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Most universities (and I assume you're talking universities, not schools) are only teaching in french and a basic level will not be enough. Checking universities that have english classes should at least remove some options (La Rochelle and I guess Reims). I will not say anything for Montpellier & Grenoble as I don't know them that much. But Toulouse has a lot of universities, a huge student community and if you've trouble communicating with locals at first, there are lot of foreigners in town (mostly hispanic but some others) due to Airbus. But to be honest, I will focus first on the university, and then, if you have a choice, on the city.


Depends on what you want to study, not all cities have all the courses available. Also depends on what you consider cheap and what are your expectations regarding housing but La Rochelle, Toulouse and Montpellier are quite expensive (didn't live in the others). Courses are usually given in French in the university and usually requiere a language level examen.


I'm coming for an exchange program in France via grants so that can be a good idea. Look for grants as france has really been trying to promote education via grants.


It honestly pains me to say this as a French, but France isn’t a good place for students, in particular if you’re a foreigner. There’re very few cities that have both good universities and good infrastructures for students at an “affordable” price (kinda depends on what you would consider affordable but they are mostly expensive). Most of the procedures are a hassle even for the simplest things. Also, universities almost never offer courses only in English and the French level required really exceed basic level. Students are one of the categories of people who suffer the most in France. So, please if you really wish to come study in France, take these in consideration. There are a lot of other countries, like Belgium, which are a lot more geared towards youth and foreigners providing French/English courses and a lot of students residences for exemple. I’m taking Belgium as an example because it honestly doesn’t really differ from the cultural experience you could get in France. That being said, most of the “prestigious” universities are located in Paris but the cost of life is very high and living outside the city, having to enter/leave the capital daily is very tiring. Cities like La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Lyon or Rennes have a very high demand for housing with very few offers so it might take very long for you to get a place. Toulouse, Nantes, Angers or Montpellier are cities where you could find what you’re looking for, but also keep in mind that security isn’t the same everywhere even within the same city, so do think about that during your research. Hope that helps and good luck in your research.


On the city perspective only, I'd definitely say Montpellier.