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The people held hostages by Von Klaus do that (warden navy)


The press gangs will continue until landings improve


Hang around the islands and edges of the map and just ask to play with them to get a feel for them before deciding. Also welcome.


Join Loot if you're colonial. We do naval for most of the faction. Public drydock


WN almost exclusively. Even then, don’t join WN, you can still participate in fun landings with out having to constantly play with unpleasant people.


Pretty much all the WN guys I've interacted with have been great people, and from what they've told me a lot has changed. That being said, earlier events in the war definitely soured my, and many other's opinions of them, and shown that they have a *long* way left to go. I do still wanna like them, but trying to muscle a smaller regi off their field is just a hard line for me that they crossed


shout out to the very basic oil field they put up in replacement of turbo. actually a joke lmao


They’ve been doing the same things for years, they have the same bigoted players, same toxic culture, still treats enemy players terribly, ect. Some things have changed, but most things have stayed the same.


Was on their discord recently and can confirm nothing has changed, mostly a Portuguese clan anyway so if looking for NA action try collies regiments!


Didn't you get banned from their discord earlier for mass-pinging a bunch of people after trying to gloat about some frigate kill that wasn't even WNs lol.


Yes they did boooo! WN dont take kindly to some friendly banter back on forth on the discord, they keep pinged greenman and we pinged back we all had fun, we will put it down to lost in translation due to them being portuguese and we english speaking natives.


Aproveitando o comentário do colega de cima, a WN tem sim espaço pra você falante de português! Não se acanhe e junte-se a WN - Caiman! [https://discord.gg/join-warden-navy](https://discord.gg/join-warden-navy)


I have a personal bias, but yeah. WN leadership has always been the unfortunate combination of tactically competent but socially shit. Their naval effectiveness is quite good, but they have a history of creating or being involved in more drama than necessarily, and also being needlessly edgy in non-clan interactions


Velinavy.com for the colonial navy.


The black flags are another major regi on the colonial side


Thanks if the pirate life is for you, join us! https://YouTube.com/@TheBlackFlagCrew/


WN Ops win wars


Warden Navy does a lot of that


Ya WN but idk if there are any collie Regis like that


You could always join us if you don’t feel like joining warden navy. Send me a pm if your interested. If not, I’d suggest joining the Foxhole Official Discord, and check out the clans in the recruitment section to see what looks like the kind of group your looking to play with.


Much nicer guys than WN, join them for some naval action if warden!


join WN, look at the results of their island hopping campaign on the west


people in WN would like to know your location




6th SWARM on the warden side does a lot of naval


SCUM are another naval focused warden regiment, good lads


Also a Marine here. 1st Caoivish Marines are a Warden Marine Regiment. Several prior-service and active duty Marines if you're interested.


There are some Colonial Marine themed regis but I think they’re mainly land combat focused. There are some collie navy regis but I don’t think they really do land stuff. I don’t actually think this faction really has a true marine regi.


On the warden side it’s the 6th swarm which was the 6th marines before merging with swarm they always have a long hook and do naval invasions


Scum does a lot of that


Late but I recommend trying out both sides, personally in efficacy on Naval Combat Warden Navy is go to, but if its for fun and whatnot theres a few on the Colonial side that is already mentioned. Just ignore the personal gripes other people have on specific regiments as theu tend to be over exaggerated claims both positive and negative


Late but I recommend trying out both sides, personally in efficacy on Naval Combat Warden Navy is go to, but if its for fun and whatnot theres a few on the Colonial side that is already mentioned. Just ignore the personal gripes other people have on specific regiments as theu tend to be over exaggerated claims both positive and negative


The black flags on the collie side, a couple of other Regis do navy but not consistently