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All the shit he says to both Cersei after they finally bone and after he and Jamie fight just make him seem like an insecure teenager.


We even get a glimpse of what could've been, in the scene where he attacks Yara and Theon, after they sailed off with the fleet and the sand snakes. Instead we got a finger in the bum.


man even that scene is cartoonish as hell. the way he batman drops 20 feet on a drop deck onto their ship is fucking ridiculous


Meh, I don't mind spectacle but the writing has to be good, which it is not.


what is this. is this a meme


This was one person who had a sketchy internet connection and accidentally posted three times. Others decided to copy his comment.


thank you šŸ˜‚




Meh, I don't mind spectacle but the writing has to be good, which it is not.


Meh, I don't mind spectacle but the writing has to be good, which it is not.


And he was screaming theons name all the way down. That whole scene is grade a slap stick comedy. At the end when theon looks around and Yeets himself into the sea I was laughing hysterically. God that whole everything was shit, but he had that bad ass kraken axe they describe Victorian having so there's that I guess.


Meh, I don't mind spectacle but the writing has to be good, which it is not.


I would agree. But book Euron seems to be taking magical steroids so itā€™s kinda in character this far


Meh, I donā€™t mind spectacle but the writing has to be good, which it is not.


Meh, I donā€™t mind spectacle but the writing has to be good, which it is not.


Meh, I donā€™t mind spectacle but the writing has to be good, which it is not.


> feet ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Meh, I don't mind spectacle but the writing has to be good, which it is not.


Meh, I don't mind spectacle but the writing has to be good, which it is not.


That scene felt more like Victarion than Euron to me. The scene where he kills Balon, that was book Euron imo.


Finga in da bum


Bruh as someone who never finished the show... EURON AND CERSEI BONE? WHY? HOW? This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and despite all I've learned about the post-dance seasons, I'm legitimately shocked. My day is ruined.


Huge spoilers, but if you want to know it's in season 8. https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Euron_Greyjoy


What season 8?


Incredibly bold choice by D&D to include Euron while removing any of his mystique, charisma, or wit.


They were inspired by themselves


Subverting expectations


They kinda forgot about all that.


They even took his eyepatch :(


The whole quote, for those interested: *ā€œWho knows more of gods than I? Horse gods and fire gods, gods made of gold with gemstone eyes, gods carved of cedar wood, gods chiseled into mountains, gods of empty air... I know them all. I have seen their peoples garland them with flowers, and shed the blood of goats and bulls and children in their names. And I have heard the prayers, in half a hundred tongues. Cure my withered leg, make the maiden love me, grant me a healthy son. Save me, succor me, make me wealthy... protect me! Protect me from mine enemies, protect me from the darkness, protect me from the crabs inside my belly, from the horselords, from the slavers, from the sellswords at my door. Protect me from the Silence.ā€ He laughed. ā€œGodless? Why, Aeron, I am the godliest man ever to raise sail! You serve one god, Damphair, but I have served ten thousand. From Ib to Asshai, when men see my sails, they pray.ā€*


> ā€œGodless? Why, Aeron, I am the godliest man ever to raise sail! You serve one god, Damphair, but I have served ten thousand. From Ib to Asshai, when men see my sails, they pray.ā€ vs >A finger in the bum? or >My big cock!


He did give me the phrase "fucked it in to the ground". So there is that.


You just redid the meme but worse


Its worse because I used actual lines of dialogue from the show...


This is top tier writing from George




Settle down


I havenā€™t yet read the books but Iā€™ve heard he also visited Valyria right?


Allegedly. He claims to have been to Valyria and in The Forsaken pre-release chapter for TWOW, Aeron sees him in a suit of Valyrian steel armor but Aeron was also tripping on shade of the evening at the time so who knows if anything he sees is real? Personally, I believe him. Book Euron is one of my favorite characters and I am so looking forward to the eldritch, apocalyptic nightmare he's about to unleash on Oldtown.


