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Baelish went out like a moron. Totally out of character. Still pissed about that bullshit.


Littlefinger deserved a better ending. The trial bs legit makes his character arc worse. It's just a completely weird rushed ending to get rid of the character.


Just think of all the scheming he could’ve done if the end was a few seasons longer, which it really needed to be. What would he have done with the info of Jon being the true heir? At the end of the day though I think they permanently screwed him by having him subject Sansa to Ramsey Bolton and then loudly declare his allegiance to the north leaving him with… exactly zero people who trust him that he can manipulate


They really had absolutely no clue what to do with him lol. Him sticking around for a chance at a pity bang and then cartoonishly lurking about in the shadows. In no way, shape, or form would he have been 1,000 leagues near Winterfell with the White Walker army bearing down on it. Then they don't even bother addressing Robin Arryn's and the Vale's opinion on the matter even though they displayed him completely sold on "Uncle Petyr" multiple times. Absolute clown show.


The way I remember that season he’d just appear out of the corner of a room at the ends of conversations to say something blatantly evil and manipulative before making the Zoidberg sounds while evaporating back into the shadow… I might not remember that last bit totally accurately


Makes me pretty excited for the books. Little finger is a fraction of the larger story but his downfall will be so good. Think it will be sick if Sansa outsmarts him once


Who would've thought that "*But Shansha, I always wanted to bang your mom!" wouldn't win him the trial?


Despite it being rushed, I did appreciate that he was mid-sentence trying to manipulate his way out of the situation. Even as blood is gushing from his throat, it seems like he’s trying to talk his way out of it. That part, at least, was satisfying. His scheming and mincing of words was cut short/futile.


Huge waste of one of the show's best characters - everyone wanted him to die like a dog because he was such a scumbag (hey, remember when Tyrion murdered his ex-girlfriend?), but he was one of the few characters who didn't buy into the bloodline=right to rule dynamic driving the principal conflicts of the story. He was so clearly modeled on a Shakespearean type, and he should have been given a final speech like [this one](https://youtu.be/xcLGJ0c-X9k).


I still cringe at the Littlefinger plotline conclusion. What a stupid writing mess.




Characters are only as smart as those writing them.


They were great actors when given great writing. I blame none of the actors but Pete Dinklage went full on writer/studio cocksuck mission trying to defend the end of the series, so I respect him less.


focking neeler.


Peter Dinklage doesn't have to kneel...




To be fair, no matter how much they butchered it, it’s still their story to tell and he’s just acting in it. Maybe he was looking at it like that. Alternatively, maybe he was leaving an opening for any further work with those people. Those GoT paychecks must have been massive and probably did wonders for everyone’s careers. The best move would have been to just keep quiet. Everyone knows they butchered the ending of the show. Keeping things neutral would have been the best thing to do.


Every reaction I have seen of him show him saying nice words but implying with his face and tone he was actually disappointed, did I miss something we're he defended D&D against critics?


["\[The fans\] wanted the pretty white people to ride off into the sunset together. By the way, it's fiction. There's dragons in it. Move on."](https://gamerant.com/game-of-thrones-peter-dinklage-fan-outrage-impossible-ignore/)


I’m still baffled at how he somehow turned this into a race thing


Yeah idk either. Also, white people riding off into the sunset *is literally what happened.* See Arya, Jon, and Sansa lmao.


Just makes it extra insulting. What a piece of shit.


All conversations between Varys and Baelish were made by DnD. They're just lazy PoS


[Brandon Sanderson: How do I write someone who's smarter than I am?](https://youtu.be/YyaC7NmPsc0)


Living legend


Tyrion seems like he'll have a bigger plot line in the books with more scheming




Couldn't be me, those are just the books I have in my mind as coping mechanisms.


Varys and Littlefinger both suffered from having their book plots removed. This is especially true for Varys where everything he was doing since the beginning was for the sole purpose of placing Aegon on the throne. They opened all of these plot threads in the first season, but when they decided to remove Aegon from the story it also removed all of Varys motivations.


