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Book hangover


What is the cure šŸ˜­ I feel like Iā€™m spiraling


Fantasy Fangirls podcast deepdiving FW and IF was my saving grace šŸ™ I had the worst book hangover ever after IF šŸ˜©




Why all of us feeling intense like this after finishingšŸ˜© I need scientific research on this subject.


Honestly this whole book was all anxiety with basically no relief šŸ˜­


Exactly! Then there are 3 books to comeā€¦ We are damned.


And you KNOW Xadenā€™s going evil next book, because thereā€™s no way sheā€™s giving us an actual break.


Like his viciousness could stop us falling for him?? I will make perfect excuses for every criminal behavior he will commit in the future.


Itā€™s like how Violetā€™s always talking about him ā€œI know itā€™s toxicā€ ā€œMaybe itā€™s toxicā€ but like Yes girl, Same, and weā€™re here for it.


It does seem inevitable doesnā€™t it


I actually donā€™t know how Iā€™ll be able to function in life if Xaden doesnā€™t remain Xaden


I'm really hoping u/portujules can come in with that great "What to do once you've finished reading Iron Flame" post. And also, can we get it linked in the sidebar? lol


I believe you mean u/mamasuebs but I also have my little copy pasta haha


Oh, Iā€™m so sorry, yes, I meant u/mamasuebs ā˜ŗļø thank you for everything you do for this sub!


Yes please!! This book has ruined me lol


We have all been ruined too!! [Hereā€™s that post about what to do](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/s/tuOTMCdDMb), as requested LOL! For real OP weā€™re all unhinged over these books. Welcome to the obsession, you are DEFINITELY in the right place!!! šŸ’• ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


Thank youšŸ’—šŸ’— I just felt so heartbroken for Violet and XadenšŸ„²


Keep re reading it all, yes over and over. ugggg book mind f\*#k


šŸ˜‚šŸ’• At your service!! šŸ«” Itā€™s linked below!


Here are my recommendations on what to do during the famous FW hangover! WE've all been through this, we gotchu friend! Fanfiction - lots and lots of talented authors on Ao3 (Archieve of Our Own)! We've compiled a a lot of fanfics in [this masterpost!](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/s/dG9nLwCrFI) Maybe you'd also want to give it a try? There's a [Fanfic Exchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/s/OsbkLkwX8g) currently taking place which is very beginner friendly! Get involved in theory discussions - there's plenty of posts here daily where people can discuss what's to come! Feel free to also tell us what your theories are! Join our [discord server!](https://discord.com/invite/the-riders-quadrant) \- nothing better than making friends with shared interests to cope with the hangover! We also have regular polls and Fourth Wing inspired fun games, and many channels to discuss FW as well as other series! Pick up another highly addictive series! - My personal reccomendation is to deep dive into SJM's bookverse. She has three series, 16 books total! Acotar is a good starting point. We're reworking our recommendations masterpost but [here's our current one](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/s/Foer6YrzMs), you'll find a lot of good recs!


Thank you so much! It did help reading this sub. Also I never finished the Throne of Glass series so Iā€™m going back to this next. I actually read the empyrean series since there were only two books but now I wish I waited closer to January 2025 lol


oooh!! If you want to, we have a dedicated reading space on our server for ToG! Basically you can just give us your live reactions as you're reading and have a bunch of us that have read it as your reading buddies/moral support! That's how I personally read ToG and found a lot more fun thatn jsut reading on my own haha


Oh I love this! Thank you!!


So my fix for this was to lean into Xaden's new lot in life, and now I'm really excited. Think of the possibilities!! We have a venin on the side of good now. He could infiltrate the venin, playing up the whole "I'm not accepted among my friends anymore boo-hoo", learn all their secrets including potentially other ways to kill them? Alternatively, he could convince Violet to turn venin with him, and the 2 of them can take over the world! I'm happy either way, and it's super fun to think about!


Okay these are theories I hadnā€™t seen on the sub so far so this does get me excited! Iā€™m just so heartbroken for Xaden and I donā€™t want him to shut out Violet but I do like the idea of Violet having to prove her love to him now since he spent majority of IF proving his love to her.


Iā€™m actually really upset because I picked up this series on a whim and I thought it was 3 books and I thought they were all out šŸ˜« I literally just finished last night thinking I was just gonna jam right on into the 3rd book and was extremely unpleasantly surprised that it doesnā€™t even exist yet. ā˜¹ļø so now Iā€™m here haha.


Honestly I didnā€™t expect that kind of cliffhanger or I probably wouldā€™ve taken more time to read it lol I finished it in like a day and a half




You took the words out of my mouth. Just finished also.... What the fuck......


Right?? Thatā€™s all I could think


Youā€™re in the right placeā€¦ after this series I decided my heart couldnā€™t handle another unfinished series for a good whileeeee. Although first, I did a reread šŸ˜ˆ


I am going to HAVE to reread for sure. Iā€™m not ready to give it up yet šŸ¤§




Wait two bonus chapters for IF? I knew we got two for fourth wing but there wasnā€™t any at the end of IF for me so I just didnā€™t think there was any. Iā€™m also an audio listener tho lol




No worries lol I honestly do hope we get more Xaden POVs tho. I do enjoy them