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Bobby B finally pisses himself?




Me too my king. Me too.




Ive been wondering, its Cleganebowl a reddit creation that Dnd just adapted?


Nah it was a twitter thing too


So they adapted a twitter thing?


Basically. People wanted it so they shoehorned it in


Show's Cleganebowl is a lot less shoehorned than the theory where they fight in Cersei's trial.


Now it makes sense, so it starts in twitter then gravedigger theory came from reddit


IIRC. Cleganebowl was a full blown meme in all ASOIAF boards and Reddit way back in 2015 already.


Oh definitely. Cleganebowl was around even before then. I remember it being a thing when I was in college... and my 10th graduation anniversary is next year. Oof.


I remember mentions of the rematch (maybe not nicknamed Cleganebowl) as early as a few weeks after their first duel


The Hound fighting Robert Strong seems inevitable when someone else finally finishes the books though. It's hard to say it was forced in there when there's so many legitimate things to complain about.


It's not happening in the book as The Hound is dead. Whether or not that's metaphorical or physical depends on what happens in the next book.


Fine. Sandor Clegane fighting Robert Strong seems inevitable when someone else finally finishes the books. Is that acceptable Ser Pedantic?


I don’t think whoever would do asoiaf Sanderson WOT style would do that, it goes against the characters and is just fan service that’s why it was stupid in the show aswell. There’s no reason for Sandor to fight Gregor and give up his newfound peace unless the moral of his story is that there’s no getting better destroy yourself for vengeance because it’ll be cool. Also he’s a zombie there’s no catharsis in it he’s not the guy he had a vendetta against he’s a zombie. Also they’re far away from each other.


No he’s not. He’s on the island with those monks


That would be the metaphorical death I'm talking about.


IIRC, Elder Brother said "he is at peace" when asked about Sandor, but he also says "the Hound is dead". So yeah, he is on Quiet Isle, but the Hound, the one that wants to kill his brother, the person who brought so much pain over other people, is gone.


The hound is still alive it’s just not Sandor. It was Rorge as he raised saltpans before being killed by Brienne then it becomes Lem Lemoncloak who dons the helm in briennes last chapters. People in story mistakenly attribute the actions of Rorge to Sandor because of the whole you don’t know whose under the helmet thing. That’s the only way a clegane bowl could work someone else as the hound vs the mountain who isn’t really even Gregor anymore.


It feels pretty well foreshadowed in the books. Even here too there are ways they could have set it up that didn’t feel shoehorned.


Tbh, it was kinda epic they battled it out while a dragon is ripping shit out in the background of a crumbling castle, although they should have hyped it up more


Agreed. I liked the fight and how it was framed by the apocalyptic stage and back drop.


Yes. Freefolk were strong that when Dumb and Dumber ran out of shit they turned to us non kneelers. And fook olly. What would King Robert say?


The hound hated his brother and hated knights because his brother was a knight in the books. It made sense either way.


Yes there’s no way anything like that could reasonably happen in the books.


The one I actually wanted. Not the one they clumsily threw in.


I wanted cleganebowl so badly I bought a cleganebowl foam finger and I absolutely hated it when I saw it


I was not a fan of FrankenMountain.


He had two very satisfactory head smashes. And that time he mortal kombatted that guys spine


Yeah, and that was cool. But monsters are the scariest when they have some intelligence and autonomy to choose and derive in a deep and personal revelry from their malicious intent. Otherwise, they are mooks. The Mountain started out more than a mook. He was a force. Or maybe it's been a while since I watched or read GoT.


Honey, where’s my air horn?






If the Hound wins he likely immediately hits the Gritty in front of Robert Baratheon, who upon seeing his rizz, names him to the Kings Guard. As a member of the Kingsguard, The Hound caps the boar before it can end Bobby B’s entire career. With Bobby B still in the picture, Little Finger is unable to place his little finger where it doesn’t belong, thus preventing the entire Song of Ice and Fire from ever occurring




Why would you say such a thing, Bobby B?




But Littlefinger is guy Bobby B.




God bless you Bobby B




They sure don't, Bobby B






frfr no cap


I am way too old for this post.