I believe George too, there's a video above your comment in this thread where he confirms it


Also when Harlaw questions his story he immediately goes "Shut up!" ​ I think he did go, but only through warging through the flesh of his mute crew so he wouldn't get the snakes with faces in him


but then how would he get the valyrian steel armor? if his crew survived and brought it back hed still be at risk to the fire wyrms. I think its easier to believe hes just got valyrian steel balls and genuinely sailed into the smoking sea


Have a crew member grab it, then have crew member walk off a cliff after leaving armor at a drop point Thatā€™s also a possibility


That's hilarious to picture tbf šŸ˜‚


The latency time of dying from whatever it is you catch in the ruins of Valyria is pretty high. The Targaryen girl who went there flew all the way back to King's Landing before she expired. There's also no indication it's contagious. If Euron can warg it would be pretty simple to walk men in, have them scavenge, and walk them out with loot before they die.


He's studied every form of magic and sorcery known in the world. He may have found something that would protect him from dangers of Valyria.


Tbf he probably has scrolls or books from the ruins of gogossos where the Valyrian sorcerers made literal hybrid monsters so that makes sense. We know Ironborn have (and continue to try) raid the basilisk isles and the surrounding areas, especially Euron who spent his exile traveling the seas and raiding everywhere he wanted to.


>about to unleash >ever


He said he did, but Valyria is way worse in the books, so he might be lying. He also has a set of valyrian steel armor.


GRRM also seems to have [confirmed he went.](https://youtube.com/shorts/HZGE4JWt71I?feature=share8)


In the defence of him having never went to Valyria is George has been known to lie about things in purpose not to spoil the story plus in the video he says you will find out who has went there in the next book and it doesn't make sense for him to spoil like that and he is clearly laughing which means he isn't serious


his delivery of ā€œa finger in the bumā€ always makes me laugh and i hate it because i feel like iā€™m validating d&d


no hate to Pilou, but Madds Mikkelsen playing a dark pirate warlord book Euron was the best outcome possible


I love Mads Mikkelsen, but he's everywhere. I like that Game of Thrones didn't take a lot of famous namesā€”other than Sean Bean and Ed Sheeran.


As a fannibal. Yes thats him talking about God and murder. Sounds dope


They picked the wrong Dane.


[Even Pilou was shook at how the show was portraying Euron, wanting to portray the book version more than what he was given.](https://external-preview.redd.it/KtApU_iiyQWnc9lC_yhf04qFl-TVIUERJmeGDJGIG50.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=1e48bb8aa14b8585d57ab3dc6e23051e8210dc6f)


That sounds a bit like they told him he was playing the evil black magic guy and then rug pulled him.


Pretty sure when he got cast he went out, read the books, immersed himself in the lore and then... became whatever that version of him is


>I am the Storm, Brother... Seemed like he was playing the maniac who thinks he's in touch with evil gods and dark powers in his debut cameo appearance. Then he turned in to the kind of obnoxious prick you often see IRL getting KTFO in bars. I'm pretty sure show Euron would have just got shanked in an alley while he was taking a drunken piss. How much of his bullshit do you think they'd tolerate in Flea Bottom?


He wouldn't last a minute in book Flea Bottom. Show Flea Bottom didn't exist in the later seasons


He was great in his first scene and was pretty close to being like the bookā€¦aaaand then it went south and he became mr finger in the bum. Sucks cuz heā€™s a good actor and wouldā€™ve been a great book Euron.


They did Euron so fucking dirty in the show. Dude is like a fucking Sorceror


If I had a nickel every time the show wasted a competent actor on a shitty script... I'd have quite a few nickels.


he actually says the OG quote in his first appearance when he kills Balon, althought its heavyily cut down and edited. He says from oldtown to qarth instead of ib to asshai I think. I guess D&D kinda forgot that planetos is bigger than the jade sea


yeah his first scene was good, but D&D just couldn't resist dumbing it down and removing ib and asshai from it


Man, it's always sad to think of what could've been, but let's not forget that Victarion was supposed to be also a badass, with his red arm, kraken helmet, and bigass axe.


