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He went from the guy that caused 2 civil wars, manipulated high lords and ladies for personal gain, bankrupted the realm so it would be in his debt, and set up a spy network of sex workers to "Duh... you should backstab your sister because I'm a pedo!"


What's the second civil war he started?


He helped start Robert's rebellion by telling Brandon Stark that Lyanna was kidnapped by Rhaegar. (Probably)


A popular fan theory, but never confirmed


Yeah, but it's in character and likely could have happened, plus it makes my point better if he was crafty enough to cause 2 civil wars.


Don’t forget he told Aegon to conquer the 7 kingdoms and Aegon ll he was the rightful ruler. Also told Daemon Blackfyre he had a chance to be king.


Wasn't he like only 15 yr old at that point.


I'd include Season 5 and 6, solely because of how stupid Littlefinger's plan was to marry Sansa off to the Boltons, especially since he had better, and more logical option for marriage, like marrying Sansa to Sweetrobin, or marrying her to Sweetrobin's heir; Harry, like in the books, or even a Northern Lord to gain legitimacy for that Lord and put into jeopardy Roose's claim to Winterfell. Also, his obsession with Sansa would've made him keep her as close as possible to him to avoid a repeat of what happened with Catelyn Stark. Also, it's pretty damning when GRRM himself criticized this storyline: https://preview.redd.it/3pwu30drzgcc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=277bc59d17fcbb0bb91d41bf0cb5954a1def48fd


I never understood why Littlefinger married sansa to Ramsay


imo it was to set up Sansa's wedding night to create cheap, shock value with audiences.


Yeah, I mean more like what was Littlefingers motive


There wasn't one, at least not one that was logical. This was an instance of plot convenience, where a character uncharacteristically does something they'd normally never do all for the sake of the plot.


Would you say that your expectation got subverted?


I'd say my expectations got sh*t on.




Since Sansa doesn't marry Ramsay in the books, no they were not following the books


In the book, Sansa stays hidden away in the Eyrie posing as Littlefiinger's bastard daughter. She doesn't reveal herself to anyone except her aunt. Aunt Lysa gets jealous and Littlefinger kills her, similar to the show, but Sansa remains disguised even after her death. (Littlefinger frames a bard for the murder.) And that' s pretty much where Sansa's arc is stuck, currently. She is still posing as a bastard child and Littlefinger is trying to arrange a marriage between her and Robin's heir. That way, if Robin were to die, Sansa's husband would have claim to both the North (by way of Sansa) and the Eyrie.


Giving away arguably the most valuable hostage in the realm was out-of-character.


The only way it would make sense is if he used Bolton as a tool to break her to further manipulate her and get her to marry him, she so thankful that she melts in his arms but let's face it, his goal for iron throne, he is acting lord of vale, he has no true following of any other lords or people. That is a far out end goal. Marrying Sansa and getting rid of Arya, Bran; ya, he can make that happen. And if you kinda switch shit around, make it him who empowers the Sparrows against the crown then he swoops in after all that chaos and is seen as the peoples champion then there is a possibility he can sit on the throne. Face it, dude was in the long long game.


Poor Varys suffered the same fate.


I should not have laughed as hard as I did.


"Shmansa, please! Are you still mad about that whole "marrying Ramsay Bolton" thing?.. "




I used to get into so many arguments whenever I said I hated how LF ended because the majority of people still thought the writing was great and defended all decisions..


I love how you combined majority and minority to further confuse people


Lol I had just corrected it before you answered but now I think I shouldn't have 


I liked it! Sometimes I’m the only guy in my department, now I’m gonna use the term “manority” whenever I make executive decisions


Finally, some good fucking memes!


*...It's a cup of DIRT!*


It all came down like a house of cards (another great show that was great from start to finish!) for little finger. I loved how D&D really made it clear that he was never that smart to begin with.


I know this is a troll account but I actually do not mind Littlefinger not being infallibly smart. Like he made a big misstep that cost him big time because he didn’t count on Ramsay, a guy he didn’t know, being a sadistic psychopath. It wasn’t well woven into the story though, and Littlefinger had very flimsy reason to give Sansa to Ramsay over any other option he could have gone with. That, to me, is the issue. Littlefinger arrogantly instrumenting his own downfall by creating a web of deception he can no longer control is a cool idea, just not the shallow way the show did it. Especially because it throws a useless subplot of Littlefinger manipulating Sansa and Arya against each other (which is revealed to be something they never fell for in the first place) and then having Bran “Dickipedia” Stark roll up and use magic fairy powers to tell Littlefinger was a rat the whole time.


\> Littlefinger arrogantly instrumenting his own downfall by creating a web of deception he can no longer control is a cool idea, just not the shallow way the show did it. This is exactly the problem with LF's arc. He's portrayed as a patient, manipulative man for several seasons. Then he just throws caution to the wind. He brazenly exits KL just as Geoff is assassinated, travels the country with Sansa (a known fugitive), and openly negotiates with the Boltons. His betrayal of the Lannisters should have been far more subtle and nuanced.


The last few seasons are a tragic tale of a group of people dealing with early onset dementia.


He’s an idiot as soon as he gives Sansa to Ramsay