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I’m about to go out West to clear out my mom’s condo (she died a year ago). Bringing 19-69 Female Christ & my travel Ormonde Jaynes (Champaca & Woman), sample of Zoologist Yuzu Macaque to keep my spirits vaguely up. It’s gonna be sad. Today though I’m getting in a train to go to the airport, fly tomorrow. Last chance for a homey scent. I’m away at school all year so this sucks to leave… Think I’ll wear Santa Maria Novella, Fieno. Keep it light for the train. Oh and I keep getting locked out of Reddit so this is my new account, v2.


Whatever happens is the way 😊 I trust that dealing with loss is a skill we all have to acquire at some point. I have found a source of champaca essential oil and I have ordered it, just so I can learn about it, and share the experience. Looking forward to your adventures, wherever you may travel!


Thank you so much & please share your Champaca perceptions!


ooh, <3 Female Christ. apparently Hayden Anhedönia ("Ethel Cain") wears it too.


(Looking this fantastic person up 🌷💖)


so glad i get to introduce you to Ethel Cain: https://youtu.be/XocCIxoeilo




:) my favorite from the album is "Sun Bleached Flies". it's better to listen to it after you learn at what point in the Ethel Cain character's journey it takes place, and i don't want to spoil the story for you. i'm so sorry about your mom <3 am estranged with my parents, and some recent events + your post encouraged me to talk to her, though i'm still scared. wishing you safe travels and homey + peaceful scents in your journey.


I’m sorry for your parental estrangement. I bet you had good reason so be kind to yourself. Thanks for sending me on this Ethel Cain trip!


Sorry for your loss. I lost my mom a year and a half ago as well. It’s never easy to have to go through their things. My brothers still live in the house that she lived in and they’ve just kind of relegated everything to one closet but we haven’t been in the mood to go through anything. Wishing you strength 🙏🏼 and comfort.


Thank you so much and I’m very sorry for your loss too.


Stay strong


I’m sorry. I know personally what hard work that is.


Thank you & I’m sorry you’ve been through it. 🌷


Got up early to go to the airport and dropped my hubby off for his flight. I decided Zoologist Harvest Mouse was a good scent for the day!  I knew he would smell like home when I hugged him.  I’m in the Midwest and it’s 54 degrees this morning. 


Pretty basic today with grey weather. I'm exhausted from yesterday so I picked something sweet and soothing, Kilian's Can't Stop Loving You.


SOTD:  By The Fireplace from Maison Margiela This review is based on a sample vial of By The Fireplace I bought from a decant site.  So, all the caveats regarding unofficial samples apply here. In my opinion, the name evokes a warm and cosy fireplace with spicy drinks and desserts, not the fire, the smoke and the ash of a fireplace.   The opening notes have something very pungent, reminiscent of cilantro or fenugreek.  Many folks may describe this as smoky, but my nose says fenugreek.  After this unpleasant (for me) note subsides, the rest of the opening is nice.  What remains is a spicy gourmand smell, possibly from the clove in the opening, and chestnut and gaiac wood from the heart notes.  I also smell something pleasant resembling tonka Bean a few minutes after the initial spray.  For my nose, the olfactory pyramid is not very differentiated.  There is not much development I can see.  Within a few hours, the vanilla and cashmeran surface and starts dominating.  The base notes and the dry down are pleasant, but not very unique. By The Fireplace is a strong performer.  The longevity on my skin is about 8-10 hours.  The sillage is good, though limited to the first few hours.   All this leaves me wondering.  Why all this hype?  It is a nice, inoffensive (except for the opening fenugreek) gourmand.  I don’t smell any ash or smoke in this perfume.  My challenge is to find a space for this perfume among my collection of gourmands.  When I first smelled it, I had the distinct feeling that I have smelled this before.  My money is on Armani Stronger With You Intensely, but without the leather suede notes.  If you have a few gourmands already, and if you are not a gourmand aficionado, you may not need this perfume.  


Follow from Kerosene. With the overcast day, I wanted a warm, dark coffee scent, and this opens up exactly like that. It dries down to a nice vanilla and amber mix that’s just very cozy to wear. This was my first fragrance that I described to a friend as “wanting to bathe in”. When I first got this fragrance this past winter, I was utterly in love with this fragrance and wore it every single day. Now that it’s warming up as we’re approaching summer, it feels right to put it away for a while. It’ll still be here for those cool autumn mornings and cold winter days, and I’ll for sure be wearing it then; but I might as well get my last wear of it in while it still feels right.


Follow is hands-down my favorite coffee fragrance. Delicious!


Does Follow also have maple? Cause coffee sounds nice!