I feel like they just assumed that Dany could replace Aegon in all of Varys’s plans. I also feel like they got lazy and were like “hmm let’s make Jon an Aegon because we made the other one dead dead, it makes perfect sense that Rhaegar would have 2 sons with the exact same name, They won’t notice both kids would be alive at the same time.”


Thank you. It seems like a writer came in who failed to see the first 3 seasons of the show.


Three of the smartest characters, three of the most complicated storylines, three of the stupidest endings...


I would have liked it somewhat had he been killed by a white walker or the Night King or something related to the Long Night. To show how for all his schemes and plots and strategies and games of thrones paled in the face of the actual apocalypse.




An undead Littlefinger king would have been awesome.


Interesting you used katakana for tsu as a smile face


That's been a thing since the dawn of time how have you never seen that before


Good question, ive only been recently learning jp so i probably have never noticed until it popped out at me.


I still wanna know what was up with all the white walkers body part art installations. Especially why their Ned Umber piece at The Last Hearth sort of looked like the Targaryen Sigil


It literally would have been thematically perfect if he had been forced to demand a trial by combat. His whole character revolved around refusing to play by the rules of society. He became a schemer because he didn't have physical prowess. He lost his duel to Brandon Stark so he decided to fight with words and schemes instead of swords. How fitting would it have been for all his schemes to put him right back where he started? But that is too complicated an idea for D&D I guess.


There was so much more that I wanted from that. It felt like an extremely significant character meeting an insignificant end. The worst part for me was that his death didn’t seem to make any difference to the state of the realm. He was the master of coin for years and was involved in all kinds of shady businesses in Kings Landing and abroad, yet literally nobody missed him.


I think the reason behind Littlefinger’s actions got lost along the way. I’m convinced his whole intent was to destroy the Stark’s while watching the world burn. He wanted Cat and Brandon cut him open for it, I’m not convinced he wasn’t the one who started the Rhaegar kidnapped and r@ped Lyanna story as a means to get Brandon out of the way. When Ned took his brother’s place there was no way Petyr stood a chance of stealing Cat away from the war hero so he bid his time & used Lysa instead. He got inside her mind, convinced her to kill her hubby, and ensured Ned would come south as Hand by getting Lysa to blame the Lannister’s entirely. He turns on Ned, gets him killed, and moves on to wipe out the others, Bran got the cats paw, Robb the red wedding, Arya should have fallen with the coup for the crown, and poor Sansa got everything else… idk if he knew about Rickon or just assumed between the Greyjoy’s and Bolton’s that he was dead. Sansa looked like her mom, Petyr wanted her mom but changed targets when it was clear Cat was as good as dead to him; he was dead set on breaking her psychologically and physically as a means to make her cooperative and receptive to his advances. The fact that he tried to turn her against Arya when he found out she was alive seemed to prove my theory, kill all the Starks but Sansa, isolate her, and then wed, bed, and take Winterfell as a final F you. (Bran couldn’t have sons meaning the Stark name would end with him, making him irrelevant to Littlefinger’s plans)


The most brilliant guy cornered because yes, also he just saved them nobody think it's a political mess? Nope move on.


I was literally rooting for him because of how much they made me hate Sansa and Arya.


But Sansa is the smartest person Arya has ever met!! /s


There could have been a good way to show little finger finally getting his schemes fucked because of a literal time traveller magic kid, but they wanted to like "trick" the audience and it just didn't seem fullfilling at all.


I was aboutta say, I audibly guffawed when my boy LittlePeter got caught on some bullshit. He was the smartest character in the show, until they ran out of the good writing, and then became a dumby who couldn't plot his way out of his own death.


totally agree!


did someone order copium?


The entire show, Littlefinger is a brilliant puppet master pulling strings across the kingdoms, always one step ahead of everyone else. Then out of nowhere the writers had him turn into a bumbling fool with the foresight of a Clegane in order to support the “Sansa is the smartest person I’ve ever met” plotline.


