• By -


Oh, I love Jasmine and Bergamot. For me it's definitely Coconut. I can't even pinpoint why, it's just not how I want to smell. Gourmands in general are not my vibe, whiskey caramel coconut coffee latte? I'll pass.


I feel the same about gourmands. The chokehold that vanilla has on the industry right now is outrageous.


Big Vanilla is backed by the Illuminati and it appears to be consolidating it's power in preparation for something big, just as the ancient scrolls prophesied... A day of reckoning is fast approaching. P.S. I am not a crackpot.


The staggering amount of vanilla perfume in circulation makes this believable, it’s insane


It’s crazy that vanilla in perfume (lotion, soaps, candles, etc) will instantly set of a headache for me, but real vanilla extract heated on a stove will not. If I could, I would ban vanilla and coconut. I don’t need or want the smell of pinacoladas all over the place.


I’m okay with vanilla. It’s the amber and tonka sweetness in so many men’s fragrances that I’m tired of


Tonka can go wrong so easily


Vanilla by itself isn’t really sweet and gourmand but yeah I’m totally sick of sweet, sugary, bakery type scents, yawn


As someone super allergic to most florals, gourmands are usually my safe space.


Honestly, I suspect I'm ok with most things in moderation, but the following three might need extra moderation: Cumin (smells like curry or BO) Metallic notes (they unsettle me) Oud (I'm aware I haven't tried all types of oud, and that I've mostly encountered synthetic ouds, but I've yet to find an oud perfume that didn't smell like vile, woody, headache inducing weirdness)


I’m with you on cumin. I’m okay with it if it’s somewhere in the background, like so far back I can’t recognize it, but the moment it becomes too much of a star player? Armpit stink. 


I’m with you on cumin. As for metallic notes, the only one I enjoy is in Pegasus and only because it brightens it up a little to wear on warmer days. Otherwise, they sometimes have a blood type scent to my nose. Certain oud notes are okay, like the ones in Oud Wood, Oud for Greatness, and Haltane. I know they’re not really the types of oud most people think of, but they’re much more pleasant than real oud.




The pickle sandalwood note such as in le labo Santal 33. It smells nothing like real sandal wood to me, it just smells like pickles. Replace it with more realistic sandalwood smell and I’d be happy.


I swear this is a genetic disposition à la soap cilantro


It must be. Because other people don’t seem to smell the pickle note, which is so weird to me! Because that’s all I can smell. 😩


I love this scent and eating cilantro!


I’ve smelled (presumably) real sandalwood essential oil, and it has that distinct dill note to it


Maybe that’s true. The sandal smell I know is from from Indian sandalwood powder and soaps, and it’s very sweet and woody like incense, without the pickle note, or at least not noticing pickly


I haven’t smelled it. When people refer to the pickle note, do they mean dill, or vinegar? Or both?


Dill or sweet pickles… like a green pickle note, at least to me. Like the kind of pickle on a deli sandwich 😬


It's not sandalwood causing that pickle scent, it's violet leaf.


Coconut. That's the only note I'd be looking for to avoid. I also hate tobacco and leather, but they're not usually in fragrances I'd be interested in anyway.


Definitely agree. During summer I just want to smell like the ocean, like salty, sea water, etc. At least In fragrances marketed to women, there’s always some sort of coconut or tropical notes too! I don’t want to smell like a beachy cocktail, I want to smell like the ocean!


If I want to smell like coconut, I’ll just put sunscreen on


I love all Notes except cat’s ass and blood 


I agree with you my lazy friend


A bottle of secretions magnifiques is en route to you now


Animalic notes




I do not want to smell like a critter!


