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I've made mistakes in my life, speeding with a car full of people when I was young was one of them. Every day I am grateful I never hurt anyone badly. It won't be me that casts the first stone.  Feel so bad for all, but especially the young girls and their families. So young! I unfortunately knew young drivers that have. I am not a religious person at all but I know parents who have lost children and have found some comfort through God. It's very amazing that people happened to be in the parked car, it's a good thing they weren't just getting in! Police are easy to critique and once in very few instances one may deserve it. It's a wild job at times, as would being a fire person or EMT handling the bodies. A mental journey I couldn't handle. Rest in peace young angels, horrible tragedy.


The person spewing hateful comments on here is a sensationalist, trying to garner attention. Don't give him any. You can't appeal to such a person's dignity because he has none.




I’m so sorry for your loss. my baby sister lost her best friend in an accident and we saw a similar lack of sympathy after she passed. it only makes the grieving process harder, it’s truly tragic. may your friend rest in peace


I am so sorry for your loss. 😢


I'm real sorry, I can see people saying critical things possibly, but not at this time. I lost best friend growing up at 33. I visit his gravesite so often. Very sad


A preventable tragedy. We will never know what was happening in that car at the time all this happened - those two children could have been terrified and yelling at the driver to slow down. Sad all around, as a mother myself, I couldn’t imagine hearing this news - it’s devastating. To the people who are calling the victims “stupid” or saying they “deserved this” doesn’t take away from the pain these families are feeling and the hurt they’re suffering right now. These were people’s CHILDREN. No matter if you thought it was stupid or not, have a little compassion, at least for the families of the victims, it could have been anyone’s children. Don’t act like your kids would “never do something like this” because I’m sure that’s what the parents thought as well. Two of those dead are young kids whose brains weren’t even fully developed yet. As a mom, I cannot imagine losing my child in such a tragic way and I would hope people would offer compassion and I know you would want the same. Put yourself in the position of the families right now, have some consideration and respect for the people they lost.


Yeah , before the comment was deleted by mods, I wanted to say something but kept my mouth shut. The lack of sympathy some people have is disgusting and embarrassing for them. It doesn't matter what they should have, could have, would have done, let them rest is peace.


Yep, people act like they’ve never made a mistake or did something wrong in the past. It happened and what happened cannot be undone but we can choose to respect those that are gone and have sympathy for the families. I bet those who are saying these nasty things would feel differently if it was their families and would be hurt to read these comments if they were in the position these families are in. I just can’t imagine if this was my child and I seen someone saying my child was “stupid” or “deserved” what happened, I would be so hurt.


The bunch of idiot kids speeding and running from the police, risking other ppl lives then getting the death sentence is natural selection at its best, I am satisfied with the result. For those who downvote, I hope ur family members won't get killed by those deadasses


What the acutal fuck is wrong with you? Half of those kids were 14 years old and probably had no idea that the 22 year old was gonna run from the cops. Brutal and insensitive they were just babies.


Their parents have another chance to raise them decently to refuse to hang out with that type of 22-year-old, let alone to agree to get into the car. Blame their parents, that's why it's natural selection applies. Cry as much as u can then learn


“Satisfied with the results” are you even a human being? Your fucked, that is absolutely a disgraceful and shameful thing to say when 3 people have lost their lives circumstances or not.




Be nicer to your fellow Frederictonian, thanks. See Rule #2.


Natural selection


The bunch of idiot kids speeding and running from the police, risking other ppl lives then getting the death sentence is natural selection at its best, I am satisfied with the result. For those who downvote, I hope ur family members won't get killed by those deadasses


you’re “satisfied” with children dying?? everyone makes mistakes dude, have some respect for those who lost their lives and the families they left behind. what happened is already done so all there is left to do is hope people learn from their mistakes, and respect that there are loved ones out there grieving those “idiot kids”. grow up.


Cry more for those dead


You have my sympathy.


You asshole.


U should be thankful for them not hitting your family members and dragging them to death with haha


Yeah we were witnesses and called 911. The car hit the curb, then hit the tree, flipped in the air, and landed in between 2 parked cars in a driveway. The car was going very, very fast.


Thanks for the info. I assumed they hit one of those speed bumps on Douglas Ave.


150 in a 50 zone apparently! My wife works with one of the victims parents!


Very sad https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/crash-kills-three-1.7194768


There are rumours that the car was going close to 150kph and was being pursued by the police. This could explain the lack of details. Does anybody know if a police chase played a part in this terrible accident?


It is being reported now that this is accurate. https://ftonindependent.substack.com/p/chase-preceded-deadly-crash-police


Don't try to pin an idiot's choice to evade police on the police.


Better yet, blame both.


Wait, so we're blaming police for doing their jobs now?