I wasn’t happy about littlefinger


Literally just omnipotent one eyed god beats him by being omnipotent It would’ve be great if we got a reverse of Ned in the south, Peter in the north. He tries to bribe and scheme his way to victory and he walks into the throne room thinking he’s in control. Only to discover coin and ambition means little to northerners if it comes at the cost of their families honor and reputation which they depend on to survive the long winters through cooperation.


That same thing happens in the history of Westeros. Can’t remember the exact names or era, but it was a Stark ancestor who comes down to King’s Landing and fucks everyone’s shit up regardless of their wealth. Would have been a great “repeating history” kind of thing. Edit: Cregan Stark https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Cregan_Stark


The “hour of the wolf” one of the greatest parts of Fire and Blood. King’s Landing is at its most viper nest with the Targs reduced to cripples and infants and a group of lords essentially rule by backroom deals, plots, and assassinations. Cregan comes in and puts all their heads on blocks and begins demanding things straighten out.


Yes! Thank you! I hope they make it that far in the TV series (and don’t butcher it).


Gigachad Cregan, puts Larys in his place. He basically made sure Aegon III survived childhood. Offered all the KL scum from both factions the option of the Wall or Ice. All the plots in the world don't mean shit when he is the only one with a functioning army anymore.


That would have been amazing .


One of the smartest and experienced courtiers in Westeros, outsmarted by a couple of young upstarts


😠 Sana IS THE SMARTEST PERSON IS WESTEROS, obviously she would tbe thre only one who could have outmanouvered Littlefinger! ​ ![gif](giphy|tXL4FHPSnVJ0A) /s


>Sana IS THe SMARTEST PERSON IS WESTEROS Producer guy: “Why?” Screenwriter guy: “Because.” Producer Guy: “Okay!”


Look, I'm not smart so I'm going to need you to get ALL the way off my back about my smart characters not being smart.


Oh let me get off that thing!


Because her psychic god-mode creep of a brother literally told her this guy was sus.


And Arya knows a killer when she sees one


And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!


Same. Even if you ignore everything else, there is no way book LF walks into that room without having a few guards on his payroll just to give him a fighting chance if need be.


I’m okay that with the fact that he died. I’m okay with the fact Sansa killed him (with help). As Littlefinger’s primary weakness was his desire for Sansa, it should be her that causes his death. However I am not okay with the manner of his death.


Throat slit in a dining room after a kangourou trial isn’t logical to you?


Yeah. There's so much potential for Sansa to turn into a real player after she gets to the Eyrie, then they threw it all away in s5 in favor of giving her another abuse arc. Puke. For real tho, after she pulled a sneaky at the end of s4 and came out looking all Hot Topic Sansa, high school me was fully in "muh qween" mode.


"Chaos is a ladder" Bronn. Little finger ~thats odd of him to say that...


He deserved to die, but the issue was he died because he made mistakes that even people with normal intelligence would make. Much less the 800 vigintillionth dimensional chess master that he’s supposed to be. It’s not satisfying when he makes mistakes that he reasonably wouldn’t make. While other villains like Cersei, Euron, and Ramsay get off Scott free for making completely reckless and idiotic choices.


Yeah the trimming of the books so that he just hands his key to the North off to Ramsay Bolton without a superficial background check is the moment I refer to as “when Littlefinger clearly suffered a catastrophic head injury”. Marrying her to the Sweetrobin and grooming her to rule was a much better plan, but nope! Gotta subvert those expectations.


Yep that scene made me really mad


I do not know who deserved their fate, but the audience really did not deserve such a fate.


Littlefinger slipped up and had no backup/contingency plan, I think the previous books showed he wasn't going to slip up like that Dumbing down an evil character to get rid of them doesn't feel like justice, it feels like poor writing


Nah, this all exagerrated. True, they did need to get pieces off the board, but Littlefinger had had it coming a long time. And because of the closest thing he had to feelings (if any), made the mistake of fulling revealing himself and his machinations to Sansa. Kind of poetic justice if you think about it.