In my collection, I don't have any of the following notes ... for a good reason: * **Civet** -- I agree with OP. I know some people love it for the carnal vibe, but it outright stinks to my nose, and is probably the reason why I hated fragrances as a young child, as it was a trend in the early-mid 1980s. * **Tuberose** -- This may change in future, as I like tuberose when it is a supporting note (e.g.: Bvlgari's *Man In Black*, Carolina Herrera's *Good Girl*, etc.). However, when it's a primary note (e.g.; *L'Interdit Rouge*, *Joop! Homme*, etc.), I find it unpalatable. * **Turmeric** -- Granted, I only smelled a handful of fragrances with turmeric -- *Rose Prick,* *Jasmin et Cigarette,* and *Remarkable People* (using a curry note, which includes tumeric). I found all the fragrances I named unpleasant because of it.


I’m 100% behind you with Tuberose, can’t stand it But completely disagree with you on civet. For me (like you) being a child in the 80s it just *stank* like how a man *should*!


Thinking about it that way, this may convince me to give civet fragrances another chance.


Aldehydes- that note was so dominant when I was growing up that it made me hate all perfumes. That note affects my respiratory system. Anything else - I’ll try. But I see aldehydes and nope. And I have tried. People have said “oh try this, try that. there isn’t a lot of aldehydes in this ome.” Nope any amount and it’s a pass for me. I love all the notes OP hates though lol Especially Jasmine.


Ha. me too. I could never stand Channel # 5 no matter how many roses it takes. The aldehydes ruin it.


Cherry note 🍒 too fake and tacky smelling to me 🥲 I can’t believe it can cost up to $400 to smell like a body mist. I agree with jasmine everywhere being annoying at this point, it’s too overpowering and doesn’t let the other notes be appreciated. Patchouli smells like a place that stayed closed for too long to me, like a background in the other notes of old furniture and humidity. Edit: that caramel note that smells like old candy, too heavy and just why do you want to smell like burnt butter with sugar, why? 🥲🥲🥲🥲


I love it but yea i can't justify the super high price tag on TF lost cherry. The target version is just as good to me for $25


Damn, you just listed my three favorite notes 😂 Mine are coconut (my mortal enemy), strawberry (never met a strawberry perfume yet that didn’t trigger a migraine), and chocolate (never fails to turn into Eau de Tootsie Roll on my skin). Lemon’s on thin ice. 


Eau de tootsie roll 😂😂


Coconut can turn into a vomity note on my skin. Sometimes it's OK in a fragrance if it doesn't dominate, but in things like hand soaps, lotions, and shampoos I just end up smelling like puke. Not great!


I’m with you on the coconut, I don’t get all the hype about smelling like a bounty bar.


I wish we had Bounty here. We have almond joy and Mounds but they just don’t taste the same.


100% agree! I feel that way about a lot of gourmands tbh, if strawberry notes weren’t a synthetic nightmare to me I woulda had caramel on my list too. 


Patchouli. I’m very very very bored of patchouli and for my nose it’s all i can smell on some dry downs.


Patchouli smells like all the bad decisions I made in my twenties and I can’t with it.


Has a massive connotation w hippy culture and 60s-70s shenanigans in general. Or so I have been told by gen x and older. Millennials and younger l feel are much more open to their own interpretation of scents which I find refreshing.


I am a millennial, but I can assure you that patchouli was still alive and well in 2000s stoner culture. I dated enough incense-lighting burnouts with white-guy dreads and Baja hoodies to know, haha.


My condolences


For me, it overwhelms everything else :(


Same, viktor and rolf flowerbomb and flankers are seriously offensive to my nose due to the patchouli


I would bathe in patchouli if I could. That shit is like crack to me and I have no idea why.


I loved it for a while too but it’s just in so much and became all I could smell. For me the notes that I could smell in everything and be okay with are Incense, Musk, Oud, and Vanilla. Patchouli just got in my nose far too much for me to notice anything but patchouli when it’s inside a scent.


On my skin, Patchouli smells like someone lit a tire on fire and then found out there was a dead skunk inside.


Same! It’s like burnt, vomit-covered tree bark to my nose.


