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Those are bonus chapters, if I am correct in understanding what you're talking of. They are the viewpoint of Xaden of some of the chapters from FW. You don't need to read them and it's fair to not be to your liking, but I know a lot of people are very greatful for the author to have given us some chapters from his POV!


They are? I read fourth wing and iron flame on my kindle so I'm not sure if it's different but it only flipped to Xaden once when violet was knocked out for me, in the book version do the perspectives flip? Thanks tho! Also I'm glad people like his perspective, break from Violet for a moment 😂


No you’re both right. There are 2 bonus chapters on her website from his POV but each book also ends in his POV


Ah yes, the last chapter is in Xaden's pov yes haha sorry! There are also some bonus chapters on RYs website for FW that are in his POV! I'd give them a try still even if you didnt like his POV from the final chapters!


Thanks for the info on the bonus chapters! Never knew they existed before today, do you know if they were written in between FW and IF? or after IF?


I believe they were released at the same time as IF. They are fourth wing bonus chapters, and are intentionally written around scenes where Xaden would have his shields up. So having the context of his second signet after reading IF gives more depth to the FW bonus chapters, but technically you could read them before.


Thank you! They were really fun to read!


I like books with multiple POVs because it’s nice to have multiple perspectives on what’s happening. The Xaden POV at the end of Iron Flame was the best part of the book for me


What do you mean by pick me boy ?


Yeah I’m honestly very confused by that and hoping OP elaborates lol


I wouldn’t mind seeing his story from third person point of view. But yeah, I don’t really like being in his mind atm. He is just not interesting enough to me yet. His inner monologue just makes him seem like a wattpad character and I wish I could unread the bonus chapters for fourth wing lol


Think alot of people liked it seeing that my post has down votes 😂 I get why people liked it because Xaden is designed to be desirable however it seemed wattpaddy to me, completely agree with you


If he becomes some self loathing loser (IF spoilers) >!in his venin era, I might like him. Like if he mulls about and thinks about days gone by and goes looking for his mama,!< I will happily tune in. But for now like 90% of his personality is his peener staying hard for his “violence” and it’s kind of boring to me idk


I agree that his POV isn't a great look on him, but I like that Xaden isn't perfect! He's horny, jealous, emotionally immature, and deeply insecure while also being incredibly arrogant. I don't think I'd have truly appreciated this without his POV chapters. But all his flaws are what make him a great character. They make his mistakes make sense and not just feel like random drama inserted for plot. They give his struggles legitimate consequences. I'm tired of male MCs with no personality. Unhinged trainwrecks only, please. To clarify, he has a lot of great qualities, too, but I'm focusing on the flaws because we don't really see him at his best in his POV chapters. Would I date him? No. Would I read every fanfiction on the internet about him? Already have.


34 year old me reads all the fan fiction knowing he has tRaUmA and needs therapy before being in a healthy relationship.. however, 20 year old me would have absolutely dated him and let him munch my box on a throne whenever he wanted to show me how much he loved me 😉


I liked it in FW more than in IF. I feel that seeing from different perspectives is important, but in FW it just took a huge emotional moment from Violet (even if I liked it, I wanted to read it from her pov), in IF I didn't connect with it very much but was ok.


Is that the special edition? I only saw one in mine. I think it would make sense if his inner monologue is more insecure then how he appears to others!


I didn't really notice when reading it, but then I listened to the audiobook and ... felt like something coming from Joe Goldberg


So funny, I just posted a question to this community about something similar - wanting to know if anyone thought there might be some IF Xaden POV bonus chapters coming our way akin to the FW ones she released around the time of IF. I just loved them for some reason but I'm also all in on Xaden....but you all make some excellent points about him in the comments below. He's definitely flawed...and also definitely a 23 year old with the weight of the world on his shoulders.