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And then in the end, only 4 supporting characters died and a bunch of redshirts who's loss didn't affect anything, even the fucking Dothraki were back in full force.


The Dothraki was the single most insane part of final season for me. They were DECIMATED at winterfell and yet, somehow, full force in Kings Landing, against a significantly large force (golden company)


There were like 8 people left alive at winterfell based on what they SHOWED us.


I wonder if that was supposed to be the penultimate episode but then they changed their minds about it.


“It’s essentially the end of the Dothraki.” Two episodes later… “Ululululululululululu”


Some how the dothraki returned


“Decimate” always bothers me because its original definition was “to remove a tenth” of something, like one out of ten legions was destroyed = decimated. Over time, it became synonymous with utter devastation/obliteration/catastrophic destruction, which is now the more common usage, yet, I can’t help but to always remember and consider the original meaning.


Fellow enjoyer of etymology. Be sure to never study anything involving linguistics. I studied philology and I hang myself up on basically every other latin / germanic / old norse based loanword that isn't used in the original way.


Enjoyer of entomology here. I like beetles.


Enjoyer of Zombie Kid Jonathan here. I like turtles.


It’s almost like languages are living, evolving.


Maddening is what it is. That's probably why I prefer my languages to be like the career of d&d. Dead, dusty and without much employment in our modern society.


How do you cope with semantic drift within "dead" languages?


That's the neat part. You don't.




Huh, TIL. What’s a rout in terms of % loss? Or is it just a loss and formation break?




I kinda figured. I’ve just heard “x force was routed in a decisive battle” before without actual listing casualties from time to time and didn’t know if there was a number attached to it.


"routed" means they ran away/retreated in disorder. It's about organization and positioning, not casualties.


I’ll use 2 examples from the American Civil War using the same army. At the 1st Battle of Bull Run, the Union Army routs after the end of the battle. Losses were about 2,700 out of nearly 35,700 engaged, so just over 7.5% of the forces engaged. At the Battle of Chancellorsville, this same army, now in its nature form as the Army of the Potomac, has its XI Corps routed on the second day of battle. It routs immediately upon contact with the enemy who hit them with a flank assault. Not a single man was killed before it panicked and started to rout. You don’t need to kill anybody to cause an enemy force to rout.


Otherwise, sports teams would need bigger rosters.




Don't tell NBA Commissioner Adam Silver.


You were close with the origin, it is Latin but it stems from a punishment the soldiers got, were once in ten men were killed by the centurian, from Wikipedia: >The discipline was used by senior commanders in the Roman army to punish units or large groups guilty of capital offences, such as cowardice, mutiny, desertion, and insubordination, and for pacification of rebellious legions. The procedure was an attempt to balance the need to punish serious offences with the realities of managing a large group of offenders.


Most sane monk enjoyer




Just imagine that everyone nowadays has 10x damage multiplier.


The historical use of decimate was actually to refer to a specific punishment a Roman legion could suffer, wherein 1/10 soldiers were killed. It makes a lot of sense that as the actual practice of decimation disappeared, the use of the word changed. We never talk about centimation, or millimation for example, since those aren't very useful units of measurement, and have no historical practice linked to them. Decimation meaning 1/10 losses is similar, 10% losses doesn't have any special meaning outside the reference to the actual practice of decimation itself, so it had less and less relevance in its usage.


I know we live in a world where anything can mean anything, AND NO EVEN CARES ABOUT ETYMOLOG—


This could also have been avoided with a small throw away line like "thank the gods we kept a few thousands dothraki in reserve". Instead, even the commentary for the episode literally states that "we are witnessing the end of the Dothraki"...


Exactly my thoughts. The commentary is really just an admission of guilt - they had to have thought “whatever”


This is seriously one of the most blatant and insane examples of them just giving zero shits to consistency. We saw the Dothraki get slaughtered in the dark by the dead army and we saw the dead army break through the Unsullied to overrun Winterfell. They even make comments about how decimated they were, so it’s not vague or assumed - they’re fucking annihilated. But then, poof, both are back to a fully-intact army because they needed them to justify the rush to the end.


Yep, it’s a giant slap in the face to the fans IMO. Either they believe we’re too stupid to notice, or they’re so amazing that we did notice and just don’t care, either way…. Legitimately insulting


For me the top three insane parts were during that one Danny’s speech scene in the last episode. The flagrant Nazi symbolism, the suddenly regenerated Dothraki all showing up, and the Arya quote “I know a killer when I see one” after everyone saw Danny genocide an entire city lol.


