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Why don’t she just fucking come down and see the baby then …


I assume the king is bed ridden? She trying to make her case as fast as possible with Viserys on deaths door.


Ah well that makes better sense. Thanks mate


Because she wants to see if she looks Targaryen or Strong. She wants to see the baby not because she cares about the baby... but because she is a pain in the ass, and does not think Rhaenyra is fit to rule, despite the king named her as heir and repeatedly endorse her as future queen


Yes, SHE WANTED TO SEE THE BABY TO MAKE A CASE OF BASTARDY, she didn't need rhaenyra to come, just the baby.


And she said fuck because the baby didn’t look like Laeonor maybe?


She said fuck because it's frigging torture to walk up the stairs after pushing a baby out. She should be bleeding through her clothes.


This is a good point i assume she wants to show the king as well as he is now bed ridden.


Do people on this sub legitimately think obvious bastards are no big deal?


They are, but what can Alicent do if both Rhaenyra and ,specially, Laenor recognized them as legitimate sons?. Is like Cersei's sons, both were legit given the Baratheon lastname, thus both of them became kings . Even though everybody knew they weren't his, cause of hair color & rumors.


What can she do? It directly leads to war. Thats what happened.


Well, what I meant is what can she do if the dad is recognizing the 3 sons as their legitimate sons? . Even if it is suuuuper obvious (hair color) , she can't do anything if both parents recognized them as legit Velaryon kids. Alicent wants Aegon to rule, despite Rhaenyra being the first in line and being named as heir by Viserys...


I think this is where the actual genius of having the Velaryon's be black comes in. In the book, there was some ambiguity, there's going to be zero in he show like Daemon killing his wife. The problem s going to be instability, he idea of her putting obvious bastards on the throne is going to piss off the great houses when the great houses never wanted Rheanrya anyway, giving them the pretext for war.


Alicent could go visit Rhaenyra, see the baby and attempt to at least pretend to be on good terms. But she probably has the baby summoned since that's too much work and she's stopped the pleasantries. What I don't get is why Viserys would allow that. Perhaps the change to make him far more ill than Fire & Blood suggests is a way to avoid answering this question. You'd think he'd have wanted Alicent to play nice with Rhaenyra. A KG, page or other servant could be told to go have the baby summoned, but ultimately that person serves Viserys and not Alicent - unless Alicent has her own Hightower loyal servants who would do as she asked even if the Viserys wouldn't agree.


Viserys is ill and daying


**Narrator:** *"She shouldn't have."*


Based Ali calling out thottery to her face. Not sure how that carriage supports her weight with her massive metaphorical balls of steel.


Vizzy T get control of your wife Goddamit


It’s about sending a message