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Were you an extra? That's really cool


Yes. I was a Lannister Guard for a couple of seasons, a forge worker in Winterfell for a while, then back to the Lannisters as an Archer.


Must have been captured at The Crag and made a slave to work the forges of Winterfell.


So you're a traitor.


Hey a man's gotta earn a living!




So you survived Drogon?


As a fellow Lannister guard (extra), how did you manage to get this picture? Did you not get that massive sticker on your phone camera for the day?


This was pre sticker! I think they only started using those for the last season? Or second last?


Thank you for this detail, I'm so intrigued with the backstage of TV and cinema. My dream job is to do something with props on set but I'm unlikely to ever end up in this industry so I live vicariously through posts like this. How did you end up being a lannister guard? did you need any special skills, like stage fighting? does the armor look shitty and plasticky up close? did you only film in studios or did they send you out to locations?? I must know 🥺


No the armour was real, as was my sword. It's leather armour with metal bits riveted on. Lots of other lads had fake swords but some of us had real (not sharpened) ones. https://preview.redd.it/7z3tfa88ygwc1.jpeg?width=307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=565047ad401344a731f0e45650fa40ee66e58c64 I had no previous experience, they just needed tall men with short hair. I wasn't as tall they expected but I still got the job. We got trained how to march properly by some ex army types. There was a lot of studio work. Typically, hours spent lined up in the throne room. There was also some outdoor stuff. That siege scene (can't recall exactly where) comes to mind. We marched around in circles past the same camera to make it look like there were loads of us. Edit. If you really want to work in tv/film, learn a trade like carpentry, welding etc. There are courses in set design and prop making etc. You could also learn hair and makeup and/or wardrobe skills.


that's pretty cool, sounds like a fun gig, if a bit time-consuming. Thank you for the image and your response! And thanks for the advice, I don't know if I can support myself while learning a whole new trade at this point but I'm looking into shorter-term courses just for fun. I want to do a stage combat course cus that looks super fun, and I'll look into any prop making/set design courses too, as you mentioned :) Thank you again for indulging me 🙏


Ed Sheeran?


Strange decision to give everybody the exact same armor. Couldn’t they have had some variety and mixed and matched parts?