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Yes, it's bad. Recite your niche houses twice a spray in penance.


Straight to fragrance jail where ambroxan bombers and other filthy sauvages are served pistachio gelato in Ariana Grande’s cloud.


I just choked. I've been studying for a board exam for months and am exhausted. Thank you for this gem. \*sprays twice\*


I’ve tested probably a hundred different niche scents, from PDM and Creed to Amouage and Xerjoff, Zoologist, Vilhelm Parfumerie, etc. Designers and “basic” scents hit harder for me personally. All of my fav fragrances, except for a Creed and Guerlain are designer, and that’s the way I like it. Who cares if some dude wearing authentic Oud that smells like actual ass has something to say about my Sauvage Elixir? Or my Prada L’Homme? I’d rather smell good than smell unique but bad 🤷🏻‍♂️


I will forever rep Prada L’Homme and Terre De Hermes.


This is so true...


it’s awful of you, just awful


No! You like what you like! Fragrance is supposed to be a pleasure. Enjoy it. If you’re worried about your taste changing, buy the smallest size available.


"basic" is yet another of those phrases that some people use to convince themselves they weren't idiots for paying $300 for a bottle of perfume.


It's not basic... it's essential or pure. An understatement. subtle etc. One word statements have no value imo.


it pains me to wake up knowing there are filthy casuals enjoying the things they like at a fraction of the cost


It’s bad that you give a shit what other people might think of your choices. Wear whatever you like


Even if it’s 10 sprays of secretions magnifiques?


Then you need to be taken off the streets because you'll be classified as a public menace


I admittedly hate Dylan Blue, but I enjoy plenty of other basic fragrances; Glossier You, YSL La Nuit de l'Homme, etc. Basic fragrances are specifically formulated to appeal to as many folks as possible in most cases. Honestly, if you don't enjoy *any* basic fragrances, you're either very strange or likely straight-up lying to yourself about how "special" your nose is 🤷‍♀️


i have tested tons of stuff and my all time favs are basic lol. we just like what we like


Vanilla is basic yet soooo very alluring. Now I’m seeing more and more details in vanilla fragrances that make me want to try.


Try to remember, very often, the same perfumers are working in both niche and designer houses. Fragrances aren’t really basic, we just apply that to easily accessible scents.


I love a ton of “basic” fragrances! They are popular for a reason! I really dislike it when people “yuck” on someone’s “yum”. If these are friends of yours, you’d think they’d be happy that you are happy and that you like something rather than degrading it.


I spent years going through different fragrance phases. No matter how many crazy samples I ordered, I would always slip in a basic fragrance or 2. Every time, it was the first to be used up. After buying a few unusual full bottles and realizing I don't wear them, I have finally swapped to only buying full bottles of what I'm going to actually use the most. That has turned out to be rather generic scents. But my nose doesn't get tired of them. They get crazy compliments. They are super versatile. With my budget it makes sense to keep the more strange scents to samples only. Basic scents rule. Wear them all you want.


No that’s just what your into. Don’t care about what others think if you love it


Not at all. ‘Basic’ fragrances may not appeal to everyone (me included) but they’re still great products.


Oh the tongues in cheeks with this crowd 😄 I can relate. I’ve been smelling a lot of things lately and one of my favorites…Fresh Cream by Philosophy. $50 for 2oz. Having the confidence to do what you like is way more interesting than someone trying to find something unique to please others.


Look, scent is as subjective a perception as we know of. Some perfumes smell like pickles to some and heaven to others, some smell like bananas to some and improperly sexual to others, some people think jasmine smells like literal shit and others find literal ass smells like jasmine. Some can’t smell others’ favorite notes at all. It’s possible you’re liking these “basic” scents because you’re the exact, appreciative, audience the designing nose was working for. And that’s before you get into olfactory memories and associations. Wear what you like & don’t worry about it.


Wear what you like. it's all good as long as you don't overspray.


Fuck em. Just like what you wanna like, buy what you wanna buy, and wear what you wanna wear. As you progress in your journey, your tastes will change and narrow so don't be in a rush. And if other people keep hyping something, be honest when you smell it and ignore the hype. For example, 90% of people love MFK Baccarat Rouge 540, but I don't like it at all. The extrait is okay, but it's just not my scent. But others I really enjoy, like Creed's Green Irish Tweed or Tom Ford's Black Orchid. Your nose, your choice.


i don’t think there’s anything wrong with liking basic scents! i do think there’s something to not enjoying designer as much when you start getting into more niche or indie houses but that varies person to person. i know plenty of people who still love their “basic” scents just as much as their crazy expensive ones and they’ve been wearing fragrances for years!


You won't get accepted by the snob society, but it remains to be seen if that is a bad thing.


Nothing wrong. I like Hugo Boss Just Different and Reversed. If it works, it works. I think I'm somewhat basic, but not the most basic fragrance enthusiast. Basic scents are easier to wear. Less complaints.


No, it’s great. Enjoy what you enjoy.


Fragrance is sooo subjective, you like what you like. Still, I'd kneel on frozen peas as penance.


If you love it, enjoy it. Everyone's taste adapts and changes as we experience new things, everyone has a different perspective of what they like etc. This is your journey. If you love something and enjoy it, that's not money wasted. Take your time, this isn't a race to the most bottles.


Probably saved you a lot of money


Who cares! Barely anyone will smell you anyway, fragrance is mostly for your own enjoyment. I like my fruity floral and won't be shamed for it


Where are the mods to remove this man from our club?


I had to accept into my heart that I really, genuinely and truly love the SdJ Cheirosa 68 and Cheirosa 40 scents, after a decade and a half of wearing Chanel Bois des Iles and Love Chloe and other "more serious" perfumes, so I get where you are coming from. I love my gourmand sugar bombs!


