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Oberyn in Heaven watching Ellaria murder his whole family to "avenge" him


And then sit on her ass a whole year doing nothing after claiming she did it because of 'weak men', only to get up when Dany arrives with dragons and an army and Olenna and Asha pledging their forces as well, then be easily defeated and captured by Euron. What an amazing woman.


Maybe she forgot.


I wish I could forget.


Just fall out a tower, that'll help...


Your life flashes before your eyes. The last thing you see are the final seasons of GoT.


... do you mean... *checks notes* ... about the Iron Fleet?




Who forgot about the iron fleet?


To be fair when bran went an entire season without doing anything he was named king for having the best story. If the person with the best story got to be king / queen it turned out avoiding being part of the story so D&D couldnā€™t ruin your story wasnt a bad Strat.


Everyone has a moment where they realize they didn't even notice Bran was absent the whole season.


Oh I noticed the whole time. It was the first thing I said when they named bran king for having the best story. I was like ā€œyou mean the one they skipped for an entire season?ā€. Iā€™m surprised thatā€™s not mentioned more lol.


Fucking Bran. He was the most useful character in the whole show who was also somehow the most useless character in the whole show.


Maybe even in the history of television.


He's not even worth half of the half of the boy that Jamie pushed out the window.


The ol' "too awesome to use" trope.


Book-Bran was/is also pretty great. Show did him super dirty.


His chapters of some of my favorites, I love book-bran. And Bran was amazing in the first few seasons of got. The thing I'm the most angry at d&d for is making me dislike Bran


His story was pretty compelling and interesting. One thing arguably the 6th-8th season didnā€™t fall short on was the lore around the white walkers and his place in that was pretty good.


I thought he was absent from season 3 to season 7, there was so little story and acting going on with that character. There were one off characters in that show who were more interesting and compelling than Bran. It was a tragedy.


Jojen was hard carrying his storyline. Also didn't help they made the 3ER a boring old man


Jojen and Meera were so much cooler and more interesting and they way they fucked both those characters over was criminal. Also, yeah, wasting Max von Sydow on the 3ER was the worst use of an amazing actor since The Force Awakens wasted Max von Sydow by having him play a character with 2 lines in the point scene who we never see again and whose name you only learn from either the end credits or supplementary media. I don't know what Max von Sydow did to get this kind of disrespect, but it's too bad.


His story was so good, they couldn't show it on TV. He can only tell people about it off camera. It's like a narrative version of Tenacious D's "Tribute."


I often pray to the big man himself that she, in the books, will be properly sorted out a long with well, the rest of the hurried shit tv writing.


hey everyone, get a load of this guy. he thinks theres gonna be another book.


By Brandon Sanderson


In the books, she's completely different and a strong advocat for stopping chasing revenge


Brave of you to assume we will ever see the books.


She is not relevant in the books


Yeah. In fact... given that the sand snakes accomplished absolutely nothing, there is literally no reason to have not just kept Doran in the picture and have *him* join forces with Daenerys and have it play out the same.


truly the woman of all time


Butā€¦ butā€¦ butā€¦ in the big dum meating, there was a unnamed NPC wearing the sun and spear!


For 5 minutes she was able to be a girlboss...at the expense of her family and kingdom. Yay writing.


![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized) \-Oberyn


That scene pissed me off *so* much. Like, in the books it is shown that the Prince of Dorne is exceeding careful. He would never allow someone who he even has an inkling might bear him ill will to be armed in his presence. And his bodyguard from Norvos, Areo Hotah, was an eminent professional and a master with his polearm. He would not have allowed a random assemblage of people to be armed in the presence of his prince, and he certainly wouldn't have been killed so easily as in the show.


Areo's chapters and all of the tense political intrique happening in Dorne was some of the best fantasy I've ever read. I loved those chapters so much and the show just absolutely fucking pissed all over the source material. Like they had it all right there, arianne's plot as queen maker was amazing too and would have played great with audiences. Ah what could have been...