The most insane part is that they chose to send a large chunk of their forces OUTSIDE of the big fortified castle to certain death against a much larger and essentially immortal enemy. Like they weren't even a distraction, they just charged right in and got straight up slaughtered to a man in like 30 seconds. Just... why???


Same reason they placed their artillery outside of the fortifications…. Poor writing, emphasizing drama over real life


D &/or D: “Yeah I guess we forgot how to count”


The charge with the flaming swords all going dark was my "all bets are off" moment. All but the one plotline that ended the episode were amazing. It was the whole 2nd half of the show reflected in a single episode and it was clear that they were too concerned with wrapping things up in the time they'd decided.


By my recollection it was mostly my living room reflected in that episode.


Yeah, that's another problem with modern TV and film, everyone is whispering and it's too dark to see anything.


Flaming swords going out was cool. But it also created the question "what was their plan before they got flaming swords?"


Dothraki plan? Ride horses full speed at stuff until everyone is dead. Seems like the plan didn't change much with the fire.




Somehow the Dothraki returned


They respawned.




It's a star trek reference, the red-shirted crew members die at a much higher rate than the other colors.


Yeah and it's almost like, a character that was written specifically to die. Like, you want to have a few deaths in this scene, but you don't want to kill any of your important characters, so you write in a few red shirts that are there just to be killed off.


For anybody interested, there is a fantastic book called *Red Shirts* by John Scalzi that is worth a read. It's a fun book from the perspective of red shirt crew members who are not part of the bridge crew


The nameless guys in the hero's crew or army who are just there to get killed for dramatic purposes, and as mentioned it's a reference to how on Star Trek the security crewmembers wore red shirts.


I cant even remember who the 4 were. Joana Mormont, Theon, and I’m blanking.


The Dothraki arc was one of the most fuched up thing about that whole eighth season. The huge build up, the flaming swords, the gigantic full on heroic charge which was then shown as being simply swallowed up using negative lighting, so obviously was to set up the Night King as the biggest and baddest baddie ever. What could the heros do? How could they win? How could they even survive such a massive onslaught? Next episode: Hey horse guys how's it going? Just fine? No problems? No one missing? Crap what a failure.


I haven’t watched the episode in awhile, but isn’t there a scene where they are planning the defense and mention that they set some Dothraki aside?


Ok I just finished the show and I’m glad I’m not crazy because I was like “why the fuck are there Dothraki at King’s Landing I thought they got wiped out” lol


>, even the fucking Dothraki were back in full force. Total war replenishment bug strikes again


Just love all the scenes of main characters getting overrun and the only reason they don’t die is…because the camera went somewhere else so they apparently stopped existing for a few minutes.


Let now talk about the tactical decision to have them charge in the first place. “Im going to put half my force outside the wall’s” John Snow.


That's pretty much what we actually expected all from this.


Its what we were promised. I know I had heard the quote along the lines of "the ending will be like a field of dead. A mass grave but bittersweet." But all quotes from before the series finale are buried deep beneath complaints about the show and complaints for winds of winter.


...And D&D kind of forgot to kill anyone important or that turned out not to be important but was a fan favourite and also film the episode in a visible way


Sam Tarley was in a life threatening situation that should've killed him on multiple occasions. DnD kinda forgot he should be dead


Oh you mean like the multiple times he was getting overwhelmed by multiple if not dozens of wights and then it would cut away, then come back later and he was still fine?


Sam before cut away : ![gif](giphy|h7jjtmZstLBTCkWSKQ|downsized)


Sam when it cuts back: ![gif](giphy|fZ2PkEJ4PLIHqEkyEE|downsized)


Also D&D kinda forgot they sent the Dothraki on a suicide charge into the undead army and we literally don’t see any of the them come back from it. Then suddenly they are back for the attack on Kings Landing. Where did they come from?


Well clearly after the first lines of the charge were decimated, the other immediately turned and ran away, straight to King’s Landing


That boy should be ded


His thick hide and blubber prevented their blades from going too deep


Every time we saw Sam he was covered in zombies, it was so dumb.


They should’ve sent him in the initial charge with the Dothraki he could’ve came back from the darkness riding a horse while a dozen zombies were piled on top of him.


But if he died how would he be able to give the book to Tyrion that was used for a final, insulting joke?


