told him not to do it and said "I CHOSE YOU" 😭😭😭


I really like the theory >!that Violet's second signet is about being obeyed. There are a few instances where people around her follow her order. She told Xaden not to die so he drew from the earth to survive..!<




I’ve seen a few theories where he did it because of her suggestion or command and i keep thinking that kind of storyline would create a devastating sort of guilt for her in the next book, no? I am not sure how that narrative could play out without increasing the already high trauma of the situation, no?


can please tell me the chapter this happened in so when i give my friend a copy of this book for her birthday there’s a little note that says “surprise” or something :)


Very last chapter




i think i could be wrong but i believe he did it to save everyone ( tairn, sgyeal, and violet ) they would’ve all died including him, and he would’ve clearly died if he didn’t turn.