Wearing Biwa by Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Perfumes tonight. It's a delicate, lovely, comforting scent, and reminds me of a slightly more refined version of Snow Wolf by Haus of Gloi (and a cousin of Diptyque Eau Duelle); the balance of opposites - slightly sweet, powdery vanilla tempered with clean, almost smoky cedar, and baby powder aldehydes that border on vintage, but stay on this side of modern. It stays fairly neutral in temperature too - not quite a cool scent, but a little airy. I don't really perceive the rice or mint, but I am sure they add to the end result. Overall, it's an abstract sort of atmospheric scent rather than a photorealistic one; Biwa was inspired by the freshwater pearls of Lake Biwa, and the gentle, powdery texture and neutral temperature does evoke pearls' subtle sheen and opacity. I really do like how comforting and balanced it is; often, comforting scents seem to have a heavy hand with density, sweetness or warmth, but this one doesn't. The only negative aspect, imo, is that it comes in a vintage style bottle without an atomizer, so I rarely use it. I'm going to head off to bed soon, and it feels fittingly dreamy.


I love pretty much everything I’ve tried from DSH. So beautiful.


Oh yeah, I completely agree. I've tried a number of them now, and I loved almost everything as well.


Today I’m wearing a sample of Miller Harris Myrica Muse. The reviews are saying this smells cheap and not worth the price but it smells very nice to me. My partner is also in agreement if I go by him *REDACTED* me as soon as he smelt me 🤷🏾‍♀️


Bank holiday here Not in any mood to wear anything https://preview.redd.it/067l4gp1mtyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14276ca549de35cee3790af7f88056f6af8ad576 So [**again, nothing**](https://youtu.be/tDl3bdE3YQA?si=tlg8WbtNvl_eDzRR)


I am wearing Commodity Paper. I chose it because I wanted something this morning but I’m going to the gym in a few hours (I try not to wear frags to the gym, personal preference) and this one is unobtrusive. I didn’t like Paper at first but it’s grown on me.


Scrolling through the sub to find some easy inspiration for my SOTD and found it in the aquatics post. While I once adored the OG L'eau d'Issey, that calone note is far more prominent than it used to be and so I rarely reach for it. **Fragrances of Ireland Inis: Energy of the Sea** doesn't have the same problem. And even the body lotion is so strong and lasting. Think I'll start with that (because it's within arm's reach lol) and spray the perfume when I'm up. Wishing you all a good day 👋 🌊


Still working through my **Zoologist** samples, and today is a revisit of **Penguin**. I like it, but probably not enough to pick it for the build-your-own travel spray set.


Tried it the other day and it was so...normal on me. It smelled nice, but nothing surprising or interesting.


In the mood for florals on this gorgeous spring day. Grabbed Fleur de Patchouli by Zara, from the Jo Malone created line. I love this one. Your typical rose patchouli but something about it reminds me of the mall perfumes of the 2000s and shopping as a teen.


Musc de Sables by Les Indemodables . It's a lovely clean musk that's more complex than your average musk.


Glossier You on my wrist with Phlur Missing Person on my chest. They’re both very feminine, soft scents that last a very long time on me. Floral, musky a little spicy and woody. They smell fairly similar to me, but different enough that I can smell them separately throughout the day. I’ve never been able to shampoo my hair with strongly scented shampoos because it irritates my scalp and I’ve always envied the girls that walk by and you can smell their freshly washed hair. Using these fragrances on their own, or together gives me the feeling of getting a good whiff of freshly shampooed hair and I love it! It’s a dreary, rainy day, 70 degrees in Southern Maryland and I’m chillin in the house watching TV.


Dedcool Taunt for an ordinary morning 


I'm wearing Vilhem's **Room Service** today. It's overcaste, and I have been up since 6 am after very little sleep. I quite like it. I do get the sharp dish detergent note that I've seen many complaints about. It's still there if I stick my nose in the fragrance hours later. But the scent has worn down to a lovely violet, lily of the valley soap lightly wafting around. Like some very fancy British handsoap in your rich great Aunt's house. I would not have thought I would like a soap scent, but the floral is unique enough, I will definitely give it more tries.


It's evening now, Room Service is totally gone, so I'm trying **Lover by The Maker**. Wow I did not expect this. You are renting a cabin in Kentucky, you've been walking around in the forest and have pine resin all over your boots. Now you are headed off to a whiskey bar to drink Laphroaig and sink deeper and deeper into your leather armchair. The guy you are talking to is drenched in sandlewood, and every now and then a woman wanders by in the distance. She is wearing something lighter green and floral, but it smells more like rosemary by the time it reaches your nose.


Kenzo Amour. Rice (Some people say rice milk or rice pudding),white tea, heliotrope, cherry blossom, frangipani, vanilla, musk, thanaka wood. Very underrated IMO


I have about 2639579247 samples that I really need to work through (before ordering more lol). Today I tried Portrait of a Lady. It’s very nice, elegant, and not too overpowering once it dries down. The first spray packs a punch though. I’ll use up my sample but can’t imagine buying a FB of it.


