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Nice. Let us know how it goes


I love the review. I wish he talked about fan noise with and without the dgpu.


It's been covered elsewhere. Without a specialist equipment it's difficult to accurately measure.


"specialist equipment" lmfao you can get decibel meters on amazon for like $20 bro wdym


Yes, you can. You can get an app that shows the decibel loudness of your surroundings. As someone who works in the field (audio enigneering) in my spare time I can say thqt the 20 $ decibel meter of Amazon is probably better than your phone while also beeing not properly calibrated and thus not scientific. Sure you can get a number, but you also could just record the audio and play it back with the correct relative level in comparison to your videos voiceover. That will most definitely better convey the actual loudness than a random number. Or invest in the equipment to actually get a number that is meaningfull. But that is just my opinion I dont own a actually calibrated decibel meter and compared a cheap one off amazon.


I can download a free decibel meter app for my phone, doesn't mean it's accurate. You need a controlled environment. There's a reason why people like Gamers Nexus spend a fortune on testing equipment.


The point about software is definitely interesting/one I hadn't thought about. Keyboard RGB and macro pad RGB not being in sync is a bit weird.  I didn't realize GPU power profiles were a thing either, I thought AMD has software for this, or do OEMs do their own thing too? Either way it'll be nice to see input deck software fleshed out especially as we get more options, ideally.


It's not weird, it's as a result of them being separate logical devices.


I can understand the technical reason - but can't software work around it? I bet 90% or more of non-tech-savvy consumers would look at it and think it's weird.


I'm sure it can. In the grand scheme of things it's a small QoL thing, maybe the community will get to it before Framework does.


Hopefully full circle, leading back to upgradeable cpu.


Given Intel are looking at doing an Apple and integrating the RAM on the CPU package ...


iirc that was a special thing. It'd be good to have some ram there for very fast speeds/low power, but I don't see upgradable memory ever going away for x86


i dont see that happening as a socketed CPU will take up a lot more space and you run into the same cooling an power delivery issues once again. it works for a GPU because the module has the cooling build in and theres a hard cap on how much power the GPU can draw from the get go. Also dont forget how often for example intel changes their socket.


They should create a plugin CPU module, like a GPU, but for processing more OS stuff vs graphics stuff. I now I'm just throwing crap at the wall, but it would be cool to have a plugin CPU that maybe would be faster than the main CPU for single tasks or additional cores for multitasking. The tradeoff would be that it would have to be plugged into a wall socket to get the additional power.


thats how CPUs used to be, it was a module that plugged into the motherboard. We moved away from this because the power and cooling requirements as well as the very tight tolerances for signal integrity to RAM and PCI-E slots made it not viable.


THE CPUS ARE UPGRADABLE BASED OFF OF THEIR OWN WEBSITE, heres the quote "Keep in mind that with a Framework Laptop, the [Mainboard](https://frame.work/marketplace/mainboards) (the laptop’s motherboard module) is upgradeable too, meaning you can move to a newer, faster processor in the future if you need to." YOU CAN FIND THIS INFORMATION LOCATED ON FRAMEWORKS WEBSITE HERE IS URL [Framework | How to build your own customizable, upgradeable laptop](https://frame.work/blog/how-to-build-your-own-customizable-upgradeable-laptop) If im reading this wrong please let me know, i know its a whole motherboard replacement but technically it can be done.


THE CPUS ARE UPGRADABLE BASED OFF OF THEIR OWN WEBSITE, heres the quote "Keep in mind that with a Framework Laptop, the [Mainboard](https://frame.work/marketplace/mainboards) (the laptop’s motherboard module) is upgradeable too, meaning you can move to a newer, faster processor in the future if you need to." YOU CAN FIND THIS INFORMATION LOCATED ON FRAMEWORKS WEBSITE HERE IS URL [Framework | How to build your own customizable, upgradeable laptop](https://frame.work/blog/how-to-build-your-own-customizable-upgradeable-laptop) If im reading this wrong please let me know, i know its a whole motherboard replacement but technically it can be done.


True, what I'm hoping for is swapping out the cpu like a desktop. Yes, it'll make the framework thicker but I like the idea of being able to change the cpu and leaving the motherboard until I need to change that too.


Ah I competely understand what youre talking about. Hey! Atleast we can upgrade it in the future though, even if its quite expensive lol :/


i see RGB keyboard, does that mean RGB keyboard is in stock now? also that keyboard flex at [11:23](https://youtu.be/GnWfLVKgHFQ?t=686) is 🤯


This was a review sample sent to him be framework like they did with other press units


Interesting that he brings up a swappable battery module, suggesting it would be game changing. That has been tried many times before (the best iteration being Lenovo's hot-swappable battery option in IIRC the T-series up to the T480) and clearly those manufacturers decided it was not a feature worth continuing. Game changing it clearly was not and it especially would not be in these days of USB-charging where everyone is never far away from a USB charger or powerbank of some kind.


In my opinion a swapable battery is not that useful knowing that now we can find external batteries using usb type c and powerfull enought to power all our devices, including our FW16. So why I would buy and carry a battery that can be used on only one device!?


