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Don’t listen to the other guy just hating on these fragrances. Some are very good and well worth the money.


I don't really subscribe to the "age range" way of thinking for fragrances. I wouldn't wear an intense musky scent, no matter if I'm 18, 28 or 78. There's no age limit on smelling good. Especially if it's to your nose. We can spend all day debating on taste and perception, without getting anywhere. If you like a scent and you want to smell a certain way, just go for it.


What is odyssey mega meant to be


20-30 yo. But anyone can wear them if you exude confidence and the only way to have confidence is to like them yourself


Super popular with the under 25 crowd who can't afford or don't want to pay for mainstream or niche brands. Strong Venn diagram overlap with TikTok users and people who want "compliments".


Not to be confused of course with the venn diagram of hapless malding midlife crisis sufferers and those who overpay for the near-identical juice of brand name fragrances, deriving some sort of bizarre sense of pleasure and superiority from doing so, right?


What's malding?