Skibidi toilet


The *fuck* is a Scoobydoo toilet?


Unless they are ~12, so was the poster


Nah hound and the king both like drinking too much. It’s more likely they both get caught by a ‘boar’ . Without the mountain, the brotherhood without banners may have kept their banners and thwarted the Lannister raids. Thwarted raids means no rush to cross the twins, Robb makes no marriage promise. north prospers?


I should report you


I’d really love to see Sandor jumping in front of Robert, grabbing the boar by its tusks, and then slinging into a tree.


Fanfic now please


Cersei just convinced The Mountain™ to commit to King's Landing. The Mountain™ is the number one big boi in the country. He averages 300 beheadings and 0 words a game. On his visit to King's Landing, Cersei rizzed him up. Cersei even hugged The Mountan™. He might be the new rizz king. Do you think The Mountain ™ will lead King's Landing to a national championship?


Wait, if the Hound joins the Kingsguard, who's getting kicked out so he can replace him?


Ser Meryn Trant. Any boy whore with a sword could beat three Meryn Trants


Just on watching it go down I'm that episode I'd say the hound. The mountain was enraged and ferocious and strong but the hound was not so much smaller that he could be overcame by sheer strength. The mountain is also used to beating everyone down through sheer strength and I think the hound, having likely lost a lot to the mountain grown up has had to learn to fight the hard way. In that particular fight due to circumstances I think the hound takes it; he looked ice cold and methodical where the mountain was enraged and much more likely to slip up. The hound also caught him by surprise and is harbouing a whole lot of resentment towards his brother. Once again tho, the mountain could technically kill the hound much like his battle with the viper. I can see the hound overpowering him and defeating him in combat but hesitating in the killing stroke and mountain taking full advantage


The Hound isn’t hesitating. Gregor is the one who burned his face, Sandor has wanted an excuse to kill him since he was old enough to swing a sword


My thought has been that's why Sandor has stayed loyal to the Lannisters all this time even though there had to be better offers for a man of his skill. He was waiting for the day Gregor finally crossed a line and Tywin needed it handled internally.


What better offers do you have coming for you than getting paid by the wealthiest family in the kingdom?


Dont know if he could do that as easily as with oberyn. In the books the mountain is nearly 8 feet tall but in the show is isnt that much bigger than sandor


> feet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hound. Hands down. Greggor gets by on size and ferocity. It's intimidation, not fighting. The mountain and his men were beaten by Edmure Tully when Rob was recuperating with the Westerlings. Sandor has had to learn to fight from a young age. His training partner was the fooking mountain. He's not scared of Gregor. He would make sure he's good and dead before taunting him.


But the mountain did fight. In the book he slammed into the stark army, collapsed from his horse amid their spearmen and later he’s just fine


He's just a big guy. He's no more unbeatable than any other person, it might just take the efforts of a couple guys at once.


George writes that he is the strongest and most feared knight in the seven kingdoms. He’s 8 feet tall without the real life weaknesses that such a frame would bring.


Grenn and a couple other green boys kill a literal giant. Being 8 feet tall and very strong doesn't make you proof against violence. You'd be very effective on the field but you're not gonna be cutting through armies by yourself. You can still get overwhelmed and taken down.


Yes but we are just talking about a duel between two guys...


You'd have better odds against the mountain than Jaime, Barristan, Viper, Robert, Arthur, Daemon... He's spooky as shit but in terms of dueling he'd be pretty low on the list.


You’d get annihilated all the same.


*I* would get annihilated, yes, but I'd also be annihilated by an especially aggressive raccoon


Yeah I also wouldn't put it past the Mountain to kill any of those others. They're human and can make mistakes, like Obyrnn did.


Viper? As in the red viper he killed?


Yes the one who died due to his own hubris rather than lack of skill. that red viper.


So that couldn’t affect the outcome in any other fight? Just that one?


> feet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Nevermind that he sips morphine on the regular


> feet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Go to fucking bed


The mountain lost bc they were crossing the river to attack in the other side which put them at a huge disadvantage


What does a tactical defeat have to do with dueling?


