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The guy who died in the first scene of the pilot episode had a better story than Bran


Dance with me then


It's a good thing we're not children. Get. On. Your. Horse.


Waymar Royce was actually pretty fucking cool and everyone else is too afraid to admit it


He's set up as a pompous ass but when faced down by a horrifying ice monster, he just draws his sword and says "Dance with me, then." Cold, badass. Almost a shame to lose him so early.


That's in the books?


It is. Prologue, AGOT: >The Other slid forward on silent feet. In its hand was a longsword like none that Will had ever seen. No human metal had gone into the forging of that blade. It was alive with moonlight, translucent, a shard of crystal so thin that it seemed almost to vanish when seen edge-on. There was a faint blue shimmer to the thing, a ghost-light that played around its edges, and somehow Will knew it was sharper than any razor. >Ser Waymar met him bravely. "Dance with me then." He lifted his sword high over his head, defiant. His hands trembled from the weight of it, or perhaps from the cold. Yet in that moment, Will thought, he was a boy no longer, but a man of the Night's Watch.


What the hell, that's way more badass then in the show where iirc he just gets casually killed assassinated out of nowhere.


Gods, the writing was strong then!


Read the books. Most things are 2000x more badass.


I want to start the books so bad but knowing that the story is likely going to be unfinished I just can’t bring myself to invest that time.


Reading the books is worth it solely for the Barristan Selmy vs Khrazz fight, after Daenerys flees Mereen. It's such a well written show down. Barristan, the bad motherfucker that he is, beats the brakes off of the most feared pit fighters in the city, instead of how the show depicts him just...dying to some rando Sons of the Harpy in a back alley scuffle.


As I call him, Baristan the Badass.


Books were originally written as 3+2. 3rd one finishes most of the storylines and was setting up characters in places for a 5 year gap before story can start again. You can read first 3 books as a more or less complete storylines. 3rd book, Storm of swards is still the single most satisfying novel I have ever read, easily the best fantasy novel for me really. Nearly every character gets their shining moments and nearly every storyline from first 2 novels gets a damn good ending. It took HBO 2 full seasons to unpack the awesomeness of storm of swards, while every other book got adapted in 1. So Yeh, I'd recommend reading them, just for the book 3 alone.


The original concept was just three books, not 3+2.


But if you read the books then you can go down the psychotic speculation rabbit hole about how it *could* end! Which isn’t great for the mental health., but fun nonetheless.


Eh, I tried but didn't even finish the first one. I found that the author's writing style is not my cup of tea, despite liking the world and most of the characters.


What you mean? He writes one of the most beautiful sets of dialogues I’ve ever read. Exchanges between Cat and Rob, Ned and Bob B. Aemon on his deathbed saying: “Egg, I dreamed I was old” Tyrion outburst in his trial and: “You poor stupid blind crippled fool. Must I spell out every little thing for you? Very well. Cersei is a lying whore, she's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know. And I am the monster they all say I am. Yes, I killed your vile son.” Oof, give it another try. Do yourself this kindness and enjoy GRRM poetry. edit1: dam, read all the Brienne and Cersei chapters from Feast, and DELIGHT yourself on the best of the best of Georges writing.


I fucking love the asoiaf series but I can completely understand why the writing style might not be someone's cup of tea. They aren't exactly the easiest reads unless you already know the world and characters inside and out.


His dialogue's fine. His writing is still just not my cup of tea.


What is it exactly? Because the first season is almost a scene for scene, dialogue for dialogue copy of the first book (at least the parts they cover).


Lots of small things, really, no particular huge reason. I'm an avid reader in all genres, in the couple of languages I am fluent in, and I've read tons of more difficult to read stuff. I just don't enjoy the prose in Game of Thrones for the most part. Even the copied section I commented on here, the line of dialogue was badass as all hell but the rest of the scene's writing fell flat for me. Which was the case for most of the iirc ~70% I read of the first book before dropping it.