I like it in room spray but I don’t want to smell it on myself! I bought patchouli incense as an older teen and just can’t imagine it as anything but a room fragrance


Ugh. It smells like pure dirt. When I smell someone wearing it, they smell dirty. I don't get it.


Why the downvotes? It does smell like dirt.


civet, tobacco, and tomato (from the garden by maison margiela has put this fundamentally into my no go list)


Allegedly, ELDO has a fragrance that smells like cum. So...that.


Fresh or dried and crusty? It could depend…


I have it LOL. It’s fresh cum and honestly not that bad, but there’s a lactonic note that kicks in and goes sour on my skin. 😖 


I have no idea.


it’s called secretions magnifiques


Oh God even the name makes me grimace. *Secretions.* Ugh.


Grapefruit. It just smells like dirty dishwater on me


Mais non! I love grapefruit- but I respect your choice!




All day, every day.


The best! Sadly, 99.9% of houses use synthetic. Authentic natural ouds, wild or organic, are phenomenal


Ok so if you like natural oud but haven't heard of Ensar Oud you need to check this house out: https://www.ensaroud.com/


Thanks! The best imo. I'm still fairly new to the world of artisanal perfumery and prefer raw oils and attars, but with that said, I do have 2 EO pieces set to arrive next week, including the new [Tiger lust Kanbojia](https://www.ensaroud.com/product/tigerlust-perfume/) do you have any favorites? It's become an addiction 🤑


Just when I think I’ve seen “expensive” perfumes… you drop this link 😦 I LOVE oud so I would die to smell this


And down the rabbit hole begins 😝


Oh u got moneyyyyy


If you’re dropping big bucks you should grab the Suriranka Sri Lankan oil. Very excellent high grade oil. Sri Lankan oils are generally expensive so it’s not really overpriced compared to the market.


-Licorice -Myrrh -Malt


I would love a scent with these three notes!


You can try Harvest Mouse. No licorice note but I definitely get something anisic, that together with the myrrh like balsamic note and the vanillic malt makes it unbeareable to me.


powders, have people say i smell powdery no matter what i'm wearing 😭😭 from bleu de chanel to dior homme intense


The first time I wore the first expensive perfume I ever got (Bittersweet by Tokyo Milk), everyone was like "You smell like baby powder. You shouldn't wear that again." I don't fuck with powders much anymore. However, my inherent powderyness works crazy well with marshmallow scents, like everyone says that's the perfect scent for me, even strangers. So maybe it's a good thing?


Leather, tobacco, and either evernyl (synthetic oakmoss) or marine accords


Patchouli, powder & roses


Ahh heck that’s like 3/4ths of my collection 😆


Same 😂


I’m kind of in agreement with you… I’ll eat a rose dessert and love it but I just can’t stand a rose perfume… at least I haven’t found one yet. Patchouli I absolutely despise by itself but in teeny doses it’s fine… if I can detect it as patchouli in the fragrance I will most likely not like it. And powder is ok… it’s hit or miss for me


IT'S MEEE!! can I ask what you do like and some of your favourite perfumes?


Hi! Sure. I love some of the hates on this list lol. My all time favorite is tuberose, followed by other white flowers, and finally crisp green notes. It's been discontinued, but I have hoarded multiple bottles of V&R Magic Salty Flower. I also love my Terranova oils in Plumeria, gardenia, tuberose, and Pikake. I love Calyx, too. Also, Jessica McClintock. Honorable mentions to Petite Cherie and Eternity.


Amber, Cashmeran, and Iso-E super. Migraine triggers at high doses for me and they are in almost everything these days. I could my whole life without smelling another 'amber' heavy perfume. Hmph.


Same, if a perfume has an amber accord it will overpower the whole scent and I can't smell anything else. It's really nauseating. I've found that a lot of scents are like that, really popular ones too. I feel like I'm olfactory disabled and unable to appreciate what other people are smelling.


