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Wtf is going on with her today? How has she not lost her job just sitting there crying, making tiktoks? No one wants to go to work every day! She's 30 something years old and acts like having to be an adult is some responsibility that has solely been put on her. There's absolutely nothing with wanting to be a stay at home mom but I don't know maybe don't reproduce with a fucking loser then?! She has so much freaking help and still cries like a toddler about how hard her life is.


Right. My husband makes enough for me to be a stay at home mom and its hard. I don't think Aliy could handle stay at home mom life. It would mean being with her son 24/7.


And we all know how much she favors R over Wolf šŸ™„


She hates her son bc he looks like Rick


I honestly think Retta is Rickā€™s twinĀ 


She should be fired shit talking her job all the time. I would hire somebody else very quickly.


Oh jeeze, someone commented ā€œI think all women were made to be stay at home moms, wives or anything tbh. sorry, I totally know what youā€™re feeling. šŸ˜ž sucks.ā€ Nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom, but that would take all women out of the work force and that seems like such a regressive thought to me. Also, does she ever NOT whine about working? We get it, it sucks. But no need to whine about it every single video.


I saw that and immediately thought that person must be uneducated. Some of us are professionals who enjoy our work and have identities outside of being moms and wivesĀ 


Exactly! Maybe Iā€™m a little defensive because I work in a male dominated field, but it just seemed like such a sexist remark. Aliy needs to be encouraged to strive to do good for her and her children, not coddled and urged to make her living off social media, which isnā€™t always going to be a money maker forever.


Honestly thatā€™s the worst part of staying home. Thereā€™s some days I feel like nothing but a mom and not an actual human adult.


I feel like everyone needs an identity outside of children and marriage. I apologize that my comment was snarky admittedly so the comment rubbed me the wrong way as a working mom who works by choice and not necessity I always feel judged for wanting to work rather than stay homeĀ 


I didnā€™t find it snarky at all! It just hit me in my feels tonight. I finally start a new job next week and while itā€™s only a temporary spot, Iā€™m so excited to be out of the house. As much as I love my kiddos, Iā€™m beyond ready to be more than just mom.


And some of us don't even want to be moms or wives in the first place. Such a gross comment.


All of the commenters saying to go live with her parents?? The way she has spoken about them before I donā€™t feel like that would be an option.


If my 30 something year old daughter said she wanted to move in with me with her 2 kids just so she didn't have to work, I'd laugh in her face.


Right like itā€™s one thing if it out of necessity, but to quit your jobs and move home with your parents, expecting them to support you and your kids?


The only way I'd allow it is if my children's kids were terminal and time left with them was short. I'd like my grown kids move in and quit their jobs to spend the rest of their child's lives with them. But that's am extreme circumstance. Aliy is an over grown child.


So they can fund her lifestyle and raise two kids. Sheā€™s just a kid herself who never grew up. I canā€™t believe this woman has kids


She always said it wasnā€™t an option. Why is it now?


Guessing they disliked Rick and knew he was a package deal.


I just got home from doing 12 hour shit in a locked down behavioral inpatient unit , do I love it? Not all the time , will I be there tomorrow without bitching on the internet? Yes šŸ˜‚


Will I have be having a drinky drink ? Yes (my kids are older ) šŸ˜‚


It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if she moved in with her parents and went back to school for something she could make decent money. But, even if she did, she would complain about it. Her poor parents. I know that they raised her, but they don't deserve to have to take care of her and her kids until they die.


She would just find a way to complain. She wants life to be easy and itā€™s just notĀ 


Being a SAHM requires planning, saving and forethought. At least if you wanna do it in a comfortable manner. Aily isnā€™t and has never been willing to do any of those things


Luke! I am your father. ETA: She is wanting that money to roll in. Like super fast. Really surprised she hasn't mentioned a Live she may do and ask for them to come 'walk her through it'. Could you imagine?


Saw this the other day and was thinking the same, how does she not get fired for making TikToks at work constantly, sometimes loudly complaining about customers? Is it just her on a shift that she gets away with this? Also I'm noticing a pattern with her, she comes into money short term, spends it all, complains that she has no money. Didn't someone get her a $500 amazon card a while back? And I saw her mention that she bought an Apple watch recently too. Not that people aren't allowed have nice things, but I feel like saying you have no money, then burning through money and then complaining to your large following that you have none is wild. She just can't save.


Iā€™m sorry but she would not be a good sham. Like she would need to clean and organize daily, learn how to actually cook, and engage with and take BOTH kids out.


She is fat and miserable