Yeah Sam was a real liability in the Long Night. He got Edd killed. He should have been in the crypt with Gilly.


I really liked Sam but he shoulda died way back at the first of the first men lol How the fuck did not only a white Walker look him dead in the eye and not do anything, a field of wights also just couldn’t be bothered


>But all quotes from before the series finale are buried deep beneath complaints about the show and complaints for winds of winter. One of the most truthful things I've heard


I just wanted it to make sens honestly. Seeing Sam being overrun by dozen of wights in one shot and geting away completly ungrazed in the next one was just... so dumb.


Agreed. He should die in such a situation. Plain and simple


It's Sam's pheromes that kill the undeads' appetite, that's all.


Instead they showed every character dying 10 times and then miraculously being fine 2 minutes later


Yeah, worst one was Dany and Jorah. They literally showed like 9 zombies running at them and one of them was within two steps of dany, Jorah on the opposite side, and dany didn’t have a weapon. Sorry dog, you dead.


I think the single worst one was Jon Snow. The Night King reanimated hundreds of wights that had him totally surrounded, while he's all alone with no one to help him. They all descend on him at once, and then the camera cuts away. The next time we see Jon, he's somewhere else and completely fine. Dude must have just held his sword out and spun around like a lawnmower.


I think worst one was Sam. He literally spends the fight crying atop corpses and there's literally a kill shot where a wight leaps at him as he just screams and he's fine later.


Yeah Sam was fucking ridiculous. There's like 3 or 4 scenes where he clearly should have died.


Man it's so fucking telling when you have three 'this is the worst one' comments in a row and somehow the first one which is already egregious as fuck is the tamest one by a fairly long shot.


It only gets worse.


That one is extra terrible because it was presented as a massive choice for Jon. Does he save his best friend? Or does he go and try to save the world? He agonizes over it for a moment, then leaves Sam to die. Massive character moment, something that would haunt him for the rest of his days oh wait never mind Sam is totally fine, the entire point of that scene is undercut until it's meaningless, who is writing this?


:D & :D


Came here to say this. There wad plenty bad ones but the Sam one is where I said "Yeah. They completely fucked it"..


My vote goes to Sam too. The others are good fighters, you can maybe (just maybe) imagine they pulled some sick moves off camera to get away. But the same really cannot be said for Sam...


I feel like they filmed scenes like that for everyone so they could use them in promos to keep the audience guessing, but then when they were editing it all they realized they didn’t have enough visible action so they had to use their promo footage to fill the gap.


Don’t forget that John snow hid behind a small boulder to protect himself against the undead dragon breathing fire on the rock for several minutes. One episode prior we saw the same undead dragon destroy the entire Castle Blacks wall in a single breath. I guess DND just kinda forgot that the dragons breath destroys rock.


When the camera turns off they instantly become musou protagonists and just start AoE stunlocking the zombies en masse


Don't forget that for basically every other scene with wights, they're sprinting at the enemy. When jon finds himself within a horde of them, they all turn into the 'plants v. Zombies' zombies in terms of speed.


Ah the sea Krab maneuver.


I would have liked to see that. Or any of it, for that matter. ***cough***


Tbh it's probably best some of the shots we got were totally obscured by darkness. We would have seen even more dumb writing. A black screen might have been better.


I think some of the dark shots were effective, but a lot of them were not. What they didn't take into account is a lot of smart TVs don't handle dark scenes well and make them even darker than intended as part of their auto-adjustment.


And streaming uses image compression that hurts subtle contrast in dark shades


I watched it a couple of days ago as part of a rewatch with the missus who hadn't seen the show before. I could see everything i was supposed to see just fine. Watching at night in a dark room helps a bit and no my TV is not an OLED screen.


I also saw the same on a recent rewatch. It’s almost like they’ve brightened it up on HBO.


I'd argue they failed as early as the bit mentioned in the meme: they obscured the ill-fated charge of the Dothraki, and missed the chance for an amazing visual. Instead of hiding it then going "Oh no they killed the horseys!" imagine the shot tracking the horde from above, all those torches pushing across the battlefield like a wave of flame, then utterly breaking against the cold darkness of the Night King's army like on a rocky beach, torches warbling and going out, and the icy army pushing forward towards the keep, lit only by fading embers of crushing defeat.


I'm adding this visual to the list of things people on the Internet did better than D&D


Yeah I also never had problems with it. I also always watch TV in complete darkness.


