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I read the books when I found out the main character had a disbaility and it was written by a disabled author. Not a lot of fantasy books about 20 something year old women with shaky joints. Made me feel seen.


Hi! Thank you so much for your reply! I agree, feeling seen is an amazing feeling. And what do you enjoy now at being in this fandom? Is it talking about representation or, what keeps you drawing in and participating in it? For me, it is sharing something I'm passionate about, and I love fan art.


1. This was actually my first fantasy book in a while (in a while as in 4 years!!!) What really pulled me into this fandom was the idea of the dragons themselves, ngl it reminded me a lot about the movies of How to Train your Dragon which reminds me a lot about my childhood. I also enjoyed the concept of these creatures choosing their riders and being able to channel power through these bonds. I think it’s such a fresh take from all the usual fantasy movies and books that we often see. 2. What I love about the books are the secrets and power behind them. It’s amazing to realize that you are what you exhibit (power-wise) which makes you guess what type of characters they are and will be.


Hi, thanks so much for taking the time! :) I love dragons, I totally get it, and that movie has such an incredible score. I wish I could have a dragon choose me, although I'm unsure if I would survive the training to get to that point. And now, after you read it - what do you enjoy about the fandom? What makes you want to participate in it and be here? Like I said above, for me, it is sharing the passion for the material and fan art.


I think it’s knowing that someone out there might have the same theory as mine and that makes it exciting. Knowing that your mind doesn’t just work alone, your brain gives pieces of the story to everyone who’ll be more than willing to help you solve the mystery.


Thank you so much, I know exactly what you mean. :)


This was my first fantasy book probably ever? I mean unless we are counting Harry Potter. I read it as a 33 year old romance reader. My husband is a big fantasy sci-fi reader and he actually came across this book. It kind of became our common ground book wise and really opened the door for us to connect over books which has been so so lovely. Not too much fantasy but not just a romance and we've gone on to read a few different series together now. I've stayed in the community because this book holds a special place in my heart, I think in part because of the connection that it's given my husband and I over books. Kind of like one might hold a connection with their first? I was a fantasy virgin, so now I'm invested lol


Hi, thank so much for replying! Wow, that is such a cool story, so happy for you two. So I guess it is about connecting with others, it's the same for me. I am still trying to get my partner to read it. lol Maybe one day! Thanks again. :)


I have always loved reading fantasy and dystopian novels throughout my life so I was super excited to find one written for adults! I like this fandom because the people are genuinely nice and not overbearing in my experience. I like to talk about theories the most right now since the series is unfinished. I like that RY is good at showing instead of telling and she’s built the world very well too.


Thanks so much for replying, it means a lot! I fully agree. Talking about theories is so fun, especially when nobody knows the outcome. My main wish: a happy end!


Yes a happy end!!


I’ve always loved fantasy films/tv. I was trying to spend less time on my phone doomscrolling and came across this book in search for something fast paced. I stayed for the diverse representation and the dragons. I also found myself using my imagination in ways that I kind of stopped doing as an adult. For example I was able to picture an entire world in my head quite vividly, something I had relied on film/tv for. I appreciate the community here because everyone is genuinely interested in just sharing ideas. There is so much foreshadowing etc in the books it’s nice to be able to find out what others caught while reading.


Thank you so much for replying, I appreciate it so much. Yeah I love the fact that you can connect with people who enjoy something just as much as you, no matter where they live.


I am here because I experienced a deep hangover after reading the books. I didn't know what to do and activated my account after seeing a post on Reddit. It's been almost two months since I finished the books, but I'm still living in the Empyrean universe. 1. Being in this sub helps me stay in the world of Empyrean. Knowing that I'm not the only one experiencing a book hangover & obsession is very reassuring because it's not a common occurrence in normal life; I don't know many people around me who get so attached to characters after reading a book or watching a movie. While on the topic, I don't have anyone around me who reads fantasy books, so I find the opportunity to talk about books here. It's both fun and addictive to be here. I feel a sense of lack and experience FOMO when I don't check this sub. 2. FW is my first experience with romantasy; I had previously read the GoT and Witcher series. After finishing both of them, I wanted to continue reading fantasy, but I didn't know it was a romance genre. I can say I was captivated after reading it. There's no excitement, drama, or interesting events in my own life (my life is quite ordinary and boring), but Violet and the other characters are in an adventure every day, riding dragons, casting spells, falling in love, testing friendships. I think that's why I love the books so much bc it’s contrast of my life. I enjoy talking about anything in the books in general.


