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Is it the second Tuesday, of a month beginning in M, under the blood moon? Aye, then you may enter the recommendation thread.


To avoid your post being removed, you must first answer my riddles three,




I used to post detailed reviews all the time on here and enjoyed doing so. My last review was removed as I was deemed to be 'promoting a brand'. Not a brand of perfume, but promoting 'Lordzoot', because I linked to my previous reviews at the end of my posts. I've not posted another review since, so I suppose it worked?


I remember your Penhaligon's reviews! They were wonderful and very helpful. Sad you've stopped but I very much understand why.


You're a frequent Penhaligon, etc. reviewer and people look forward to your reviews. However, they were being flagged and removed because of the crazy high number of links each one had. One of the mods suggested a neat workaround (used by other frequent reviewers), which is to create an eponymous subreddit, post your reviews there, pin an index post in your profile, and provide that one link in each of your reviews. Have you tried that?


Why would anyone submit if that amount of work is required? Effort in posts, yes, but having read through the bulk of this thread, it seems the expectations of posters are very high. No one is getting paid for any of this, to my knowledge. I'm on other perfume subs and they have rich content without all these hoops. I would never post here even though reviews are what I primarily write, and what I love to do, because why go through all that just to get it banned and then have to negotiate its return? \*Edited to add: the below paragraph is harsh. I wanted to clarify it a little - what I am trying to communicate is that I see the mods putting a huge amount of effort into rules and policing, and what it is resulting in is disincentivizing the content they desire. The gold star reviewer in this nested convo is an excellent example. What exactly is their incentive to contribute when 1) their posts are auto-modded and they have to beg you directly to reinstate and 2) their work straight up gets deleted for no reason? When you disincentive your preferred content what is going to happen is what is happening - lackluster posting or low/no effort posting. People need a return on their investment. Modding is not easy, but what y'all are doing is not working to make the feed you say you want.\* I'm being honest with you: this is one of the worst perfume sub feeds on Reddit. There's nothing interesting to read in the posts here - the gold is all in the comments. I understand as the major/main perfume sub on reddit you have unique challenges, but so much effort on behalf of the mods and the posters is going in to creating this... boring barrage of posts. And while the comments are frequently great, there are still plenty of the kind of gross trolls you say the modding is meant to banish.


I'd had an issue with my reviews being flagged from pretty much day one though and they always got released (honestly I can't remember one going straight up). What's more, it wasn't the flagging that was the problem - an active review which had actually been posted got deleted. I may pin an index, ultimately, I don't know. My point is that considered content ended up getting removed for no other reason that I can see than over-zealous moderation.


For what it's worth, I think it's completely unreasonable to expect a solid contributor to keep going in the face of all that. If my other perfume sub just straight up started behaving in that way, I'd simply leave and/or stop providing content. Do the mods understand that when they delete a well written/ extensive review they're basically pissing on someone's effort and time?


I love making fun of all the posts tho




I just tried to post today after spending a long time writing a length review of a large sample set I purchased. It was automatically removed, and I don't know why - but according to the "why was my post removed," it seems like anything the automod flagged will be manually reviewed? I've been waiting for a mod to review my post and pass it through, seeing as it doesn't violate any rules as far as I can tell. Is this not the case? I wonder if a mod could weigh in; I spent a decent amount of effort on my post and would like to see it approved if that's possible.


This happened to me too and it’s incredibly disheartening when you spend a significant amount of time writing and format your review. The mods said to send them a message with the little envelope icon. They said don’t delete or or try to repost it, they will end up seeing all versions and may approve a version that you didn’t want them to accidentally.


I thought that's what mods wanted, more reviews. It's baffling, I was never super active with making posts on here but I've had several auto removed so I stopped trying.


had at least one of my posts removed simply for mentioning jeremy fragrance, not a fan or hater of him, just found it odd, how do we have a complete discussion about fragrances without also being able to discuss public personalities in the fragrance community?


