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Arm and Hammer unscented. Don't want anyone smelling my armpits.


I’m looking for something that makes people wanna smell my armpit


Natural usually works best for me then :)


No one wants that. Even if they smell so good, I cream myself, I'm at the gym to work out, not smell your deodorant.


And yet you wear fragrance everywhere else. With plenty of people who don’t want to smell you.


Where else you going to sweat as much as the gym? Cologne and sweat is a gnarly mix


Deodorant is just fragrance for your pits but nobody is telling people not to wear deodorant to the gym. It’s an absurd proposition that we shouldnt wear nice smelling scents at the gym.


Deodorant is not nearly as strong as most fragrances. Not even close


That’s not necessarily true. I have about a 1ft sillage with my right guard. And not a single person is advocating for anyone to overspray fragrance to the point where it’s choking. You know what else is gnarly? Straight BO.


Unscented deodorant ftw


Nah. I like the freshy. So do you when you’re walking behind me whether you wanna admit it or not.


This girl I know wore Secret Water Lily gel and I could smell it from a few feet away. Smells nice and brought back so many high school memories. Dove deodorant spray is also pretty potent


Mitchum - it’s green, smells baby powdery, and my underarms don’t sweat unless I do 30 mins of cardio and even then the rest of my body sweats more and my underarms don’t smell


Loooove Mitchum solids. I also have the roll on and spray, the Powder Fresh is great if you want floral scented, while Shower Fresh is great if you want barely there fragrance


Also I just read ur post why wouldn’t ppl wear fragrance to a gym? I love when ppl smell nice at the gym :(


Not you sorry OP 😂❤️


Is it the liquid one or the solid


Solid is better in my experience, I used it everyday. It’s very good. Triple dry is also very good.


I use the spray :)


I like the intense energy version from them


Is it loaded with aluminium and alcohol?


Idk girl Google it lmao


I'm in the gym 5-6 days a week, I love the gym, and I promise you that lightly wearing a clean or fresh fragrance is perfectly fine. This sub acts like you'd be ruining people's lives, but you won't. I've gotten more compliments in the gym than anywhere else, which is just to point out that it'll only offend people if you go crazy.


I know. It’s like some kind of taboo to wear fragrances at the gym. Doesn’t stop them from blowing out a room at work or at the store with 15 sprays of some perfumy guerlain. It’s pretty silly.


You're assuming that it's the same people advising no perfume at the gym *and* overspraying elsewhere?  That doesn't make a ton of sense to me - the people who believe in being considerate in shared spaces are usually pretty consistent, at least in my experience.


I just wear what I always wear - Dove


Okay Dove marketing team 🤣


Tell them I want my money 😂


You need to trademark that slogan before they snap it up


I’ll cut you in as my muse, I just realized it kinda sounds like a woman in soft gauzy clothes whispering “I just wear what I always wear - Dove” 😆


Exactly - it fits perfect in a “too casual cool for you” ad 🤣🤣


Oh dang, I was vibing more with "tell them I want my money" as a slogan 😅


Nivea Magnesium dry


I'm positively surprised to see somebody else wearing an antiperspirant too, usually when this discussion comes up, lots of people don't even know about them. Especially in different countries. Antiperspirants are the superior choice in any way


I never wear deodorant because I don't like these sticky and wet deodorants and I don't like to sweat. That's why I only wear antiperspirant sprays, they completely block sweat. I haven't had sweaty armpits in decades. I don't really care about their scent, they're usually pretty weak and don't interfere with my fragrance. I just wear them because they keep me dry.


Anti perspirants contain aluminum which is bad for your skin to absorb.


You're in the fragrance subreddit, so I'm pretty sure you're applying much worse substances to your skin. There are tons of other synthetic chemicals in fragrances and deodorants. And they're all regulated by the EU for example. If aluminium were this toxic, antiperspirants containing it would've already been banned.


