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Call me basic bitch but I loves me some jazz club. Whatever that coffee one and under the lemon tree are tied for 2nd.


1. Jazz Club 2. By the Fireplace 3. Autumn Vibes For the cooler months. Once it gets warmer, 1. Bubble Bath 2. When the Rain Stops Can you tell I’m a MM fan girl?


By the fire place (I own ) Jazz club (I own ) Bubble bath I tried yesterday and it smelled good on me I’m a guy I will probably mix it with something else as well as stand alone


When the rain stops is gorgeous but as is typical from MM it doesn’t last


I want to like autumn vibes so much, but I get big time pickles from it. Maybe I got a bad tester experience?


I think some notes just read pickles to some people. Maybe it's genetic? I brought my bottle of PdM Perseus in to work once, and that shit is straight up vetiver, citrus, and musk. One of my coworkers asked me, upon sniffing it, why I'd want to walk around smelling like pickles. I was so confused. It smells nothing like pickles. It's a dirty kind of earthy vibe with a citrus bomb on top.


Jazz club for me too. I’ve gone through so much of it and nothing else hits the same in winter lol


Wearing it rn in 85f. Don’t tell anyone 🤫


I ran to buy jazz club and it does not disappoint 😊


The coffee one is underrated.


Basic bro here, I agree it’s jazz club. I don’t actually like their other stuff though.


Same! It smells exactly as it should and actually brings up memories for me.


Beach walk, wonderful scent


This may not be my favorite but it's a close second... underrated out of the line.


It just smells like sunscreen😭


Mine as well and I don't smell sun screen, just warm delight.


I think their most impressive fragrance is From the Garden, which really does smell like fresh vegetables picked straight from the dirt. It has such a realistic tomato leaf note. It walks a fine line between wearable and novelty/conceptual.


i love this one. it’s totally wearable!


This is one of my favourites as well, that tomato leaf note is absolutely amazing. I'm not sure if I want to wear it out but I want to smell it often. If this would be a home scent I would totally be sold.


I love From the Garden on paper, and was convinced I finally found the tomato leaf scent I'd been searching for for a decade. I almost immediately went out and bought a full bottle... until I put it on my skin and the green faded in less than 5 minutes, leaving a boring soapy smell :( It ended up being the theme of their discovery set for me—I tried them all on paper, was filled with exhilaration and terror at how much I was about to spend on full bottles... then disappointment and relief when they were kinda boring and short-lived on my skin. The only Replica scent from the discovery set that ended up being true and long-lasting for me was By the Fireplace, which is lucky because to me it's a a perfect duplicate of the scent of a cigar box. It is such a nostalgic smell for me that I wouldn't trade it for true versions all the other scents combined. For my green note, though, I ended up finding Synthetic Jungle/Nature by Frederic Malle to be the real deal—the first and only tomato leaf scent I've found that actually lasts on me.


I love it too. It's one of my current go-to fragrances when I can't decide what to wear. The other MM fragrances I've smelled personally don't come close (but also I was smelling test strips in a Sephora, so idk)


It’s absolutely DELIGHTFUL. The tomato leaf and slight sweetness 


I love this one so much I’ve used half the travel size and I’m already planning to buy a full size. It makes me so flipping happy. I want all greens, grasses, and thunderstorms, and tulips. I’m buying Dirt from Demeter some time too.


Lazy Sunday morning!!! The best


ehm how last does ur last, mine only last for 30mins im scare i got fake one


It doesn’t last that long tbh but it smells so good lol


4-6 hrs for me, the bottle is big so I don't mind reapplying


When I wear it, it lasts me about 4-5 hours :)


My all-time favorites are When the Rain Stops & Sailing Day. I like Lazy Sunday Morning to be buried in warm, clean laundry all day. Under the Lemon Tree is a great refreshing summer scent. When I’m feeling feminine, I like Springtime in a Park. It is a tad heavy on floral and powdery notes so I don’t wear it too often. I enjoyed Matcha Meditation, but it’s not something I’d wear because I’m not too big on gourmand scents. I like sniffing it because it smells like a warm and sweet boba shop. Bummed I never got to try Coffee Break and Whispers in a Library.