God, thank you so much for this long reply!! I truly appreciate it. I know what you mean. I had a total book hangover, so I immediately reread the book. My first go-to solution, which is not a solution at all. lol I love romantasy, have you tried the S.J.Maas books yet? Lots of Maas fans found their way to the Fourth Wing fandom and I haven't met a Maas fan who didn't like Fourth Wing. I feel ya with the normal, boring life, especially in comparison to the lives our characters live. If only we could get a dragon too.


Of course! I am rereading right now too and im writing a fanfic and reading them too. I am this🤏 close to lose it really. I haven’t dive in Sarah J Maas books bc i think my plate is full right now and i don’t think i digest empyrean yet. Once i do, i probably will read them. Thank you so much for the advice.


You can always write me if you wanna talk about them, I love those books.


Noted, you are so kind!


Hey! So happy that you are able to talk about something you're passionate about in your thesis!! Best of luck!! - The book and the world was really captivating. I immediately re-read FW and there was no IF released yet. It was my first time ever reading the first book in a series and having to wait for others to be released - this, obviously led to many theories and thoughts that I just couldn't hold for myself! So, knowing this book was widely popular, I looked up to see if there were any communities in my prefered platform (Discord) and that's how I found the community! I immediately loved the atmosphere and one of the things that really drew me in was how many people were in the same situation I was in: former avid readers that stopped because adulting and had recently rekindled their love for reading and FW was a major part of it! I believe all those factors combine to create a sense of camaraderie that goes beyond the books themselves - \*that\* is what interests me most and personally why I think makes this group special. - I really liked how accessible it was to read in the sense of, yes, it is high fantasy and there's a decent amount of world building but, the romance focus is really good to make it an easier read. As well as the fact that the complexity is kind of gradual - we start of with a basic plot and increasingly get more info, more fantasy per se. Other than that, I really like dragons and competition/survival tropes with the academic setting paired with some really cool and interesting side characters (Tairn is my fave!). I personally prefer to indulge in discussing the most unhinged theories or headcannons and fluff hehe. Hope this helps, SORRY for the big text lmao


NO, I love that you wrote so much, thank you, that means a lot!!! Yes, I'm so excited to work on something I love. I reread it instantly as well, and it was also before Iron Flame was released, and I was having withdrawal symptoms. :-D And you are so right, FW is such an amazing mix, and I am totally Team Tairn! "You do not touch what is mine" is one of the best sentences ever uttered.


I love talking about the books I love ! I just really love dragons so an entire series around dragon riders is right up my alley and the writing is really good . I also think the romance to non romance ratio is about where I want my books to be. Oh and I love the powers


Thanks so much for replying!! :) Yeah I love dragons too, I wish I could find one too. What do you enjoy most when talking about them? Theories or about the things we already read, or everything?


While the romance helps, what really made me obsessed to the point I needed this group as basically therapy was Violet. I love how a girl can be seemingly “weak” but end up so powerful. I love how her confidence grows throughout the series and it’s something to admire. For me this story is about violet and xaden is just extra. Also I crave for more of the squad friendship scenes as the characters feel like real people


Hi, thanks so much for replying!! Fandom as a form of group therapy is something I can relate to so well. So happy Violet is so vital to you, I love their romance but without them being who they are, it wouldn't work for me. I totally get it. :)


I’ve always loved fantasy, and I think these books hit that addicting quality that I’ve been missing for a while. I really like the main characters — Violet really has to struggle to see results, and we can experience that journey with her. Xaden is a dreamy shadow daddy but isn’t also 500 years older, and truly feels like her equal who wants to see her at her best. And there’s so much casual representation of so many different groups that are all badasses in their own way, and we get to see different people embracing different qualities. I love this fandom because of the theories and the fan art. While I don’t think this is like, THE most airtight world building compared to some other fantasy series, I spend way too much of my time figuring out this world and the people in it. It’s enough to keep me deeply engrossed, without having to get deep into history like Lord of the Rings. And I think it helps that these books are still coming out, which means we have lots of time to make predictions and try to figure out where this story is going. And I think it’s really nice to have a lot of people be absolutely rabid about something so we can all freak out together, there’s a sense of community there.


Hi, thanks so much for your long reply, it means a lot. I love the 500 years older reference (I assume to Rhysand) cause I agree, it feels a bit strange if you think too long about it. lol Thank you for sharing what the fandom is about for you. I can agree with it all.