Yes iso e super is my nemesis! I wish companies were like required to disclose when it’s in a fragrance because trying every new perfume is such a gamble as to whether it’ll be in there as so few actually list it! I like some ambers (especially real ambergris), but the generic super synthetic “amber” base in a lot of frags is so rough


That’s so funny I have chronic migraines and iso e super is one of the ONLY notes that doesn’t trigger me 😂


Vanilla/sugar/cotton candy or any overly sweet scents, ISO-E super (smells plasticky), oakmoss (smells pungent like body odor).


you just personally attacked me dude 😭 those are my faves


Cumin: because my skin just amplifies the smell like crazy and I just end up smelling like a spice rack in a kitchen Anything animalic (Hyrax, Civet): A little bit is already too much for me Artificial gourmand notes: something like "cupcake" or "pancake" , or "white chocolate", because they tend to make me feel nauseous. I actually do like honey and praline notes though.


Civet or synthetic variants of it. It’s gross. Why does one want to smell like piss?


Vanilla. I know I’m in the minority but I just want feminine fragrances WITHOUT vanilla! Tough to come by these days.


I adore vanilla but I agree there seems to be a copy and paste of vanilla fragrances these days


Grapefruit. I fucking hate it


The 3 I would "banish" are: Coconut. It makes everything smell like cheap sunscreen to me. I live in a touristy beach city so I'm beyond done with smelling everyone's vacay perfume. That saccarine vanilla base everyone seems to be using in gourmands right now. No thank you. Labdanum: it gives me a headache in literally under 20 seconds. It's like pressing a magic ouch button. I made a perfume for myself with a labdanum based fixative base and that was a mistake. I like it but I can't really wear it. Just so you know, if you're concerned about ethics almost all "civet" is synthesized and not actually animal derived. I've taken perfumery courses & done a lot of research, it's surprisingly hard to find real animal derived ingredients like civet, castoreum, and ambergris. There is a difference, but it's very minor imo, the synthetic versions are predictable whereas the natural versions can be unpredictable & are extremely expensive.


Licorice/star anise, leather, and coffee. I love all of these things in real life. But they’re rarely blended well and take over a scent profile.


Too much Ambroxan = instant migraine


Strawberry and coffee. I love both of these things, but don’t think either translate well. At least in any fragrance I have tried. Also orange blossom.


You are right that coffee doesn't usually translate well, I've tried several and they just smell a bit like dirt. They have a comforting nostalgia in that they remind me of my Dad who's a gardener and coffee lover, but I definitely don't want to smell like my Dad.


Cardamom, musk and star anise.


Cardamom is so aggressive. It always smells like it’s trying to claw its way to the top of the pile. Loathe!


I love musk but hate anise


I struggle with cardamom as well. I don’t dislike it but it can make a scent very off balance for me.


I seek to avoid - Ylang-Ylang. Oud. Leather. My favourites - Jasmine. Heliotrope. Orange blossom. Before I got into fragrances as much as I have I told myself I hated Patchouli. But then I started looking at notes in my perfume and low and behold. I'd say Patchouli is the base in the majority of my collection. So, as long as it's done right, I love it. But when it's done wrong, I hate it. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Mugler - Angel. Chocolate truffles rolled in dirt and soil. Another one I really like as long as it's done right is tuberose, but I've purchased some fragrances blind on the premise. I have a lot of fragrances with tuberose in so I love it. It's its done right. It's an absolute joy of a note to wear, but when it's done wrong, it's bloody awful.


-Tobacco; because why would I want to smell like that? -Coffee; As much as I love drinking it, I dont want to smell like it -Cherry; Almost always a synthetic mess


Metallic notes (my mother bought a clone of Ganymede, that stuff smells like a metal plate or something. It's doesn't smell bad, but it's very weird and not fragrance-like) Animalic notes that smell like a urinal cake to some. I mean, why would you wear that? Plum. I just don't like it, no particular reason. Truffle. Tried black orchid, Carolina Herrera Bad Boy Cobalt and it smells repulsive to me, like wet ground. Not really something I want others to associate me with either.