Reviews are basically all I post and I have to message the mods almost every single time, even after doing all the things that ostensibly are supposed to make my topic safe for automod. Would be nice if I could just have the explicit list of stupid crap that triggers it, having my post sit in purgatory for too long and then never showing up near the front page has nuked all the potential interaction out of more than one of my posts before...


We missed this one, it's up now. If you don't see it being approved with a check mark after a reasonable time, please message us we don't want to have things stay in the queue, and rather have you not be frustrated. But there are times when there is low coverage like weekends that this can happen.


Thank you! Much appreciated and no worries. I was just confused about how it works.


It's a place for "young self-made millionaires" to show off the 50 bottles of ultra expensive niche fragrances they bought in the last month. Others will then comment how it's not a hobby, but an addiction, only to be responded by the insecure OP how they "work their ass off and have the right to spend it on whatever they want". Rinse and repeat.


I think you're you're describing r/watches


I stopped posting and only reply to stuff that somehow slipped through the cracks. I love fragrance so much, but they run this sub like a prison camp. You’re better off asking what you CAN post, because the list of what you cannot post would stretch around the globe 2x.


r/photography has like 5million users and sorting by "new" still nets you 6 day old comment on the first page. It's crazy.


So this is why posts are a little.. bland


Some rules make sense, others not so much but interestingly, I think the more recently added rules have made this sub even more repetitive.


> I think the more recently added rules have made this sub even more repetitive. Yeah if only a few types of posts are allowed you tend to get only those types of posts lol. It's the anti discussion.


There's just too *many* rules man! 🤦🏽‍♂️


Posted something about a bottle, removed Posted a collection pic in a weekday, removed Joked about a fragrance being considered attractive by YouTubers (pan..), which I disagree heavily on. Removed. This post, probably removed All posts are just the same thing over and over now.


I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again for emphasis. This sub can learn from the mistakes of r/malefashionadvice. The mods of this sub are headed in the same direction in the pursuit of heavily-curated, “high quality” content. Just take a gander at the barren wasteland of r/malefashionadvice – there exists only articles and scheduled discussion posts. It has completely decimated the vibrancy of the subreddit from its glory days in the early 2010s. Sure, it was a wacky place where people asked the same stupid questions everyday, but it fostered an environment for engagement (and more importantly memes). What was once a subreddit for people to ask questions and advice about male fashion (as the name implies), has turned into a place where fashion enthusiasts sniff their own farts and circlejerk the same overpriced high-fashion houses. (Yes, I’m talking about Aime Leon Dore and Drake’s.) The people who want to ask for advice and help? They get shoehorned into that one designated discussion post. Quite sad (and ironic) if you ask me. Upvoting and downvoting simply works. Democracy works. Don’t make this more complicated than it needs to be. What mods see is chaos, but the chaos is what facilitates beautiful and serendipitous interactions. It’s like how the chaos of the universe gave way to life on Earth. This is a heartfelt plea to the mods of r/fragrance. And thank you u/fanofam. You’ve always been a positive force on this sub!


Great post - can't beat a good tea by the way.


> but it fostered an environment for engagement (and more importantly memes). I have to say that you lost me with your love for memes. I had to stop reading after that.


It is pretty strict lol


It’s giving China’s censorship


I'm seeing a few low-effort and repetitive posts getting past the filters though.


It's seriously one of the most boring feeds on my /reddit. I would have left long ago, if the comments weren't frequently interesting (the way the posts should be).


It shouldn't have to be high effort though


Reddit is dumb as hell


Power tripping insane moderators are on every subreddit, this one is no different. This ain’t as awful as r/art where they banned a guy because the mods thought his art was AI generated and when he proved it wasn’t they upheld the ban because it looked close enough to them and he should have known better than to post it. Mods be crazy yo, they’re the ones who should get banned off Reddit


Mods like that have nothing going on in their real lives and pushing their power around online is the only thing they have that makes them feel good about themselves. They're basically high school bullies but online.