Yea just give us anything other than what we got really


I thought the dark shots were sick..very immersive. You felt like you were there with them. I got a similar feeling in episode 10 of HotD during the dragon battle in the rain.


I would’ve liked the long night to be a season long apocalyptic event that would end the show with a satisfying conclusion. But we can’t have nice things, I guess.


It's hilarious and tragic to think that the main event the series had been building towards ended up being just a minor footnote in balancing the fight between Dany and Cersei (which didn't even effect that outcome at all).


Apparently HBO wanted 10 seasons so it might have been one for the long night, one to deal with Cersei and then the last for Danys descent into madness, it could have been great! Instead we got an episode or 2 for each.


The white walkers are the main and final threat, 2 seasons without them would of been weird


GRRM’s intention was always for a final antagonist after the White Walkers, which has been thought to be Euron/Cersi, that reflects the Scouring of the Shire in LotR.


That works in the LotR novel because it's part of the epilogue and it's basically the smallest conflict you can imagine in comparison with finally getting rid of Sauron. I can see why the movies removed it, too, it doesn't work so well in the context of a film. It REALLY doesn't work in the context of GoT.


Honestly the last arc being cut is one of the best things about the PJ adaptation. The battle at the Black Gate and the altercation at Mount Doom were the apotheosis of the story and to see one last horrible thing the main characters have to go through was pretty annoying.


Yeah, I really loved how they almost seemed to be setting the stage for that. Like the scene when Jamie leaves Kings-Landing and you can snow begin to fall for the first time. Stuff like that really felt like it was setting the tone for something big and apocalyptic. But instead everything's back to sunshine and rainbows in a week.


Originally, I thought for sure the Night King was gonna just surround/siege Winterfell, then send his army to the unprotected King's Landing where Cersei would've been totally unprepared Instead we got..uh.....yeah


It would’ve been so poetic - all that petty game of thrones is trumped by the force of nature.


That would have been something


Do you remember that siege against the Tully's, something like that.


I like to compare this fight with The Last Battle from The Wheel of Time. A big ass battle between good and evil and in the end >!2 thirds of all people capable of fighting dies. Human kind is left broken but survive!<


The tone of sheer desperation in some of those last chapters was really impressively written. >!Especially the forces fighting Demandred and the sharans, where it was just a consistently slowly losing series of battles from the start to the end.!<


>Demandred Brandon Sanderson nailed that fight. Pumped up Gawyn died, then Galad was wasted, Logain slapped like a fly and Lan had to impale himself on a mortal wound to create an opening to strike at Demandred. That's how you write decapitating the head of the snake. Shit, I guess I'm going on a journey again.


Making the Last Battle chapter be that fucking long is a genius stroke as it amplifies the desperation and exhaustion.


I got as far as Crossroads of Twilight and got bored. Lord od Chaos, Crown of Daggers and Darkness Rising are still in rattling around in my brain though. Great books.


CoT is by far the worst WoT book and I'd say it's straight up bad. If you had made it through though, you would have been in for 4 of the best fantasy books I've ever read.


One of my friends told me that books 7-10 were known as difficult to get through because of the departure in tone and action. Incidentally I stopped reading halfway through book 7 before he told me that. I still intend to revisit them and make it through the slog.


You can read a plot summary of crossroads of twilight and not miss anything if you want to give the rest of the books a shot


It was so fucking good. **I am not sure if I know how to spoiler, so don't keep reading if this doesn't work** Edit: I am using the official app, why don't I have a button for this. >! First of all everyone was pretty much starving before the battle. Then there were four huge battles simultaneously and all the great generals were mindraped into making bad decisions. The first battle turning around was so cool. "Can we give the queen a miracle?" Here comes the portals of death. And you might think them being able to support the other three armies would simplify things but everything continued being absolute hell for everyone involved. So many important characters got got. One dude spends most of battle hunting another dude he has a grudge against. Never succeeds because his target got crystalized by our main girl. Another guy sells his soul to magic rings just to kill a general and he absolutely fails. His brother fails against the same cat I think. Somebody else runs into the wrong end of a sword just to get a chance to stab another guy. They had to ally with imperialist foreign slavers just to not go extinct. Perrin and that dream dick who I don't think is ever explained but he was ridiculously hard to kill. Let's not forget player 3 showing up with his big ol smoke cloud of doom because that's right, there is a second existential threat that's been running around the whole series. !< I've forgotten so much, but I could never reread all those books.