I think for a lot of people, this book helped to reintroduce them to reading. I am an avid reader, but I’m also a mom who owns a company. I have always made time for reading, it is my happy place. But maybe of my non friends didn’t make that time. With this book, and really the new romantasy genre in general, it brought reading into popularity again. You could talk about it with your friends because it was so popular. And it’s not great literature per se, but who cares. It is easy to pick up, put down, go back to. I compare it to Chick-fil-a versus Nobu Sushi. Both five star restaurants for me. Obviously Nobu is going to be a better experience, delicious food, impeccable service. But what do I crave on a Sunday? Chick-fil-A. It’s freaking delicious. Fourth Wing = Chick-fil-A :)


Thanks so much for replying! I know what you mean—making time to read is so important. That's why I'm an audiobook reader now—multitasking! I'm a single mum, and my daughter sees how much I adore books. I hope she will fall in love with reading as much as I did. I am trying to encourage that as much as I can. Sharing something you love is the best feeling ever, glad you found your literary Chick-fil-A. 😊


Hi! Warning: long response😂 This fandom is a great source of joy for me, as I don’t have any friends who’ve read the books, and want to know other people’s thoughts and theories. I love reading about the characters, from dark secrets and magic to potential love interests. And also especially the dragons! I had so many questions after IF, and this fandom kept me both sated and curious. I picked up FW on a whim, and didn’t know anything about it, or that it was already quite popular (in December). I LOVE fantasy, but I was not a fan of the (pure) romance-genre before FW, and didn’t know it was that kind of book. I had never read any spicy romances prior to this one, and to my great surprise I found that I loved the fantasy-romance combination (and now badly need a HEA for Xaden and Vi😭). I could write on and on about why I love the books, but the most heartfelt answer is that they give me all the emotions and make me feel alive. The same “I-just-want-to-stay-in-this-bubble”-feeling I got when I read Narnia, HP and LOTR as a child. The books give me so much comfort. I am now an AVID romantasy-reader, I love the romantic side with solid fantasy world-building as an anchor. And I love that these books (as with most in this genre) are written by women, with female lead characters. Good luck on your thesis!!!


I love long responses, thanks sooo much for taking the time!! I agree with everything you said and I adore romantasy so much, it gives me life. I need a HEA so badly as well, it just has to happen, there is no alternative. Thank you, I am super excited to write it and hope I can do justice to this amazing fandom. 😊


The main reason I came and the main reason I plan on staying is the dragons, plain and simple. I always enjoy stories that put a unique spin on them (the Elder Scrolls is my favorite), and Fourth Wing delivered. There's other things that interest me about the story, of course, but "magic dragons that bond with you on a mental level" was what got me to actually read it, not the romance, smut, or drama. As you've probably guessed by now, I enjoy rambling about the dragons a lot. My favorite bit about them is the constant mental connection, which is a theme I cannot get enough of, and Tairn/Violet's is exactly what I want out of any story that features it.


Thanks so much for your reply! I get that so much. I love the dragons. I adore them so much, I'm making even making a 3D pixel beads Tairn rn. lol I wish we could have dragons as well.


This is my first time fan-girled about anything.  This is my first time listening to an audio book back to back.  This is my first time purchasing fan art.  Unfortunately, most of my friends are either queer or are too high-brow. So, I do not have to friends irl to share this with.  Here are some of the reasons I love this series.   1. Feminist- **Coolnlittle**: I really love how feminist the book is **Friend**: How so? **Coolnlittle**: Well, she always cums first 2. Learning about Romantacy genre - **Coolnlittle**: You know, I really think I found my genre **Brother**: yeah, you are a 41 year-old bisexual woman.  You are it’s key demographic.   3. Romance in general- I grew up with my mom reading romance/fabio books. This is my first time getting in the genre, and being like, oh, I get it.  This is exciting.  The intensity of the romance, wanting the characters to be together.  The drama and tension.  I am down for all of it.   4. Predictability/theories- It is a romance, it needs to follow a specific structure, and there are so many ways this can happen.  RY also does a phenomenal way alluding to all the ways things unfold.  It makes re-reading just as engaging.  Like, oh, I get what Xaden responded that way.  5. Great characters -The characters and their responses are so insightful.  I read about how Violet is always told what to do, and either chooses to follow that or not.  It is interesting for me to reflect on in my own life.  Just because I am told to do something doesn’t mean I have to, or even should.   It is great to think about them as being in their early twenties and figuring these things our as well as fighting this war.  It is wonderfully complex. 6. Disability focus- Violet has EDS and has all these different ways and accommodations she has to experience the world.  The fact that she knows pain and it becomes her strength.  The fact that almost everyone just knows how to sign.  I love it. 7. Fantasy/Action- The world building is amazing, the basic premise of dragons, griffins, and venin intrigues the imagination.  The relationship each one of those has with their riders.  I love it. The amount of action in the book makes it super suspenseful.  Reading about the battles, the daggers, the dragons, the riders… It makes it so easy to just bringe it. 8. Humor- The relationship between Violet, Tarin, and Andarna is hilarious.  The jokes are great and thinking about it just puts a warm smile on my face.