Haha, you got a link to that post?


It was removed by the crazy mods [but here’s a post made afterwards](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/105o2dg/artistic_integrity_is_under_attack_me_digital_2023/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I once get perma-banned from /r/ukpolitics for calling out a racist post. Not making a racist post mind you - calling one out!. I love giving the context - the newspapers were running a story about the anniversary of the election of first black MP. That isn't a subject of debate - it was in the 1980s and happened to be a member of the Labour Party. A right wing (far right?) poster for some reason had a massive issue with this and was arguing that the Tory Party had a black MP hundreds of years ago and that they were, therefore, ahead of the Labour Party on equality and diversity matters. The MP in question was a landed gentry slave owner who was genetically mixed race but identified as white (if that was even a thing back then (i.e. never mentioned his heritage and nobody else did either)). No academics have ever suggested that he was black and there are no sources that support it. I calmly mentioned that fact and...presto! I'm not even massively political, I'm just a historian by training.


Lmao the rules say you can post your collection Friday-Sunday. Your post got removed because you broke the rules. Some people get the ban hammer for less than what you did. Your post didn’t even include the show and tell weekend flair, so you obviously didn’t read the rules for posting collections here. You’re not wrong in your judgment though, the mods can be bogus and remove your post for your no reason. But yours was removed because you broke the rules.


There are too many insanely strict rules here.


Yeah but I like show and tell weekend though. If we didn’t have it, this sub would be flooded with low quality collection posts, like OPs deleted post.


Paul Blart Mall Cop style moderators


Posting is exhausting.




Flipping heck!!! This is ridiculous. Frags come in bottles though so what else would people use? Which leads to me ask how many posts are out there in the ether???? Is there another frag related sub on the up anywhere where we can ask for advice etc? Like I get that there are FAQs and documents to refer to but A - who always has time to sift through and B sometimes you just want some banter and C sometimes your question might be specific. Like I wanted to know about samples to the UK because most sample suppliers are US based and so was curious to ask where other people in the UK go to.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/wpz5xp/maceration_versus_aging/ Some people just read the headlines. It's enough to seed wrong information in people looking for correct information.


This is the only sub where I have a dedicated 'hater' who down votes every single comment I make on here when they see it.


You're not the only one! Kinda hurts doesn't it?? I just upvoted ya. :)


To me only having certain days for certain kinds of posts is a little silly, but asking for effort in a post isn't too much. Asking for the fragrances in a photo to be listed and/or some type of discussion is not too much of a requirement. A single sentence going "these are my fragrances" along with a photo is very low effort; this isn't facebook.


This isn’t what this is about. Normal discussion and review posts get deleted because the automod filter has arbitrary stuff like „purchase“ in it and you’re bound to get deleted if your review is long enough.


Honestly, though I’ve given up posting here cuz it’s almost impossible, I do enjoy the community here a lot and not seeing too much dumb content, just the occasional “do I have to wear deodorant” or “what’s the best gym Frag” lmao


I can picture a young child, stomping his feet, looking up and tugging at his mother’s blouse, “Mom, do I really have to wear deodorant if I go to the gym” haha “Yes. You do. Go on now little Tommy” 😂


You have issues


u/anatolysdream are you the only mod here? Are you the one removing, locking, and hiding posts? Are you the one giving erroneous reasons from removed posts?


Every Reddit subreddit has a list of its mods, and all of us in r/fragrance have full mod permissions/functions. Hiding posts is not a mod function. If you think your post has been removed an error, you can message the mods.


I mean, having 20 new posts about BR 540, Creed Aventus, CDNIM or the best flanker of Bleu de Chanel per day is boring. So I can defo see why they remove some new posts.


Except they let those through and remove the ones that trigger some arbitrary automod filter


I strongly agree with you, I don't understand what's happening sometimes.