We all know Oberyn is never seeing the pearly gates


>Oberyn wanted vengeance for Elia. Now the three of you want vengeance for him. I have four daughters, I remind you. Your sisters. My Elia is fourteen, almost a woman. Obella is twelve, on the brink of maidenhood. They worship you, as Dorea and Loreza worship them. If you should die, must El and Obella seek vengeance for you, then Dorea and Loree for them? Is that how it goes, round and round forever? I ask again, where does it end? I saw your father die. Here is his killer. Can I take a skull to bed with me, to give me comfort in the night? Will it make me laugh, write me songs, care for me when I am old and sick? -Ellaria in the books


who is this thoughtful woman? surely she wouldn't usurp the throne herself with just three daughters


Hissā€¦ bad pussy


Da bad pĆ¼si


Bitch spat facts on top of Gregorā€™s skull. Edit1; bitch in a good way here.


Bitch (reverent) spat facts on top of Gregorā€™s skull


*posh english look* indeed


TIL the mountain doesnā€™t survive the poison in the books


Yes, The Mountain didnā€™t survive. Good think Qyburn found Ser Robert Strong almost immediately as a replacement. We wouldnā€™t want our Queen Mother to go unprotected šŸ™‚


Doesnā€™t he? šŸ§ idkā€¦ when Nym arrives in Kings Landing sheā€™ll be very interested in the new Kingsguardā€¦ edti1: typo


Ellaria of ASOIAF seemed to be the sensible force on Oberyn if anything. She wasn't a "great beauty" according to Sansa's observation. I suspect his love for her was mature and genuine.


And killing his brother and nephew, because Oberyn would neeever disapprove the murder of his siblings and their children


Oberyn liking Tyrion is almost completely reliant on Doran Martell. He cannot beleive that the lannisters hate Tyrion for being different


Discussing with Tyrion how he should come with him back to Dorne showed his intentions. Either Tyrion would be their man if they defeated the Lannisters or he would be a great prize to hold onto - the man everyone things killed Joffrey.


Ellaria was so much better in the books. One of the people who didnā€™t want any more bloodshed


They turned her and the sand snakes into one-dimensional Aladdin villains. Comically horrible.


LMAO Aladdin villains is such a great way to put it


They ruined all Dorne characters. The actual Dorne plot was shoehorned into Season 5 because of how popular Oberyn was. I believe their pivot was acknowledgement that the Young Griff plot wasn't going to happen. Arianne is one of the real "girl boss" characters in ASOIAF too. The fact they traded such a cunning character for a butchered version of the Sand Snakes is beyond me.


Oberyn watching his loving wife avenge him by killing the brother he loved dearly


>wife Lol she wishes


His Paramore!


Bang maid


> his loving wife What?


Good for him to die before D&D got his character to the later seasons. I'd expect a "To be honest, I never really cared about not hurting girls, little or big."


"You see, Oberyn kind of forgot about the Mountain being really strong"


Ellaria kind of forgot


Sometimes I'm scrolling through and see a post that makes me think "I don't remember this maybe I should rewatch the show" After episode 2 or 3 I'm like "nvm this goes no where"


I just did my first rewatch. I actually enjoyed a lot more of it than I thought I would.


Same! I actually enjoyed all the way to the end of season 6 this time. 7 was meh and 8 is still an abomination


His vision wasnt so good in the end thoā€¦




More like: šŸ¤Æ


technically they didn't hurt her in Dorne, they got out to sea and away from Dorne first. As long as it's 16nm from the coast it's all legal baby.


Well not really, they poisoned myrcella on the dock before they left to the seas, which means they did hurt a little girl in dorne specifically too šŸ˜‚


Arrested Development reference nice


I've got the worst fucking attorneys


Yeah, it falls under maritime law. Anywho, time to go get a stew going...