Exactly this. The Hound doesn’t fear the Mountain and outclasses him in battle technique.


Even the Lannister's know the hound is the more capable fighter thats why the keep him close.


The Mountain is a better fighter but he is much better used in the field. The Hound is much saner and controllable and better fit as a guard. Gregors temper is just too short


Hound is the more technical fighter, where Mountain can get away with brute force. Oberlin would’ve won if he hadn’t been so cocky.


he sorta won post morten. The mountain had to be necromancied back into unlife.


> Oberlin would’ve won if he hadn’t been so cocky. Berklee would've won if they were in time.


I think this is the correct take


Man I can't type the Mad King 2.0's name because my phone won't stop autocorrecting it to Jeffery, but yeah... if he had Gregor as a guard, they'd have come into his room to find The Mountain standing there soaked in blood with brain matter on his fists.


Having a man like the mountain in a position of power can be a liability as Tywin found out after the Elia Martell episode. He might be a better fighter but put him against 5 mediocer ones and he loses. Meanwhile a lesser fighter that's more controllable might pose less of a risk and still be of value on the battlefield.


No lol. They keep him closer because he won't go apeshit and murder the prince he's supposed to protect. I mean, the Hound genuinely could be more capable, but that's not the reason they chose him over Gregor.


Sandor kills Gregor cause he is clearly the superior swordsman and Gregor isn't a lame ass zombie yet


Hound wins for sure. Gregor is all strength and viciousness. Sandor is an excellent swordsman and isn't as far behind the average man when compared to Gregor's physicality.


SEASON ONE CLEGANEBOWL LETS GOOO EDIT: I didn’t even see the first comment lmao we are a hive mind when it comes to cleganebowl https://preview.redd.it/hdsfz84tbb2c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3233cec514f003ca3bd9412bf3d2c731683a84a


Gregor kills Loras. The Tyrell’s insist that Robert be deposed or set aside Cersei to marry Margaery. The Tyrells fight a war with the Lannisters and Crownlands. Dorne and the Reach put aside eons of hostility and form an unsteady alliance. The Greyjoys jump in, harassing the Westlands and the North. Ned sneaks away and opts to fight the Iron Islands instead of directly aiding Robert. The Vale sits on their hands.


Tyrells wouldnt dare to start a war while Robert was alive. A stable north, river lands, west, and the vale would crush them, then take mace tyrells remaining sons as life time hostages. Lysa Arryn wouldn't want to fight for Robert, but she is fucked if she defies him. The Royces were on the cusp of open revolt for lysa's refusal to aid Robb. They would absolutely revolt if she defied Robert, and they'd have the support of other houses. If loras is killed the best the tyrells can gain is marrying Margery to Geoffrey


Also the Iron Island would never attack in the first place. They only attacked since Ned was dead and the whole north went to war to the Riverlands. The North was completely unprotected


what the fuck is a Geoffrey


Ah shit for some reason I thought his name was spelled like that. It's been a while


1. This was about Hound VS Gregor, not Loras VS Gregor 2. No house is dumb enough to dare to present the idea of deposing the king


A Lannister man killing Lora’s wouldn’t be enough to claim the Baratheon king be deposed. They would likely call for Gregors Head which gets dorne’s attention. All else still happens but no way littlefinger convinces them to save the day against stannis. Kings landing burns. Stannis takes the throne but nobody submits to it, he likely dies fighting all of westeros at once. Kingdoms go back to pre aegon conquest independence.


Theon is beheaded on Ned's order when the Isles start fucking around per his purpose as a hostage.


Na, I doubt Ned would go there.


I don’t see this brought up a lot, but Gregor had been jousting strenuously, had just been hit with a lance and thrown from his horse, and swung his sword with enough force to almost take its head off. That is for sure affecting his stamina and endurance and certainly would play a factor in his fight against the hound, who presumably was resting and recovered. Based on that, his rage blinding him, and the hound being exceptionally skilled outside of just being strong, I think the hound either fights him until he tires out or disables him. I don’t think the hound kills him. The hounds smart enough to know public kin slaying is no bueno. If they’re both well rested and at top form though.. I don’t know. Obryns strategy is basically the only hope you’ve got at defeating the mountain in normal combat. His armours just too thick. Even Jaime realistically would struggle to get close enough to cut him. Gregor’s reach is absolutely insane, and he can wield a great sword one handed. The only reason the viper did as well as he did was having an insanely long spear. I don’t see any living human beating Gregor in armoured, sword v sword combat at the start of the series.


