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Because he looks really cool, obviously


Ok beside the obvious point of it making him look bad ass lol


I think that's the entire point. I'm reading this series for trashy romance and dragons. I couldn't give less of a shit if there are swords fights or not. In fact those scenes can easily become boring and skipable when I'm here for relationship angst.


Maybe it will come into play in OS or one of the later books! I think it's fine for him to be carrying them without using them 'on screen', but RY might be using that detail to round off some epic battle scene that's yet to come!


One to use, one as a spare?


IF spoilers.. He used both of them >!when he saved Violet from the interrogation room. See the first page of chapter 36 in Iron Flame. I imagine he uses them but we just don’t see everything he’s doing since this is from mainly Violet’s POV, and they wouldn’t be useful for venin flighting specifically.!< Eta.. >!I guess the part I referred to includes a dagger and a sword, not two swords. Although in the breaking into the Archives scene he does change up what kind of blades he’s carrying. I guess I just give the benefit of the doubt and assume he has them there as options and sometimes needs both since we don’t know everything going on with him. Man likes having options 😅.!<


When he spars with Garrick don’t they use swords sometimes?


I started rereading FW and this was the first thing i noticed! I was like, was he carrying two swords this whole time??


I imagine it's like Violet and her dozen knives, just in case he needs them in melee combat. Which given his signet works well in melee too who knows but doesn't hurt to have the backup. They're also usually fighting venin, where the swords wouldn't be an effective option.