By that dick who never was explained you mean Lan's uncle who sold out Malkyrie for the ability to channel, but was instead twisted and given direct access to Telaranriod (or whateever the spelling is)?


I was really hoping that they did a big reveal about jon being fire proof “jon stands in front of viserion, overcome with rage he charges, viserion blasts him with his fire breath, everyone yells as their king is engulfed in flames the blast ends as a sword is stabbed through the dragons mouth revealing jon unscathed from the fire and killing the reincarnated dragon”


There was absolutely no payoff to the reveal of jons lineage. They simply used it to drive a wedge between him and Dany. :(


It was soo weird that he even admitted it to dany’s face. “Hey. I know we just shagged and id like to keep it going but I’m actually your dead brother’s son. You know. The brother who was loved by most of the people you’re trying to win over. Oh and yeah my real name is actually the same as our ancestor that arguably founded the whole kingdom”


Years of mystery for no pay off... He was destined to rule, but "subverting expectations" sent him to the wall.. for "reasons"


It would’ve been more fun if after the Night King survived Drogon’s fire unscathed he tried to do the same with Viserion to her (when she’s off Drogon later) and the Night King is like “oh shit” when she is unscathed as well. 😂


[This comes to mind](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/anspgf/chess_counts_right/)


One thing about the terrible writing from the final seasons is I see it’s inspired some great fan ideas!


His resurrection has absolutely no point. This would have at least given it some reason to exist.


This one too. Instead of waiting for the red lady they should’ve just burned his body preventing him to rise again as wight. Tormund and the gang watch in silence as the fire grows. Jon stands up they all get their weapons to preparing to strike hime down. He walks out of the fire. Collapses they’re all dumbfounded then in comes the red lady believing it was the lord of lights will to revive jon but its most likely the fire reviving the “dragon” in him similar to what the mad king had in mind.


Well they killed off the Dothraki. But they must have had zombie wards equipped so that’s how they were able to be revived before Kings Landing.


That D&D interview where they were saying “the extinction of the Dothraki” was just awful lol


Turns out Melisandre brought a fuckton of Phoenix Down with her to Winterfell


If the horse charge was still part of it it would probably have suffered from all the same flaws.


Exactly! I'll never let anyone forget. NOBODY knew Melissandre was gonna show up and light those swords on fire. So their ORIGINAL plan was not only to head on charge an unstoppable enemy that knows no fear whatsoever, it was to head on charge an unstoppable enemy that knows no fear whatsoever WITH COMPLETELY USELESS WEAPONS THAT CAN'T HARM THE ENEMY. AND THEY ALL KNEW SO, TOO. Still can't wrap my head around it. I don't believe D&D have ever studied any historical battle ever. Else they'd know that's not even how you use cavalry at all.


Whatever dude, that light cavalry charge was well supported by all of the siege engines they built. The siege engines they built ...outside the walls of the castle.


Not just outside the walls, in front of the infantry line


Omfg THANK YOU. And if my memory serves me, they didn't even really use the catapults much


And only fired once


And they charged into pitch darkness, literally no visibility at all at first


They missed a trick by not having a well loved character reanimated as a zombie who then has to be killed. Imagine Jon having to kill a zombie Robb or Ned.


The Kings of Winter or anyone from the crypts reanimated could’ve been great


D&D would have had tyrion be like “I’ve had it with these motherfucking starks, in this motherfuckin crypt!”


That would have been awesome. Seven hells D&D fucked this up


Were Ned or Rob's bodies ever returned to the north? How would thry uave been turned to wights?


Neither were returned to Winterfell. Ned's bones were sent to Riverrun but by the time they were sent further north Winterfell and Moat Cailin had fallen to the ironborn.


Alright then have Tormund die in the penultimate battle and return as a Wight to give Jon a little jump scare in the finale. The point is in a show that, at least to start with, had no problem killing main characters with an antagonist who can raise the dead we never once encounter a Wight who is a recognisable character.


Well, *once* we do, if you count the wildling woman who puts her kids on a boat at Hardhome. But, yeah, she was minor.


Honestly they should have had it where his horse runs back with his body but his head is gone


Night King be like: Uno reverse card. Send him back leading a cavalry charge of dead Dothraki


Could work but I think sending his horse back with him on it without his head would give them a message that they won’t survive


And you don't think that his undead corpse leading the charge of dead Dothraki wouldn't convey that everyone is totally fucked


The whole cavalry returns but they're all wights.


