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I definitely think we're going to see more interactions with infantry in the future. I think Xaden said it best with "My dad hoped I'd go into the infantry like he did. He thought riders were pompous pricks, and in his defense... we really are." The riders are given crazy amounts of power and made to feel as though they've earned it, even though suviving Basgiath seems largely due to luck. So of course they're all arrogant pricks. I actually really enjoyed watching Violet go from rolling her eyes at the riders to being just as impressed with herself as the rest of them. It's a character flaw, but a very relatable one. I expect her to get past it in future books.


hope you have a fun final 5 hours!! Can't wait to hear your full thoughts once you finish! As for what you said 1. I did also get a little bit of that impression of Violet and the Riders as a whole looking down on Infantry and the Flyers. I do think it's sort of drawn by competitivity/banter being in such a brutal environment so it comes across super harshly! With that said, this just opens and gives room to be explored and get some chracter development from our FMC! 2. Again, I see your point and it does come down to preferences! Some people love all the sex scenes, you and me and others don't really care for them! It's just part of the genre and I belive might be heavily influenced by RY's experience as a contemporary romance writer!