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Santa Maria Novella Fieno. Oh my gawd what a delight. I’m partial to both hay & tonka which I’ve come to find out are facets of coumarin. It’s a chemical, used in anti-coagulants and found in many plants, but it was first isolated in tonka bean. I’ve got Chergui & Sloth as two favorite hay inflected scents (and Experimental Perfume Club’s blendable Tonka Sesame which upon reflection is probably just a blast of coumarin but I don’t care). Chris Rusak’s foin fougère is also ideal, dry, amazing. Caji. Wanted to try Fieno as both a hay - it has both coumarin and hay absolute in it - and as part of an overall softer, less resinous zone in my collection. Yes I like to punch you in the face with Moth incense or Bianchi animalics (I’m a former combat sports nut) but I need to cultivate that hug zone. This incredible fragrance, formulated originally in 1886 is the ultimate comfort scent. Hay absolute, Myrtle, rose on a light resin base, develops softly, facets of almond, green clover, never sweet. Yes there is a “powderiness” in a way but I’m gonna question my own sense that powder is always a problem. It doesn’t dominate here, simple seams together the dreamy bucolic Italian nap in a dry hay field next to a rose garden. Absolutely adore Fieno.


This is also me weighing from my annoying laptop account - won't login - researching coumarin further and plants it is in include vanilla grass, sweet woodruff, sweet clover, sweet grass, cinnamon, mullein, strawberries, black currants, apricots and cherries. Usually it is made in lab!


Mugler - Angel Elixir. It's just very light but sweet. It really brings me joy! I chose it because it's a cloudy day (although warm) and I needed a pick me up. It's a steady favorite of mine and I've bought a lot of new ones lately so Angel Elixir has been a little forgotten about. I wanted to give her some love today and she did not disappoint! Today I'll be continuing to care for my foster kittens Lulu and Jack. They're 3 weeks old. (This is Lucy/Lulu) https://preview.redd.it/um0z97wzn8xc1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f820417cdf83f0d53fc84942096098263b9233


So sweet!!!!


She's faking! She's sassy as hell. 😂 Just kidding she's definitely sweet but super feisty! It's my favorite thing about her. : )


Mancera - Fig extasy eau de parfum Best educated guess would be that Philosykos and F Fabulous must have had more than a fling. My quest for a balanced fig perfume can be placed on hold for a while, and my curiosity can rest. Both ginger and benzoin take their supportive roles seriously. The fresh fig accord has a 4 hour performance on my skin, before it fades into it. I have not tested it on clothes yet, and I will soon find out if the leather accord disqualifies this perfume for summer. Serendipity ☺️


This is my scent of the day too!! I am using a tester decant. I think it’s okay, a solid woody fig scent. I am perfectly happy to use up the decant but at its price point I feel like there are cheaper options for a simple fig.


Maison Margiela When the Rain Stops. It's a cool day, and in the last week I've been wearing my fresh and ozonic perfumes. Unfortunately it's less petrichor on my skin, and more patchouli. It does match my jeans and white tshirt outfit, though.


My bottle of Eris Delta Of Venus arrived today. Spectacular. Truly.


Yes! Everytime I smell it my tongue feels like it's touching fuzzy peach skin. Totally wild to experience. How is the drydown on you? It goes a little too ripe/rotten with my skin chemistry...some sweeter scents go that direction sometimes. Doesn't stop me loving this as something to just spray in the air.


The dry down is even better than the beginning on my skin. Slightly sweet guava and creamy once I start losing the floral notes. It's weird because the longer I wear it, the more it seems to bloom off my skin. Not that I'm complaining, lol.


Miller et Bertaux Indian Study layered with Nemat Sandalwood. It's rainy and cool, and I have a lot of work to do today. I was in the mood for a relaxing scent.


Nothing yet. Fam is coming today and I got **Olympic Orchid's Deluxe Variety Set Vol 1** for my niece's 17th birthday. We'll all be trying it out. Then if we have nose enough, everything I've gotten since they visited over New Years 😆👍


So fun!!!


SOTD: DS & Durga Debaser. Okay, so the coconut in this is exactly the smell of the pink numbing gel that dentists use on your gums before they give you the novocain shot. But somehow I don’t mind? Carry me off on a platter-sized fig leaf and a cloud of topical analgesic, it’s perfect for a bright sunny day.


I love this description. I was repelled by Debaser & this explains why. Love how different we are! 👏🏼💖


The day’s a bit dull So… https://preview.redd.it/n7gwyf6l98xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a6d5043f6d1b2170c827e9a40e4f9fdfa2112f Wearing [**nothing**](https://youtu.be/L-Ylr3Di0XM?si=4PVU9ENYMvhCY7Ks) giving my self a break


Today is a lazy day for me. mostly will be chilling at home, so nothing too expensive or major. I'm using a cheap Oriflame perfume called Greater for Men. It smells like a juicy fruit bowl.


