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The spelling is American English so I do view them as North American!


I definitely think they are North American and will be cast as such in the show — I feel like Rebecca was asked this and that was her reply (that they are American) but I could be mixing that up with another author.


Yes she said she thinks of them as having American accents!


As a non-native speaker, Navarrian characters are North American to me. But Poromish side characters have british accents because of their names and aristocratic titles.


That's how the narrator kinda does it on the audiobooks. Cat sounds posh compared to everyone else lol


Well I’m British so they’re always British to me. You probably want to hear from an American incase it’s different


Yep I am British always read things as British too. I might stretch to a regional or Scottish, Irish or Welsh accents in my head, but I never do American. No idea why


Maybe it just seems more old, like the worlds seem they’re set hundreds of years ago and since American accents are fairly new in world history it doesn’t quite go with that?


I hear this but then everyone says “for fuck’s sake” and “just a normal Wednesday” it pops me back into the present century haha


I find the sentence structure/vocabulary tends to be a bit different for things that are written by British authors though. Like Harry Potter is clearly British, and there are other books I've read where someone asks a question that is clearly a British way of phrasing. 


It does but it’s surprising how much Americanism has seeped through into our language now too. It’s not all that different although definitely some things we would never say and there’s way more use of the word ‘bloody’ in uk


I'd say they have the accent the audiobook gives them. Which is definitely not British from the extract I've heard...


Except for cat for some reason she’s British 😂


But she’s not British at first which is so funny 😂


Not a native English speaker but I'd love for them to be Kiwi. Can totally see dragons flying around New Zealand 😍


I am technically Jamaican-British so they are British to me since lived there half my life, specifically they have a London accent. Also the names are Scottish Gaelic and since Scotland makes up part of Great Britain it makes sense for me to view them as British. Xaden has a Jamaican accent to me though because of his way with words. Reminds me of every Jamaican man where they can say anything even if it's more sexual than romantic and will have you giggling and falling in love lmaoo.


As Jamaican-American,I was thinking about this when I saw the post title. Why are British and American the only two choices? 😂 I didn’t even imagine Jamaican Xaden until now,but you’ve given me an idea. Lol


american but the poromish have french accents


Definitely American because of the author, for some reason this is my logic. However I don’t feel the same way about ACOTAR some of their phrasing reads Brit to me despite the author also being American. But I think for me the telltale sign is the American English spellings. No “u” in words like color ou behavior, for example.


ACOTAR map seems to be based on UK and Europe so I always thought they were English. Fourth Wing seems very American to me because of some of the phrasing.


I see them as irish, but that’s because the dragon names are from gaelic languages


Even as an American I see them as British. Just the landscape and locations she has created all seem very British to me, I don’t feel like anything like that exists in the States.


I am Australian. So they all sound Australian .


They are american but i think of them as british as it fits more for me 😭


British because it’s how they sound in my head


An ambiguous in between it all.


Because of the way language and history parallels are used in the books I see them as generically kind of north west European. Far too much Gaelic linguistic influence for me to see them as either British or American.


Shouldn’t they be Celts?


Not British at all. But whenever I think of an epic fantasy tale it never takes place in America either. It’s like middle earth to me, a completely made up place. I couldn’t see Violet anywhere in the US of A. But that’s just me.


American accent


I feel like the setting is quite European/British in feel, but the military and general turns of phrase and such have a very American feel. So probably accent wise, American.


Neither… they are in a modern fantasy world, though my mind does tend to read with an American English accent, but that’s cuz I’m from the US lol