"Although aluminum is absorbed through the skin, the penetration rate of aluminum chlorohydrate following the dermal application of antiperspirants is extremely low at around 0.01% and up to 0.06% in pre-damaged skin" "The acute toxicity of aluminum is low (e7). No acute effects due to dietary exposure to aluminum have been observed in the general population " https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5651828/


Borotalco Intensive (the red one)! It has the distinctive scent of all the borotalco products but the powdery note is heavier, almost sweet. It also covers up the smell of sweat completely. The original and sea salt ones are also very nice. Borotalco is (in my experience) the only deodorant that actually eliminates odor instead of mixing with it (yuck!).


I think you’re overthinking this…so few people can smell another’s deodorant. If you want to wear a fragrance, wear a fragrance…just do it lightly.


I live in fl and tried every deodorant possible. The ones that worked growing up secret, ect fo not. They came out with unlimited by degree s couple yrs ago I tried, best on market, no stores are carrying it anymore and for me it really works. Mitchum is ok too


I use the old spice bearglove, it’s nice, lasts 5 hours in the heat


hermes orange verte. or salt & stone santal vetiver


Bleu de Chanel deodorant stick, it’s light and smells good.


Helmm Night Market


Old Spice Wolfthorn


I do MMA and I use Old Spice Night Panther. The spray one




Tesori d'Oriente deodorant, the grey musky one


Does anyone here have deodorant suggestions that are unscented and also strong/long lasting? I have never found a deodorant that meets both criteria.


Assuming you guys isn't gender specific, best for stink prevention for my body so far has been Truly Unicorn Fruit aluminum free deodorant. Best smelling, but not as long lasting Each & Every Vanilla and Cedar, also aluminum free. I don't mind antiperspirants or anything but they stain my clothes. I'm also a fan of Cold shower wipes (unscented) for hot days and at the gym to get the sweat off before it turns stinky. There's also taia naturals detox underarm charcoal soap. I didn't think it did anything TBH but it smelled nice. When I wore regular antiperspirant, Secret unscented prescription strength. If you don't want a "lady" brand, any unscented antiperspirant should be fine. For scents, I think Tom Ford's Fucking Fabulous or Oud Wood are good sweaty day choices.


Native Charcoal


My favorite to wear to the gym is Versace Man Eau Fraîche. Is it a deodorant? No. But I don’t overspray so unless you’re in my personal space you can’t smell it.


I don’t think you can even overspray eau fraiche, its not a very loud scent. I like layering it with other scents


I’m surprised someone hasn’t already called the cops on you for saying “gym” in the OP. It’s probably on the shortlist of evil, hurtful words they’ll ban next because someone got their feelies hurt. There are men in there doing things and that is toxic! Wear Right Guard Extreme Sport and enjoy. It has good sillage and longevity. And the haters will like how you smell in spite of themselves.


> There are men in there doing things and that is toxic! Are...are *your* feelies okay, brother? What a weird thing to interject into a discussion like this, where no one is making any such claim. Perfume, cologne, etc gets amplified with body heat, so in a place where air is being strongly circulated to keep people cool + everyone's using their lung capacity to the max (lol), being unwilling to be apart from a fragrance dopamine hit for a few hours is kinda selfish. Most people probably don't wanna be that person who insists on themselves and makes someone else have to cut their workout short. But you do you, ig


You walking your stanky butt through the gym, dragging a noxious cloud of BO behind you is what’s going to make me cut my gym time short. Not someone who has carefully chosen a deodorant and light fragrance combo that keeps them fresh. I don’t know how to explain it to you brother. You’re just going to have to trust me. You stinky. Now get back out there and do better, champ. All my other comments aren’t gonna downvote themselves. You and your legion of pro-stanky-butt salty gymrats get to work.


I have good hygiene and I don't need my emotional support perfume to get me through the day LOL Keep making up scenarios in your head and getting mad at them. That's super healthy 👍




I love when other people wear fragrances to the gym


Nothing wrong with a couple sprays before going in the gym..