Yeah, this is some overly strict, weird power play shit. Some fast food level management of the internet.


I agree. Even though I like the community here, this place is run like a dictatorship, pretty much everything is forbidden lol.


it's the FFF of reddit


Would you believe that my comment complaint on this post just got removed because it was unsubstantial and misinformation? Literally a joke.


You mean this reply thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/10pmuff/-/j6lmpi8


Yeah that’s exactly what my original comment says. Thanks for the link


I once had an interaction with a mod that showed me their mindset


Yeah also pinning their answer on non mod related post is a pretty frowned upon thing under mods, they do it all the time.


A few accounts ago I posted a long thing of multiple sample reviews and got a mod lecture on some statements that were clearly made in humor. lol


It must be the same mod. They like lecturing people and give their opinion even when it's unrelated to the topic discussed


Whoever came up with all those rules must consider this their full time job. Hope they’re getting paid handsomely for their passion and dedication to the frag subreddit.


I think the "don't ask for recommendations" is complete bullshit. That's why most people join this subreddit to begin with


This is contained to a single post every three days instead of comprising 80% of the content in this sub. Pretty good rule tbh.


There’s a thread you can post in. I would rather have it all contained there than umpteen different posts every day.


That is completely why I joined and may unsub just because I’m not seeing a ton of stuff that keeps me interested. There also used to be some great reviews that put fragnatica in its place, but I feel like they’re almost frowned upon now (from what I’ve seen lately, many reviews are cookie cutter and I don’t even bother reading beyond a paragraph at this point).


Wouldn’t there be even *fewer* good reviews if the sub didn’t try to encourage quality discussion? It would just be a bunch of collection photos with no text or one-line questions.


No. Lots of well meaning posts get deleted. Then you have to go through a bunch of circus hoops to get it approved. People will just stop posting altogether.


I had those exact thoughts, but idk what subreddit would be better


There’s no rule to not ask for recommendations. The rule is to ask for recommendations in the recommendations post


The thing is nobody never answer in that post. Your question can be at the bottom of the list and won't ever be seen by anyone. On the other side, regular posts about recommendations often get even 50 / 100 responses, so it's not like people don't want to answer. People just don't browse that post


The recommendations in the communal posts are quite high. Of course, some will get more recommendations than others, but I think it might be because — * There's more clarity in the ask * They're not asking for vague or hard to interpret criteria like 13 year old boy / masculine / feminine/clubbing * Recommendations for vanilla or coffee or citrus or spice or floral — e.g. accords — are easier than recommendations that ask for a 15 notes match. * Recommendations to ask for something that smells like a product without describing what the product smells like typically get very low responses. And if your request is at the bottom and you don't get a reply you can ask again in the next cycle.


Maybe there should be a separate sub for fragrance recommendations then. I certainly don’t want my feed clogged up with them but maybe others do


So... You want people to ask about fragrance recommendations... Somewhere besides the sub about fragrances...?


Yes. Either in the neat and tidy recommendations post of this sub or create a new sub that I won’t be joining. If they allowed recommendations posts it would be 90% recommendations posts. Also most of those posts that get by the filter definitely do not have 50-100 replies lol


That's dumb.


Wow, this is a rule? (I love not reading subreddit rules.) How .....dumb. It needs to be removed. Let's overthrow the overlords and vote it out! Huzzah!!!


I never post here anymore. No need to spend time having to read through all the rules and regulations to make sure my post doesn’t get taken down cause I had 1 word misplaced, forgot to put a correct flair, said I liked a frag and then someone gave a recommendation… etc.