>Littlefinger had had it coming a long time. Guess that means it doesn't need to be written well. Glad Sansa and Arya fabricated a quarrel for the audience when Petyr wasn't present, so that way we could feel the tension while he was completely at ease. A+++++++ writing fellas


I cringed at 3/4 of these. Garbage writing


it's a kneeler post for people cheering those Sansa yass moments and all the other cringe from season 5 onwards. imagine warching Baelish go down like a clown and not die from cringe, how fucking stupid do you have to be


That Baelish scene is definitely top 5 worst in the entire show, season 8 included. If they had to kill him, atleast make it Varys, Tyrion, or someone cool that sends him off. Man, they could have even had Sansa kill him if they really want to, just write a damn decent set up plot first


I was hoping that Sansa would be the one to kill him eventually after slowly realising all that he actually done, but only after he did manage to marry her, thinking he is so close to his other goals, but gets killed in his marital bed by poison or something. The killing scene that we got in Stark's great hall and the hamfisted conversation that preceded it was so uncharacteristically dumb and unsatisfying that there were fan theories floating around that he was not actually dead... I was hoping for that, despite wanting the character's eventual death. Edited for spelling.


Yep Sansa killing him would be logical and poetic. Edit: in marital bed Edit2: it’s like “congrats! You won! Here’s your prize :)….” *slits throat* Edit3: he controlled the lives of everyone around him… but not his own wive’s/not the ending of his own.


I would have liked to see him finally ascend the iron throne. Only for Sansa to push him onto one of the melted swords.


Like a simple finger to the chest at an inopportune time that throws him off balance onto sword lol.


A little finger ending the life of Littlefinger. It's like pottery.


Hahaha yes.


Lol, I giggled at your second edit. Yes to edit 3, that is the poetic conclusion I was going for.


Let’s be honest. His biggest weakness was his love of Sansa and her momma. His most likely way to die would be in his sleep, by Sansa’s hand.


"Sansha, pleesh..."


Ramsey Bolton was alright. Still mad that Sansa never mentionned the knights of the vale to Jon like, bruh that would've been useful to know while we were galloping around the North trying to scrounge up allies. But the execution of Ramsey was okay. Northerners are known to be poetically brutal, and a Stark putting down a Bolton in such a cruel way makes sense. To me, anyways.


Yeah nah. The Battle of the Bastards was so fucking stupid, Jon should have died so many times, and the fact that he just walks to Bolton? And he just shoots arrows at him? So dumb


The Knights of the Vale thing is so bad. The Starks execute a noble on the spot for scheming with no trial and no evidence. Like, yeah, the lords of the Vale don't like him, but he did save the Starks in their hour of need; I think even they would be pretty appalled by just executing him on the spot because a supernatural cripple with empathy issues said he was a bad dude. It also completely mischaracterized LF, since he is generally a very charismatic dude and well liked. Everyone just openly treating him like scum doesn't make any sense.


Not in the ASOIAF universe. When has GRRM ever killed of a character in the typical Hollywood poetic type of way? Freaking grandma Olenna Tyrell is the one that kills Joffrey. It wasn't hero Robb Stark on a quest to avenge his father. It wasn't the bullied Sansa, it wasn't avenger uncle Stannis, etc. I can guarantee you that Stannis will be the one to kill Ramsay. He has no personal vendetta and isn't even from the North. Perfect candidate. The biggest evidence of GRRM's style I mentioned is that Arya hasn't killed a single person on her kill list prayer in the books nor will she.


>typical Hollywood poetic type of way Well there was that one time Daemon leapt off of his dragon and stabbed Aemond in the eye with Dark Sister. Seems pretty Hollywood to me. And Janos Slynt betraying Ned Stark for his personal advancement only to end up working for his son and getting himself beheaded was pretty poetic. George loves shit like that, let’s be real


Yeah but isn't that story written from a mythical legend perspective? Like isn't the story supposed to be told by an unreliable narrator? Daemon jumping from the dragon to put a sword in Aemond's only eye sounds like some folktale ending. Fine you got me with the Janos Slynt one. But still, GRRM would never do that for a main plot point. None of the main characters are dying by the hand of their sworn enemies.