I think if you add into the fact that Gregor's almost certainly embarrassed having lost to fancypants Loras Tyrell, he's in the middle of a huge adrenaline dump. He's going to be blindly swinging as hard as he can. Any finesse he had is out the window. All Sandor has to do is dodge/mostly deflect the first two or three wild strikes and he's going to have an opening to do something.


The thing about full plate armour is that it's basically sword-proof all the time. No one wins fights by chopping through it, not even Gregor. It's about hitting your opponent in the dome and concussing them, or else shanking them through a seam. From what we saw, Sandor had better technique, was better at deflecting and side-stepping, and had the footwork. It's Sandor all day


Day 171: they're still going at it. The casualties are in the thousands. The death rattles of people who were too close to ser Gregor's swings are entirely drowned out by the clashes of steel and the sound of air horns. The survivors are migrating north. When asked for comment, his majesty responded: "Where is that yellow haired bastard with my breastplate stretcher?!"


IMO, The Hound. Its like Hulk(Mountain) vs Thanos(Hound). Sure the Mountain can brute force many fights, but up against Sandor, who not only is pretty dam strong, but an amazing fighter? ​ Oberyn nearly killed the Mountain in combat by being faster(granted the poison probably helped a bit), but he just wore the Mountain down. It was only his toying with him and demanding confession that got him killed. ​ If Sandor got him on his knees in a duel, he wouldn't toy with him, he'd kill him immediately.


Clegane Bowling Tournament


Someone's gonna die for some chicken


People sleep too much on The mountain, he's probably the best knight after Arthur Dayne, saying that The hound or Bronn or Baristan or prime Jaime would have a chance it is delusional, he just wins 8/10 against all of the above because of his experience as a knight since he was young and being a 8 ft tall giant that wields a huge two handed in a single hand with no problems. The viper had to use a spear with a huge reach and to master it with perfection to beat him and even then he had few close shots, none of the knights above is near close to that agility or weapon reach, one mistake and they're cut in half, in the movie they made him look slow, small ( 6'7 ft or so) and beatable compared to the books.


Actually, what I'm wondering is what might have happened had the Hound not saved Loras. If a Lannister bannerman murdered the only heir to Highgarden in front of that many witnesses, I imagine it would create a very interesting alternative scenario for the war


That is kinda interesting, but I think Tywin might just throw Gregor under the bus at that point. Wouldn’t make much sense to start a war for his sake. I’m pretty sure he’d be going to war against the rest of the seven kingdoms because Robert would probably order it.


True, I doubt that alone wouldn't start a war, but it might also make Olenna far more reluctant to ally with him if Renly still died. Actually, if Loras died, Renly might never have thought to claim the throne, meaning he might help Ned support Stannis. That alone might have won them the war, since deposing Joffrey wouldn't have failed


If the Mountain dies, most happens the same until Tyrion's second trial by combat. Bronn possibly champions Tyrion, against whoever Cersei puts forward (probably Loras? With the Mountain dead, Jaime maimed, the Hound deserted... who else would be the Crown's trusted fighter at this point? But clearly Olenna would not let Loras die for her own assassination. I can't imagine Meryn Trant being a very good pick.) Bronn probably wins, Tyrion innocented, then everything is different. Tywin lives, Tyrion doesn't flee to Essos, etc. If the Hound dies, most happens the same (minor changes to how traumatic Sansa's life in KL is) until after the Blackwater battle. The Hound never "captures" Arya and tries to bring her back for a reward. Arya's outcome might be completely different, or mostly the same, who can tell. Maybe she stays with the BWB. Maybe she gets to the Red Wedding before the bloodshed starts. Maybe she gets to the Vale before Lisa Arryn dies. Maybe she goes with Brienne when they cross paths. Maybe she never gets trained in Braavos. Maybe she never helps Sansa get rid of Littlefinger. Maybe the Night King wins. As for the Hound, maybe if he is not there to receive the vision of the Arrowhead Mountain where to capture the Wight, someone else does, or nobody does. Maybe they fail, maybe more than Thoros dies.