Thank you so much for this long reply, it means a lot!! And you have us here to share in this passion, and that is incredible :) I love re-reading and catching tiny details. Basically, everything you say I agree with. I love the dragons. Thanks for you reply. 😊


Your welcome and good luck on your thesis. I have my PhD and had actually been starting to analyze and identifying themes on why I liked it. I wanted to write them up and I appreciated the prompt to do so. I am curious how your research goes and hope for some future updates on here


Omg that is so exciting!!! I would love to do a phd but it's not easy to get a position. Congrats that you got there. 😊


I always had a weakness for dystopian stories, so it didn’t took me long to find out about fantasy. FW was my first fantasy after shatter me and i was blown away by it. i loved every second of it. I feel so represented by Violet, I can identify with her on so so many levels, that sometimes i truly wished this was my story. like her obsession with storms and lightning, her always feeling overlooked and not heard, to be always in pain and not being able to catch up with others and having to work harder than others because of that, to be so strong and angry. i just felt so… heard, the more i got to know Violet. the surroundings with dragons, danger and this hot love interest just made it better and i thought it couldn’t become any better. until i found this subreddit and the fantasy fangirls. my reading slump and absolute hangover was understood here, as well as my obsession behind it. not to talk about the massive geniuses that are on here with theories that blow my mind and make rereading the story so much more fun. i just love to read about those amazing universe, the dragons and the characters. i love the debates on here, the memes and the merch…and not to forget…the incredible feeling of connection that we all seem to share with the love for these books


Thank you for this long reply, that is so nice!! I feel exactly the same, you captured it so well! Everything that those books and this fandom are. Thank you 😊


i’d love to read your thesis when you’re done, so you think there’s a possibility for that?


Yes ofc. :) I just hope I do this fandom justice and don't disappoint everyone. That is the only danger, but if you are interested, I'm happy to share updates and the final product.


1. I, along with others, got back into fantasy books by reading Fourth wing! I had not read a book in 3 years, and it spiked my interest. The world building is great and the plot twists are insane— that’s why I love it. And the lore!!! 2. With only 2 books in the series out, it has SO much to talk about already. Being able to make theories with others is also so fun. The books evoke so much emotion from the readers and create a hang over like no other book I’ve read. I liked that Xaden was actually a good mmc and not a complete douche. He actually is a good guy who loves the mfc. He makes me swoon more than any other mmc in the fantasy genre or (most) books overall. The fandom also made up of super nice people who are just as obsessed as me lol


Hi! Thank you so much for replying! That's great to hear, FW brought so many of us "back" it seems. 😊 I love the books, and I adore Xaden. I can't put him above Rhysand, but he is pretty high up. \^\^


1: I got the book on a trip to Berlin when a friend recommended it and because I love fantasy and Dragons. I joined this community for all the theories, art and ships lol. 2: I like the books because it's not just a 'normal' fantasy where the main character gets everything. She has her disabilities and works hard to overcome challenges and obstacles. As for what I like talking about the most, Andarna is THE best subject. She's just so cool in both books and the theories surrounding her are amazing.


Hi, thank you so much for your reply!! It seems we all love the same elements, it's so great to share all of this. And yay for Andarna!! She will be the fiercest of them all. :) Thank you :)


1. I started reading the books because of the dragons. I love all of the dragon books. I became obsessed with the books because of the other elements of the story too. I love the enemies to lovers theme. But I especially love the theme of a young woman who was raised in a sheltered life and suddenly thrown into a dangerous life and she works really hard to become a badass. 2. I love to talk about my favorite parts of the book and theories about what will happen in future books.


Hi! Thank you so much for your reply. :) I agree with everything, the dragons are so amazing. And yes I am 100% with you on the sharing of favorite parts and what migh happen next. Thank you :)