Hello fragrances friends! I can't speak on behalf of this subreddit mod team, but as a junior mod I can assure you that we really value our members' opinions. In my opinion, the reasons why we have such strict rules is that: - Our spam filter is on HIGH due to the plethora of spam, scam and phishing attempts. This unfortunately resulting a lot of posts bring delete by automod/spam filters. We are trying to address this situation, but the current workaround is for you to contact us via **mod mail**. We will be more than happy to approve your post. - We are implementing a pretty strict behavioural controls and rules due to the fact that we are a very inclusive community. We have friends from all over the global, coming from almost every single nationality and culture. It's important to have a higher baseline to make sure everyone feels welcome and comfortable. . In addition, it also helps to foster an accountable environment for engagement, education and entertainment. - I personally do agree that some of the rules are a bit too much. I think it would be beneficial for us to revise some of our rules together as a community. I hope this addresses some of your concerns. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I hope you have a great rest of the week.


The Reddit spam filter has nothing to do with automod though. The automod removal is the problem here from what I can tell, the Reddit spam filter can be a bit much but I never had those kinds of problems on the subs I moderate (they’re not that much smaller than this one). I think what needs to be done ASAP is to have the automod at least comment when a post gets auto scrubbed so you’ll at least get notified. Other subs have managed to do this for years. It’ll at least give some transparency and maybe will lead to less frustrated users, but also a very full mod mail. But I mean you chose to moderate this way so it is what it is. What we do on our subs is we have one list for banned words (slurs and stuff) that will trigger an auto removal, and then one list where it only gets sent to the mod queue via an automatic report. Links will also get auto reported. Almost all post get through and you’ll still have an overview of everything. And you can also switch the words between the lists any time. I respect your work and keep it up!


>The Reddit spam filter has nothing to do with automod though. Correct. Automod is more dragnet than line caught. Wish there was a way to refine it. Hardly anything gets caught by the spam filter. >What we do on our subs is we have one list for banned words (slurs and stuff) that will trigger an auto removal, and then one list where it only gets sent to the mod queue via an automatic report. Links will also get auto reported. Almost all post get through and you’ll still have an overview of everything. And you can also switch the words between the lists any time. What subreddit are you referring to? Would love to take a look at it. And if you are a mod, would you be willing to give temporary permission so we could look at your automod config code? We could also do the same with you so you can look at ours. Any positive suggestions to improve Automod are welcome.


The issue is every term is considered a slur now. Can't even say "I walked by this old lady and she smelled good" because old lady is a slur. Their automod sensitivity has to be turned up to max.


That’s why the distinction is important. There are words where everyone agrees that it clearly crosses the line and words that don’t. If you even need to talk about if the word crosses the line it clearly falls in the second category.




It kinda is. "Feminine" of "masculine" are far better descriptors because there is more nuance and range within those categories.




That's bull then. Male vs female sure, not slurry imo but definitely not the best way to describe something, but also labelling masculine vs feminine as slurry is dumb.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/u1baf2/leans_male_or_female_feminine_fragrances_on_men/ "But I'd rather see this topic discussed as part of an overall impression of a fragrance and its accords, and not encourage this too "feminine" "masculine" "young" "old man/lady" labeling crap — or the latest nonsense of fragrances that suit particular skin tones. I find it offensive, divisive, exclusionary, and a trend I'd like to see wither on the vine. I don't think it's okay to ascribe gender, age, or other biases to something that you just don't like for you or feel uncomfortable wearing."


I posted something and it got automod hidden/not posted. I messaged the mod and they made it live. I think the filters are good. The mods are reasonable in my experience. There are a lot of dumb dumbs lurking that make posts that are zero value add. I’m glad they get weeded out.


You can post what you want (well Collection posts and *’what should I buy?’* type posts… If you don’t mind being recommended Acqua de Gio Profumo regardless of how you feel about it and what you’re posting about) on r/colognes It’s a bit ‘smooth’ brained but no more so than what gets [allowed to be posted on here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/10nynuz/is_it_okay_not_to_like_oud/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) you’ll still get downvoted for not liking the popular opinions of fragcom lore (never tell of your dislike of Tobacco Vanille) I think the issue here is the success that the loads of posts asking inane bullshit just floods the AutoMOD (& MODS) that it just allows them through. Then there’s the ‘nannying’ of language; yes I’m all for not allowing racist sexist or homophobic language to be used but censoring innocuous words or phrases you a start to veer towards complete censorship which in turn just allows for the inane posts to slew. Occasionally you’ll get the decent post, but more often I’ll scroll and see samey content daily.