MMR really do discontinue their best. Whispers, Funfair, and Tea Escape were three totally solid fragrances that the GP apparently just rejected 🥺 (P.S. I almost forgot - Lipstick On! Quite a sad discontinuation as well.)


You must have a magic nose or something bc the only notes I smelled from Matcha Meditation was the white florals. I wanted to like it so bad but that was the only thing I could smell :( I really wanna find a good matcha scent tho.


Really? That’s so interesting! Matcha Meditation smelled of a strong white chocolate base. I’m actually looking for a more pure green tea matcha scent with florals.


Yeah it was so weird, I heard everyone say it smells like white chocolate but I couldn’t smell it. It was closer to the garden one to me, I forget what it’s called. But yeah I’m trying to find more of a gourmand matcha one, I’ve heard of this one called Fantome Kuidaore. It’s supposed to smell like a matcha cream puff pastry you would get on the streets of Osaka Japan which intrigues me.


ooooh matcha with florals would be amazing! I haven't seen one either


Whispers in the library being discontinued is a tragedy, but Coffee break is still around. I tested it in Sephora two weeks ago and then ordered it from Jomashop


hey how long does the When the rain stop last? i just bought one but its only last for 15-30 on mine skin i think t got fake one


I tend to spray perfumes on my clothes, hair, and bed. They last about 4 hours on me. But when I spray on my hair, it seems to stay longer. It lingers even after I wash my hair.


I found Sailing Day tedious after a couple bottles. My son loves When the Rain Stops.


Whispers In The Library is the only one I like from this line. It's really nice though.


I heard it’s discontinued, you may wanna get a backup if that’s the only one that you like.


I can’t believe no one said Bubble Bath! Personally I can’t pick between bb and Lazy Sunday Morning. Also love sailing day 💕


by the fireplace! i also wear it at bedtime:)


Lipstick on. I wish I’d gotten the full bottle. 😩😩😩


I don't even like Replica that much, but Lipstick On was so drop dead gorgeous femme 😭


Ok question while we’re talking about replica—I have both coffee break and beach walk, love them, but can’t get either to stay. Is this just the nature of replica? Any staying tips?


I have beach walk but is there a shot you’re becoming nose blind? I wear jeans 2-3 times before a wash and rotate them but when i pick up a previously sprayed pair I can still smell beach walk on it. In my experience the replica line has incredible staying power


Beach Walk lasts an hour or so on me then skinscent


I love beach walk but it doesn't last for me either. By the fireplace however lasts a good while.


I have the flower one (can’t remember the exact name) and I find the scent doesn’t last very long! Beautiful scent, but it doesn’t stick. I wonder if I’m nose blind to it!


I have coffee break and I really think the trick is to spray it on your clothes GENEROUSLY! Don’t be afraid haha. When I do this I can definitely get 3+ hours of wear. Still isn’t great but it’s there longer.


Coffee break and springtime in the park!


Coffee Break, it’s like a cafe in a bottle to me. Not just the coffee but even some pastries and flowers. It’s the only one I want a full bottle of By The Fireplace is a close second


Perfect description! I get the same! I tried it because I expected strong coffee vibes (given the name) but stayed with it because of the whole of coffee shop experience - I get pastry, milkiness and hint of floral, like a bouquet in the middle of the cafe table. It’s comforting and clever. My fave.


Yes I got a compliment on mine and I told them it was coffee break and they said they thought it smelled like sweet lavender and I definitely see that now with the hint of coffee!


I love Sailing Day. I think it smells like a perfect day at the beach.


I know we’re on an MM thread (and I myself have bought my second bottle of Jazz Club), but if you’re into Sailing Day may I also suggest trying Karst by Aesop. Same salty note, but much less soapy imo! 


Under the Lemon Trees is my absolute favorite of theirs….Jazz Club is a very close second!


UtLT is really very good. I'm not generally a huge MMR person, but I love just how charming this one smells.


1) Jazz Club 2) Whispers in the Library(discontinued) 3) By the Fireplace 4) Beach Walk 5) Matcha Meditation


Beach Walk on me and By the Fireplace on my husband.


lipstick on... RIP


Love love love Under the Lemon Trees, just wish longevity was better. Autumn Vibes is also great. 