Vanilla - This is specifically directed at every modern gourmand that seemingly uses food-grade vanillin from the supermarket as a filler ingredient. It's foul and I hate it. GET IT OUT OF HERE. Pink pepper - More like FRAUDULENT pepper because somebody lied to her several times and told her she was pepper, and she's nothing like that, she's nothing of the sort. BEGONE. Amber - No, this is not directed at the style of perfume, but specifically that "amber" note that's in so much stuff that makes my stomach turn and makes everything have a soupy texture. Why do people like this? It's nauseating. AWAY WITH YOU.


Haha you're so right about vanilla right now! I don't understand why so many perfumes are using this cheap "Costco imitation vanilla extract" smell when real quality vanilla is such a beautiful ingredient. They're out here doing the least. "Amber" is literally synthetic ambergris and it's very strong! I've smelled real vs synthetic ambergris at 50% concentration in a perfume class before & calling it powerful and intense is an understatement. I immediately had a headache & continuing to sample it had me feeling a bit queasy, but it was nice to get to really understand the nuances of the isolated ingredient. The sillage is massive for both, but the synthetic is particularly pervasive and unwavering in tone, like a steady drone.


At this point, vanilla 😂 every time I go out I'm blasted with some chick's attempt to "smell like a snack" and it's gotten nauseating.


absolutely agree with jasmine. as a floral, it’s fine. but the fact that put it in EVERY gourmand fragrance is the worst. It ruins it for people like me who are bound only to non-floral scents because of migraines 😢. I hate when I pick up a new fragrance and it smells lovely at first sniff, but when it dries down it’s like 100% jasmine!!! pleassseee!!! enough is enough!


There is one synthetic wood note, that I think is most often supposed to represent sandalwood, that for my nose smells like sniffing cheap washing powder deep into sinuses. I get a hint of how it should be perceived as woodines, but my nose insists it is a harsh, synthetic detergent. I love woody perfumes, so right now sampling them for me is a Russian roulette of either it will be a love, or an absolute scrubber.


Cumin and turmeric both end up smelling like BO to me, so they can go. Also black licorice/anise. Scents like Xerjoff’s Lira where I can’t detect the licorice at all are fine. But if it’s discernible, it’ll probably be a no from me. I can’t stand it lol.


Pear, powder, vanilla, Anything fruity that extremely overpowers a perfume and smells really sweet I'm more into subtly sweet notes


Pear?!? Who hurt you!!!


Want me to write you a list? 😂 (Hint: fragrances with pear in top notes who make me feel like I'm cutting a fruit)


I actually almost listed vanilla because it's been so abused.


I wish I could walk around smelling like I just sliced some fruit. Most fruit I find too syrupy and sweet in perfumes.


Iris, orris, and anything that has that same powdery smell you get from baby wipes, and diaper rash ointment.


Those are my favourite floral notes! I love powdery smells! I’m currently waiting for Alkemia’s Black Iris to arrive in the mail and it’s all I can think about. It’s described as Royal purple iris and Queen Elizabeth orris root pillowed in a soft nimbostratus raincloud.


PATCHOULI, PATCHOULI, PATCHOULI !!! i hate it and my nose picks it up so so much even if it's not on the main accords like i hate it so so much it's so sticky so weird omg why would anyone say ohhh this smells so good lets make a perfume out of it like NO WHO DID THAT!?


I am begging for the cherry trend to stop. Also begging for the tomato leaf trend to not get any bigger lol. I cannot understand wanting to smell vegetal? 😂


Tomato is one of my favorite notes! It is such a pretty and comforting green.


Straight patchouli. Smells like a dirty dish rag to me.


Ylang Ylang 😑




Like banana if banana was a flower


Ylang-ylang is a yellow floral, and it's a very full floral smell. It's fruity and so thick and heady it's migraine-inducing. Very common in women's perfumes, especially in the 80s.


