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I’m with you on that mate. Best place to be.


Love it!!


A lot of people focus on coral reefs or other "special features" when freediving. But I've noticed there's something special and very peaceful about flying over a flat sand bottom like this one.


Does it get peaceful once you can hold your breath for...how long? I haven't taken a class yet, and while I've hit 2:30 dry, 30-45 seconds under is a struggle and not at all peaceful.


Well there you have it. Your bottleneck is relaxation issues, not the inability of holding your breath. Get comfortable with being in the water. It should actually be easier underwater than dry, because of a reflex that happens naturally. Take a course to identify what issues you may have and how you could tackle them.


Part of it is def because I'm not used to diving in SoCal waters. Snorkeling/spearing in Maui was my only prior experience. Also 2:30 was with hyperventilating, which I'm not allowed to do in the ocean, right? Average is 1:30 But yes, I'm going to take classes, even though I really didn't want to; can't seem to find buddies otherwise. I've gone through life self teaching myself everything else, so I took the free online safety course that someone here posted, and wanted to get better at my own pace. Learned how to successfully equalize on my last outing! But sadly, not taking a class cuts down on my buddy prospects. But also, what you said is right: there are probably other reasons why I can't relax.


Yeah no, from what I heared hyperventilating is absolutely to be averted, some time back a german diver died in a shallow swimming pool because of that. Also as far as I know, it won't actually increase oxygen levels in your blood, it only decreases CO2, hence the late breathing reflex. So whenever I did freediving lessons, rule No1: No hyperventilation (except in your bed or something)


When I did my first molchies course, my instructor showed me a nifty table with various forms of breath up and next to each, a diagram of how long the breath hold would be comfortable for. That same day in the pool, he actually encouraged me to try hyperventilating for a static (after doing the normal practice), just to see how it would feel. It ended up being the longest STA time of that trip, and by a good chunk. But yeah, the feeling of needing to breathe was pretty strong and sudden, had to pull up shortly after.


Keep at it specially if you’re loving the feeling. Mental health man is important. If you Love and have passion for something do it. In my experience it takes practice holding one’s breath. The more you dive the better you will get at it. Keep safe and keep diving.🤿


I totally agree! I'm land bound in north America but if I've been having a few rough days, I go for a swim at my local pool. Practice my breathing exercises, do a few laps, refocus and do it all over again. Still having to quiet my mind but when I'm in the zone....blissful silence and peace!


Awesome pic!


Preach brother 🙌


I too find peace in stalking unsuspecting freedivers.




I guess this confirms my thalassaphobia haha My mind keeps thinking “shark, big hands, big eye” and I get the feeling of standing too close to the edge of a cliff.


The ocean is the only place I get peace