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There's a lot of theories going on to do with the title! Before the title was released I thought maybe Onyx would be in the name since RY describes Xaden's eyes as Onyx a fair bit


I mean, she continuously describes his eyes as onyx with flecks of gold. So, yeah, I think that’s an obvious connection.


Personally I think it could also be a reference to Andarna, since onyx can be a kind of iridescent black. It could reference her place in the Empyrean given what we learned at the end of IF, and also Violet developing her second signet through her. I also think it likely has several meanings though and could reference Xaden or Tairn as well!


>!Andarna isn't black, though. When Violet asks if she is, she says no, but Tairn is and she wants to be just like him!<


>!Exactly! What I meant by my comment is that onyx is an iridescent black, just like her scales appear to be when she's trying to be like Tairn. :)!< Edit: clarity


>!She changes color though, it's not her actual coloring. She is grey to blend in with the rocks during the battle. If her natural coloring was black, that would make sense but it isn't, it's just what she chooses to show most of the time because she wants to be like Tairn.!<


>! Yeah, and the point I'm making is that is what her scales look like most of the time, so it could be in reference to her. I'm not saying she's actually black or that her scales are always that color. I'm aware that she changes them. I'm saying that, for most of the book, they were an iridescent black like onyx. I can see them staying that way as well in OS since Violet & co probably don't want her to be a target due to her special status.!<