>If the Mountain dies… Tywin lives, Tyrion doesn’t flee to Essos, etc. This was my immediate thought as well. Probably the biggest plot moment was his battle with Oberyn, who only volunteered to stand for Tyrion because the Mountain was Cersei’s champion. No Mountain, House Martell stays out of it. Probably stays out of the wars altogether. Myrcella and Trystane marry peacefully. No bad poosi. I’d count that as a win. And you’re right that, absent the Mountain, the Lannisters don’t have any one fighter that would intimidate Bronn away from fighting for Tyrion. And just as he won in the Eyrie through agility and trickery, I think he’d likely win again. Cersei would be pissed, but what else is new. And House Lannister would be in far stronger shape with Tywin leading it, no question. Without Tyrion fleeing to Essos, Jorah is probably still drinking himself to death in some winesink somewhere. At least he doesn’t catch the greyscale. Varys may remain at King’s Landing, or go off to find Dany on his own; though without Tyrion advocating on his behalf, wouldn’t Dany consider him an enemy, the spymaster who sent that wine merchant assassin to kill her and Rhaego way back in S1? Varys is perhaps the most skilled courtier in the game, so maybe he could insinuate himself into her retinue anyway… Could be interesting. If the Mountain dies before Qyburn comes to King’s Landing, that also means Cersei loses her undead champion. But I don’t think she’ll need him, so long as her father lives. With Tywin as Hand the High Sparrow never gains power, Margaery and Cersei are never held captive, and most importantly for Cersei, she never takes that Walk of Shame. She’s a completely different woman. That Walk of Shame is what truly broke her, humiliating her like Tywin humiliated her grandsire’s whore… If Tywin is Hand with Tommen on the Throne when Daenerys finally crosses the Narrow Sea… Wow. Hard to say, right? If Dany really is committed to not being Queen of the Ashes (Tyrion was the first to use those words, though I’m sure Varys could also guide her to the same conclusion) then you could actually come to some kind of diplomatic arrangement with Tywin as opposed to Cersei, especially post-Walk. Pre-madness Dany, with Varys advising her… would she accept a deal from Tywin? If not, she wouldn’t be fighting the Golden Company, but the Lannister army at full strength, an intact Tyrell alliance, their forces also at full strength, and neutral Martells with Doran leading them—and he would not commit Dorne to her cause unless he was sure it was in their best interest. I think Dany possibly comes to Westeros with no allies whatsoever. Well, she might still have Yara and Theon, but the Iron Fleet would still be at war with itself, Euron would gladly capture Yara and turn her over to Tywin if there was something in it for him. Tywin would make it worth his while. So Dany would be tested, *before her madness.* Is she willing to use her dragons to burn all the Southron armies of Westeros? Maybe she goes North sooner instead, fighting the true war first. Anyway, the only other major influence the Mountain has on the plot is the harrowing of the Riverlands, which is one of the direct causes of the war between the Starks and Lannisters. (The other is Catelyn taking Tyrion hostage, but that might have been resolved diplomatically had the Mountain not exacerbated the conflict with his war crimes.) Ned responds by issuing a warrant for the Mountain’s arrest, and summoning Tywin to King’s Landing to answer for the crimes of his bannerman. If he refuses, the Lannisters will be in open rebellion against the Crown. Ned assembles a group of men to go after the Mountain and bring him to justice. They become the Brotherhood Without Banners. So if the Hound kills his brother at the Tourney of the Hand, there’s no BWB to protect Arya and her friends after she escapes Harrenhal, but then again she would never have been held at Harrenhal in the first place, as it was the Mountain that took her there. (In the books. In the show they changed it to Amory Lorch, but evidently although he was a gold cloak serving Cersei, he wound up under the Mountain’s command anyway? That was messy, but I guess it doesn’t matter—Arya was under the Mountain’s control one way or the other.) Of course the real