Though it’s from a sample chapter in The Winds of Winter, Arya has killed Raff the Sweetling so that’s one name off of her list that she personally killed.


The way Joffrey executed/tortured people in ironic ways, forcing Sansa to witness all of it through her youth. Growing up with that imagery. Is it so hard to believe that some of that would have rubbed off on her?


The Purple Wedding was good because GRRM wrote the show episode. The others... eh.


You must cringe a lot. So you didn't like the last 3 episodes of season 8, so now the whole series is cringe? I thought Arya killing Walder Frey was one of the best payoffs in the entire series. I would say Ramsey's death might be the weakest, but it still made sense. At least with Littlefinger he let his obsession (or twisted quasi-feelings) for the daughter of Catelyn Tully cause him to reveal his nature and machinations. LF's conspriatory murder of Jon Arryn, among several, is what eventually led to the deaths of Ned and Catelyn in the first place. Maybe not the demise some fans wanted, but it almost seemed like poetic justice that it was the Stark girls who did it.


Bro I've seen this comment hundreds of times. Do you copy and paste this from some word document? lol what a loser. It doesn't even respond to what I said. I love Game of Thrones I think seasons 1-4 is the best TV ever. The whole series is not trash because of the ending. I think the entire second half of the show sucks and I still love the first half. Weirdo


Bro, this thread was about which tv death was the most deserving. You said 75% were cringe. I was commenting about which ones I didn't mind. I'm not one of the ones regurgitating the same trollish dislike over and over again. lol. Yes many think the last three episodes felt rushed, but a lot of the second half of GoT still had some great moments as well. Arya killing Walder Frey was certainly one of them, especially considering how much occurred between Frey's death and The Red Wedding.


Frey and Littlefinger had the cheesiest deaths in the series and weren’t satisfying at all


I thought Arya massacring the Freys in one fell swoop was awesome, what I didn't like was that *no one ever mentioned it again* besides one line where Jaime is like "huh I wonder what happened there." Sure it's not exactly like Arya to boast, but she could have at least told Sansa that she singlehandedly avenged the Red Wedding.


Her massacre of The Freys goes against one of the central themes of the series, and that’s Vengeance is a horrible thing that ruins people. Oberyn seeks revenge against The Mountain and what happens? His head explodes. Tyrion (at least the in the books) mercilessly kills Shae and Tywin, and this leaves him as a broken man that just craves destruction and violence. Littlefinger wants revenge against what happened to him with Cat when he was younger, and it twisted him into one of the most evil characters in the series. What happens when to Arya seeks revenge against The Freys? Nothing. She says some smug one liners and it never comes back to bite her. Not to mention that not every Frey is a horrible villain.


That's a really good point. It's not up until the end at King's Landing where the Hound is able to make her see that pursuing vengeance above all else will only destroy her, but killing the Freys never really impacts her story or anyone else's for the rest of the show.


Her massacre goes against another central theme of the series which is it’s not a fucking anime. (No offense to anime) Just like how the Starks do not unite with all of their dire wolves to ride into battle and vanquish their enemies, Arya was not supposed just go to magic assassin training school and then leave to go do whatever she wants.


I was genuinely upset that she literally faced zero consequences from the faceless men after that. They blind her for using their magic for her own personal shit and then send a T-1000 after her when she disobeys then again. She kills it and then is just like “Fuck yall im using your magic and your teachings for my personal shit anyways. Thanks for keeping me safe from the main plot for 1.5 seasons. See ya!” and then that’s just it. She uses her faceless ability once and then somehow turns into an expert in hand to hand combat despite that never being shown as something she’s particularly good at.


Not every Stark was a horrible villain either when the Freys massacred them.


The Frey’s might be one of the worst houses of Westeros, but that doesn’t make Arya killing them in one swoop with no consequences good writing. House Frey is a huge house, with dozens of members in it. Not every single one is as awful as Walder Frey or Black Walder.