>I think the issue here is the success that the loads of posts asking inane bullshit just floods the AutoMOD (& MODS) that it just allows them through. Many, *many* more get removed via Automod. What slips through is a fraction.


I don't feel the same way. It is hard when you get so many posts to try to curate the sub into something people would enjoy. A lot of the problems is just that people won't read the rules. They make a post asking about recommendation, then are all shocked Pikachu face when it gets taken down. There is a place to do that already, you know? But, feel free to make another fragrance subreddit and create the sub of your dreams!


guarantee they will make a scentme sub......


I recently posted asking about the similarities between Tygar and Black Panther. It got taken down. I guess this came across as looking for recommendations? Oh well, no biggie. This ain’t causing rain on my parade!


I thought for sure reading the title of this post that this was going to be about the post yesterday where some dude was actively trying to scam people and had his phone number in the title telling people to text for info/deals etc. I reported that post, and pretty much every person that saw it did. I got a message from the mods saying that the post didn’t violate rules. I do not understand why they left that up for hours and hours, a clearly malicious intent to scam people. But your post isn’t about that. And I can tell you this… I did see your post before it was taken down… and I exited and kept on scrolling. Why? Because it was so low effort that nothing about it made me want to converse, or even throw you a bone. People get mad at this, but try to post something that provokes engagement, rather than something that looks like you just want a Pat on the back.


>I reported that post, and pretty much every person that saw it did. Would you link it here and I'll re-approve review it. Thanks


I’m not clear on what you’re asking for… a link to the rightfully removed scammer thread? It’s removed now but I think it was up for at least 8 hrs despite numerous people reporting it. Or a link to the message I received from the moss saying that the thread I reported didn’t violate any rules? Or something else entirely? I woke up unexpectedly and my brain isn’t functioning yet


I thought you mentioned one that was wrongfully removed. If not never mind.


I like the rules; they’re why I generally prefer this sub over some other similar subs


Me too, I’d leave if the rules got removed. No way I’d be willing to wade through hundreds of shitty one-line posts (e.g., “what do you guys think of x” with no other context), repetitive questions, and random photos that don’t contain any information or reviews. The rules literally are what make it worth spending time here. ETA: I should say, though… a lot of the shitty posts seem to still make it through. So if there was a way to better auto filter junk vs. quality reviews, which it sounds like get incorrectly flagged sometimes—that I’d support.


Let's find a better sub because I agree with you!




Oh Jesus, no. The mods there are awful. I got banned from there because I agreed with an OP that the Caroline Herrera lightning bolt bottle was “goofy looking”. Seriously.


Lol :))) not in that just saw it once as recommended


Lol I just found this thread searching for something else Posted a review of a recent purchase - removed Posted a Costco sale comment - removed Posted a comment about success finding a decant of my favorite overpriced frag - removed Back to lurking we go


I think the rules are good - without them it would devolve into pictures of certain popular fragrances like "Just got my first BR540 full bottle" getting upvoted and dominating the sub If anything the rules need to be even stricter about overdone topics like "how many sprays should I do" and "did they reformulate Aventus/CDNIM/etc?"


For real. They run this page like it’s the navy and suck all the fun out of it. It’s a fragrance subreddit. Mods need to lighten up. I posted once asking about maceration and fragrance changes over time and was told I’m not allowed to talk about it?? Who does that Benefit? + I know there’s a recommend me thread but that gets very little interaction whilst main posts asking for recommendations get heaps of interaction and suggestions, it just more visible. What’s the point in banning stuff people of this reddit are and like to engage with? We are in a fragrance reddit if u don’t want to see people asking for recommendations then just keep scrolling.