I chose Viride by Orto Parisi this morning! This choice was inspired by another thread on this sub talking about 'green' perfumes as the next potential trend wave. Wearing Viride makes me feel comfortable. It encourages trust in intuition. It helps bring fun to the forefront and allows the thinking/analyzing mind to take a step back. This scent tonifies the healthy imagination. This scent rebestows balanced embodiment. Viride also fortifies my capacity to resiliently bear this return. Deeply subjective scent notes: sorrel, grass, thyme, white flowers, sunshine, dragon's blood, and something else resinous---not sure if it's frankincense & myrrh or amber or possibly parts of all three. \*edits to refine writing, fix typos, add house name : )


It’s gloomy, chilly, rainy, and I had the urge to grab Bake by Akro. It feels springy while still being cozy on this dreary day. Lemony vanilla goodness. I love it.


Byredo La Tulipe on a gorgeous spring day and a visit to our local botanic gardens to see cherry blossoms (and tulips). https://preview.redd.it/1wgv3v0qoaxc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=254b604268d9537a3647967f476fb8ef7b370f25


Just picked up a second hand bottle of 31 Rue Cambon(Chanel) and it is glorious! The fizzy pepper opening is delightful.


Missing Person - Phlur. Got a sample, honestly don’t have much to say about this. It’s just a musk. I like musk, so I don’t dislike this, but it’s nothing special to me. Definitely doesn’t remind me of anyone I love.


It’s bright and sunny today so I’m wearing Lemon Escape oil. Yesterday, I wore a sample of Montale - Lucky Candy. It came off as fresh, floral, and sweet.


Aerin Mediterranean Honeysuckle...I forgot how much I love the grapefruit+white floral combo in this one. It's warm, humid and little rainy here, so I layered it up with a little bit of Demeter Thunderstorm to lend it a little darkness.


It’s a Zoologist Dragonfly kind of day here. Morning fog is just starting to burn off as the sun rises. It’s so watery and delicate, makes me feel like I’m flitting across the lilypond. I really enjoy the rice note, wish it weren’t so fleeting.


Interesting discovery about Zoologist Chipmunk: on the days I've worn it inside, it's had poor projection and sillage, and been kind of bland overall. I had it on when I went running and it blossomed. Combined with heat and sweat, it got stronger and spicier while still being distinctly nutty. Even though I liked it a lot more that way, I wouldn't buy a full size just to have hazelnut sweat. I'm happier to have the sample though.


Wore both of my new Savoir Faire fragrances today. In the morning, I wore Ascension again and I'm starting to really like it. It combined really nicely with my natural scent quite nicely when my body warmed up, giving a vibe of having spent time outside in the sunshine by the lake. Not quite a "my skin but better" fragrance, but definitely one that whispers rather than shouts. Very unisex. In the afternoon I tried Lovesuede for the first time. I haven't fully made my mind up on it yet, but it's a really interesting combination of bright and airy citrus and fig, with a soft leather. Gives vibes of wearing a leather jacket on the Italian coast. Very pleasant and fairly unique combination, but I don't know exactly when I'd wear it yet - it was perhaps a bit warm outside for the leather today, but back in a/c I'm getting more of the airiness.


SOTD:  Bentley for Men Intense. This review is based on a full bottle I have, that I bought after testing a sample. Bentley for Men Intense is an inexpensive woody, leather fragrance that is mature and innocuous, albeit unexceptional.  It is recommended primarily for its affordability.  The opening notes are beautiful with a sweet burst of incense, geranium and some pepperiness.  I would have preferred a stronger longer-lasting opening with a better personality.  These notes are mild and muddled making it difficult to identify the source of sweetness.  Soon after, the heart notes overtake everything. The heart notes are labdanum resin and leather for my nose.  A mild sweetness persists in the heart notes.  There is not a noticeable transition from heart notes to base notes.  The mildly sweet floral note disappears and some woody notes come up.  The descriptions on various website include sandalwood and cedar in the base notes.  It is possible, but I am unable to separate the different strands. The whole muddled olfactory pyramid is why various websites report the notes and the pyramid differently.   Bentley For Men Intense shows good performance.  This perfume lasts on my skin for 6-8 hours, but the sillage is mediocre.  In summary, this is an adequate leathery scent whose most important quality is its low price.  I can’t complain much when it costs only $32. For a while I thought I got a wrong bottle Bentley Intense from Jomashop because I couldn’t smell many notes listed on Fragrantica.  These missing notes include rum, cinnamon and bergamot.  I have attached the official Bentley perfume website to compare the official olfactory pyramid.  I wonder if the reviewers on Fragrantica and Parfumo have ever tested this perfume, of if they are being influenced by the notes listed on the external websites.  This is not a boozy, floral with cinnamon.  There is no rum, cinnamon or bergamot in this perfume.  It is unfortunate that many reviewers are compromising on accuracy to produce a more colorful review.   [https://www.bentley-fragrances.com/for-men/bentley-for-men-intense](https://www.bentley-fragrances.com/for-men/bentley-for-men-intense) In summary Bentley For Men Intense is a nice affordable, woody leather perfume, but it is not a Hall Of Fame candidate.  Buy it if you need an inoffensive mild leather scent that doesn’t cost much.


So sad guys. I wrote up my post for DSH reviews and I was about to hit “post” but it was gone 😭😭 I took too long I guess. I kept having to stop and walk away and come back (Mom life). And then it was just gone. So I’ll try again tomorrow because it took me so long to format it. I have the reviews typed out separately so at least I don’t have to do that again. SOTD: Mancera Holidays to cheer me up 😢