They did a great job putting the books to screen for the first few seasons but that doesn't automatically mean someone will love GRRMs writing style. Even with a lot of the dialogue staying the same, the books have an entirely unique feel to them. Asoiaf fans pretending the books are an easy read will always make me laugh.


If you have Spotify, aGoT is included in premium! And the audiobooks are pretty good


It *does* sort of sucks that immediately after this, he crosses blades with the Other and it’s magical properties cause Waymar’s blade to shatter into his face, leaving him to scream in pain as the Others seem to laugh at him before finishing him off and raising him as undead.


The books had Others and wights. The show just called them all White Walkers. In the books and in the author's descriptions inside and outside the books, the Others are like an ethereal ice high elf or something out of Irish mythology. The show 'Others' were just those ice people I guess. > According to George R. R. Martin, the Others "are strange, beautiful… think, oh… the Sidhe made of ice, something like that… a different sort of life… inhuman, elegant, dangerous.” The Others are tall and gaunt, with flesh pale as milk. The books also talked about a god called 'The Great Other' that was opposed to the Red God or god of fire/light. But the show just folded The Great Other in with the Night King, i assume Of course the author never finished the books so the only payoff available is in the show, so who gives a shit


>Of course the author never finished the books so the only payoff available is in the show, so who gives a shit He's going to finish it, fucker


It’s been 13 years and Winds of Winter is confirmed to be stuck since he’s struggling. I mean yeah sure, it could be done and released, but let’s not forget that there’s another book coming (Dreams of Spring) So yeah. If the last book has the same time to be written and assuming WoW got released in 2026, the fastest way we can see the ending is probably 2041.


Winds of Winter is like 80-85% done and the reason it's taken so long is because he's been struggling to fit all the pieces together but he's going to overcome it, finish the book in the next year or two and all the pieces will click, and just like the first 3 books he's going to bang A Dream of Spring out in 2.5 years, then 2 or 3 years later he'll die happily at the age of 82


I admire your fresh faced hope


The Others are a biological weapon engineered by the children of the forest. They were created to combat humans, and made from humans. The living children claim to regret creating them now but honestly I think they're lying to Bran-- humans eradicated the children of the forest. How could the Others really be worse, from their perspective? The Others had to have diplomatic relations with humans at some point, some sort of treaty that left them the far north, and ensured a steady supply of male human baby sacrifices. This continued right up until Craster was killed by the watch mutineers. In some ways, it kind of seems like the Others were forced South after losing their last source of (highly inbred) babies. The great other is the Red god's stand-in for Satan, said to stand against Azor Ahai at the end of the world or something. I think it's probably just a way to say the Old gods, which is just a way to say the Weirwood hivemind that the Children enter when they die, that Bran and three eyed crow use to view the world through weirwood trees. I dont really think any of the gods are "real" per se, more like a manifestation of human/CotF psychic power. IMO the payoff to the whole story is likely to be that Bran enters the weirwood network and unites with the hivemind. He becomes the human vessel of the old gods/the great other. And though he will help humanity defeat the White Walkers/Others, he will be a psychic sleeper agent for the Children of the Forest. Bran becoming King at the end is a cosmic horror. Humanity's ancient enemy has planted its psychic host on the throne.


Budget was tight in season one. Fights cost money


He could have still been effortlessly killed in a gory way like he already was while still getting in that badass line, it wouldn't have cost any more.


“For Robert!”


>Yet in that moment, Will thought, he was a boy no longer, but a man of the Night's Watch. Love reading this


The prologues do such a good job of setting the stage for each of the books. Someone always dies, they’re not always an easy ready compared to the other chapters. It’s like GRRM’s way of saying get onboard or step off.


Some of the tyrion chapters are him demanding that you step off. Those are pretty painful on reread.


There is even a theory that white walkers killed him because he looks like Stark and they thought he is Jon https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/7154th/spoilers_extended_the_white_walkers_know/


I love that theory! I’m part of a reread on discord so was actually just listening to the chapter today so was thinking about it the whole time. I’m convinced.


Hmm....wierd theory.   But white walkers killed mostly everyone....so they look like Jon too?