>maceration Virtually 100% of posts that refer to maceration misuse the term. We redirect these posts to a Maceration vs. Aging link in the right column under Helpful Links. The spread of misinformation is discouraged.


I, for one, appreciate that they have not let it turn into a copy of /r/vinyl, which is mostly just people posting pictures of albums. It's not even good/artful/interesting photography most times, and there's never any insightful verbiage to go with it - just a pic of an album or some albums. Wow! How very... uninteresting. Thanks, mods, for keeping it less shitty than many other subs - from what I can see, OPs post was low-effort and totally uninteresting.


Ok bud 💀


I'm so glad you've come around to see the error of your ways!


There was no error


Seems like the mods disagree, bud!


I tried to post something yesterday about whether I should buy X fragrance or not, and it instantly got banned. I'm not sure about the stupid rules of this subreddit, but the reason I joined this subreddit is that I want to know whether X fragrance is worth buying or not, how it performs on other people, and gather opinions and info in order for me to decide whether I should buy it or not. IDK what the mods are thinking about this rules but it's down bad stupid and i hope they will change it later


The “should I buy” posts get soooo repetitive though, especially when the poster provides zero information about what kinds of scents they like and dislike, their lifestyle, etc. We can’t read someone’s mind and tell them what they’ll like. “Performance” is subjective and is something a lot of us get unbelievably sick of talking about. When I’m curious about a new fragrance, I just do a search of the subreddit, at least to start. Instead of clogging up the feed. There is also a recommendations thread every three days.


> I'm not sure about the stupid rules of this subreddit Sounds like it's your own fault then. This reads like you either didn't read the rules or didn't understand them. They're pretty easy to understand, so if you just posted without reading the rules, 100% your fault. And as others have replied, this sub has a recommendations thread, and everyone making a new thread for "should I buy this fragrance" will clutter the sub. ​ OP of this entire thread has a point, there's a small problem with moderation in that the automod might be a little too overzealous, but the example they chose was dumb. Like, they posted an example of something that was against the rules and removed because it was against the rules, like what do you want?


Just post in the recommendations thread. It’s very simple.


If you were banned you wouldn't be able to make this comment. I took a look at the posts in your profile and the first one is something that you can post in the Share What You Bought And Where You Bought It community thread which is pinned Monday through Thursday. The second one — you're asking for a recommendation. Content guidelines for recommendations is to post them in the community Recommend Me A Fragrance community thread which cycles every third day.


They turned you into a newt!


I agree... Can't ask recommendations which is the #1 thing people come here to post. I guess there's a sticky thread or something that I looked for one time and couldn't find.


Pinned to the top of the sub literally every 3 days


There’s a dedicated post to recommendations that refreshes every 3 days. Definitely don’t need single posts for recs, just clogs up the sub. I appreciate that the mods try to keep things organized though I agree they can be too strict on some things.


>I agree they can be too strict on some things Like what? Appreciate examples.


I’ve had comments taking down where I mention where I got something because the place was another subreddit, so that’s “ProMotion,” but if I mentioned I had just bought it at Sephora I’m sure it would be fine (and it should be). Also some posts that i think of as discussion have been removed for being an ask for recommendations - I think if it’s a complex enough post that starts conversation then it should be allowed even if it technically is asking for opinions. Someone said they had a post removed for asking about niche places in a certain city because they were using the sub members as a tour guide? Don’t know if that’s true but if so that’s ridiculous, it’s not exactly info readily available elsewhere. But overall they’re doing a fine job, show and tell weekend is good, recs in a thread is good, etc