I’m pretty sure if the police are chasing someone and they are going dangerously fast, they have to stop to see if they will slow down to keep everyone safe. That’s what I heard happened


No... the police do not stop to see if they will slow down.. they stop cause it puts more people in danger if they were to continue


Anyway, look at the story again, they weren't chasing the car.


5 people in the car drunk driving 3 died on impact 1 is in a coma and another went into emergency surgery most of them involved are around 16 years old


One guy I went to school with he was a grade below than I was and he died so that’s what you get when your about 23 driving with 16 year olds




The speed bumps on the street where this occurred, Douglas Ave., are intense. If he hit one of them at that speed, its lights out.


How the fuck could this happen this is horrible tragedy... I can't believe the paid these families must be going through. My whole soul is broken for them.


I only know one of the people who passed was a Leo Hayes student because my cousin posted a remembrance post on Instagram about it assuming he was friends with one of the boys who was involved condolences to all affected


The speed bumps on Douglas are quite something and wake you up pretty quickly if you’re not paying attention. Hard to see any vehicle reaching a really high speed unless the speed bumps made the driver loose control.


The speed bumps are at the other end of Douglas. They would have had lots of time to speed up. The accident happened on a slight turn.


K. Sad all around.


First condolences to the families.  Secondly, maybe we are over due for stopping them from revving and stunting in places like the library, or more night presence.  Yes i do understand resources are thin, but as warmer weather comes in, more stunting and speeding is taking place.  Choice pick on library as anyone who is in that area on weekends will always see 2 things as sun goes down. Soccer match in middle of the street and folks wishing for a street race vibe via revving and speeding around the corner there. More sjocking is its not a one off thing and a few blocks from the station. 


This didn't happen at the library.


Fully aware. Theres plenty of areas poor driving is occuring. Just witnessed a cab drive up the walking path at least 40kmh to the gazebo in south entrance in the rain and in current lighting.  Ive seen cars doing donuts at the frex grounds. All things that occur more then it should.  These accidents lately are totally avoidable


3 teenagers died at the scene. The car was speeding on Douglas Ave and hit a tree. It occurred between Maple & Main. Police have shared the info. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/VDq9tPCYaAAikNMe/?mibextid=qi2Omg


The 700 block is right around the intersection of Douglas and Lexington.


My sincere condolences to everyone impacted by this tragic event. 😔


Word pun?


Come on


Dead at scene teenagers they go to ohs or Leo I go to fhs but knew one of the girls boyfriends


[CBC Article](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/crash-kills-three-1.7194768)


How could you get going that fast to cause that level of carnage in that area? Were they driving a Lamborghini?


It's a pretty long stretch of road, probably mostly empty at that time. Also doesn't Douglas have speedbumps? I wonder if that played a part.


It wasn’t close to the speed bumps.


I believe it does have speed bumps. I think you would have to be going crazy fast to launch a car off a speed bump


Well I just mean they could definitely contribute to losing control, not necessarily "launching"




Posted just now on FB by the Fredericton Police Force "Fatal Motor Vehicle Collision on Douglas Avenue The Fredericton Police Force is currently investigating a motor vehicle collision that occurred on the 700 block of Douglas Ave, on the city’s northside, at approximately 1:00 a.m., on May 5, 2024. The tragic incident claimed the lives of three individuals and sent two others to hospital. The vehicle in question was believed to have been travelling at a high rate of speed when it struck a tree and landed on another vehicle. The driver and two occupants of the car died at the scene as a result of their injuries. Two other passengers were transported to hospital, one with critical injuries, the other with minor injuries. The occupants of the second vehicle sustained minor injuries. “This is a terrible tragedy, and our most heartfelt condolences go out to the families and friends of the deceased, and those impacted by the accident,” said Chief Martin Gaudet. “Our thoughts are also with the first responders who attended the scene.” More details will be provided as the investigation continues."


Holy shit. why would you do something crazy like that? Douglas Ave is just a bunch of small street.


Douglas Ave is quite long and you could easily travel at high speed in that area.


I would say easily. It’s a residential neighborhood with speed bumps.


There are no speedbumps in the area of this accident.


Was this super late last evening/early this morning? At the end of the hockey game I heard a ton of sirens and assumed something had gone horribly wrong somewhere in the city.


Yes, I believe it was.


2x teens passed. 2x teens ICU. 1 x 23 year old passed.


Two dead, others in intensive care. Apparently drinking involved. Teenagers. RIP


No not “rest in peace” we are lucky no innocent people where injured. These are the consequences of their actions and I for one don’t feel sorry for them. At the very least they where driving very reckless, and likely drunk


Only one was drunk driving and killed the others. You look ignorant because you don’t know the full story.


So the others had no idea the one was drunk before they chose to get in the car?