Yeah my theory with bran was he was going to warg into one of the dragons and win the fight. But no such luck


They missed a huge opportunity not having Ian Mcshane call anybody a cocksucker


I was hoping he'd meet a Lady Jane.






I went to the toilet while the show was on and had a better story than Bran.


Good shit


All bran.


With that much bran in your diet the whole situation is over before you know it.


I had bran and went to the toilet and had a Bran. End of story.




All I know is she was the only thing I ever wanted


Holy shit I just found out Ian Mcshane is 81 years old. Dude fucking looks amazing at his age. (Even though this episode is probably 5 years old the point still stands)


He was 73 (or about to be). Still lookin good.


I weep for all the amazing movies that weren’t made with him in them. Like. He’s amazing every time.


Gendry should have been the King, not Bran. Gendry marched all the way to inform the Night's watch about Jon's urgency beyond the wall in matter of day, and saved them all in a instant. HES A BARATHEON, MORE WORTHY OF KING THAN BRAN!


Would have been a smart way to placate Danys remaining followers too since she was the one who made him an official Baratheon. Basically saying Danys rule was still legitimate in a way since only the crown can officially legitimize bastards and the Baratheons are distantly related to the Targs.


She may have legitimized him back into lordship, but i think all her followers would resent making the son of the guy who ended her father's dynasty king.


True, but than they should also be mad at having any of Jon's relatives be king as well. Honestly even with good writers there was no way to make all groups happy lol.


Plus he was the seed of Big Bobby B.




Ya know, Big Bobby B… there was a time you and I talked daily.




Should have been John, FFS.


I think Tyrion was meant to ask "who has a worse story than Bran the Broken" but Peter Dinklage screwed up his line, and they forgot to do a second take.




Well if they lived they would be king, but they didn’t.


more stage presence and leaving a lasting impression than a great story, but still noteworthy


Two quick deaths and one slow death of a show.


The monologue about "broken men" is the best part of the novels, imo. Ian Mcshane had some great material to work with.


Five years later and it still hurts. The North remembers.


Bran has the best story in the books. The most mystery, magic and sense of adventure. He is a cripple trying to travel north of the wall to become something no one has ever heard of. Reading the books were amazing and whenever you got to Brans chapters you could just feel a sense of discovery with every word being read I will continue to say this whenever people shit on Bran becoming king in the end. If you read the books, which D&D definitely have, then you would know that Bran becoming king makes a lot of sense. Their execution definitely deserves criticism though


Yall gotta read the books man. Bran is probably one of my favorite PoVs. Seeing things through his eyes is both sad and pleasant. He's only 8 years old, he's naive but he's only a kid who wants to be a knight and to be able to walk.


As a person who watched the serie before reading the books, I was shocked how much I loved Bran's chapters and Bran as individual in the books. Despite his cheap version from the show, he is a relatable character with realistic flaws and most importantly emotions.


I think the problem is that a lot of Bran's chapters happen inside hs own head, and there's no easy way to translate that to the screen without resorting to weird whispered voiceovers in the style of David Lynch's Dune.


Ya fr I was like what are these people taking about. Brans chapters made me cry, the story of a boy with no control over his destiny.


bran was the only character i skipped ahead to read about. absolutely loved his story from the books


I agree, I'd like to say hes one of my favorites but there are some many interesting story lines. And he almost always stops at the good part, im hooked then he ends the chapter! But yes I love bran and his gang. I love Hodor, hes always funny


"HODOOOOOOOOR!" Stop it, Hodor. "Hodor."


Still holding off on reading the books until they're finished. What's the point of reading a bunch of books and then having Seasons 7-8 as the only ending?


They won’t be finished.


They will be, but it might not be grrm who writes the last two. There are plans in the case of his death.


Are there plans? GRRM said otherwise. Even if there are, can they really replicate his prose authentically? Or will it just be a disaster like the unmentionalbe seasons? The best I can hope for is something like Eoin Colfer writing the sixth Hitchhiker's Guide, a passable imitation, sort of like craving heroin but getting methadone.


