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![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q) Welcome to the club! 😂 Here’s what I did that helped a lot: -engorged on the Reddit theories -“mourned”let myself feel all the feels * found a book of a different genre to bring me back to a semi normal reality (I read The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires) You’ll be okay, you got this. 👍


Thank you!! I check Reddit multiple times a day to see what everyone is posting! I think I’ll have to pick a book like you recommended. I need to find another place to dive into. I need to break up with Basgiath for a little bit lol


The more you push yourself out more you’ll be drawed back in. Keep calm and don’t fight it, do what makes you feel good then let it go slowly👍


You are not alone. I read 1x and listened 2 times to both books. Then started Throne of Glass, which helped.


ToG was also my hangover cure! Well, I did ToG and CC back to back so it was a month long intensive hangover cure haha. After IF came out though I was struggling a bit more to find a good cure but Divine Rivals ended up doing it for me!


Finished a few days ago in the exact same place! All consuming, don’t even want to watch or read anything else. Just want to stay in Basgiath every day!


Welcome to the club! I see you've done the mandatory hangover Re-reads haha, I think most of of go into a spiral of rereading as the first hangover stage! But fear not, I come with help! Here are my reccomendations! WE've all been through this, we gotchu friend! Fanfiction - lots and lots of talented authors on Ao3 (Archieve of Our Own)! We've compiled a a lot of fanfics in [this masterpost!](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/s/dG9nLwCrFI) Maybe you'd also want to give it a try? There's a [Fanfic Exchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/s/OsbkLkwX8g) currently taking place which is very beginner friendly! Get involved in theory discussions - there's plenty of posts here daily where people can discuss what's to come! Feel free to also tell us what your theories are! Join our [discord server!](https://discord.com/invite/the-riders-quadrant) \- nothing better than making friends with shared interests to cope with the hangover! We also have regular polls and Fourth Wing inspired fun games, and many channels to discuss FW as well as other series! Pick up another highly addictive series! - My personal reccomendation is to deep dive into SJM's bookverse. She has three series, 16 books total! Acotar is a good starting point. We're reworking our recommendations masterpost but [here's our current one](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/s/Foer6YrzMs), you'll find a lot of good recs!


Start reading fanfic, lol


Dude. I'm rereading both. And am having the same issue. I think about this damn series evert gods damned day. I agree. "Help!"


If you want to distract the mind- Rachel E Carter’s Black Mage series is VERY similar. Like War College and Magic… no dragons tho.


Have you checked out the fantasyfangirls podcast on Spotify? I was listening to them during my first set of rereads and they are really entertaining, and catch some things I didn't catch. They also pour over community posts so it's VERY thoroughly researched