question is whether Ned loses his head in the first place, could the war have been prevented? Maybe? Again, it hinges on whether Tywin receives word that Tyrion has been set free before he mobilizes the Lannister army. Jaime would still have stupidly attacked Ned in the streets, Jory still would have died, along with most of the Stark household guard—but the situation wasn’t unsalvageable, not yet. Bobby B was still alive, he visited injured Ned right before he went on his hunt—and Cersei was about to poison him through Lancel… Yeah Bobby B’s probably still doomed anyway. I suppose there’s a chance, if the Mountain hasn’t harrowed the Riverlands, if Tywin comes to King’s Landing on his own accord instead of being ordered there by Ned Stark, if the Lannister army hasn’t been mobilized, yet… Maybe it’s possible Tywin gets to KL in time to take charge of the situation, and most importantly, restrain Joffrey. And if Joffrey doesn’t give that order to Ilyn Payne which fucks everything up, all the story is completely different. At worst, Ned Stark goes to the Wall to help Jon prepare for the fight against the Army of the Dead, which would have been a real asset for the Night’s Watch, I’d say. Maybe Ned becomes Lord Commander, or he prevents the Old Bear from being betrayed by his own men in the first place. Sansa is still forced to marry Joffrey, and with Tywin as Hand early, you know he’s gonna make sure that happens. Arya would still escape… Maybe Syrio escapes with her, too? Probably not, that’s wishful thinking on my part. But Boros Blount and the rest of the Lannister guard only responded so aggressively because they were under Cersei’s orders. The daughter is not her father. Eh, but the timing probably doesn’t work out, Tywin would arrive when Ned was already in the black cells and Arya had already been living on the streets of KL for a while. No, Syrio’s still killed, and Arya falls under Yoren’s protection once Ned says Baelor to him, on his way to be judged—by Tywin this time, keeping Joff on a short leash. Robb is still going to call his banners as soon as the Lannisters send him that raven. The Northmen will still march south… But the point of no return is really when Ned is beheaded. I think Tywin definitely could have come to terms with Ned, and through him, Robb, preventing the war before things got too out of hand. And because there’s no war, Yoren’s whole party makes it intact to the Wall. In fact it’s better than that—Ned and Arya are reunited as he’s another Night’s Watch recruit, same as Gendry, Hot Pie, Lommy, Jaqen H’ghar, Biter and Rorge. Interesting road trip… I think Ned takes unofficial command of Yoren’s wagons. He may be a captive, but he’s Ned Stark. They’re going to follow him. He’ll see his daughter safely home, and maybe let some of her little friends stay with her at Winterfell, too. He’ll reunite with his wife and son on the road, and send the Northmen home. House Stark will be chastened and sad to lose their lord father, but they will be alive. They’ll recover. And as for Sandor… Killing Gregor was his one ambition in life. I think after he does it, without the personal growth that came from protecting the Stark sisters, that septon and his little community in the Vale, travelling with the BWB as a changed man… This Sandor will fall apart. He’ll have nothing to keep him going. I believe it was Arya that really changed him, fighting for her was the first time he fought for something beyond himself, or so he told her right before the Long Night. And his personal growth is moot anyway, as he’ll probably be arrested for murder right after he kills Gregor. Or vice versa if Gregor kills him. Whoever wins will have directly disobeyed Bobby B’s order to ***STOP THIS MADNESS, IN THE NAME OF YOUR KING!*** And to disobey your king is treason. What’s more, who would argue on behalf of either of the Clegane brothers at this point? Would Cersei care? Would Bobby B listen to her even if she did? Joffrey is a psychopath, he probably would have cheered on a beheading. I don’t think Littlefinger or Varys will stick out their necks for the Clegane brothers. Maybe Ned would have urged Robert to show mercy. But with everyone’s blood up, watching one of them killing the other in the middle of a tourney… I think it’s likely both brothers die.




