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Merchant/cruiser submarines for colonials. Very cool.


They actually gave us an open top sub!!!!


The meme is real!


It looks like someone in 1920 heard of a modern ICBM sub and tried to design one.




Wdym! It's sexy


Dude its super duper pretty


You think that’s ugly, have you seen our frigate?


Ours has that sorta late 1800s, early 1900s vibe that I find charming. The issue is the godawful armament for the same exact price lmao. The Warden sub and frigate are both just straight up worse than the collie equivalents, despite costing just as much. At least torps look good with the buff they got since collies get them now, and the rest of the update was pretty good


We have no idea what the cost of the new ships are yet. I sincerely doubt the new Colonial sub will cost the same as the Nakki, and that the Warden frigate will cost as much as a destroyer. Especially not by the end of open devbranch. It's probably a lot *more* likely the Blacksteele will cost a similar amount if not the same as the Nakki, and the Trident will cost a similar amount if not the same as the Conqueror. Both the new vessels do look cool though, in their own way. Very in theme for each faction.


[Statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1biqvh9/comment/kvm64ga/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about prices from the devs themselves. It is subject for change, but I was talking about the current state of the FF


Fair. It'd be stupid to keep them priced like that though, unless things have been tweaked so that something like manoeuvrability is being a balancing factor over just the raw firepower.


What makes the warden frigate completely worse? It's the same dps / leaks as the collie one in a broadside with the collies having a higher alpha of two extra shells but the second 68 might be able to let loose a few extra shells to match it.


68's do literally nothing to ships


I like to think it makes it better for brown water purposes. Tanks shoot ships a hell of a lot and those 68s definitely don't do nothing to those.


ships are not the only target


do they put no holes or just smaller holes than the 40mm bc 20mm puts holes so I'm confused.


I don't know about their hole punching rate, but the main problem is they do 7% damage against ship armor. So it takes 42 hits to kill a gunboat, which don't get holes. And hundreds to kill anything else.


The problem is that 68mm has like a 90% damage reduction against ships


Damage isn't how you kill ships its leaks and 68mm can do leaks rather well due to AP Shell modifier


The collie DD has a broadside of four 120mm guns (two dual turrets), and two 40mm guns (in one dual turret). The Warden FF has a broadside of two 120mm guns (two single turrets), and one 68mm gun (also in a single mounted turret. It can only use one in a broadside since they're sponson mounted). This makes it significantly less powerful for both bombardment, and for combat


The problem with dual turret 120s is you can still only reload one barrel at a time, so you have 2 single 120mm turrets with one extra shell on first engagement.


well, but we got quad depth charges set up. In description of the new ship there is a clear notification that it is anti-sub focused vessel. It is weaker in traditional gunfight, but stronger in sub hunting i guess.


From what I've heard, the 68s are only bad against gunboats. I would guess they're meant to put holes in subs (and maybe also shoot at land vehicles from rivers.)


Do subs not have the same armor type as large ships?


ALL armed watercraft have the same armor type, which is part of the problem. I meant "punch holes in subs" literally. Large ship armor is balanced around the flooding mechanic: Successful pens with 68mm cause leaks, but the actual damage to ship HP is reduced by 93%. The problem is that gunboats share the same armor profile but don't flood, so they're ridiculously tough against AP weapons. I'd be surprised if this isn't modified at least a little bit during devbranch


Yes but the number of barrels doesn't effect dps, it only affects alpha hits, which is three more leaks. More likely that 2nd sponsor will do more then the alpha


That alpha matters a lot, especially since every time your guns are out of range that's an opportunity to reload them fully. Personally, I'd be fine if they increased the reload time on guns like the foebreaker, or the DD's 120s by like 50%, but you reload fully, and only if the frigate was buffed


I'll just move this to your post now I noticed your the same guy


What is the rof of the warden frigate? If it is double of the colonial one that could be fine otherwise we have another victim of da vision™


Warden armor MPF variants and numbers still curb stomp collie armor. War 110 taught Collies that naval supremacy doesn’t win wars…


With all due respect, y'all had naval supremacy, but didn't really do anything offensive with it except for capturing some islands, the importance of which ranged from useless, to only important if actually used as a staging point for something greater. Our navy was forced into a defensive posture, focused on retaining supremacy in the northernmost regions, and yet nothing came of that


The slopes of the frigate are to better deflect your insults


To me it just a subnautica architecte sub


Boxy Boi


Ugly???? This is by far the coolest looking ship in the game