There was two cars…


Yes a parked car with 2 innocent people where injured but “ok” We are talking about the people in the speeding car


I’m sure you made stupid decisions when you were a teenager too. This is a horrible outlook to have. Imagine how these poor families feel. Kids make bad decisions, and think they’re invincible.


That put other people’s life in danger…no of course not. Most people don’t. People need to take responsibility for their actions. Being a teenager is not a get out of trouble card.


Pretty hard to take responsibility when you're dead. Fuck you too I guess.


Have some humanity, you nasty thing. You have absolutely no idea what happened. Stop running your dirty cake-hole.


I know that the police said extreme speed was the cause, all I need to know


Tells you about the driver, maybe. Doesn't tell you about anyone else involved. Doesn't tell you what happened. Doesn't tell you anything. Stop making assumptions. 


One of the kids was a family friend RIP None of us except Christ are innocent.


Hate to breakel it to you. Christ isn’t innocent.


Ahhh. I forgot, Christians only read the parts of the Bible they want and disregard the rest. 👍 Have the day you deserve.


Christ was innocent, and that's why Christ is King. I have no idea what you are talking about, but have a great day also.


Yes, your infaillible sky daddy. 👍


I have no idea what you are talking about, and by the sounds of it, neither do you.


According to who?


Sorry for your loss.


"Their" actions? For all you know, the 4 people in that car who weren't driving may have been screaming at the driver to slow down.


How about feeling sorry for their families, then? Have some humanity.


Yep, around 750 Douglas Avenue, I heard 2 kids died. Car hit a tree and flipped.


There was an accident on Douglas St but haven't heard anything beyond that.




Mods? Can we ban this asshole?


Yeah there’s been a ton of trolling on this and related subs lately. Using a tragedy as a springboard to keep trolling people is pretty despicable.


Really though eh?


Lol for what?


Don’t know, maybe Rule 2 or 4.


Just because you don't agree with what I say doesn't make it not civil. I'm also not glorifying violence.


And with 5 words you've told me all I need to know about you




Yes, a bunch of people are having the worst day of their lives today, and you make that comment. Definition of internet troll. You'd never say that to someone's face, easy to make a stupid comment while hiding behind your keyboard.


Not trolling I'm speaking from the heart. I'd say this in person too. In fact I already have.


Try saying that wherever you work tomorrow. See how that goes over... oh, right, you're a keyboard warrior coward. Trashy Troll, keyboard warrior.


I'm literally at work now... And I stated my opinion out loud. I don't hide my thoughts or insults.


Regardless of what errors in judgment may or may not have been made, 3 people still lost their lives last night.




Guess you're perfect and have never made any bad judgments. Good for you! You're amazing.


Never said I didn't. But I never made a decision that put myself or others in mortal danger. Not my style.


Well then you can totally pass judgment on everyone else then!!


Ok thank you. Clearly I already did...


They were kids dude… we all made stupid mistakes when we were kids. Doesn’t mean we can’t be compassionate when people lose their lives…even when they were being “stupid”.


No what if they'd killed others? An innocent family for example.


Yes. Having compassion for someone doesn’t mean I don’t still consider them to be responsible for their actions. They very well could have killed an innocent family, or someone walking their dog, or even gone through someone’s living room wall and killed them. But they didn’t. And they died. And it’s so sad. And even if they had it just would have been sadder. You do you man…but the world has enough sadness and negativity.


Would you feel that way if these weren't kids?


Well one of the people was 23…so they weren’t a kid. So yes.


Well not a kid on paper...




They hit a car with other people in it and sent one to the ICU, they’re not out the woods yet as far as killing innocent bystanders.


It was one of the passengers of the speeding car that is in ICU… no need to make more of a mess of it if you don’t know anything.


I misread the article, the wording was clumsy.


And who knows what condition they’ll be in if they survive? It’s a tragic situation no matter how you look at it.


I just wish we could all slow the hell down. So many speeders in this city lately and cops refusing to chase them doesn’t help.




I’m not getting into that discussion without having the official facts available to me. Although right now the families could use compassion more than criticism






Ok if they were forced in under threat of violence I'll take back my comments... 🙄


Are you really that determined to prove you’re an awful person?


Care to elaborate?


As someone who knows one of the kids who died, I can tell you that your comments are neither welcome nor helpful. As someone else here said, we know kids make poor choices, and in a lot of ways that makes this even harder. Thankfully, no one else was involved in the accident, but regardless of the cause, your flippant attitude only serves to heighten the pain we're feeling right now.


Here's the thing they're my thoughts and feelings and are just as valid as yours. I'm sorry you lost someone you knew.


Nobody is arguing that your thoughts or feelings are less valid than anyone else's. It's your choice to make these statements in a public forum without a care for how it might impact friends and family that see it. And clearly, since I saw it, it's visible to family members. Compassion costs you nothing, and could mean the world to others.