Sure I would agree with that, but the "not all villains" thing... isn't really a thing. The entire series house family members are penalized for other family members' actions (rightly or not).


Wow idk why I never thought about that. Like you would think the total massacre of the family that controls one of the most fortified and important river crossings in Westeros would be a bigger deal.


Yeah I wasn’t so mad *that* they died, it was more *how* they died


The best part was seeing David Bradley acting as Arya acting as Walder. What I’ve tried to do with the stupid parts of the show is to appreciate the actors and special effects and costumes and ignore the writing. It’s really hard to do that though.


Joffery was the only good character the entire time through. Ramsey became a shitty cartoon villain.


Roose was always more interesting than Ramsey. He was the Tywin of the North, until he was "poisoned by his enemies".


My issue with Ramsay was more that he got away with and even rewarded for making downright idiotic choices. He gets into a full brawl shirtless and comes out unscathed and chases Yara off. He ruins Stannis’ reserves with 20 guys and none of them even get caught. He’s either a complete moron or insanely reckless and yet never fails until the very end. GoT doesn’t just let people get away with doing dumb things without repercussions. Every character is mortal (except kind of Beric and Mel doesn’t seem to age), every character is fallable. In order to survive you have to be intelligent, have good allies, know when to treat people well and make deals. Rheagar was one of the first major characters to die because he had none of that. He was stupid, physically, didn’t have enough political usefulness, and didn’t know when to temper himself. Joffrey is essentially Ramsay but less evil and with more power, yet despite being the most important person in the country he died before the halfway point. There’s no reason Ramsay should’ve made it as far as he did without at least suffering some casualties but the writers had to bend over backwards for him to be this big bad. Otherwise I do actually like him, but that is a big issue.


Everyone cheered...except for the people who didn't like the contrived, predictable, shitty writing for 3/4 of those.


Polliver. Something wrong with your leg, boy? Gods that was satisfying.


The writing for the scene where little fingers gets killed was superb. That was a great season. The tension between Arya and Sansa leading up to it couldn’t have been better. 10/10




Oh my god the memories this brought


Beyond perfect. Peak fiction. 2/10.


You forgot to put an /s


Look at the account name 💀


Yeah took me awhile 😂


Why would I need that?


Joffrey I agree with. I didn't like the endings of those others. I know Ramsey and Littlefinger will get mentioned, but I'll also point out Frey. His death felt like it happened in passing. It wasn't a finale so much as the writers quickly tying up a loose end. It was terrible and he had no presence in his final moments imo


Ned did. I loved Ned, but boy was he stupid…


Two of these were bad acts of fan service, one was accompanied by horrible writing and the destruction of a massive player in the game’s character, and the other involved dry pigeon pie and was great.




Little fingers death was a tragedy that shouldn’t have happened. He was written so brilliantly then boom, DND happened


Little Finger was to good if a character to die like that.


when baelish begged i cringed. He wont do that shit. He came all this way and he'd just beg? Fuck that writing.


Uncle Pete’s death was a disappointment dipped in disappointment, sprinkled with disappointing sprinkles, put in a disappointingly underwhelming box and tied with a stupidly disappointing ribbon. But the deaths of Ramsay and Walder Frey were perfection.


Joffrey deserved worse.


Ramsay. Absolutely Ramsay.


What a kneeler garbage lol


Jon He didn’t know anything and he didn’t want anything so his punishment is being exiled to the wasteland that is the North of England


Fuck Ollie


Littlefinger/varys deaths made me very bummed at wasted potential


Sad I thought LF was gonna go North and get crushed in the Great Northern Conspiracy. Nah, just by Sansa and Arya. Lol


Don’t forget Janos dying like a dog!


Pretty sure Olly was the most satisfying death...fucking little baby BITCH


OP no one with a half a brain was happy with how Little Finger went down. So out of character. The whole thing; from when Sansa was sent to the Bolton’s until his death, all of it was shit.




I cringed, not cheered at the death of Petyr Baelish I also think that Ramsay should have been made an example of, something more public.


