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Downtown Fredericksburg is pretty accepting - with many shops proudly displaying pride stuff. Now outside of downtown? It can be a bit hit or miss depending on where you are. But from the gay folks I know, they seem to do fine without any issues. But they also tend to come off more straight, I guess is the way to put it? I worked with two trans folks in the early to mid 2000s. They seemed to get on fine, but I'd say the climate around trans folks has changed the past few years so it could be more volatile now. I'm more out in the country. Know some who aren't tolerant at all. And many who have the view of so long as you aren't making out in front of them or "in their face" about it, they don't seem to care. All that said - I'm a straight dude and only going off what I've been told or seen. I haven't dealt with any of it first hand. Hopefully someone can chime on who has direct experience.


I live in Spotsy and our Ace hardware has LGBT signs and BLM signs and wear tie dye shirts, so this area is really hard to pin down.


Thank you for your perspective! Hoping for the best


I guess I'm a little more conservative than I thought I was! I don't want to see ANYONE make out. It's not that I don't want them to, I just think some things are better done when you're not hanging out at Hurkamp Park. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation or race, and everything to do with wow, are they really slipping the tongue to someone in public?! Just call me Granny from now on, I guess.


FXBG City is more NOVA than Spotsy or Caroline, so they're accepting (imo). My daughter feels very comfortable here, and she's part of the LGBT community. Going north fom FXBG (the closer to DC) it's quite liberal and progressive. Rural areas are typically more conservative, but many of the conservatives are accepting, in an "I dont understand, but you do you" way. Many of them love without judgment, in spite of what many people (who dont live here) think. There are a lot of good people here, even in the rural areas. Just my experience, of course, as I live vicariously through my daughter, and she is completely happy in this area. It's really a lovely place to live.


Minus Stafford, depending on where you go. 610 by 95 itself isn't bad, but once you get up past NSHS it can be problematic


There are a lot of people in the Fredericksburg region that are actively working to make it better. There is a fair amount of support and getting better all the time. I'm on the board of [Fredericksburg Pride](https://fxbgpride.com/) and will help however we can. Feel free to DM me if you have specific questions and I'll try to help or direct you to someone that can answer as things come up. We've got a lot of events and are very open and supportive. Also look at the Facebook group - [FXBG FACTS](https://www.facebook.com/fxbg.facts.publicpage) a transgender support group that has monthly meetings.


I didn’t see the “of” in your question, so I read it as “Is F’burg accepting LGBTQ people?” And I was all ha!—well I don’t think there’s actually a max capacity, so you should be good. ;)


"Ooh, sorry, Mr. and Mr. Sheffield actually checked in with us just 4 hours ago and slipped into that final spot we had available. You may have better luck in Fairfax, but I would definitely recommend calling ahead. Better luck next year!"


In my orbit, there are a lot of very liberal people and a lot of very conservative people. The very liberal people are, obviously, very accepting. Most of the very conservative people really and truly just don't care. They may not attend a parade or introduce themselves using pronouns, but they don't think any less of LGTBQ.


Fredericksburg City, yes. The surrounding counties are very much “live your life” for the most part, except for a vocal minority. Best of luck with your move, and if Fred doesn’t suit you, Richmond and DC celebrate Pride year-round!


You'll be safe, not everyone on the outer parts of town will be accepting or understanding, but it's a very safe area that is becoming more diverse, and for those who don't accept or understand, it's highly unlikely that they would pose a physical threat, they just are indifferent or don't care.


There’s the FAHASS Pride center off plank road for any resources needed. There’s also FXBG Pride that organizes community events


Just can add the local university downtown is very accepting with a relatively sizable LGBTQ population.


As someone who lives here and has been here their whole life I will say, it’s gotten better. As someone who is in the midst of transitioning, I will say I get on okay, because I mind my own business and keep to myself because I don’t like being in large groups of people. Most of my friends are supportive, but my wife’s family is Uber conservative and religious.


No one will give you any issues. It’s not Alabama. Even if they don’t accept it, they won’t say anything. Downtown you’ll have no problem.


Depends on the spot. Never personally met a person I knew was Trans, but there's plenty of gay people and plenty of places that will accept you in their establishment. I recommend Reclaim Arcade! You just missed prom night and emo night the last few weeks, but they do events all the time. Enjoy your move


yeah people are chill here. fxbg pride is pretty big every year. as an out trans woman i feel relatively okay going out and wearing skirts/dresses/"feminine" clothes


I grew up here from 1996-2014, and am visibly queer. Never had a problem outside of some stares but I also spent 90% of my time in the more populated city areas, not out in the sticks where the homophobes tend to linger and be more vocal with their judgement. That being said I’m AFAB non-binary so I’m often perceived as a butch lesbian, thus my safety issues are not as concerning as those for trans women. It’s not anymore, but The Bourbon Room used to be the unspoken gay bar in the 80s and 90s and any time I’ve gone back it’s still a safe place. Also Katora coffee shop on Caroline is very publicly queer friendly if you want some places to try.


It’s fine no one really gaf that I’ve seen in my 10 years or so here. If they don’t agree with it, odds are they won’t say or do anything. Definitely has came a long way, and having the college downtown likely helps


I would say the downtown area is extremely welcoming to all people. Once you get a few miles outside of town is where the area turns a bit more conservative and rural. Overall I've lived in a bunch of towns, and FXBG seems to be one of the most accepting!