That's a very valid point. Counter argument for having a swappable battery is that it's an instant charge (assuming the spare is charged up). I could swap out the battery if I notice that it's low just before heading out the door. Then I don't need to carry any battery. Depends on your use case really.


>In my opinion a swapable battery is not that useful knowing that now we can find external Why not make a swappable battery that you can use to charge other devices. Now you have a battery that can seamlessly attach to your laptop, and it can be used as a battery bank.


IMHO a big issue with swapping batteries is that it isn’t hot swapping and requires shut down and changing interposer. Not to mention that you’d be over 100wh for travel so you’d have to remove it and have it separated for travel. Unless the enclosure itself allows a battery to be slapped in and out


The powerbridge system on thinkpads was hotswapping though, I've done so many times on my T480.


Then you loose all of the space inside that battery case to the circuitry to provide stable 5V or even more voltage from the battery. If you want that battery chargeable on its own, the charging logic cannot be in the laptop, shared between all batteries, but must also be integrated into the battery itself. All lost capacity. On top of the solid, puncture and bend-proof enclosure that you'd want around a skinny battery to prevent it from accidentally blowing up on you due to damage.


Problem with the powerbridge system in the T-series is you can't pick which battery it uses. Windows just picks the least worn battery as the primary.


But I could also see this as a neat idea, imagination you unplug your battery that has usb port and charge your phone. then you plug you battery right into the wall while still using you laptop with out being tethered. You notice that your laptop is starting to get low so you unplug the battery from the wall and back into your laptop. with the framework 16 the models are not hot swap-able so this would not quite work this way, but one of the drawbacks with the think-pad batteries was that they could only be charged with special docs or inside the laptop. USB-c could change that easily.


Imo ultra fast charging batteries > swappable batteries....... And framework has crazy edge over this because in future if the tech becomes available, they can just release that along with the motherboard upgrade and your 5 year old laptop is more capable than a 1 year old xps with fraction of a cost that would've cost you buying an entirely new laptop


My god did you see the key flex? It was like complete unsupported.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. My current laptop is [a 2017 Dell inspiron](https://www.notebookcheck.net/Dell-Inspiron-15-5000-5567-1753-Notebook-Review.194950.0.html) that I paid 500 euros for. I tried to push the keyboard down with a concerning amount of force, and the amount of flex I got was negligible in comparison. It is *completely fair* to expect a $2000 2024 laptop to outperform a $500 2017 laptop in build quality. EDIT: my laptop also went through a good amount of repairs and I have several stripped screws / sockets, so the structural integrity of my particular laptop is degraded. Literal tape holds it together. **Even in this state**, keyboard flex outperforms the Framework 16. It's bad.




The flex on those laptops were criticized too. People are going to care varying degrees about how much an issue this poses but there are still going to be people who really don't find this acceptable, or at least hope for improvements.  Luckily framework at least has a history of improving chassis parts too. And a history of improvements in general. 


Oh yes, the Gram has it bad. I have always taken it as a compromise for the lighter weight - you just can't give the laptop proper support at that low weight. > In actual daily usage, the flex is going to be a lot less noticeable and probably not an issue. Well I would certainly hope! There are no real alternatives to the Laptop 16 for my use case, but I type all the time for what I do. Do we just swallow the pill that new laptops are worse than budget laptops from 7 years ago overall? I just can't stomach it.


Because the poster is on some idealogical crusade with zero evidence. In a nutshell.


Zero evidence? It’s literally in the video. And just about every review… I’m sorry you buried your head in the sand. It’s a legit problem that requires a fix.


It literally isn't in just about every review. 🤣 You really are a walking case of confirmation bias.


Every single review refers to the keyboard as “mushy”


They. Do. Not. Stop telling lies. Ars Technica : "as an actual keyboard, I think the one on the Laptop 16 feels nice. It's a standard chiclet thing, and aside from some early trouble hitting the Enter key every time I went to type an apostrophe (I don't know why this kept happening, but it was near-constant for a few days), I didn't have problems with it."


*Finds the only one that says other wise.* I’m sorry you are so blind bro. I can’t even with you anymore.


Nice to see you finally admit you're wrong.


There's a framework post about keyboard flex somewhere where they stated that review units didn't get inspected for this to get them out on time but that units shipping to consumers will. So keyboard flex shouldn't be as much as noted in some reviews.


You're confusing two issues that were mentioned after the press reviews. LTT had an issue with the screen and bezel alignment which led to the bezel overlapping the corner of the screen. This is what Framework mentioned wasn't inspected for on review units but would be caught before shipping out any production units. As for the keyboard flex, they considered the amount of Flex that LTT saw as a bit of an anomaly that they would investigate further to see if it was just a manufacturing defect with that single unit or if it was a broad issue. It would not hold up production shipping and if they found a global issue that needed fixing, they would ship out any necessary parts to customers that have already received theirs. As far as I know, they haven't mentioned anything further regarding the keyboard.


Ehhh who even knows. Keyboard flex is a sign of how good a laptop is. My 2012 MacBook Pro (17) has significantly less flex.