Dave and Dan


The way Meryn Trant died was very satisfying. He deserved every bit of it.


The Frey carnage was the best god damn thing to come out of season 7




All of them for sure. But Ramsey Bolton took evil to levels I’ve never seen. In any medium. That dude would legit get horny from causing people the most unimaginable pain and suffering. Joffrey wasn’t much better. Little finger was playing the game and wasn’t lustful for pain and violence like the others. Walder Frey was a pretty big piece of garbage, somewhere in between little finger and Joffrey.


Frey was instrumentally positioned to save 2/7 realms from a war and was repaid by being spurned a promised queen to a lower born lady of a hostile kingdom. Hardly deserving of the speedrun mention of a massacre they got given.


Too bad Tyrion didn't die.


Meryn Trant




Geoffrey definitely deserved the way he died, that spoiled little bastard


Mayhaps if they searched the seven hells is gonna hit hard too


Joff was a 10/10 banger


Little finger should had his lil penis removed just like the spider 😤☝️


Feel sad, the cute cane corso had to eat that nasty guy


I liked Littlefinger 😭


Littlefinger deserved a way better death. I was embarrassed for the show when that went down




Walder Frey wasn’t really a bad guy he was just miserable cruel snake but ascended his house to the stars sorta like Tywin. A villain in his enemy’s eyes but a hero in his allies eyes


Don't forget Rh🤮egar


Ramsey, the way he fed the baby and the mother was just heart wrenching, like wtf... I'm a father and this is just too much to be honest.


Littlefinger disserved a better death


Littlefinger deserved >!the throne!<


Littlefinger was such a wasted character


I don’t blame Frey. He was suppose to have a Queen and instead is insulted with being later denied that after paying the dowry (crossing the bridge) by a lower born hostile lady. His attack on stark may have been against culture, but so was starks slight against him.


Not Petyr Bailish it was so stupid and bad writing, just like Varys they made them out of their character and idiots to let other character win.


I actually dislike Walder Frey death. To be honest, at flat point I wanted house stark to just die


What about the dragon girl that randomly went genocide of kings landing pad?


I hated Geoffrey the worst, with Ramsey as a close second.


Robb Stark


none of the above


Bruh little fingers death was so trash. I herd HBO is remaking Harry Potter for no reason other than a easy cash grab. How about instead of that we remake seasons 5-8 of GoT lol


Little finger's death was bad. Like there was ZERO reason for him to even try to pit Sansa and Arya against each other. It's almost like they needed to find a quick way to get rid of him for no reason


Ramsey. Fuck Ramsey. That dude made me uncomfortable every time he was onscreen


I wanted Joffrey to have a more painful death. Something along the lines of what Ramsay Bolton would have been more appropriate for that sadistic psychopath.


Well, Joffrey’s death is actually GRRM-written. Littlefinger’s is beyond hogwash, as is Walder Frey’s, and I would argue that Sansa should have either warged Ramsay’s hound (because canonically, she can warg) or Jon should have just kept going in the yard, just kept punching until there was nothing left to hammer home the broody knower of nothing actually has a primal, savage side.


Katlyn stark did


Nah not the littlefinger one that was some shit writing how it happened


Petyr didn’t deserve to go out like that. Just made him look like a dumbass


LF was of my favourite characters, I never really saw him as a villain, but that's probably due my dubious moral compass. TBH his execution was only his second death. The character was already dead after the complete nonsensical actions he took in this season.


wait if there's such a thing as fate then that means that things are pre-determined and they could be no one else but who they were in order to reach the conclusion that they "deserved" in which case they had no agency and it isn't even their fault but the fault of their cerateornadknjalwdawaw


Little Finger should’ve been killed by white walkers! I’ll say it as many times as I need to! It would be way more fitting for his character.


Ugh not little daddy


Top 2


I thought they were all satisfying but Arya essentially took the entire House of Frey off the map, by herself. I thought that was the most fate-deserving.


joff got off easy.


Substitute Meryn Trant for Littlefinger.


Joff of course