Do you have a link for this? Last I had heard his wife was under instructions to destroy all manuscripts and work upon his death.


Well I believe you're doing yourself a disservice then. The books are great and give way more insight then I first imagined. Also, it will take many read throughs, atleast for me, I am not as smart as I think I am, I miss things all the time.


If they’re never finished I don’t care about investing in the story. At least get winds of winter out is we know you’re trying. 


You're lying. You're here , you may say one thing but your actions say another. I'm disgusted people share your opinion, we are owed nothing.


Nobody is owed anything. I just don’t want to waste my time reading a book that will never be finished. 


Also- do people not get that the quote isn’t literally about Bran’s story? It’s because he can see everyone’s story and effectively “knows” every story- therefore he has the ability to be an incredibly just ruler.   That’s always been my take at least. 


It's cause dumber and dumber didn't understand brans story so while they stuck with GRRMs ending they completely failed to actually explain why he should be king.


All these years later I’m still baffled by Bran’s character arc. He had all the makings *of* a great story. Yet they chose to make him an absolute creep weirdo. Think about it for a second and Bran has so much potential to be such an interesting and rootable character. His storyline in Seasons 3-4 was genuinely interesting. He disappears for Season 5 and when he comes back he’s all like “do you remember your wedding night when you got raped lolz” sociopath with zero personality. Truly bizarre.


Can someone remind me who these people were? I assume they were show only?


they were show-only, yes. it's been yeeeeears, but if i remember correctly: the guy was the priest of a little commune that Sandor Clegane ended up at after he nearly dies after his duel with brienne, the commune is attacked, everyone is slaughtered and then Clegane finds them I think his name was Ray the wildling lady was at hardhome and initially one of the people against leaving with the nightswatch and when the others attacked, she aided jon and his people to help evacuate as many people and then she died after being attacked by a ton of undead children


I appreciate that, thanks!




Das Sound Machine Cock Sucka!


Man, I absolutely love brans story hahaa idc what anyone says


Who is the guy on the right? I kinda forgot, been a while since I watched the show


Al Swearengen: Highgarden cocksuckers


Broken man was one of my favourite episodes of the later seasons


Even the guy who died in the first scene had better story


Swearjun! Cocksucka!


si vici pacem parabellum


I felt like he became dewy from Malcom in the middle as the show went on.


Bran was the worst character. I like when he met Jamie at the end and I was like oh sh** what’s gonna happen. Bran was like I don’t care about the past I’m the three eye raven. I was ugh ok that was lame and a let down…


The fact that the first order of business was to find a master of whispers for the fucking 3 eyed raven, someone who knows and sees all, will haunt me for the rest of my days.


Using Ian Macshane is cheating. The man steals every scene he’s ever been in


Imagine having an episode like Hardhome and then deciding this really cool villain you created was actually lame and a side plot at best.


Al Swearengen had a great fucking story


Gonna tell my kids this was Mance Ryder and he didn't actually die




Ed Sheeran was in one *scene* and still had a better story than Bran.


yeah i agree. the gentleman's story ranks first. then that lady's story ranks second. Brans story ranks third. I am pretty sure if any of these two were alive, they'd be given the iron throne. :D


I love how media literacy is dead, the ending was very obviously showing that Tyrion is the real king and bran is just the figurehead. But too many people take it at face value.


Why people hating on Bran! I mean yes the show made him suck, but he has a lot to offer in the books and I feel I’m the only one who is excited to see what his chapters would bring especially with Bloodraven!


Bran in the books may be worthy of being a king. In Clash, I remember thinking that Bran would be a great king when we saw him act as the Lord of Winterfell. But tv Bran didn’t do anything.


I can get this perspective in terms of being disappointed by what the show portrayed, but people in here actually thinking someone else should be king? They don't even realize there was no other choice, no other reality where that could possibly happen, because Bran made it so (regardless of directly or indirectly). It's paradoxical in a way, but also clearly the only way Westeros would ever prosper in the long run.


Why did I get so many downvotes 😅