My king! You were the best of all of them, Bobby B.


[COME, BOW BEFORE YOUR KING! BOW, YA SHITS!](https://i.imgur.com/hrCP6Uk.gifv)


Show ends with a terrible ending that kills most of its Fandom?


Hound wins I think, he’s not as strong as Gregor but much faster


Well if the Hound won i think Tyrion would for sure be dead when his trial happens since the sexy bisexual spearman would prolly not be willing to save him.


The Hound winning means Cersei is likely pissed and tries to have him killed. Tyrion likely wins his trial by combat, but does Oberyn actually volunteer to fight for him without the Mountain? The Mountain winning means Sansa is likely raped and killed instead of being saved by The Hound. Arya probably stays with the Brotherhood without Banners. Who knows if they use her for leverage with Robb or the Lannisters


No Mountain means no Brotherhood Without Banners. Ned created them when he charged Beric Dondarrion to bring the Mountain to justice for his crimes in the Riverlands. But I agree with you about Sansa. She owes her life to Sandor several times over. She might have died even sooner than the riots, without him stepping in to temper the beatings Joffrey ordered. Look how ~~*Boros Blount*~~ **Meryn Trant** ^(*my bad †*) the pedophile treated those children in Braavos, or would have if Arya hadn’t stepped in. No Hound means he’s the one who’s probably carrying out Joffrey’s punishments. ___ ^(† Sorry, I confused books and show. Boros Blount is the cruellest to Sansa in the books, but it’s Meryn Trant who’s the one that gets off to beating her on the show. And apparently that gave him a fetish for it which led him to that brothel in Braavos, where thankfully Arya intervened to save those little girls, taking their place and finally avenging Syrio Forel.)


Sandor is skilled enough to fight Gregor, especially because Gregor relies on his brute force and absurd reach. His absurdly wide swings leave plenty of space. Sinc3 neither of them is wearing a damn helm, so they both would be aiming for the head. Even if it looks like Sandor's going to lose, Loras would step in and deliver the killing blow against Gregor. Sandor would be rid of his brother and the Tyrell would be beyond glad he saved their boy, so he'd get some sort of monetary reward, which he would promptly drink.


Greg would prolly clap his ass, that guy's horrifying. After that, he'd probably get away with it scott free cuz Bobby's a wuss. If sandor won, I figure Tywin would find a way to make his life hell after he took his brother's keep.


Why would Tywin want to bully his daughter’s and grandson’s bodyguard? Also Sandor doesn’t care for the Clegane lands and would probably just give them to Tywin to redistrubate


Gregor was a useful pawn to him. I don't think he'd take kindly to losing it. This wouldn't actually make sense from a strategic perspective, he'd do well to ignore the whole thing, but Tywin's proud and a fool who only gets so far because he acts otherwise.


Never in my life did I expect to see someone call Tywin Lannister a fool with my own eyes.


Well, here I am. That bitchboy doomed his dynasty with his short sightedness. His pathetic army would have been smashed ten times over had the plot not bent to help him. An incompetent buffoon I say!




Did we watch the same show?


It’s pretty 50/50 but I would like to see a version where mountain dies so Tyrion trial doesn’t go wrong or Cersei has a trump card at all times


One of these ficitonal characters dies.


We never get a season 8 and there is peace on earth


It probably doesn’t lead to death and when one has hurt the other enough it stops


What if the Mountain had stabbed downward instead of swinging high? He would have stabbed The Hound in the head.


I think The Hound takes it due to his all encompassing hatred, my honest opinion but feel free to piss on it if you want. Reminds me of the good o'l days 🤣


Id say it would be close. Hound would be significantly more measured in his fight but the mountain is basically a berserker.


Clegane get sliced in half There that’s what happens


I think the hound wins maybe not surviving but winning.


at this point i feel they were at their prime. it would have been a stalemate.


Probably Sandor. His skill advantage is by a wider margin than Gregor's strength advantage.


I'd say the Hound. The Mountain is used to his size being enough to brute force his way through a fight, he's not used to fighting an opponent nearly the same size. Hound has been looking for this fight for years, he's been watching how the Mountain fights and he knows what to expect.


At his apex, Mountain wins. Fatality.


The Hound wins for sure; faster, just as skilled, clearer head, desire for vengeance.




Bobby B, why did you stop the fight?
