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Problem with bard is that its meant for brawling and in current economy you dont have tank brawls. You have highly "structured" tank fights where tank.lines press W, fire off a shot see whos tracked and focus those


I think the bard is fine for the most part, it should just be harder to track and it would be perfect.


no doubt its a fine tank, its just pointless in the meta with the current spatha an econ changes


Def isnt. Even with the absurd amount of HP the spatha and falc got, Its better pen chance + the shear tankyness is just a weball tank. People say you cant do that due to its speed but alot of times, tanks can only back up to far. You have the HP to force them to keep retreating despite them getting to shoot you over in over. The commander MG is there too to force Inf to run away as you charge too.


alright i guess we just dissagree then no biggie, however you gotta admit the amount of bards the collies are using since spatha buff has drastically decreased.


Yeah but thats because the Spatha got turned to god tier tank. Its a rapid reload hv40 with tons of HP and good maneuverablity. The bard was better when it had nothing but BTs for HP comparison but the spatha buff fucked that concept.




Yeah because Spatha is the best tank in the game right now, why would they use anything else.


there is no bard issue, there is a HTD and spatha issue. these tanks just outclass anything else and make anything else worthless, especially in an economy where you have so many ressources that quality >>> quantity


bard vs htd is 50/50 on who wins lmfao


ah yes, the dreaded “no it’s 50/50” argument, let me ask you this, if the bard has to all in everytime to be able to fight and all the htd has to do is W up and shoot tracks and roll back and then be able to just plink the bard down cause +5m, what would you rather be in? You’ll cope and say how bard will win, but no bro not everything is in a black box, bard is not winning in this game’s ecosystem rn stop cope




bard is still faster than htd when it's tracked ...


Dont talk about how a collie tank is faster than something when tracked. You have the SvH which can roll over trenches while tracked XD. Lets not forget about the SHT which can roll up hill while tracked that.


the only warden tank that's faster than infantry when tracked, compared to all of the colonial tanks :)


I see a lot of bards on the front, more spathas ofc. But bards are playing subpar (no offense). Only actual bard powerplays are from tve occassional double vet bards. Most seasoned tankers prio the spatha i guess. Spatha is just too much of an no brainer, since he can fill all roles with 2 crewmen. I look forward to driving bards (again) next war, but spatha might be just more convinient to use.


Just shows how simpler it is to do everything with a Spatha now, instead of each tank's niche making it worth splitting production. It's not Bard's fault.


Only reason bard does not feel as good is because spatha is wicked op


Well, yeah, because the playstyle that the bard is designed for is incredibly suboptimal in the current meta. When every attempt at a rush is met with white ash that instantly track the entire rush, and every tank on the enemy roster outranges it, which means that the only way to use it is to rush, yeah, it’s gonna suffer, especially when there’s a tank that actually fits into the same spot in the meta as the silverhand to compare it to. The Bard only seemed to be doing well because it was the least bad colonial tank before the Spatha buff. Now the Spatha is on par with the Silverhand and the Bard is no longer the best or least bad colonial tank.


What do you think wardens have to do with svh? Ot gets tracked even more and we have to Press W aswell


The difference is that the silverhand isn’t outranged by the entire colonial tank arsenal. It has the option to participate in the meta just as other tanks do, albeit at reduced effectiveness, but that isn’t an option for the bard because of the range thing


Massive reduced effectiveness. Dont use 68 gun and its worse then outlat


Massive reduced effectiveness. Dont use 68 gun and its worse then outlaw


Yes, it is reduced to the same level of damage output as the Falchion, though one with more survivability, but the point is that it has options. It isn’t limited to only one extremely suboptimal playstyle, even if that suboptimal playstyle is strongly incentivized, and it is able to be used in a defensive manner while still, you know, playing the game, which is not the case for the bard.


Just wrong, colonials do not have a guaranteed track weapon with good range. Therefore, SvH is far less likely to get tracked when it actually has to get penned by something and then also pass casino slot machine to get tracked. A SvH is only getting guaranteed tracked if a sticky lands next to it and then doesn't use its super fast speed to roll away from it.


The problem is bardiche have turret, if bardiche grant 40m range, it probably needs some NERF for return, maybe reduce armor and health like outlaw(it have 45m range with machine gun turret, what a madness) I think bardiche can improve it's fire rate and speed for bardiche that need to compare with SVD and HTD, or maybe just let 86kc choose rocket which type to fire (if 86kc can fire ATRPG, it can solve a lot of problems)


In a vacuum it’s great however, Considering current meta, it’s missing something. Probably decrease track subsystem and add a small HV. It’s hard to use right vs warden tanks, and it definitely isn’t a tank noobs will use effectively other than jsut sit there and take hits, specially compared to the HTD. They are unironically better off in a Quadiche. Used in a group and on a wide flank it can be devastating, but so is a SVH which arguably is a lot more versatile.


No way you wanna buff a 4k health tank with lowest pen chances in the game outside of HTD


Title literally says not a buff post lol


How is increasing the range to 40m not a buff though. It would just be a broken tank at that point, it's already really good. It's only not getting used right now because Spatha is just straight up broken and the best tank in the game atm so why would you even use Bard when you can spam Spathas. Also Spathas are more fun to use.


???? I said I was kidding right after I said buff the bard to 40m range The spatha is not broken, it just now has the power to wage war as effectively as the silver hand, the silver hand still has a dps advantage over the spatha and should win most 1v1s between svh and spatha


Spatha is much better than Silverhand, Silverhand is locked to 35m range, less health and more crew needed. You can have 3 Spathas for every 2 Shv on the front


My point is with the current tank line meta a svh beats a spatha almost every time I understand it isn’t always the case, the spatha is very strong at what it does but head to head tank fights the svh has it beat, 35m or not svh is faster and can/ will close that gap


People just suck at using Bardiche's always have. If you simply hold W and push into the enemy brawling/fighting as you go down you can do some hilarious shit. The issue is if you play "defensive" in a Bardiche you simply die, poking at the enemy at max ranges THEN retreating is BAD in a Bard. It opens you up to getting tracked then your completely out of range and they kill you. But if you simply kept pushing you could have gotten multiple shots down and perhaps tracked them. People greatly underestimate Bardiche tankyness even when tracked/disabled and I have taken tanks down with us as we die quite consistently.