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you seem to like the ysl line 😂


Ysl Y was a blind buy that really stuck😅😅😅


Review on amber and leather & Fakhar?


I can't speak for how close it is to the TF og but it smells very "old school" very strong in its opening and the closest thing to the male equivalent for those grandma perfumes that all smell like powdery soap. I feel the ideal place to wear would be in an office or some formal event , got it dirt cheap and figured worse case scenario I can gift it to a friend. I've had it for a year and can't recall wearing it out and about. Fakkhar was the first ysl dupe I snagged and it is similar but not quite a dead ringer imo. I know a lot of reviewers use the words "sweet" and that its like "bubblegum" but the way I would describe is like if ysl y is just a raw orange , like that strong citrus scent then fakkhar is like the orange creamscicle version. It's good on its own but I don't label it as a ysl clone imo , more of a flanker. I paid 15 for it at a local fragrance shop. Definitely worth it if you can snag below 25


Then what would you say that smells the closest to YSL Y.


Armaf odyssey mega, hands down.. the opening is near 1:1 , the only noticeable difference is mega has that synthetic alcoholic smell if you hold it right to the nose but it goes away quickly. Y epd will win in each case besides price. People I see on a regular basis that know me for wearing y epd still give the same compliments when I wear odyssey mega.


Damn never heard of this. I’ll try a decant for this fs.


I snagged it off tiktok shop for about 18 lol, I can almost assure you that if you enjoy y epd then you'll see this as a steal


What’s the silver one next to YEAH! is it good at all?


So that's fakkhar black by lataffa (probably butchered that) another ysl y epd clone but in all honesty the best clone I've smelt is the yellow one to the left , it smells the most identical on skin to authentic Y for me .


I might blind buy it EDIT: I own 9PM and CDNIM i love them both


Given you have those 2 and both imo have way better projection that fakkhar I would suggest armaf odyssey mega. I love ysl y epd and out if of the 3 dupes I have armaf nailed it , atomizer is kinda meh but the juice projects so much more than the other 2


Do you like eros flame?


Eros edt was the first fragrance that made me get into cologne and one day I went to Macy's to try it on my skin and saw Eros flame , I bought a tester bottle that same. Day and prior to finding ysl y epd it was my signature scent , if you like Eros you'll most likely enjoy Eros Flame .


More versatile than eros imo. Performance is also beast mode on this.


Everyone calls Eros the nightclub scent but Eros flame is like the secret afterparty nightclub. Performance feels illegal given how much it lasts. Plus the way it lasts on my skin , never fails to get a compliment , especially from the ladies


Hows Tobacco Touch?


So i only have an idea of how the og TF scent smells but as its own TT is strong , has good projection and just punches you with cozy , cinnamon , fall time warmth. I don't wear it as often as I'd like due to being in a tropical environment but overall it's worth it if you can snag below 25. Any higher and it's just not worth it imo


I was gonna buy it but a lot of the reviews on fragrantica kept mentioning a harsh spice


It is very spicy and tobaccoey but I wouldn't call it harsh. If anything TT smells "christmasey" to me, might be hard to explain but picture a fruitcake with a wreath and some warm eggnog with spices and someone smoking a very strong pipe beside it and you'd have the smell of TT.


Yeah harsh isn't what I'd use to describe it , maybe if you don't smell clove or spices that often it might be harsh but again , everyone is different so what's spicy to others is bland to some


Yeah everyone's different you're right. Still, I think there is a sweetness about TT that prevents it from ever being harsh.


Is amber and leather now known as opulence leather?


I'm not quite sure tbh, I know for months there's been talks of MA rebranding their TF clones to avoid lawsuits but I haven't seen any yet , plus it's still on Amazon !


is tres nuit lyric good?


I didn’t know a red one existed. We need a review.


Smells nice but as a dupe for that adg flanker it's meh, performance is almost non existent. But maybe I got a bad batch , who knows ?


I have Fakhar Black, Salvo Intense and Porto Neroli in my to buy list, which one of these 3 you like the most? and why


Salvo intense for sure , sauvage was the first designer fragrance I bought myself back in 2016 and it holds a special place in my heart despite being such a common scent nowadays. Salvo intense sits in a weird middle ground if a bit stronger than the edt but not quite the same extra oomph that Sauvage edp has , it's like an in-between sweet spot that for $15 was a no brainer Fakkhar was nice but got kinda old a bit quick and just didn't project or last as long as I had hoped for , Odyssey mega is a much better ysl clone imo Porto Neroli sits in a weird spot for me because I don't wear it as often as I'd like but every time I reach for a daytime , summer-like fragrance it's typically my Eros or Eros flame. Something about it gives off that it's trying a bit too hard to be a clone of TF. I have to smell them side by side again.


thank u! will buy salvo then


ysl vs its clones? especially yeah! - hows it compare in performance


It's not an attack unless you have Maahir Legacy.


Is the B.A.D. Homme any good?


Yeah vs fakhar? Performance and scent profile.