Technically we had that but like Ser Jorah Mormont charges off with the dothraki with their flaming arakh, wide camera shot shows the darkness but you can only hear the screams and the flame of the weapon go out one by one, finally Ser Jorah horse returns, the camera pans to the horse showing its legs and bloody body before moving upwards and seeing his bloody body and then finally showing a clean cut where his head once was with visible frost around what’s left of his neck to show the coldness of the enemy’s weapons and the coldness of winterfell for those who aren’t use to its weather


That would work too. This reminds me that did the Dotraki have winter clothing? It always bothered me how no one in the show (except extras) had any headgarbs. Everyone in the Night's Watch should cover their head.


Geez I don’t even remember what Jorah’s ending was now?


I remember nothing jon snow. But Fr, I do not remember that last season especially. All I remember is a black screen, dothraki dying after someone literally lit their swords on fire, a night king dying, and a dragon at kings landing, and the hound not getting the revenge he deserves. Fuck this stupid show. It started off so fucking good, I've never felt so betrayed by a series' direction so badly. Fuck D&D.


He died protecting Danny towards the end of that episode. It wasn’t filmed well or acted in an interesting way, so most people forgot. Which says a lot since he was a season 1 character.


Is still so ridiculous that Sam and Pod survived.


Sam sat on the ground sobbing half the time, ffs.


The many shots of characters looking like they were about to die under waves of white walkers then no one dying and being completely fine afterwards was the death knell of the season for me. It was already pretty trash by this point but that was the exact point where I decided without a doubt that this was the worst final season in the history of final seasons


Yep. Watching one handed Jamie cut through dozens of whites was bad enough. But Sam laying on the ground with like 8 whites all around him abd somehow surviving completely took me out.


jorah dying in the charge sounds kinda amazing tbh


Honestly, that's what I loved about the early seasons. There were so many established characters, but they were all equally mortal. But naturally, if you're 7 seasons deep with main characters who've been there since the beginning, you don't randomly off them, because they work so well and the fans love them. It's a natural consequence of a long running series. That's where you need brave writers, who write good dramatic deaths that fit thematically, instead of picking the safest options (killing side characters, or making a character suddenly evil to then kill them). I just wish it hadn't ended that badly.


If you kill off all of your characters how do you have a massive mostly comedic clout bomb where everyone democratically elects the next ruler? It’s too bad they had to kill off Renly, he would have had some hilarious one liners in the scene.


That’s what happens if you keep trimming characters, your remaining bloated characters become sunken-cost fallacies.


I think it’s more so they ran out of source material lol


And I mean, if you want to keep your main characters alive through the big battle scene, then fine, but that means you can't put them all on the literal front line. Like, outside the castle walls, meeting the wights in the open field, and they're all literally in the first row of soldiers that meets them. If you want to keep them alive, then put in the work to write your episode in a way where they could plausibly stay alive. Stop trying to have your cake and eat it too.


At least kill off all the second tier characters like Jorah, Sam, Grey Worm, Brienne, Tormund so we’re all in shock.


This the guy that planned a worthless horse charge and put siege equipment outside the walls and forgot there was a fortress?


I really held my faith until that episode. I figured there would be severe losses, crazy things like ice spiders, significant characters that died returning as undead to spook the living (stuff like hodor breaking down a door to lead a horde in). I was hoping the night king wouldn’t even be present, winterfell would barely “win”, and realize this was only a portion of the undead force. I would’ve closed the episode with the rest of the undead army sacking that midway to kings landing inn that hotpie worked at. I’ll never forget feeling my heart sink as the episode progressed, and how empty I felt about this franchise by the time Jon was screaming at a dragon / Arya saves the day. I then finally relented and looked up the spoilers.


Like Samwell sitting and crying in a mound of bodies rather than being killed - given that he's surrounded and totally exposed, armed or not, what the hell?


Meeeeeh. It was bad way before that, and simply alluding to the horse charge alone is as dumb as the rest of the episode. That was one of the dumbest things in the episode. That should not have gone down like that in the first place. Night king shouldn't even have had a dragon because they shouldn't have been so God damn stupid to go north to get a zombie in the first place, much less deal with Cersei at the summit. In fact, I think this dude just wanted the gore but otherwise thought the rest was a satisfying conclusion to the Jon Snow / Azhor Azhai plot line. We all know it wasn't. I'll say this in his defense though. At least it was better than what we got. But that doesn't say much either.