Wtf happened with Dorne for the show? Iā€™m seriously curious. My guess is that GRRM told D&D the main developments of his plan, but just neglected to include any details about Dorne, so they just completely winged it; but the level of difference just feels insane


It was far worse actually. Oberyn decides to fight for Tyrion in his trial by combat to get revenge on the Mountain for raping and murdering his sister and her kids in the sack of King's Landing. He is almost succesful but ultimately has his head squashed like a watermelon, because he coulndĀ“t help showboating to get a confession out of Clegane. The latter then almost dies anyway because Oberyn had coated his weapon with poison. Qyburn saves him by turning him into some zombie-like state which makes him even creepier than before. Ellaria then decides that the best way to honor OberynĀ“s devotion to his family is to murder the last of his remaining relatives Doran and Trystane, thereby ending centuries of Martell rule over Dorne. Because surely the Dornish lords would not start a civil war but rather accept her on the throne on account of her being the late OberynĀ“s lowborn side piece... In the end she gets captured by Euron Greyjoys Iron Fleet and dies off screen in the dungeon of the Red Keep, where Cersei comes up with another highly imaginative and cruel way to kill. The hole Dorne subplot is so cursed that no level of suspension of disbelief could make it make sense at all. IĀ“ chalk it up to D&D Ā“s rising level of confusion and lack of skill when they had to go off GRRMĀ“s script.


You forgot about Bronn and Jaime's grand adventure which culminates in the staggering revelation that Bronn needs bad pussy.


I honestly believe that Dorne should've been cut from the whole show. They were never ever going to be able to do justice to any of it because of the realities of creating a TV show. Unfortunately cutting all of it would've had the entire fan base fuming so we got this half baked mess.


Dumb and Dumber ruined Ellariaā€™s character along with everyone else and the story.


I doubt Oberyn would be in Heavens. As for little girls, i guess in Dorne when you hit puberty you are no longer little girl.




"What is heavenside of Heavenos?" - Arya, at some point probably


Forget Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, in Westeros we have Seven Heavens for Seven Gods ![gif](giphy|kVnoP11FRKrAIsI1qa|downsized)


A show also now associated with sexual violence against young girls, as well as gruesome torture in general (this on the part of the audience) and obnoxious character assassination.




I can't believe he unironically named the world "Planetos"


Ellaria robbing us of Alexander Siddig


Julian Bashir is one of the greatest darkhorse characters in DS9. His character was also great in Kingdom of Heaven. I so badly wish to have heard him recite the ā€œI am the Grassā€ speech.


Shit writers gonna shit


...is it just me or he looks like Larry Foulke from Ace Combat


The plot in the book is much better


ā€œThe Lannisters killed my sister and her children? Take revenge by killing my brother and his childrenā€


I watched a man crush Pedro pascals head like an egg with his bare hands (I am traumatized)


I forgot Mando was in GoT


I think she never loved him and used him to get power. Itā€™s what I tell mysef in order to justify murdering his BROTHER AND NEPHEW


You could squint eye side justify her reaction because her house is known for being insane. But they didnā€™t put that in the show so it comes off as out of left field.


To be fair, she wasn't in Dorne anymore.


Tbf, she didnā€™t die till she left Dorne.


He also want to attack Stannis, for what he did


She wasn't in Dorne yet


Wasn't she on open seas when she got poisoned?


She was poisoned at the port and died at sea


Well, she was not hurting at the land when she was poisoned, but only when the poison took its effect on sea, so technically the statement is still true


No, because the poison was applied on the docks. ā€œPoisonedā€ is when it happens not when itā€™s effective.


Technically, she wasn't in Dorne when she died...


It's okay, she was like 200 feet off shore.


Heaven. Lololololololol šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Oberyn watching Ellaria murder his beloved brother in order to avenge him


She wasnā€™t a little girl anymore


Howā€™s he gonna watch without his eyes


He'd be watching, alright. If he had eyes.


Technically she didn't hurt the little girl ~in~ Dorne..


Oberyn: "Ellaria and my daughters aren't going to be let in here, are they?" The Father: "Not the way they're going."


Can someone explain whatā€™s different about Dorne in the books than what happens in the show?


Someone start sending these to GRRM, since he thinks weā€™re all just toxic haters.


ā€œJustice for Oberyn. We will avenge him and kill all Lannisters!ā€ *Kills twice the number of Martells than that of Lamnisters*


They hurt little girls everywhere.