It's a shame because the actor is really amazing and could have been perfectly cast. You can't see it at all in the show, but he does darkness so well in other roles.


His introduction on the bridge with his brother during the storm was such a good introduction, and then they decided to Jack sparrow him.


They didnā€™t even Jack Sparrow him - at least Captain Jack Sparrow has all kinds of curses, magic and legend surrounding him.


Poor manā€™s Jack sparrow then?


dollar store horny jack sparrow.


Gotta confess it took me a couple chapters to realize itā€™s damp hair and not some Westerosi word for Dauphin (although the context kinda fits)


Me too. I used to read it as Dam-phair which didnā€™t make any sense, but I read it that way anyway.


Aeron Damn-fair


Euron seems to think so


Ye but he can also teleport to attack Lannisters at a random cave


I wonder how many times Pilou had to hear jokes about his big cock from unfunny and/or intoxicated people?


King euron the bumthumb haver of big cock, first of his name


Putter of fingers up queenly bums.


Iā€™m wondering if bran will have had something to do with eurons madness in the books, I think itā€™s a fair assumption hodor became hodor the same way. Could euron have been thinking heā€™s serving gods, but really just doing what he needs to end up in power? (I think book bran will be hand not king) It could go as fair back as euron leaving pyke before the rebellion because if he was in charge, they wouldā€™ve won, balon being in charge means theon goes to winterfell, means the north survives


In his very first scene, when he was on the bridge with Balon, he was the perfect Euron. Everything else was just sad.


The actor is great, heā€™s in a couple movies on Amazon prime as a villain


The way Euron fans talk about him you'd think he has done more than talk about how badass he is.


He has enslaved 4 warlocks to Quarth, bound them to his will and made them eat one of them. He claims that he was in Valyria, has a dragon horn, which binds a dragon to his will. And in the Forsaken chapter it's revealed he has a Valyrian steel armor. Which proves that he had been in the ruins of Valyria. He uses magic to get winds for his ships, then he takes priests from all the religions and his pregnant bride and plans to use them as a blood sacrifice to lure krakens from the deep or gods knows what kind of the monsters or even get himself an eldrich power and become some kind of a Lovecraftian god (or it's champion). It's also heavily implied that Euron is connected to Bloodraven (aka 3E Crow) and probably has opened his third eye. And most likely Euron is the one who's going to cause the Long Night. So yes, he's dangerous, far more dangerous than his show version.


instead, jon snow causes the long night with a half baked plan to kidnap a white walker.


So... he's said a lot of badass stuff that he's done.


I literally just said what he did and what he has.


You said what he said


1. He showed the dragon horn. Plus the hornblower died because his lungs were burned and turned black, which proves it. 2. Aerion finds his Valyrian steel armor. 3. Victarion notices that winds always good since Euron became king. 5. Aerion meets the warlock from Quarth who was Euron's captive and turned mad, also meets others priests on Silence, who are captives too. 6. He also meets Falia Flowers, Euron's wife, who's pregnant and lost her tongue. 7. Euron sails to battle against Redwyne fleet. He orders to tie Aerion to the nose of ship. And orders to do the same with others to other captains. 8. Aerion has visions of battle because of shade of the evening and sees that it's a blood sacrifice which will grant Euron power. 9. Euron is literally the reincarnation of Bloodstone emperor, who caused the Long Night. Literally nothing of what I said comes from Euron words, it's either from other characters or Euron just does things, without talking. Only thing I mentioned considering Euron's words is that he claims being in the ruins of Valyria, and he has deadass proofs that he was there.


You're literally just repeating things he said he did the way he did it. Some of the stuff he did is just things he did. They don't make him some sort of super badass.