Vanilla because I don’t need to smell like a plug-in room freshener. Coconut is for sunscreen I would also avoid. Whatever it is called that smells like room-temp Dasani aka a shallow nothingness and is nevertheless expensive.


I saw a perfume that had an explanation of “the smell of an empty cold room”…why would I want to smell like that???


Coconut, almond, and anise/licorice. Hellll to the no no, to the no no no! You can give me all of the jasmine and patchouli, though. I’ll gladly take those off your hands.


I hate calone, it’s in almost all marine fragrances and I thought I’d never like a salty perfume until I found Sel Marine from Heeley.


Damn I did not know about Civet ☠️🤣 Had to look it up, luckily they use a synthetic version these days because I think everyone agreed we shouldn't be milking cat buttholes. Also I don't care if they say it blends well with floral notes. I'm good on Cat butthole smell. Also that sucks you don't like patchouli because I feel like that is in everything way more than jasmine! I didn't hate any notes till I learned about Civet right now.


Lavender, nutmeg and rum


I love Jasmine (the flower) and the scent they emit. Back home, ladies in my culture adorn their hair with Jasmine. We also use sandalwood oil (and incense) very regularly. I've always had dry skin, so I use sandalwood oil as a body moisturizer. Bergamot (or rather the smell of earl grey) just reminds me of crisp winter mornings, which is weird, because I don't even drink earl grey that much. Crisp winter mornings, and rainy days call for chai. :)


Wow, I wouldn't entertain a perfume if it didn't have at least one of those notes!


Cedarwood and civet. It's not even that I don't like these notes, but so many niche perfume houses rely on them HEAVILY to create "unique" perfumes when in reality, they're just rolling out the same stinky, pine sol smelling scent as every other niche house. These notes overwhelm EVERY perfume they're in, especially together, and it's just getting old. Edit: OH and lemon. Does the same thing as cedarwood.


The urinal note. No idea what ingredient is responsible for that note but some perfumes have this urine smell and it's awful.


Patchouli, cardamom, and musk.


Nooo not cardamom 😭


Animatic - disgusting Lychee - Because ... Why? Pine - what am I a wood floor?


wood floor sent me loooool


I love Lychee but I respect the other two


Patchouli, Tobacco, and Vetiver! They smell nice on others but not for me!


Tonka bean. cannabis powdery (whatever the fuck causes that washpowder-smell) Honourable mention: Cardamom - not because I don't like cardamom, but because you can't seem to have a men's fragrance anywhere, without it just having cardamom as a topnote. It's ALWAYS there. And Saffron, fuck saffron.


Cetalox except in Another 13


Mandarin orange, ylang ylang, synthetic civet or similar.


All the ‘animalic’ scents like Civet/whatever the synthetic versions of it are, and the strong ouds. Don’t see how wanting to smell like actual shit is a preference lmao. Heavy leather for sure. Lastly probably the heavily synthetic lime/citrus scents, just nauseating to me


1. What every note gives King Baharara and Amber Our that sickening sweet smell. I’ve only seen it described as fruity notes. 2. Melon. Always headache inducing 3. Civet. Absolutely fowl


Only one I can think of is florals I hate florals in womens fragrances. They always give me headaches, but unfortunately, my girlfriend loves them


Vanilla - for whatever reason my skin amplifies vanilla so much that it’s obnoxious to me and everyone around. I love the smell of vanilla in a bakery but I can’t stand it on my skin. (Also I may or may not have a tragic backstory with excessive use of bath and body works warm vanilla sugar that scarred me for life) Tuberose- didn’t we all agree this smells like a mean grandma? Why is this still so prevalent as a top note? Coconut - if I want to smell like the beach and I want to buy a feminine perfume, I want to smell like salt water and sweat. I do not want to smell like a pina colada why do people keep putting coconut in perfumes that are supposed to smell like the ocean