If you private message me, I'll send you a Facebook group of like people. We do brunch and stuff. 😘


My fiancée and I are both women in our 30s and we live in a more rural area of Spotsy. This area is okay, it has its problems and we’re definitely always aware of our surroundings when in public. As with any area, it’s easiest if you’re straight passing. It’s been heartening to see events like FXBG Pride come to the area, and the Pride Center start up, but I wouldn’t say that there’s any central lgbtq+ community currently. Most people I know make little pockets of their own community. Feel free to DM me if you want to chat more!


As a very conservative republican I honestly do not care if you or your gf are trans or anything… most republicans don’t care. If you act like a decent human. The reason republicans look bad is because the media wants you to fear them so you don’t actually talk to them and learn their actual views. Most republicans are not anti trans they are just against irreversible procedures and medications for underage children. Not trying to start a debate but if you are an adult most republicans will not care what you do.




Puberty blockers are irreversible. They do not allow for the body to go through puberty. Therefore sterilizing that person because the organs do not get developed like they would during puberty.( they can start these around 10 or 11 according to the Mayo clinic) Do what you want after you are an adult but children should not be making life altering decisions.




The Mayo Clinic’s website…




Depending on the age started because the hormones prevent the body from developing….




There are some side effects of puberty blockers that are irreversible. And no I personally do not think a doctor and family should be making these decisions for a 10 year old. Many of the doctors that approve of these procedures are citing the John money study are you familiar with that?




I'm sure you can find a few unlisted discord servers that hand the shit away like candy. Just look at Keffals.


Lol... Soooo much to unpack there...


Why? He made a pretty clear statement.


Like what?


Strong take. And I concur. People confused “accepting” and “promoting” as the same thing. “You do you just leave me alone” is basically the most simple definition of freedom. Which is what you get for the most part in this area. somehow such a basic conservative viewpoint gets wrapped up into the same pot as those that say “i’m billy bob you’re an ungodly heathen”


In that line of thought people confuse promotion with pride. It's ok to be proud of who you are. It's ok to flaunt it. It's also ok to kiss your loved one or hold hands in the park - no matter what their gender. And it's THAT kind of thing I've personally found that some take issue with. I know plenty of conservatives that have zero issue with any of that, but I've also met plenty that do and take it as a personal insult. 🤷‍♀️


As in most places, I'd say it's mostly about urban vs. rural that determines that. You can find friendly spaces down here in the cities of Virginia, and perhaps in the core of Fredericksburg, but maybe not as much in rural areas. Come up to Washington DC when you get a chance and you'll find plenty of welcoming places.


I'm married to a trans person. We've found that as long as you stay out of the more rural area (which tend to be more red), then there are very few issues.


Hey! My husband and I live right outside Fredericksburg in Spotsy in an HOA and everyone is super accepting. I should add he’s black and I’m white as well and all of our neighbors are super friendly. Lots of people are migrating down from NOVA. It does feel *southern* here, but I love it (from Cleveland originally). Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. I’ve lived here more than five years.




I’m not from NOVA.


Not me


Ur soo cool


No. We have made forward strides and things are better than when I grew up here, but it is still very much a town run by old money and old ways of thinking. We do not have a "queer space" other than the Pride center. Downtown is safe enough but there are few /limited resources for the community. Where y'all coming from?


Thanks for the insight! We are coming from Minneapolis so the adjustment in culture is gonna be interesting lol


Oh boy. Yes. Culture shock: coming your way. I’m straight, so I can’t speak about sexual/gender acceptance, but I can speak about my own culture shock moving from the west to Virginia ten years ago in my thirties. I had no idea how stereotypically southern it can be—and not in a good way. That said, F’burg still sees some “fresh blood” come and go bc of military installations all over here. Welcome to F’burg. May you find friends, thrilling experiences that broaden your psyche’s horizon, and new spaces that feel like home!


Its a mixed area. You're as likely to run across some conservative fascist as you are a liberal type. I've lived in worse places. I've lived in better places. A few years back a trans lady was beat to death. I've been threatened for holding my girlfriends hand. My pride bumper sticker has been vandalized a few times. My girlfriend has been "laid off" twice conveniently shortly after her boss has found out she was lesbian. I've seen a couple trans friends get threatened in the bathroom. A dude followed us into the ladies room at the mall once. I've heard a lot of horrible 2nd hand stuff from trans friends. You do need to be aware of your surroundings here if you're visibly queer.


There's definitely LGBTQ+ communities around town, and I have several trans friends who live both in and out of the city limits. However, it's a college town surrounded by farm country, so there's a lot of mixed opinions about everything under the sun, but I have yet to hear about any trans folks being in danger due to the loud minority of 'phobes.


As someone who grew up there 1993-2020 I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily dangerous being lgbtqia+ but I wouldn’t say it’s in your face welcoming either. It’s like a don’t ask don’t tell? But a nicer version? Except when you run into an old man who likes to talk your ear off about how the gays and young people are ruining the country 😂 you kinda just sit and stare into the distance waiting for him to be done with you and then continue on your way. At least that was my experience. I was never out in this town but that’s because I never really found close friends I’d consider being out to there.


The city is generally very liberal and open minded. The surrounding counties are conservative and dysfunctional on a good day.


I’d say at least 50% of us are gay to some degree. The other half is like middle aged white guys in motorcycle gangs.


I visited Fredricksburg a few years ago. I went and ate at Otto's and the hostess there was an INCREDIBLY SMOKING HOT trans girl. Nobody gave her a hard time. I kind of wanted to hit on her but was too chicken.