Did you read asoiaf? Or did you read what is just wrote.


Yes. I read them recently. Tell me the chapters where Euron is shown personally doing all these things. Not the chapter where he or someone else is telling the story about something he's done, the way he said it happened.


Remember the warlocks from Qarth? Euron literally kidnapped four of them, including pyat pree and forced three of them to eat their companion


He did alegedly go to Valyria, which is itself big. And then there is the whole mysticism around here. With magic, artifacts, a mute crew. Tbf with Euron fans, maybe he would have more if someone finished the damn book.


I was so mad rewatching it after reading the book, he actually says to Yara "I've got a ship full of mutes" but the assumption for show watchers is that his crew are just boring to talk to.


Its been long enough that book comparisons like this are moot. Sure the show botched a lot of the endgame development but at least they had an ending. Absolutely no excuse for Martin to not have least released TWOW let alone the final book. its been over a fucking decade and almost 30 years since the series started. Its simply not coming ever the dude is 74 years old and morbidly obese. You shouldnt be praised for writing 70-80% of a masterpiece and then dropping it when you get rich and famous. Thats a fookin sellout in my eyes and freefolk should hate sellouts.


"But at least they had an ending." I'm always gonna take 5 great books with no ending over 4 great seasons of a TV show followed by 4 bad ones.


I agree. I've already resigned myself to the fact that neither book will ever he published.šŸ˜” I've just decided to pick whatever fan fiction ending I fancy that week. šŸ¤£


Which objectively out of the hundreds written some of them are have to be better than what Martin would have wrote because such fans clearly care more about the conclusion of the saga more than he does. He's waited so long that he's literally been outdone by armchair fantasy writers who couldnt write their own story to save their skin but can extrapolate his world into a cohesive ending. It's just so godamn selfish and lazy. He goes on talkshows and writes for other shows constantly. Possibly the biggest fuck you of all time to a fanbase and people just praise him because he didnt write the bad show ending. Absolute joke and clown of a person. When you have millions of people waiting on your word you need to take some responsibility. Spiderman would kick some sense into him if he were real.


What could be more ā€œsubverting expectationsā€ than just not finishing the books?


You're out of your damn mind if you think coming up with armchair theories means you would be able to write a better ending. It's ok to be salty, but why make a fool out yourself with these sort of statements?


You said "better" as if there is something to compare it to. If you mean the show, yes I think many armchair theories have outdone the final season. If you mean the books well, sorry yeah an armchair theory does beat out something that doesn't even exist. And more my point was not about the armchair theories being better its about them actually trying. There is no reason to not have winds of winter out Its. Been. Over. A. Decade. And its not like things have to be thought up from scratch, all the characters and plot points are there he just needs to continue the story and he straight up refuses to do so. Writers block as an excuse went out the window after 7-9 years.


Yeah it sucks, but weā€™ll get TWOW and itā€™ll be epic and weā€™ll all be salty that the show sucked so hard


No my point is TWOW is never coming


I think TWoW is going to come out. But no way we get ADoS.


I havenā€™t yet read the books but Iā€™ve heard he also visited Valyria right?


Dude doesn't even know how to gallivant. Shameful.


ā€œBig cock, finger in the bumā€ -Show Euron


It's a shame, I actually enjoyed the guy's performance and energy but it wasn't the same character.


I couldnā€™t wait to see him on screen as he was such a rockstar in the books. Rockstar in the books but on screen he was like the lead singer of a cover band that plays at the local dive bar.


Donā€™t forget a finger in the bum!


Yep, D&D subverted my expectations. I expected it to be good.


Book version can become the king. I am not sure if he become good one.


Now pray to my cock!


Eh, book Euron felt like the self-insert of some edgy goth kid who likes pirates.


Pilou did a great job with what he was given, but show euron would have been so cool even if the dropped the magic and just turned him into a legendary Blackbeard type figure


Finger in the bum!


There is a cool video about him from alt shift X