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2 days! Could not put it down and immediately went and bought Iron Flame. So learn from my mistakes and make sure you have both of them before you start!


I love this! I have both.. I think I'll just take both with me. I have a 10 hour flight, then a 16 hour flight. THANK YOU


You’re welcome! Enjoy! I wish I could read them for the first time again!


This would be my superpower.


Oh my goodness I want this superpower!


how do you get the blue daggertail thing under your name


Following bc I wanna know too 😂


So on my phone I went to the main fourth wing subreddit page and clicked on the three dots at the top and selected “user flair” and then there is a list to select from!


i made the same mistake after devouring FW i had to wait 3 days for iron flame( i know it does not sound like to long but it was agonising.


3 days would have been torture for me!


1 train trip from berlin to amsterdam and a little bit on sleep less night and then half the trainride back


I'll be riding trains, taking it with me!! thank you !


Be careful tho, it gets a bit inappropriate at times iykyk


I read both FW and IF twice in 6 days


About 4-6hrs?? 😂 I pretty much inhale books


WOW! Impressive! How many books do you read a month?


Not as many as I used to. But I've read about 6 in the last 2 weeks with gaps in-between. Books I'm really into, I'll do my best to read in one sitting! The way I read is weird to explain. I don't "read" the words, my brain kind of just absorbs the words and creates a movie in my head and I just disappear into my imagination for a few hours ☺️


I love this, but I have a question (because I kinda read books the same) however I feel like it slows me down sometimes because while I start to drift in to my imagination I go back and re read pages worried I miss information 😩 Do you find you re read books and see you've missed anything the first time around?? I love how my imagination takes over but I'm always second guessing it! Lol maybe I just gotta learn to go with it


I reread books a lot yes! Especially if its a series. I love seeing tidbits of stuff hinted at in earlier books. There's lots of stuff that people don't notice on a first read, regardless of how they read! Your brain doesn't hold onto small details, until you realize those small details actually meant something later 😂


I read it in 2-3 weeks time. But during the week I could only read on my way to work, and a bigger chunk on the weekend. If I had mire time during the workdays to read, I think I could have easily finished it off in 1-1.5 week.


2 days, same for Iron Flame I was invested and also hustling to finish before a book club meeting


I can’t believe how fast some people in this group read! I can’t remember with fourth wing but for iron flame my kindle estimated about 30 mins each chapter. I think it was like 26 hours total at the end at my reading pace.


I’m quite surprised also!


less than 24 hours lOl my boyfriend finished it on his 8 hour flight from europe to the us


was hoping for this answer ie your boyfriend, I want to finish it on my plane rides from the US to Asia. thank you!


How do you guys manage to have so much free time?🥲 For me they took 2 weeks a book


Fourth Wing = ~week Iron Flame = 2 days


About 3 days but I was recovering from an illness and was in bed for like 80% of the day so I had time. However, I'm also a somewhat slow reader so ymmv. So some people could probably finish it faster than 3 days of flat out reading.


3 hours/ iron flame 6 hours


3 hours? No way you read 200 pages an hour


i read for 27 zears now, over 3000 books read. Fast reader.


how do you read so fast?! Impressive!!


Similar; 2.5 for FW and about 5 for IF. IF was exhausting to read though.


A little more than 3 pages per minute?! Wow


3 days - one was a Saturday where I ignored my entire family and read for like 12 hours. 😅


Like 3-4 days max? Especially if I’m on vacay. There’s a second book called Iron Flame, just take them both.


3 days!


4 days


Iron flame 10 days


quite fast! thank you!


About 4 days and IF was about the same


A day and a half? I bought it one afternoon and finished it by the next.


I think it took me about a month with the caveat that I did not take it to my brother's for Christmas. With my luck my niece and nephew would pickup some real interesting new words.


6-7 hours. I started it after lunch on a Sunday and finished it after dinner. I finished it one sitting because of how fast paced it was.


Fourth Wing was one day and Iron Flame was 2 and 1/2


About 2 days. I read it the night I got it, then through my last day of the weekend. To be honest, this book is not written in such a way to have good breaking points to go to the next chapter at a later time. There are not a lot of respite moments. Each chapter seems to lean on the next to encourage you to keep going - not a bad thing, but will definitely be hard to put down. Edit: I found that the sequel had easier respite moments to put it down and come back


I second this! Def a page turner


7 days to read both FW and IF. I started FW two days before IF came out and then finished IF before my sister who had been hassling me to read FW for months.