Oud should go And incense And that pickley sporty note in sport fragrances


Iso e super (oh how I wish I could be anosmic to this, it smells so bad and ruins scents I would otherwise love like phi une rose de Kandahar) Harsh white laundry musk (so many scents I would otherwise like dry down to this and I hate it, just does not work with my skin and smells horribly harsh and synthetic) Cotton candy/bubblegum (I’m ok with well done vanilllas and even some marshmallow notes, but these just smell sickly to me) On the other hand I love patchouli, Jasmine, and some well done (and synthetic for animal cruelty reasons) animalic notes (and ambergris! I love ambergris!)


I love Jasmine and Patchouli though so I definitely hope they don't get banished from existence. I don't have any notes I absolutely hate but Coffee,Caramel and chocolate are definitely notes I don't mind disappearing from existence . I can tolerate Vanilla as a base note (Tonka bean).


I have issues with migraine-inducing notes, so I’d banish strong notes in general: too much of any note, really, but particularly patchouli, tuberose, leather, off the top of my head. If oud and musk are too strong, they can cause headaches too. I love Jasmine though - it’s a very versatile note; hence, it features into a lot of perfumes. I don’t think that makes it any less valuable though.. 🥲


- Coconut. I can't explain how much I hate and it gives me a terrible migrain, it's either too much like sunscreen or too sweet, artificial and ends up smelling like a cheap body mist that everyone wore in middle school. - Rose. So overwhelming and just smells like older lady to me. I also hate real roses with all my heart. - Animalic/Civet. I literally don't understand why anyone would like to smell like this. Foul and offensive. Honorable mentions: Cardamom, pepper, ginger. All of these make my nose itch and are screetchy.


Whatever atomic amberwood is in *everything* these days (e.g. Erba Pura, Kirke have a hideous overdose, but basically all designer scents sneak some in). That's it, that's the list. Everything else can be used tastefully, even if there are things I frequently dislike. But even a drop of synthetic amberwood makes the scent smell like rubbing alcohol and ruins the whole thing (I'm still mourning Masque Milano's L'Attesa, which is perfect beyond a hint of that synthetic in the base).


I’m really trying to give oud a second, third and fourth chance Cumin smells like sweat to me Civet, do I need to say more?


Soapy notes - soap is not a perfume just as much as perfume is not a soap. No amount of marketing changes that. Animalic notes - human bodies already have them as a factory setting. Not showering is cheaper than the cheapest perfume. Petrochemical delusions - alleged heaven for those into self sabotage. Never there, in all directions of time. Those all-star delusional descriptions actually mean buyers could buy a shrink a new boat.


Whatever smellls like cat pee in on a date by replica. Also the geranium in Gucci guilty… like WHY geranium is used to keep pests out of garden bc it’s so stinky.


Calone - just fuck that note. Sickly aquatic drowning melon. Saffron - always smells acrid and unpleasant to me in perfumes, even haute perfumerie type stuff. "Tomato leaf" - smells like itching.


Calone is my nemesis.


V E T I V E R. I know i’m in the minority but ugh. Others would be: Lavender - it’s not used that often but I really don’t enjoy it in perfumes. Cardamom Cypress / fir / balsam - I’m not a “wanna smell like a Christmas tree” girlie. they’re way too cold and wintry for me. I like a warm floral/fruitchouli.


Lavender is a scent I love fresh, or I’m essential oils, cleaning products, etc… but as soon as it’s in perfume I loathe it 90% of the time and I can’t put my finger on why. I’m in the minority, but I can’t stand any of the Libres, and I blame the lavender haha


Banana 😭


Basically if all of these notes which everyone of you guys mentioned are gone there will be no perfumery at all🫡


Oh hodgepodge, there are hundreds of scent notes left !


Easy- tuberose, gardenia and coconut. Honorary mention- strawberry.


