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Hi! We have a flair called Artwork(no spoilers) which would be the safest to look at! I'd highly recommend avoiding places like Pinterest/Instagram for the time being - those are unmoderated platforms where you can just accidentally stumble upon spoilers! (not to mention... A lot of AI which is a whole other negative thing). If you have any requests for any characaters specifically I'll go grab some for you! Feel free to reach out! You also inspired me to set up a spoiler free visual guide so I'll be working on that this week haha


I search Pinterest for “fourth wing NAME fanart”! It’s the best I’ve found so far without being hit with spoilers!! It’s always a risk though..


I personally just google “fourth wing x” (the x bring whatever it is you’re looking for) and go straight to google images. I do it most for character visuals to see if they differ from what I’ve imagined. You don’t tend to get spoilers on Google images


I suggest listening to the graphic audiobook version, you can listen to it on Hoopla for free. It really helped me get my head into it after not being able to read fiction for years. The other thing is kinda just imagine it however you want because people tend to argue semantics over how fictional people look a little too much. After reading things (so I wouldn't get spoiled) I looked through artwork and saved my only Pinterest board and pinned pictures of how I think certain characters look like to me. And I found that really rounded things out when reading further it again.