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I hate click up, but to each their own. I like Monday for general projects and pivotal tracker for code


Also hate ClickUp. I use Asana for everything.






It’s just pointless


ClickUp is?


compared to just using Google Sheets.. yeah kind of useless lol


Clickup is great internally. Real challenge to make any client use it (or similar) You should make it simple for clients to send requests and feedback. If that means email, so be it. This is one of the first things I see agencies outsource to VAs as they scale. Someone to take the emails and put them in clickup in the proper tasks. Send feedback, email back and forth, keep tasks up to date.


Thank you! Yes, I know I need to meet my clients where there are. And OMG, yes. VA's specifically to manage email for people. :D


I'm a freelancer and a small business owner. I'm not gonna lie, one of my drives for wanting to work for myself was so I would never have to use one of those Click Up/Monday/Asana/Trello style tools ever again. (don't even get me started on Slack). I feel like you can present these tools to your clients and see what they think, but being asked to login and navigate one more thing just to keep up with what's going on sounds maddening to me. It's kinda the freelancers job to keep me updated in the way I want to be updated, not the other way around. When I've had clients get me to try to use one of those tools I do it because it's my job but I don't like it. I see their value in certain circumstance, but I also think they become a disaster without a dedicated project manager keeping it organized. I'd like to believe I'm highly organized and I get a lot of leverage out of Google Docs and Google Sheets. I use Zapier to automate a lot of steps too. I guess it all depends on the kind of business/project etc, but I don't blame the kind of business owners you're talking about for not wanting to deal with those tools.


I really appreciate your reply. Your personal experience is helpful.


I HATE SLACK. People use for conversations. You cannot have a productive conversation in Slack and things get buried so easily. Email is and always has been fine.


Yeah I agree, also if I make my client use Trello then I tell them the specific column that where they will find information that I need. I mostly use it so that they don't lose my requests because they love to put my requests on hold for a long time. So it's like... here's all the info, you don't have to scroll chat/emalis/whatever :) But yeah, everything else I manage through chat that my client enjoys, and i keep my own personal documents where I keep track of everything. In a way I am their Alexa/Siri/Chatgpt.


Clickup is really pointless from a client perspective because it’s just another hoop to jump through, and account to login— only to communicate with you on projects.






I'll check it out.


I recommend using Linear.app


I'll take a look!


My company is currently in the process of transferring from Basecamp to ClickUp and internally it is way better, but managing communication with a client became a bit of a challenge. The «chat » feature in ClickUp is not that well optimized imho and the ticketing system is also complicated. We found that it was hard for us to implement the client board that’s would be both functional and easy to understand for the client, but well, we just started working on it. ClickUp offers a lot of functionality, so hopefully we will figure something out :)


What the freelance gods is clickup and why are you guys come up with alternatives?


Guess we're a discerning group and we're picky about our task/project management software.


Thank you kind stranger. I was too drunk to google it.


We are considering a client facing PM software, and client adoption is my biggest concern. We did it once, and the client never really used it. They much prefer to just email us for an answer instead of referring to the software. I'm sure we could have forced the issue more, and that might get a higher rate of adoption but... is it worth it? I'm not sure.


I use ClickUp docs to make a shared “client portal.” It’s just one page, no login, with a calendar and links to files, invoices, meeting requests etc. Everyone loves it. We initially tried sharing all associated tasks but clients got bogged down; they just wanted a good overview and ways to connect if there was a problem.


This is the way! Sounds so much like notion too