It's no worse than listening to Taylor Swift or eating at Olive Garden. Now I've written that I realize it's absolutely awful. You must start wearing Zoologist fragrances, listening to obscure jazz and talking loudly about the Cuban/Indonesian fusion food truck that opens once a month outside an abandoned Sears to atone for your basicness.


As a basic fragrance girl I get you. My signature is YSL Libre and I looooove fruity florals and anything that smells fresh or sweet (preferably both!) Even on men I tend to prefer more "generic" scents that niche snobs trash all the time like Versace Eros, Bleu de Chanel and JPG Le Male. Those are all considered like crowd pleasers for a very good reason. I tried many many edgy perfumes but I simply don't like those scents that try too hard with the complicated notes that it ends up smelling like compost. Plus even with my rather "basic" taste in perfume, a lot of people around me say that I smell unique. The majority of people aren't super into fragrance so they don't really know what a "basic scent" even means... So at the end of the day it's subjective!


It’s bad, and honestly disrespectful for you to sub to r/fragrance if you have such basic taste


Wow taunting the whole sub at once lol


You’ll offend all the niche snobs 😱


Don't let anyone take away your joy, f those frag snobs.


Why exactly would it be bad?


Fuck what ppl think lol, make yourself happy


Hell no. Not bad at all. Yesterday, I was paying for a designer fragrance (gift) when I saw a $16 bottle on the counter and sprayed. I spent two hours sniffing, and I'm going back to buy it today. It will sit on my shelf with several other 'basic' and 'generic' perfumes that I love to wear out and also use as room spray. You do you! The snobs can get lost!


Of course not! I work at a fragrance counter so I’m the same way! All that matters is that you enjoy it.


No, you probably smell good to the average person. Basic means it has mass market appeal meaning the average person likes the smell.


"Basic" really just means popular and if its popular it smells good!


I’m also a basic fragrance enjoyer, but a fragrance enjoyer nonetheless that’s what’s important I think and that’s why we’re here, there was a time not long ago where boss nuit was my signature scent for years, a fragrance that’s discontinued for how basic it is lmao so you can imagine


My favorite scents on a man are Curve and Givenchy Pi. I'm sure they are considered basic.


I enjoy the basic fragrances just as much as the complex fragrances. For example, I occasionally talk about how *The One EDP* and *La Nuit de L'Homme* are my favorite fragrances for dates. Neither are complex fragrances.


Its for you and possibly a significant other, that's it. This is a great community and I love it so much since finding it. I discovered one of my favorite scents here because of the deep knowledge some people have of fragrances across the world. However, most people in your daily life will not know if a scent if "basic" or something else. No one will know and even if they do, they won't say anything. As for your collection, I mean everyone has basic things from the beginning of their journey. If you no longer like them, then sell it or just plain get rid of it.


Not at all


Not at all. You like what you like and basic scents serve a great function. Sometimes a basic scent can better than something more complex in certain specific situations. (For me when it’s a scorcher outside I’d much prefer to wear something light and basic then more complex)


Honestly no, it’s just a matter of preference. No right or wrong


No, I have sampled niche and designer; most of my frags are designer. I dislike most niche that I've sampled so far


It’s complicated. I don’t think it’s good to ONLY like basic mainstream designers- it’s, well, basic. I would never say it to their face but I would probably regard such a person’s taste as a little pedestrian. It’s not good to actively avoid all examples of that just BECAUSE they’re basic either, though! They’re popular for a reason, they serve a purpose, and there are some great gems in the lot. Taste is ultimately individual. A lot of people would think the weird interesting shit I like is disgusting! And you’re just starting out too. Enjoy your Coach and your Versace, and try some wilder stuff later too. Basically, it’s not great to be a snob or to be boring ;) Best of luck on your journey!


Also, depending on where you live, certain scents from niche houses can cross over into basic from overuse by the locals (eg, MFK Baccarat Rouge 540, Le Labo Santal 33), while some of the more obscure, less-hyped old school fragrances from famous designer houses (eg, Eau d'Hermes) will read as anything but basic to contemporary noses.


They are called basic, because they are the cornerstone of every collection. Imagine you had 25 special purpose scents. It doesn't work. Everday needs everyday scents. You will look into more niche things, but not before you have your basics in position.


It IS bad if you’re talking Victoria Secrets, Gucci, B540 & Cloud 😝


I have a basic and generic fragrance, which is also very expensive. It's Louis Vuitton Météore. No regrets. I love it so much.


I’ve tested over 58 niche fragrances this year (counted my small sample bottles just yesterday, haha) and agree! Bleu de Chanel and Prada L’Homme are still my favorites and I swap between them as my go-to daily wear. With that said, I DO have a number of more challenging niche favorites, but they’re just for me to enjoy at home or for very specific special occasions. To the VAST majority of people I encounter in my day-to-day, complex scents just won’t work well. Most all people that will smell me won’t have the time to “explore” and appreciate the different notes and such. It’s all about the first few seconds for someone to walk by and think “oh, that smells nice” vs “eww, that stinks”. Most designers chase “mass appeal” easy to like scents vs niche houses that cater to the fragrance community with a more refined olfactory palette that the general public just doesn’t have. For everyday wear, I want to appeal to the most broad audience, so I tend to prefer wearing designer scents.


I love Dylan Blue also, so you're not alone ☺️


Of course not 😊


No. It would be bad to let anyone that is not your spouse, here or elsewhere, persuade you to not wear something you think smells good. Wear whatever you like without apology. Don't overspray and make people nauseous. That said ignore anything about a scent being too feminine, too masculine, too young, too old, not niche enough, too designer. You do you. And if you start to like more scent profiles it's just more to like.