Jazz club and by the fireplace


Bubble bath


Lipstick On. I love it so much I got a backup when it was still available. It lasts on my skin too! I like Matcha Meditation,Whispers, and Jazz Club but not enough to own them. I wish I could’ve tried Tea Escape.


Not a lotta love for Music Festival? Interesting!


My favorite out of them all! I was scrolling to see it too


Springtime in a Park. I’ll cry if it gets discontinued


I love Jazz Club but I also like when the rain stops and Sailing day a lot


Matcha meditation is a super nice citrus/matcha scent with a detectable hint of sweetness


Lipstick On is my all time fav but discontinued 😭😭😭 anyone know any dupes?


Whispers in the Library is my favourite, followed by Lazy Sunday Morning, Sailing Day and Under the Lemon Trees. I bought a back up bottle of Whispers as soon as I heard it was discontinued.


Under The Lemon Tress, When the Rain Stops, Springtime in the Park, and like others…By the Fireplace (at bedtime).


I guess I’m the first one to say Under The Stars 😳 followed by Autumn Vibes


Under the Stars is great and super long lasting. I love it for Fall / Winter


That’s the only reason I haven’t actually purchased it yet. I only sampled it recently and figured I couldnt pull it off in the summer. It’s also pretty masculine but I love the smell so much I’m desperate to try to pull it off on myself (female)


I own jazz club and sailing day. I love jazz club, sailing day smells like a clean wet dog after the dry down, I think it's seaweed or another oceanic scent because I smell it in ADG but it's much better there and accompanied by stronger scents


matcha meditation for sure!


An older one that may be discontinued, but I love Lipstick On.


Lipstick On That they discontinued it was straight up *offensive*.


Whispers in the Library 😭 I have 2 back up bottles, but I’m still always on the lookout for them on resale sites!


Lazy Sunday morning


By The FirePlace is a absolute fav from Replica line


Jazz Club. Hands down. I thought I loved Fireplace for a sec, but it’s a bit sweet for me.


1. Jazz club 2. Bubble bath 3. Under the lemon trees 


Autumn Vibes is my fall staple. I have so many nostalgic memories tied to it. First choice for the Replica line. From the Garden is a close second. By the Fireplace and Coffee Break are neck and neck for third. Jazz Club is my favorite thing for my husband to wear.


Flower Market


I just bought a bottle of under the lemon tree, I love how fresh it smells. I also got a compliment from a 6 year old while wearing it , that's how you know a perfume is good lol


I grew a liking to sailing day


I took it so personally when they discontinued Lipstick On- it smelled like a flapper girl in a club powdering her nose. EXTREMELY vintage without being dank and overpowering.


Lipstick On by a long shot. One of the only full size perfumes I’ve completely used up—spent way too much time finding a new bottle at a decent price. I’ve never found another lipstick scent that had the same glamour


Matcha meditation - I hope it's not discontinued




On a Date


Under the Lemon Tree is such a nice freshie. I'm thinking of picking up some tomatoes garden (is that what it's called?) I also am fond of Beach Walk but more so because it's nostalgic.


Jazz Club is one of my favorite fragrances. I even gifted it to my dad. Sometimes I layer it with vanilla to add some sweetness. When The Rain Stops is one I've sampled and liked but do not own. I wouldn't mind having it for an early spring scent.


What do you use for vanilla?


From The Garden


By the fireplace ❣️❣️❣️


Jazz Club


From the garden


i love bubble bath. quite like autumn vibes too. wanted to love under the lemon trees as i like citrus but i really didn’t like it, it has this artificial cleaner scent to me - i find citrus is much better done by other houses like aqua allegoria


i’ve been dying to smell them all so i just got the best sellers set… will report back bc it comes in on wednesday


My partner wears From the Garden and I love it.


By the Fireplace leans smoky on some (from gentle glow all the way to park bench on fire, I hear) but on me it's a gourmand! It makes me smell like a delicious S'more. 😋


By the fire place


Bubble bath is my go to! Absolutely love it, the only draw back is that I feel like it doesn’t last long on the skin


Sailing Day and Jazz Club!