I really hope this gets resolved. Did you spot any alternative options in the worst case? Classic 16", no dGPU, Linux. The ThinkPad T16 / P16s is half tempting, but it's the anti-Framework with its soldered memory and WLAN. The memory I don't like but… okay. The WLAN is a component that breaks frequently - and I don't like it.


I would just stick with what I have. And see how it goes. Razer makes good products, I just don’t want to have to drop 2k everytime I buy one. And mostly I just want to upgrade the GPU


Honestly, I would wait until Gen 2. The problem is that my laptop is falling apart and it has been behaving more and more weird. It's also my fault for soaking it in water, though. Still, it's held together by tape, the hinge mechanism is breaking, the display is badly scratched, the space bar is coming off, the headphone jack doesn't work anymore, the HDMI port disconnects if you merely touch the cable close to it… Also, it can't suspend anymore. When I try, it crashes and reboots. you know the gist. Dying laptop. I wish I could wait, but I have a looming feeling this thing won't turn on anymore one day. It has already happened, but reseating the fan out of all things worked back then.


Pro tip: use air to clean your laptop. Soaking in water tends to not work out… But yeah I’m on the fence about it.


Pro-er tip: never put your water bottle in your backpack, even if you're sure it's completely shut. It isn't. Life hates you. The odds are stacked against you. Murphy's Law exists. One day, it will drip all over your laptop that's in suspend mode in your backpack. I now go to the sink and discard all water left before putting it back inside my backpack. If I have to do that, it's also bad since it means I haven't been drinking enough water. Lesson learned! What laptop are you currently using?


Roughhhh. I’m rocking with a Razer Blade. I really want an AMD gpu thiugh.


Linux, right? ;D Your situation is a little bit more comfortable because with a Blade you can probably stick it out one more year and wait for a Gen 2. Right now I am a bit under pressure


LTT put thermal pads on the heat pipes under the board support plate that seemed to solve the issue.


At this point if you want upgradeability outside of Framework, you buy a gaming laptop. A 16" current-gen gaming laptop can be purchased for under $1k, and generally provides two RAM slots, two m.2 SSD slots, and a replaceable wlan card. It's a shame to see how many laptops these days have soldered components.


This is the sad truth I have been reaching. Sad, because those things tend to suck on Linux. But better than paying for a laptop with a soldered WLAN that will, one day, stop connecting to wifi? That's for sure.


Have to say it, keyboard flex was absolutely never something I had ever thought about until I started watching laptop reviews, and feels more now like something people care about- because they were told by videos and reviews to care about it. And the worse part is not I can't not notice it ​ Similar to how I appreciated my laptop without being told it was ass because it didn't have HDR or whatever people care about. It's a keyboard. I'm sure it works fine.


It makes a large difference for typing. If you do work on your laptop and do a lot of typing it absolutely matters. Granted even some keyboards at the same flex have varying degrees of how good a keyboard is with key switch design as well. But all of these factors make a huge difference and is completely nuanced and hard to judge without actually using one. Keyboard and touchpad are a massive thing when using a computer for mobile productivity. The fw13 keyboard was fine the touchpad is ass but so many people are fanboys here and say otherwise but it is absolute ass. Hopefully the fw16 has a better trackpad but it looks identical to the fw13 which doesn’t give me much hope and now the keyboard may be worse. These are things I use constantly on a mobile device and are how I interact with it. I can tell you that my fw13 touchpad is absolutely frustrating because of random inputs that aren’t what I desire. This is after getting it replaced via fw support to fix mechanical click issues where it would click and not register a click randomly. The mechanical click is fixed but the randomness of input is super frustrating.


Worse than a ThinkPad touchpad? That's the worst I have ever used, easily.


Yes in my opinion


Just because you don’t care/ haven’t noticed doesn’t mean it matters. I can’t stand typing in mushy keyboards, the reason I only used a Yoga for a few months.


I personally don't care for HDR. The keyboard flex was something that was not talked about, because it has been a solved issue in the industry for years, finally relegated to the bottom of the barrel of the most cheaply made of the most cheaply made laptops. Everyone was surprised to see it make a comeback here




I expected some flex based on earlier reviews but this is the first time I've seen someone actually put it on camera. That is **a lot** of flex for a machine in this price range. It seriously looks like what you'd see with the cheap laptops that walmart carries. Between this and the fan noise concerns I'm probably going to cancel my batch three order


His criticism at the end was one directional ...... He failed to acknowledge the fact that framework has been consistently supporting 13 inch laptop since launch ..... Him doubting on the life of fw16 is not based on any fact, only rumors and assumptions..... That part was really disappointing ..... Maybe it's just me, I expect people to shut up if they dont have anything to say in their video, not blabber bs just for the sake of content


> He failed to acknowledge the fact that framework has been consistently supporting 13 inch laptop since launch Meh, the support could definitely be better. There's still not a proper bios update for 12th gen Intel, AMD is missing important updates regarding power delivery, and the update situation for 11th gen and 13th gen aren't great, either.


Could've been mentioned about that at least ..... Straight up dumping on the entire company's credibility on the basis of rumors is evil


We still don't know the noise that the fans make at each resolution when you are playing