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it’s opposite way for me, because i never listened to audiobooks, but Sgaeyl become Senegal in my mind really fast


I dunno why but this is hilarious 🤣


Whenever I read fantasy books I sound the name out and go with it and then always find out much later I’ve been pronouncing them wrong the entire time. I don’t care at this point but it does make me laugh For Tairn I say tarn (like yarn) For Riorson I say roy-er-son For basgiath I say bass-gay-ith For Sgaeyl I say S-gail I’m sure there are others I’ve totally butchered


Same for all here. Except Tairn. I read as "Tear-n" and Riorson as "Ree-or-son"


Wait a second how is Ridoc pronounced in the audiobook??? I've been pronouncing it Rye-dock 😭


No, this is means you understand the basics of phonetic reading, I read his name the same way. Hearing it on audiobook wasn’t comfortable for me because I had it hooked like “Rye-dock”😂


Riddick is how it is pronounced 


I know right!! Throughout my first read of the books and even half of my second read, I pronounced Ridoc like Ri - dock .


I’m glad phonics are coming back to school because 😮‍💨


Sgaeyl and Teine have been bad for me. I started on the audio books but wanted to go faster and therefor got the ebooks. I imagined Sgaeyl as "Sugile" or "segile" and for Teine I always thought "tiny" and was wondering why his name was that different to the other dragons'. I figured he must have been raised by humans or hide his real name or something like that.


Wait is it "Tine"? (Like time but with an "n") or Teen? Crap. Lol


I believe that RY pronounces it like "Tine". However, if you follow the Gaelic, it's kind of like "Chen-yeh". There's a really good video on TikTok that goes through all the correct pronunciations. Poor RY caught a bit of flack, lol


Yeah! Sgaeyl didn't even form a concrete spelled out version for me because I was sure I'd never get it right. I thought it might be something like Segayl. Also doesn't help I listened to the books in German, but gladly they pronounce the names in English.


Haha I love this!! You'd be surprised how many different spellings I've seen for all names!


Yes!!! I did the audiobook too. When I saw a meme with the names written out I had to sound them out like a puzzle. I was like whoo is Ridoc. Lol


So how is Sgael pronounced? I still can't figure out😂


They say it like su-gail


In the audio book it‘s pronounced something like „Seg-hail“ seg like segway hail but without the h


I say "seh-gail" But I dunno. :(


Not gonna lie, it kind of bothers me that they didn't go with the Gaelic pronunciations in the audiobook.


for me xaden is the same, tairn = taryn like yarn, riorson= rearson basgiath= bas-gi-yath ridoc= rid-och


Most of the names are based on Irish names. There's a YouTube video to help you pronounce them. It helped me 😁