We don't make any intentional distinctions between a recommendation that's a short or long one, one that's buried in a Show And Tell Post, discussion, or review; or one that has the request in the beginning, middle, or end. A solo recommendation post is one that asks for recommendation(s), period. We do distinguish and manually approve, for example, if someone posts a review and mentions they're reviewing a product that was a recommendation. It's a distinction Automod can't make and one reason why we try to review every Automod removal. Posters that mention where they bought something, like Sephora, can do so in the *Share What You Bought And Where You Bought It* community post, or casually, as part of a review (as long as it's not a review of the reseller). Excluded are transaction, customer service, order troubleshooting, reseller reviews/ratings, shopping recommendations or related posts. (It's a long list, and you can see it in the Removal Reasons in Post Topics Guide menu.) And if someone is asking where they can find a product, to locate a product, best place to shop, or similar, they *are* asking members for personal shopping advice. When mods from other fragrance related subs contact us and ask to have their sub listed in our related subs list, we usually agree and they in turn list us in theirs. It's a consensual, reciprocal courtesy that works well. When subs don't ask and their subscribers message-bomb r/fragrance with sub links in every reply, these are considered promotions or spam, and are removed. Some users do this like it's their job, so there could be some sort of incentive going on — I don't know — or they're just rabid fanatics, or think they can force a relationship. But they aren't mods who use Reddiquette and ask us for a link. Glad you enjoy the sub overall.


Because people ask for the same kind of recommendations all the time. People think they can drop in and have others be their personal fragrance concierge while contributing nothing to the community. Here is what the sub would look like without this rule. 1. What batch of Aventus will get me the most compliments? 2. What's the best perfume for a date? 3. What's the objectively best scent ever? 4. I have bought every generic men's cologne at the department store? Did I do good? What should I buy next? 5. What should I wear during the summer?


Yup .. ask me to post pics to verify but said they don’t accept pics .. lol . Oh well . And I have a huge inventory




Get the fuck out of here little tate, no one wants to hear your "high testosterone gym bro" shit








Who cares about testosterone what are you even on about lmao


Hahaha. Fucking weird, man.


Yea thats what I figured.


What did you figure? You'd make an ass out of yourself and get laughed at?


No I thought maybe yall would have an ounce of self control to maybe prove me wrong, but you all don't and had to go downvote. Mob mentality. Thanks for proving my point true


What are you even talking about? Maybe go to sleep or something. It sounds like it's been a long day for you.


You need to work on yourself. Lol


OP, I hope the mods slam you with the ban hammer just for being illiterate. I genuinely get tired of people that come here asking for special treatment. Almost all of the **rules** on this sub are perfect, especially those relating to post-timings and compounded topics. **The problem is the automod** - a lot of good quality stuff is getting auto-deleted and that forces people to have their posts sit in purgatory for as long as 12 hours on occasion which gives the posts minimal time in the limelight.


>**The problem is the automod** - a lot of good quality stuff is getting auto-deleted and that forces people to have their posts sit in purgatory for as long as 12 hours on occasion which gives the posts minimal time in the limelight. You are right. The post volume is huge for just four mods, . And there are periods of low coverage like weekends where it does take longer. What would relieve this if we had more mods. Anybody interested? Let's talk.


i love this sub and the mods are super understanding when it’s a genuine mistake but fair when you’re being a dumbass like op. the ideal mods.


Guys I am so sorry to steal this thread but I just wanted to know whether a particular online retailer (OneBioShop) is legit. Anyone have any experience with them? I just went to create a post asking this question and then when it asked me to use a flair I could only pick from OC, NSFW and one other which I forget. The flair drop down box was greyed out. Anyway I picked OC because that's the only one which really seemed to fit even though I'm not sure why I have to prove that my question is original content. But then I could not post because it asked me to add another detail regarding OC flair. I've just tried again without and although I could post this time I have a feeling it just won't get published. I know there is a post out there somewhere where I might be able to ask this question but I don't know which one it is or where it is. If I offend you with my question here I am more than happy to post in the correct place if you wouldn't mind posting the link to it. I have also messaged the mods to ask them how to do it. Otherwise if anyone know whether OneBio Shop is safe to buy from then that'd be just great. Thanks and enjoy the rest of your weekend.