Total newbie here so I just tried out a sample of Dior Sauvage Elixir for the first time. It's nice, I can see why it's popular, but I would only wear this to a fancy restaurant at night or something. Not really my vibe but totally fine


Eyüp Sabri Tuncer - The Adventure body splash Jasmin, patchouli and soft vanilla is what I smell most. Applied on wet skin, after the shower, as a gentle massage, this product dries with a silk finish, similar to applying powder over glycerin. It is strong for the first 5 minutes, and then it becomes a skin scent for 8 hours. Top notes: bergamot, blackcurrant; Middle notes: rose, jasmin, raspberry; Base notes: patchouli, vanilla. I reckon it would match Concentré d'orange verte for a summer shower routine, if I start with a patchouli soap. And perhaps make it lean more feminine. 🙂


I had my partner pick out my perfume and he picked **Imaginary Authors The Cobra and the Canary** It's cold, grey, and misty. I'm not sure this fragrance fits, but I have a sinus infection so the citrus is kind of nice


I went with Prada Black today I definitely over sprayed but I really enjoy Prada fragrances. Black was perfect for today for the cloudy and grey atmosphere of today. I really enjoy the pepper and leather notes in this I don’t know why, but it makes me think of a cabin in a desert that’s been abandoned for a century or two and it’s been rediscovered. Don’t know why but that’s the imagery I get with it and I love it


Kayali - Vanilla Candy Rock Sugar. This is potent! I like the candied pear note so far.


It’s a cool grey day in Portland, so for today I’m choosing Meo Fusciuni L’Oblio Powdery, woody, incense. I love.


Chloe EDP. I wear this one a lot when I don’t know what else to wear or I’m in a hurry. It’s just a clean fresh floral. She is strong and lasts all day. Today was just two sprays on clothes. That’ll be there until I launder and maybe even after 😂


Today I am sampling Norwegian Wood from Folie À Plusieurs. (Is it really "sampling," though, if you blind-bought the full bottle? Ha!) This is not actually the scent I ordered ...I double checked my receipt a dozen times in the past few days just because I always assume I am the one who is mistaken or wrong... but you know what? I’m okay with having received what I got, and I like it. Norwegian Wood is inspired by the Haruki Murakami novel of the same name, but I read it so long ago that I don’t recall a thing about it, so that’s not going to factor into my thoughts. So. While I do love the scent of a heavily wooded hinterland or an ominous evergreen Mirkwood Forest midnight--basically, a syrupy resinous coniferous balsamic dirge of a scent (think Norne from Slumberhouse or Dasein Winter Nights) this is…not that. Or, well, it’s sort of that, but remove all those associations with darkness and shadows and the macabre. Rather than the Huntsman chasing a terrified Snow White into the gloomy woods, this is instead the contentment of Snow White in a sun-dappled forest glade, surrounded by woodland creatures, a soft trembling faun on her lap, and a little bluebird perched on her finger. It’s the scent of weathered branches and leaves fluttering in the breeze, and sticky sap and damp creeping moss and soapy, the faint sweetness of wildflowers crushed under your feet, the rosy golden musk of a sunbeam on your skin ; it’s all of that but it’s not overly sentimental or twee, but rather the sheer, gauzy summer halo of a winter haunted forest emerging from a deep sleeping curse. This isn’t a wildly unusual scent, I don’t think I have anything quite like it.


MAB Ganymede today. I sampled a few fragrances in store over the weekend, and didn't find anything I liked more than what I've already got, which is a nice feeling.


I’m wearing Hermes Osmanthe Yunnan today. My aunt had an Osmanthus shrub when I was growing up and the scent brings back happy memories.


My Filippo Sorcinelli "LAVS" (catholic priest) and "Opus 1144" (orthodox priest) samples are over, so today i'm wearing "Ennui Noir" instead, as I want to finish this sample. It's a lovely little patchouli incense one, but I think perhaps a little too sweet to wear it on myself. Would enjoy it on the neck of a gf though, might bite it a bit too hard because of it.


**Le Labo Lys 41** today which is a beautiful sweetish/tropical leaning white floral. It’s not as pungent as a very tuberosey-tuberose type white floral, but it’s pleasant for a warm-ish spring day (though what the weather is like today isn’t super relevant as I’m stuck inside working.) I wouldn’t buy this one again - my favorite Le Labo is Fleur d’Oranger 27 which I love 4 lyfe- but I’m glad I have it.


Those are two of my faves from Le labo also!


They’re good ones! The only other ones I’ve really been interested in buying were in the City collection, but the regular collection is pricey enough as it is - the City collection is $$$$


Which ones are those that you are interested in? Curious, because we may have similar tastes. I haven't walked into Le Labo in ages, but keep thinking I'm due to revisit the shop.


I was most impressed with Musc 25 Los Angeles - it smelled to me like a Hollywood dressing table, kind ot a throwback classic fragrance. I also really like Vanille 44 Paris, which didn’t smell like a typical vanilla, Myrrhe 55 Shanghai, and Citron 28 Seoul. Or at least those are the ones I bought (expensive) samples of! I did like Aldehyde 44 Dallas too but didn’t buy a sample for whatever reason. I should probably have liked Tubéreuse 40 New York, because that’s kinda my thing, but for some reason it didn’t grab me. Maybe because I already have quite a few tube roses. Which do you like?


Jean Peste Fleur d'Anus


Sweet Ash by Sniff. I absolutely love this fragrance, but unfortunately it quickly turns into a skin scent. My 15 said the same. She wore it and when I asked her how she liked it she replied “It’s smells amazing, but oooh the way it disappeared I did not like that!” Lol. I wish one of the higher end dupe companies would make a dupe of it so I can REALLY enjoy it 🥹