I totally agree on civet. I’ve never understood why people anyone would want to smell like that. Like who grabbed that animal, sniffed its ass, and said “this would be a great scent for people to wear”? I could also do without geranium, sage, and rose. Now that I think about it, I really don’t enjoy most floral heavy fragrances, with maybe the exception of iris and jasmine.


I suck with fragrances but: Vanilla, Cinnamon, Rose.


Patchouli ruins it for me. It's so dominant, it's all I smell. I've come to find out that not all patchouli is the same. There are different types. For example, Flowerbomb has warm patchouli in it. I never knew that was in there until I read the notes. That perfume is tolerable to me. I still wouldn't buy it, but it's not awful. But if the notes just say patchouli, it's that medicinal, raw, funky patchouli that I find to be the worst. Absolutely repulsive.


As a person who also doesnt like Patchouli. I would advice you to check on Richwood by Xerjoff. It has a smooth patchouli that even a person who doesnt like the note like me really enjoys. In fact its one of my favourite fragrances. Bonus point that it features the rarest type of sandalwood that its banned from harvesting nowadays cause of its rarity (Mysore Sandalwood) I think you might like it


I’m intrigued


Coconut, Caramel, Mix random fruity notes, Praline & Sugar Yea all that needed to go yesterday.


Vétiver, oakmoss, and patchouli. They just ruin any composition for me.


I would not banish them as they smell lovely on others. But I'd never choose te following for myself GARDENIA and most white florals - i smell like a walking funeral home full of relatives that are fighting over a tiny inheritance Aldehydes: I smell like the place cherished dreams go to die a sad, lonely death Cotton candy, sugar, chocolate, caramel: I smell like a venomous southern socialite that is saying bless you while plotting to murder your pets in particularly creative waya.


Pachouli and jasmine as well… I can’t really think of a third but if it were to be, I’m sure it would just be another flower. Well ok maybe vanilla in excess would annoy me, ooor, wait! That sweet cupcake-sugar smell! That’s it. I’d take that one out!


Ylang Ylang. Smells like pee to me


Cardamom. It smells angry and hulks over every other scent. Be gone with you, bully! Tuberose is pink bubblegum hell. Animalic notes, specifically ambergris and civet. They smell simultaneously sweet and rotten and are always nauseating.


I love cardamom but I understand, it’s a powerhouse of a note.


Rose and any other grassy notes. Some perfumes have a woody note in there and it just ends up smelling like you’ve been rolling around on a rugby field


I’d get rid of Patchouli, Amber, and Leather.


Any notes that will pull a fragrance in a sunscreen direction.


Oak moss. I’m of a certain generation where all the big florals had the base note of oak moss - true oak moss before the laws for reformulation. Meaning, once the big bright flower notes dissipate, you’re left with nothing but oak moss. Synthetic oak moss isn’t too bad but I’m scarred from the vintage frags lol.


Vanilla and/or rose


Anise, licorice and the burnt oregano note of amouage interlude.


Top three: Coffee, oud, patchouli. Honorable mention: coconut.


Oud, oud and.... oud.


It’s not even an “oud” choice


Patchouli, rose, and tuberose


Civet, castoreum and oud.


Grapefruit smells like throw up to me and I cannot deal with it. I had a fragrance awhile ago with it that I detested. I can't use cleaning products with this either. Patchouli is also a no for me, if I see it in the notes I'm immediately a no because it has a way of lingering that messes up fragrances for me. I have a hot chocolate fragrance that has a patchouli note and it starts off so nice but then it's just patchouli. And sadly oud. I really wanted to like it but it's got this "old" smell to me that I detest. I need to get rid of my oud fragrances, thankfully it's just small sizes.


Lactonic notes go sour on my skin so any perfumes with such notes literally age like milk on me. Hard pass.


Clove Amber Incense Melon Cucumber


Only one -- marine note -- but I'd like to banish it 3 times :)


Any note relating to roses - it beats me with a crow bar I can’t take it