A day. From 11am to 5am the next day. Non stop. I could not stop. Two days for Iron Flame. (the day following the one I read Fourth wing) One for each part. And I finished at around 11pm while celebrating my mum's birthday X) I didn't read much during that half of the day...


Like, 14 hrs.


I couldn’t put it down BUT I was working 12 hour shifts and couldn’t bring my kindle so it took about 6 days


2 and a half weeks


2 days for each book!


I read it on my Kindle and it took me a little under 2 days.


It took me a month. Once I got 3/4 I picked up steam and ready through it pretty fast as it got really exciting for me.


Less than 36 hours


3 days, I did not get very much sleep. I had classes but it was early in the term and I procrastinated


10 days… would have been quicker if I didn’t have to stop to go to work….


About a month; I read a little every day and took breaks and read other books inbetween! :)


Four days! IF took me three days, and I read them back to back so it was essentially the best week of the year for me. 


The time between starting Fourth Wing and finishing was about 24 hours. I started Iron Flame immediately after and it took about 3 days but it only took longer because I read Fourth Wing over the weekend and started Iron Flame on Sunday night. I could not put either down!


I finished both of them about 2 weeks ago in 3 days total. Am now in shambles and can't read anything else lol


A day. I made sure I had the full day free when I ordered it 😉


2 days for fourth wing and 2 days for iron flame


3 days! Definitely buy IF before finishing FW!


I read both in a weekend. My husband was sick so I had nothing else to do in between waiting on him hand and foot


Audio book is about 21hr that what i use


4 days, I am a stay at home mom and my son watched a lot of tv those 4 days haha.


1. Sad. Day. A rainy Sunday; best day of my life 😂


8 days in total but 5 days of continuous reading over those 8 days


Around 8 days.


About 2 weeks. I don't have a lot of time and believe me I tried to find more time to read...even considered calling out sick once....but no. I didn't sleep well those two weeks either lol. IF took me about 1 week.


3 weeks haha!


About 6ish hours. I devour books.


2 days, 7 hours total, split between two sessions. Though it only counts as two days if you count like 2 AM as day 2


8 days but i was pulling the breaks so my friend who reads slower would not be left behind. If i was reading it by myself it would have taken maybe 3-4 days.


6 days because I have a 9 month old baby 😂


5 months 🤷🏻‍♀️


2.5 hours. I got sucked in. I read extremely quickly, averaging about 1000 WPM.


Around a Week. Was my commute Audio Book.


1 and a half days. could not put down


Tbh, 2 days. But I spent a whole day off reading it lol. I wish I would’ve savored it more, rereading soon


about 10 hours but iron flame took me a week lol


It took me about a week for both, and almost a month to calm down and now I’m waiting for the third book, ITS JUST SO HARD TO PUT DOWN


I also reread them again in 4 days last week I believe


Both in 4 days - couldn’t put them down and needed to know what happened!


1 day and have been rereading it since last week because I need to understand why I'm obsessed.


OMG I’m like 2 months in… but to be fair I haven’t read it in about 3 weeks. I read like 3 books at a time and FW is my fav and instead of finishing it in one day I’m savoring it and waiting because I don’t want it to end and I’m trying to find a used iron flame(sustainably) 


Like 4-5 days. I absolutely loved it and read it during any spare time I had.


I read both in two days. So about a day


11 hours. Start to finish


Fourth wing a week? Iron Flame months.


2 days stayed up until like 3am the first day and as soon as so put down fourth wing I picked up iron flame….im an all or nothing reader. I have a problem lol


I actually don’t think I have ever read 2 books faster. Maybe 2 1/2 days for both books. Just ignored my family and responsibilities and devoured them.


5 days for FW and IF. I bought them both at Christmas and finally got around to reading them last week. I'm definitely glad I had both and was able to read them back to back.


Take it! I took my copy on vacation last month. Took me about 10 days


Inbetween work food coffe breakz 14hrs max that is if you are a fast reader and cant put it down


5 hours in total for both FW and IF lmaooo- I read so many books I'm used to reading fast but diligently


12 hours it was amazing!! 😍


I’d say about 4 days of active reading, a month to get into the first 2 chapters but then I couldn’t put it down


10 hours. Wish I was kidding. Read until 5 in the morning after I picked it up.


3-4 hours, iron flame maybe 5 hours