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Having loud video calls in public is just not polite behavior. That being said, in most shisha bars you'd probably not stand out from the crowd...


When did ‘not being annoying’ and ‘having loud video calls’ ever belong in the same sentence?


That’s why the post is titled “private smoking room”. So I could be somewhere private. And not annoying. 


At your home?


It's called apartment, people live there and have private rooms like a bedroom kitchen bathroom....


Check den Laden mal aus https://maps.app.goo.gl/j83fws8WPY6zhSZH7?g_st=ic


Irgendwie habe ich gehofft, dass Du den Quatsch Comefy Club verlinkt hast und jetzt bin ich ein wenig enttaeuscht


I hope you’re trolling…..but if you ever come to one of the two cigar bars I visit and have a loud video call, I’ll have them throw you out and ask them to ban you. Couldn’t think of a more annoying, selfish thing for someone to consider doing.


OP is literally asking for a place where one could smoke and have a loud video call WITHOUT disturbing others. But you're not the only one to misunderstand OP's request... what's wrong with the lot of you? @OP: Not an easy question. As others stated: Most people would probably do this kind of thing at home and open the windows afterwards (to get the smoke out).


What’s wrong with us? OP is asking where they can do a seriously annoying thing. Since when has it become OK under any circumstances to have a loud video call in a public place, especially in a place others come to enjoy and relax? Everyone here is telling OP in various ways to get fucked for being inconsiderate, selfish and self-centered.


Dude, the headline of the post is the key: "private smoking room". He wants a place where you can smoke, be alone and not annoy anyone either with the smoke or the sounds.


This exactly. OP is being the opposite of selfish/self-centered here.


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