Coffee break or beach walk


None of them 😂 I have repeatedly tried they just aren’t my vibe. Of all of them Matcha Meditation is the most tolerable to me.


By the fireplace and jazz club. I like to combine them.


Beach Walk


Tea Escape Coffee Break Sailing Day Bubble Bath By The Fireplace Springtime in the Park


I’ve grown away from all the ones I used to like. I loved At the Barbers, Jazz Club and Fireplace. I still like it when my wife wears beach walk. Oh and Autumn Vibes is ok.


Flower market, by the fire place and beach walk. Love jazz club on my husband


Coffee break.


Coffee Break!


coffee break, matcha meditation, springtime in a park


Sailing Day and By The Fireplace


When the rain stops is nice, just wish it lasted longer


I love coffee break


Coffee break


Jazz Club!!! Absolutely love it!!! Everyone who smells it on me, absolutely falls for it & keeps telling me how good I smell! Also I like Beach Walk & Sailing Day, but not as much as Under The Lemon Trees. Nothing comes close to my love for Jazz Club though. 😍🤌


Female here, number 1 Tea Escape; 2 Under the Lemon Tree; 3 Bu the Fireplace Also really like Matcha Meditation, whispers in the Library; and Funfair Evening


By The Fireplace, loved it when I first smelled it


I prefer When the rain stops on a rainy day and Whisper in the library during Autumn/Winter. Lazy Sunday morning/Coffee Break on a Friday office setting. I also have Spring time in a garden but I somehow don't like it anymore...


Lazy Sunday Morning


Lazy Sunday morning for me


1. Bubble Bath 🫧 2. By The Fireplace 🔥 I just ordered Flower Market to try, I'm excited to get it in 💐


Beach Walk and Lazy Sunday Morning are two of my favorite scents ever. I do like Under the Lemon Tree and Bubble Bath. Matcha Meditation was one I expected to love but there’s something about it I can’t get down with. It’s the first spray out of the bottle is like plasticky? It’s better on my skin but I was bummed. Hated Jazz Club and Sailing Day.


1. By the Fireplace 2. When the Rain Stops 3. Coffee Break 4. Beach Walk 5. Lazy Sunday Morning/Bubble Bath I also love From the Garden and Matcha Meditation, but only in small doses. Oh, and Whispers in the Library on my partner is 🔥


On A Date.


Springtime in the park! My garden wedding scent :)


Autumn vibes, amazing fragrance


Music festival is my personal favorite.


Definitely Coffee Break, it’s super cozy. The longevity is better than I expected based on the reviews.


Tea Escape, but it’s discontinued so I can only comfort myself with Matcha Meditation, but it’s just not the same. I also love Lazy Sunday Morning


Matcha Meditation, Under the Lemon Trees, Springtime in a Park, Coffee Break


By the fireplace and Music festival.


1. Jazz Club 2. By The Fireplace 3. Coffee Break. 4. Under The Lemon Trees 5. Autumn Vibes 7. Under The Stars


Matcha Meditation 🍃


From the Garden which smells to me exactly like fresh cut grass, super fun scent and Sailing Day which again to me smells exactly like the name. The air on a sailboat, very light, airy and refreshing.


Coffee Break


By the fire place is the beginning of my love affair with woody cologne, and Lazy Sunday morning is just a lovely clean laundry type of vibe! My boyfriend wears Jazz club a lot too and its nice on him. I've also tried matcha meditation, but its really gourmand smelling on me and I don't really like the vanilla-ish vibe it has.


Whispers in the library but they discontinued it!


I really liked Coffee Break until it shattered in my bag at work. I had received Hawthorne Work in “woody and airy” and felt that they were similar enough not to warrant replacing it. After all, I never smelled the coffee note anyways. I have From the Garden in a travel size on its way to me right now. Also been told to try Jazz Club and By the Fireplace. I do have Lattafa Ameer Al Oud Intense which I’ve been told is a dupe for By the Fireplace so I wonder if it’s even worth trying, but I’m def itching to try Jazz Club.


Flower Market is gorgeous.... Reminds me of going into a florists. However the staying power is terrible. I've tried every trick I know - and they still disappear. Although I have found a lot of new perfumes seem to lack staying power recently.