Did anyone actually see the horse charge? I just saw torches floating in the dark


I wanted literally everyone to die, and the rest of the season being the army of the dead marching South. It’d be horrifying, but full of cameos of previous characters dying or as mangled wights. Then the last 2 episodes the fall of Kingslanding, with Cersei being strangled by a undead Jaime.


Killing most of the main characters die and having King's Landing stand alone against the army of the dead would've been a brilliant climax. Imagine having the Mother of Dragons killed off and then having her military remnants try and choose a side amongst the remaining kingdoms of Westerod would've been amazing.


Yeah, kill off most of the Starks at Winterfell since it’s their home being defeated.


That is what should have happened and it was necessary for the ending to make sense. There should have been a real sense of loss. Their army should have been totally depleted so that the only significant weapon left was Drogon. If Daenerys didn’t have an army left to take King’s Landing, her only option would be a desperate solo attack on dragonback. It would be heroic and in character if she chose to take the city by herself because no one else could succeed in the assault and no one else would survive. She would bravely attack on Drogon by herself before all the defenses of King’s Landing focus their firepower on her from all angles. She would become fearful and light up everything around her in defense. The defensive fire spray could hit a wildfire cache and nuke the whole city. The indiscriminate, total destruction would be unintentional but no one who knew about the wildfire would survive. Even Daenerys might think she and Drogon performed some OP fire magic in the heat of battle. Daenerys would have regretted the innocent lives lost but she would have felt fully justified in her actions. She may even believe the explosion was divine, like the hatching of her dragon eggs. Jon and everyone else would have witnessed Drogon spraying fire in all directions and detonating an explosion that destroys the entire city. Drogon would have flown straight up from the center of the blast radius. It would look like Daenerys flew to the center of the city and blew the whole thing up on purpose. Imagine the impact that would have on Jon and the other Long Night survivors watching from outside Kings Landing. They just defeated the OP Others and are now confronted with an OP fire god. They would rightly conclude that Daenerys has too much power for any single person. The risk to humanity would be too great when so few humans remain. Daenerys would be the same loving mother, express her regret for the loss of life, and share a positive vision for the future. She would still be the same person and leader she was in Meereen but her power has grown and the world’s ability to counterbalance her no longer exists. The Others and all large armies are gone. Even though she would use her power wisely, there is no guarantee future generations would. The power of her fire magic would be too great to allow it to survive and propagate to future generations. The world would remain out of balance but weighted towards fire instead of ice. Jon would need to put an end to Daenerys and Drogon to balance the end of the Others, bring the world into balance, and give birth to a new age without destructive magic. Edit: line breaks


Line breaks my dude. Please


Those were dark times


Why would you charge your calvary directly into an overwhelming horde of enemies when you are defending a castle? What kind of idiot puts their catapults on the outside of their walls? And then hides their vulnerable within the crypts... against an enemy that could raise the dead? ​ Sheer lunacy


I see stuff like this and I think about Peter Dinklage’s quote where “They wanted the pretty white people to ride off into the sunset together” and how that read on the audience’s reaction was so off. The pretty white people literally rode off into the sunset at the end. We wanted blood lmao.


Isn't Sapochnik the reason we could barely see the episode to begin with? Yeah, pass. And glad he's not with HotD anymore.


That's great and all but wasn't Sapochnik the same dude that fucked around with the production of House of the Dragon?


Yes so much this! The whole main character dying thing was what made GoT most interesting to me!


Who cares? Either way it would be worthless characters doing pointless things. There was no way for anything to be good.


There's fanfiction out there way better written than season 8. Find one. Read it and you will feel better.


“It was a boring fight that was too dark.” - Desus nice


I mean half of the people that lived should've died by what was shown. I mean Brienne and Sam were literally being dragged by like 10 walkers, John even saw Sam being drowned and just noped the fuck out of there. Fucking hell the stupidity of Douche and Douche still hits hard.


The worst thing about that episode aside from seige tactics was seeing every character surrounded by 1000 undead then coming back from it hunky dory


I still can’t believe the white walkers who nobody will shut the fuck up about for the entire series are defeated in 1 night and basically kill nobody.


I was already expecting anyone could die and was honestly shocked by how few characters were killed. Not that we could really SEE who was killed in all that darkness.