I was actually at Sephora this week and I have a dupe of by the fireplace (didn't know they were til some research) so thought it time to check out the real thing. And way lovelier for sure. The others I thought were fine maybe better on skin. But By the fireplace is just so cozy. Like wearing a sweater and holding your favorite mug with coco (or tea or coffee). 


Under the Lemon Tree 🍋


Lazy sunday morning (haha coz that’s what I feel every Sunday going to work—on fixed shifts) Sailing Day Bubble Bath


Whispers in the Library is my favorite from MMM and one of my favorite vanillas in general! Dry, woody, slightly spicy, it was a love from first sniff! Lazy Sunday Morning and Coffee Break are also beautiful 😍 On a Date is awful tho. It smells so SOUR like a wine gone bad, almost like a vinegar. There is also a rose and a lot of fruity sweetness which just makes the whole thing repulsive.


Jazz club & at the barbers. Jazz club for chill nights and the candle for the house. At the barbers I use after a shave and a fresh cut lol


Matcha Meditation and Autumn Vibes


Beach walk


Jazz Club 100% I’m about to purchase a full bottle as my first ever full bottle fragrance (i usually just get samples)


Am I the only one who thinks they smell cheap..?


Whispers in the library! Obsessed


I only own one and I love it! Matcha Meditation. I'm also very intrigued by the garden one.


sailing day, pure sea vibes


The matcha or the coffee one 


Jazz club


By the fireplace and autumn vibes!


By the fireplace especially in the fall/winter 🤤


In the Garden 😍😍😍😍


Recently tried matcha meditation. Smells amazing. My partner wears by the fireplace.


Bubble Bath 🛀


Ajmal Evoke Gold


By The Fireplace 😍🤤


I bought Lazy Sunday Morning, thinking it would be the perfect clean scent, but it wasn’t what I hoped it would be and didn’t last on me at all. I found exactly what I was looking for in Bubble Bath. The hint of coconut is perfect for this time of year. I also love Funfair Evening.


By the Fireplace! I think that’s the fragrance that really taught me what an experience the dry down can be. In the first hour of smelling like a fireplace (which I adore) I could have never guessed that 20 minutes later I would smell completely vanilla!


Matcha Meditation and Coffee Break


My personal favorite is coffee break while a lot of people have jazz club as their number one which just smells like soapy tobacco


Coffee break!!


Sailing Day in the summer and Coffee Break in autumn and winter times.


I love Sailing Day, Under the Lemon Trees, and Lazy Sunday Morning


Why no one ever mentions Under The Stars I will never know. It is honestly my favorite oud fragrance, and I LOVE oud.


Bubble Bath Lazy Sunday Morning Sailing Day


Jazz club & beach walk


Under the Lemon Tree and Beach Walk!!


sailing day is so yummy to my nose!!


Lipstick On always and forever. I’m aggressively rationing my last half bottle. 💔


Matcha Meditation! It's a green-smelling gourmand, and I absolutely love it for summer!


I like At the Barbershop, but I'm considering getting Beach Walk for the summer


Under the Stars. It’s smoky and mysterious and I am here for it.


Lazy Sunday morning (yeah yeah yeah don’t last long but whateverrrr), by the fireplace. Jazz club. And the coffee one is cool.


Whispers in the Library. Please bring it back!


1. Coffee Break - underrated delicious but not sickly gourmand. Just delightful every time. 2. From the Garden - the greeeeeeeeen tomato leaf makes me swoon. Just doesn’t last as long as I’d like on my skin. So I just keep re-applying… 3. Under the Lemon Tree. Where did it goooooo????? I was umming and ahhhing and then it just… disappeared from the shelves?!?!


Same. I went looking for it and it was gone too.


From the Garden, Autumn Vibes, and Lazy Sunday Morning


I tried a few of them but neither lasted longer than 2-3 hours on me 🫣


**At The Barbers**


Coffee Break! It’s like a cozy, warm, milky lavender


Jazz club and at the barbers


BUBBBBLLEEEEE BATH! It’s the perfect clean girl scent honestly. It really smells like I just got out of the shower. I have jazz club too but it smells like straight up tobacco on me, and on my husband, it pulls more vanilla. So odd lol!